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Hope Beneath the Rubble (Tassadar) GMed by Hafnium

Re: Hope Beneath the Rubble (Tassadar) GMed by Hafnium

Selena: HP = 48, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Round 1 - Humans

The other survivors begin moving down into the sewers one by one due to size constraints. The first club-wielder to cross goes first.

-Attacks: Miss, miss, and hit.
-Damage: 4 + 15 = 19 damage.

--Sword Peasant moves to retrieve the still shocked girl, takes a swing at one of the aliens near her since he's there.
-Attack: Hit.
-Damage: 6 + 15 = 21 damage.

--The second club-wielder crosses and whacks the same grabber as the sword wielder along the way.
-Attack: Hit.
-Damage: Enough to kill it.

--The calm brunette waits to squeeze in after the first club wielder.

--The shocked brunette begins making for the grate, arriving near it and also waiting.

Round 1 - Aliens

--Four of the grabbers move toward Selena and attack, but none are capable of beating her dodge score.

--One makes for the shaken brunette and is dispatched by the sword wielder and club wielder.

--One makes for the club wielder.
-Attack: Hit.
-Damage: 15 + 10 - 1 = 24 damage.

Round 2 - Humans

--The calm brunette enters the sewers.

-Attacks: All three hit.
-Damage: Finishes the first one, kills a second.

--Sword Wielder sends the other club wielder back, since he's injured, and takes a swing at the grabber that attacked the club wielder.
-Attack: Hit.
-Damage: 8+15 = 23.

--The club wielder retreats from the fight, badly injured, to wait at the grate.

--The shaken brunette waits to squeeze into the hole.

Round 2 - Aliens

--Four grabbers unsuccessfully try to, well, grab Selena, only two survive this choice.

--One attacks the sword wielder after he inflicts a nasty gash on it while it was trying to pursue its prey.
-Attack: Hit.
-Damage: 16 + 10 - 1 = 25 damage.

--Alien Reinforcements arrive in the form of three adult grabbers and a greater grabber.

Round 3 - Humans

The shaken brunette squeezes down the opened hole, though I'll now require additional input before continuing.

The peasant seemed confused by her command at first, still not seeing the enemy that was about to fall upon them. But his stupefaction didn't last long, having been quickly wiped away when Selena went forth to meet the grabbers in combat. He said something to the brunette who had already crossed and the club wielder, but by then the noblewoman was already too engaged in the battle to make it out.

Four of the tentacled creatures rushed forward at the new prey entering the field, but Selena had become all too intimate with their style of attacking. She kept herself well away from any angle that would leave her exposed to the attacks of too many of their waving appendages at once, and instead baited out their swipes. She measured the opportunities presented to her, and on the first one to her liking she swung her blackened blade and severed three of an alien's tentacles.

Unfortunately, two of the invaders ignored the embattled fighter and went for the sobbing brunette, who was still on the ground and stunned by the sudden appearance of the six enemies. Before they could entangle the woman in their slimy grasp, however, the sword wielding peasant arrived. He quickly pulled the woman to her feet and literally pushed her toward the two at the grate, which quickly became one as the other club wielding human crawled into the sewers, with his foot. Though still shocked and distraught, the brunette's legs began to take her toward safety again after the peasant had rather roughly given her a start in that direction.

With the second brunette on the way to safety, the aliens turned their attention on him. He quickly mimicked Selena's own strategy, waiting out an opportunity in order to sever a few of the aliens' appendages, to some success as two tentacles flew off in an arc at his return swing. His plight was made easier as the club wielder who hadn't yet crossed came into the fray, catching one of the grabbers off guard and bashing it in the body with his club hard enough that it fell limply to the street. The remaining grabber was quick to react, its tentacles lashing painfully across the back of the club wielder as he was still recovering from the intensity of his swing.

But the noblewoman was too busy to offer help to the two. She danced out of the way of another barrage of tentacles, cleanly stabbed the target she had injured and apparently killed it, as its remaining tentacles stopped waving and it dropped to the ground as she withdrew, and when another grabber tried to capitalize on her vulnerability during her recovery, she paid it the same favor, giving her the second and third kills of the engagement. Meanwhile, the more calm of the two brunettes slipped into the sewers.

