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RPG RPG Maker [ ホップビール ] イントルーダー RJ107728


Jungle Girl
Sep 17, 2011
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Hi anyone got this? I can't buy it with my CC its not accepting it.... found it once but was a fake. I liked the demo sooo...

hxxp://www dlsite com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ107728.html
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Re: イントルーダー

Its DRM protected. Unless someone can crack the DRM even if a link gets shared you won't be able to play it.
Re: イントルーダー

Its DRM protected. Unless someone can crack the DRM even if a link gets shared you won't be able to play it.

Just looks like it's using DLsite's normal DRM stuff, and that means bypassing it is pretty much a joke.
It's not on the English DLsite though, so no dice on my end. Also it's 'hinting' at visual combat, but the demo screens make me think otherwise. Oh well, another RPG that most of it's content is in the events then the battles. I'll find something close towards what I'm working on for sure at some point.
Re: イントルーダー

Nice game not everything is possible in the demo then comes the error message because the image to the missing ^ ^
And on the subject of protection.
Every game I crackbar when a clue how ^ ^
Re: イントルーダー

Does not look bad... some "normal" looking Girls..^^ not this big breasted "Monsters"..^^ Hope to see it here, soon. :)
Re: イントルーダー

Just looks like it's using DLsite's normal DRM stuff, and that means bypassing it is pretty much a joke.

That's a relief. I've been following and waiting for this game ever since I saw it on the announced games list back in December of last year (it was originally dated to come out in March). My heart kinda sank like a brick when I saw the dreaded green box.

Of course, I have every intention of buying this game, if it ever comes out on the English DLSite.
Re: イントルーダー

Anyone manage to find a copy of this that works around the DRM?
Re: イントルーダー

I have the game but since there is a DRM on the game I can't use agth on it so I have no idea whats going on. There are no battles so far because running into guards ends her up in jail where you have to break out.(Seeing the screenshots I guess there are battles) Its more of a solve puzzles and find different events game. Its obviously a spoof of MGS because of the whole spy thing and the radio call ins.

Its pretty interesting because she has to wear different outfits for different circumstances. Like wearing a maid outfit to go around a cafe and wearing a power suit to push objects.
Re: イントルーダー

So how would one go about cracking the DRM if they were to buy a copy?
Re: イントルーダー

Possibly like one other game where you...

Run the drm protection thing
the drm unrars/unprotects game? so you can play it
copy the game files (while game is still open) and paste the copy somewhere else
close game

now you have a DRMless copy

(have not tried, so no idea if that will work or not etc etc)
Re: イントルーダー

It not that easy to remove DRM. Maybe earlier versions.
I bought that game too. And someone even removed DRM from it for me.
BUT game still has a lot of bugs. I maybe post cracked copy here when game stops updating(week or two).
Re: イントルーダー

It not that easy to remove DRM. Maybe earlier versions.
I bought that game too. And someone even removed DRM from it for me.
BUT game still has a lot of bugs. I maybe post cracked copy here when game stops updating(week or two).

Would be epic since it's still not on the english DLsite :(
Re: イントルーダー

Anybody know anything about a cracked version 0_o?
Re: イントルーダー

The download is legit, I just can't figure out how to get past the first guard...
Re: イントルーダー

You can also push the potted plant, though this takes up stamina and it's game over if you run out (it also has a chance of tearing your bodysuit).
Re: イントルーダー

Alright I have figured out a few things.

Box - To use the box properly you must hide between other boxes. So unfortunately MSG style hiding (pretty much in plain sight) does not work in this game.

Password lock - You get a series of randomly generated codes, and only one of the set is correct. So it's a game of trial and error. Yuck. After an incorrect attempt, you have to exit the area and try again later on. I am not sure how "late" is later on.

Seducing the guards - You can only use the seduction skill three times before the guards are sick of you unfortunately.

Pushing - you must be wearing the stealth suit in order to push objects around. There are staircases hidden underneath some of the objects (usually book shelves). If something is hidden underneath there will be a black shadow. Also, I found letters hidden behind two of the bookshelves in a certain room.

Money - You can use money to bribe the guard if you are captured trying to hack an electronic lock. You can also use money to buy tickets into the onsen or buy chips for gambling. Not sure what else money is good for.

Virgin ending - in the room behind the church is a chest labelled virgin something. To unlock it you need a code. It's probably a reward for completing the game as a virgin.
Re: イントルーダー

Something I learnt whilst playing this last week is that you can quite easily glitch through the guards; just creep up behind them and when they turn round they'll walk right through you. Either that or my computer isn't up to this game and is causing strange things to happen...

I've managed to get reasonably far before rage-quitting. The game map is freaking huge, and finding the events is like looking for a needle in a haystack. One thing I found out last week though is that the author is gradually putting up a walkthrough - see . I'm at least waiting for him to put up the map of the place before I try the game again.
Re: イントルーダー

i recommend playing with a translator like chiitranslator makes the game a lot easier