The sword wielding peasant sent the youth who had helped him dispatch one of the grabbers toward the grate, and then turned to face the other alien opponent that had ignored Selena. It was around this time that things stopped going well for the group, as while the peasant who had remained behind managed to sever most of the alien's tentacles, it retaliated with a painful blow against him. And, by what must have been bad luck, the aliens were joined by reinforcements in the form of a patrol group of three bigger versions of the tentacled creatures, and yet another that was even taller than that. This all transpired even as the shaken brunette who had been responsible for the battle squeezed into the sewers, leaving only the injured youth, the ragged peasant, and the noblewoman as the last ones on the street.

The new alien arrivals were traveling from the same direction as the first six had been, meaning that Selena had an escape route toward the sewer. The club wielding peasant was near the grate, which had been removed earlier and set beside the hole it had been covering, and the other peasant wasn't far behind her, fighting a severely injured alien. Though there were certainly other options available to the noblewoman, she would need to somehow buy more time if they were all going to make it out alive, and even then there were no guarantees for any of them.
Re: Hope Beneath the Rubble (Tassadar) GMed by Hafnium

Though she initially failed to breach the defense mounted by the flailing limbs of the tentacle-bearing aliens, Selena managed to hold the majority of the creatures off while the people with her got down into the drain and fought those that wandered past her. It wasn't an easy fight.... But then, none of the ones she'd have before now had been easy either, and in the end she managed to kill three of the things while the other escapees killed one. That left one, already injured..... And the group of four that suddenly appeared from the same direction.

'Shit,' Selena thought silently, and for a moment considered again simply turning and bolting. Again, however, the ex-noblewoman resisted that temptation and instead turned to where the peasants with her were engaging the last of the monsters that had initially appeared but ignored her, backing away from the last two without exposing her back to them until she was within range. She moved as quickly as she could, coming in and trying to jab her black blade into the creature's body. If she managed to kill it, she would gesture towards the grate into the sewer and growl; "Get in there. Now. And be ready to drag the grate back into place from down there!"

Selena tried to interpose herself between the entrance and the oncoming aliens, knowing that she'd need to buy herself and her associates more time. She idly considered that they might simply drag the cover over and leave her up there to her fate, but shook it off before she could distract herself. One problem at a time. And her main problem was definitely the oncoming tentacle monsters, particularly the big one that was coming of the quartet of larger tentacle monsters, given that she had learned over time that the bigger ones were more dangerous than the smaller ones. Still, all she could do was prepare herself and hope to avoid their appendages while the men behind her got out of her way.

Move to defend the grate and try to kill the last of the original grabbers with 10 points of defensive fighting.
Rapier (+40) 2d6 + 21
Dodge = 69
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Re: Hope Beneath the Rubble (Tassadar) GMed by Hafnium

Selena: HP = 48, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Round 3 - Humans (Continued)

--Selena stabs the grabber and moves to defend the grate.
Attack: No need to roll it.
Damage: No need to roll this, either. It's dead.

--Sword Peasant, at Selena's orders, moves toward the grate, but can't get in this turn because the sobbing girl is going down it. I'm going to go ahead and allow him to use Full Defense.

--The remaining club peasant does the same. He also gets to use Full Defense.

Round 3 - Aliens

--The two remaining grabbers attempt to grab Selena, but fail.

--The adult grabbers also make a grab for Selena, but fail.

--The greater grabber attempts to make a grab for Selena, but fails.

Round 4 - Humans

--The remaining club wielder heads down the hole.

--Selena attacks the greater grabber.
-Attack: 3 + 40 = 43. Missed.

--Sword guy continues to use full defense.

Round 4 - Aliens

--The adult and regular grabbers try, unsuccessfully, to grab Selena.

--The greater grabber also makes an attempt.
-Attack: 3 + 50 = 53. Miss.

Round 5 - Humans

--Sword Peasant goes down the hole.

--Selena takes another swipe at the greater grabber.
-Attack: 18 + 40 = 58. Hit.
-Damage: 6 + 3 + 21 - 5 = 25.

Round 5 - Aliens

--More grabber tentacle grab attempts that fail.

--One greater grabber tentacle grab attempt that can actually succeed.
-Attack: 11 + 50 = 61. Miss.

Round 6 - Humans

--Selena gets the hell out of there, finding all six ready to pull that grate right back into place.

Selena gains 4 XP, as do a few of the other combatants, but she's not quite out of the fire yet.

This time, the peasants were certainly in no position to refuse her commands. As she backed away from the flailing tentacles of the two grabbers still very persistently trying to apprehend her and finished off the one that was fighting the sword-wielder with a calculated jab of her rapier, he was quick to move to the grate even as she did the same. Though while the two who had remained above ground with the noblewoman took up defensive stances, they turned out to be unnecessary as all of the grey creatures' eyes were on the lone female that was still present.

It was a combined miracle and a product of her training that allowed Selena to stay away from the forest of tentacles that attempted to ensnare her, even as the club wielder began his descent into the sewers. She found no opportunities to attack between dancing out of the way of the endless supply of flailing appendages intent on picking her up and taking her back to the fate she had so narrowly freed herself from. They were quick to regroup and launch a second wave of attacks against the noblewoman, but this time she manages to cut off several of the bigger one's tentacles with a quick swipe of her blade, wounding it badly. If the creatures were even capable of thinking, she had certainly just given it a reason to remember her.

By the time she had hacked off several of the grabber's appendages, the sword wielding peasant was down the hole. With all of the other humans gone below ground, all that was left for Selena to join them. She dashed away from a throng of tentacles in order to hop down the hole. Before simply allowing herself to slide down the ladder present, however, she managed to grab the grate and slide it into place over her head. She did so just in time, as several of the tentacles snaked through the holes in the grate and attempted to grab her right before she dropped to the stone floor below.

It wasn't a long fall, and she landed on her feet. The noblewoman discovered that the other six had waited for her, and that the calm brunette had a lightstone ready to light the way with. There wasn't much time for words though, as mere moments after landing Selena could hear the grabbers shifting and pulling at the grate above them in order to try to follow them into the sewers. They would need to move quickly if she didn't want to have to fight the aliens in the cramped and foul conditions of the sewers.

To that end, she had a few options. South or north were the most immediate paths available, and as the sewers mimicked the paths of the roads above them, the south would be the most direct path to a runoff that led outside of the gates. To the north, however, the path split off to the east and west as well. If she went north and to the east, it would lead her to another nearby, albeit only relatively near, gate, where-as the west would take her across most of the town before reaching another escape point. It was hard to say where the northern route might take her if she followed it through.
Re: Hope Beneath the Rubble (Tassadar) GMed by Hafnium

To say that Selena's escape was both hectic and narrow was something of an understatement. The ex-noble had barely managed to avoid the reaching tendrils of her alien enemies, and even after running back and dropping into the sewer, barely managing to pull the grate back into place before dropping down to avoid the tentacles reaching through it for her, her heart was still racing. Dropping down the short distance, Selena landed in a crouch, allowing her legs to gradually absorb the impact rather than taking it all at once, before looking around and taking stock of the situation.

Directions were difficult down here, but she thought she knew the way that would take them out of the city via the fastest route; South. Orienting herself, she glanced between her two immediate options before quietly and quickly muttering; "This way, South. It should take us out the fastest." She'd wanted to have a word with the panicked woman that had given them away, but with the tentacle monsters already trying to tear the grate off even as she spoke, now was not the time.
Re: Hope Beneath the Rubble (Tassadar) GMed by Hafnium

Selena: HP = 48, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine

NPC Info
Sword Wielder has taken 25 damage.
Club Wielder 2 has taken 24 damage.

Selena's ragtag group didn't bother to say anything in affirmation to her command and instead went rushing down the path she'd chosen for them. They didn't have much time to dissent, regardless of whether they were of a mind to or not, as by the time they were moving the grate had already been torn away by the aliens. Fortunately for the humans, the grabbers had an even more difficult time navigating the cramped space to get into the sewers than the humanoid group had, and so Selena's band was gone from sight before the first grabber even touched the ground.

That wasn't to say that her troubles were over, though. They ran through the sewers in order to remain ahead of the tentacled beasts, just on the off chance that they might pursue. Even though Selena knew that the southern path would take them to safety the quickest, it still felt like they spent an eternity moving through the rank and unpleasant sewers. The lightstone was the only source of light for most of their trip, with them only encountering a few other grates that allowed in natural light along the way, and it was also likely the only thing keeping them from stepping into the likely disease-laden water in sections where they had to jump and leap to over a flooded, destroyed, or otherwise inaccessible portion of the path.

Some luck was on their side as their journey ended up carrying them all the way to the pipe that served as a runoff, along with another crossroads of sewer sections a few feet prior to that pipe, and a little more fortune beyond that in that the grate over the pipe to keep humans from traversing it had rusted enough that it only took a few minutes worth of effort by the club wielding duo to break away the bars. That was where their fortune ended though, as the pipe proved very small, wide enough for one human to fit through it comfortably at a time. In addition, a quick glance would show that it might take a mile or more of crawling to get to the other end, and there was no guarantee that there wasn't a better grate waiting at the other end for them. As if to add insult to injury, it was partially submerged in the fetid water, and the trip would not be a pleasant one.

Still, it was for Selena to choose whether she liked the odds or not, or whether she might prefer to try a different path.
Re: Hope Beneath the Rubble (Tassadar) GMed by Hafnium

Well. At least they were out of the fire.

Selena had no idea how long it would take the aliens to pick up on their trail, or even if the unintelligent creatures would be able to do so or possess the initiative to go to more intelligent varieties of their kind. She knew that she didn't want to find out though, and judging by the pace at which they moved the people that she'd encountered apparently didn't relish the idea very much either. And she liked that just fine.

What she decidedly didn't like was the look of the pipe that they'd found themselves at, one that was too long to see down and could end at an impassible set of bars... And possibly a space that would be too narrow to turn around in. A crawl through the fetid waters of the sewers would be necessary as well, and all that together combined into a decidedly unpleasant prospect. As such, she decided that she wouldn't be going first right off the bat.

"I'm going to look around and see if I can't find a more appealing escape prospect," Selena spoke in a whisper that was just loudly enough that the others would be able to hear her, "If I'm not back quickly, decide amongst yourselves who to send down the tunnel first. We can't afford to linger here for too long, and I suspect that worse things than the smell and the rats might be lurking in down here, soon if not already." With that the ex-noble would be off, moving as silently as she could through the dimly lit sewers in an effort to find some other way through. She would bring out a light source only if absolutely necessary, knowing that the tiny light-stone in a metal casing would give away her position, but knowing too that stumbling about blindly could easily get her killed by an entirely mundane accident without necessitating the intervention of one of the invaders.
Re: Hope Beneath the Rubble (Tassadar) GMed by Hafnium

Selena: HP = 48, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine

NPC Info
Sword Wielder has taken 25 damage.
Club Wielder 2 has taken 24 damage.
--Perception: 6 + 19 - 10 [Lack of Lighting] = 15.
--Stealth: 4 + 29 + 10 [Lack of Lighting] = 43.

Note: If she uses the lightstone her perception will gain a +10 bonus and her stealth will gain a -10 penalty instead.

"Be careful out there," the sword-wielding peasant offered, which caused the others to utter similar platitudes. Her search quickly took her back to the pseudo crossroads, and then down the path that she deemed was more likely to lead to another escape route relatively quickly. There were very few grates down the latest section of sewer that she was traveling which subsequently meant that there was nearly no light to speak of, but Selena still managed to navigate by being careful and confirming with each step that her forward foot was on something solid before resting her weight on it.

Outside of navigating in nearly pitch black conditions, things were relatively uneventful for the first hundred feet. It was around then that she began hearing a steady dripping coming from the ceiling. A single drop splashed into the fetid water roughly every thirty seconds, and it got louder and louder as she progressed. Another fifty feet beyond that and she could tell she was very close to the source of the incessant noise. Finally, another few feet beyond that, on one of her steps she discovered that the pathway she was on had been overtaken with the sewer water and had to quickly withdraw her foot lest she get any of the undesirable solution on her body.

Without the ability to see well into the darkness she was left incapable of telling what the cause of the flooding or the drip was, but using the light had its own disadvantages. She couldn't hear any movement to suggest that any of the aliens were in the sewers with her but as she certainly wasn't incorrect about the potential dangers of stumbling blindly through a sewer, especially a flooded part.
Re: Hope Beneath the Rubble (Tassadar) GMed by Hafnium

Stumbling about in the dark, while about as sneaky as could be under the circumstances, was also one of the less pleasant things that Selena had been made to do that day. Selena was extremely careful to mentally mark the distance and direction of every turn in her head, as getting lost down here could be a death sentence all its own. When her journey ended as she stepped into some water, likely fetid with... Well, things she'd prefer not to think about at the moment, the ex-noble finally bit the bullet and pulled out her flashlight. She needed to have a look around, but before she pulled the cap off she paused to simply listen. The light would be dangerous, and would give her position away quite handily to anything that might be lurking down here. If she heard something suspicious, she would return back to the group she'd just left without checking things out more thoroughly with the benefit of a light.
Re: Hope Beneath the Rubble (Tassadar) GMed by Hafnium

Selena: HP = 48, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine

NPC Info
Sword Wielder has taken 25 damage.
Club Wielder 2 has taken 24 damage.
--Perception: 4 + 19 + 10 [Lightstone] = 33.
--Stealth: 17 + 29 - 10 [Lightstone] = 36.

Listening again didn't provide any hints about her surroundings that she wasn't already aware of. The steady dripping continued, but it was about the only readily noticeable noise in the sewer tunnel. Her light, on the other hand, provided much more information about the situation at hand. With the light she quickly discovered the source of the dripping noise; a waste pipe still several feet ahead of her and protruding through the sewer walls was the source, though the diameter of the pipe was no bigger than her fist and as such it wouldn't be terribly useful for escape.

The cause of the water on the pathway, however, was likely of significantly more interest. A large quantity of dirt (and thankfully only dirt, upon any closer inspection) had ended up in the channel that the water typically flowed through and dammed it. While thankfully the sewer water seemed to be emptying back into the channel on the other side of the impromptu dam as it overflowed around the dirt, it would make any trip in that direction much less pleasant though not impossible. She also noticed something interesting in that several of the stones that made up the wall immediately next to her had no mortar remaining in the seams to hold them together, and it looked like it might be possible to simply pry them away.
Re: Hope Beneath the Rubble (Tassadar) GMed by Hafnium

Well. Dammit.

Selena had suspected that she might hit a block, and the wall of dirt that had dammed up the flow of sewage, as well as most of the tunnel beyond it, certainly qualified. She could, as with the pipe, try to make further headway, it would be no less unpleasant and perhaps more dangerous, as the slick filthy stone of the remaining passageway would be treacherous. Just as she was about to turn and return to her fellow escapees, however, the noblewoman spotted the damaged bricks and, after another quick glance around, moved to examine them further.

They looked like they could be shifted and pulled out, and out of sheer curiosity Selena decided to try and see what she might find behind them. Carefully prying the bricks away, moving as gingerly as possible and stopping the moment that it felt as if something was about to shift or break, she dislodged the old bricks and moved them aside, laying them on the ground as silently as possible so as not to make any noise.
Re: Hope Beneath the Rubble (Tassadar) GMed by Hafnium

Selena: HP = 48, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine

NPC Info
Sword Wielder has taken 25 damage.
Club Wielder 2 has taken 24 damage.

The noblewoman managed to successfully remove all the bricks without an issue, and silently set each aside. In doing so, she exposed a small wooden box with what appeared to be a crescent moon carved into it. A quick check would reveal that it had no traps, although it would also reveal that the box was wedged so tightly into the area dug out for it that she couldn't take it out entirely. Still, it appeared to be intentional as the front came off easily enough, revealing four vials of different liquids and a note.

Inquisition found three of our stashes after they caught Davey and the kids he was trying to run. The magical stuff, denarii, and this stash are all still intact. Need new ones and inform us through the usual channels when you've got them. Try to keep these stocked up until then. Burn this note when you get it in case they find this stash.


Two of the vials were for healing and were marked as such, the third was marked energy, and the fourth was a vial of demon's blood marked 'boost'. Selena could choose to take them, if she so desired. Beyond that, her actions hadn't elicited any attention yet, at least not any that she was aware of, and so she was free to try a different path, brave one of the disgusting tunnels and pipes, or enact some other plan as she saw fit.

(Get 2 HP potions, 1 EP potion, and 1 Demon's Blood, if she decides to take them.)
Re: Hope Beneath the Rubble (Tassadar) GMed by Hafnium


Well.... That was a surprising break, and certainly a welcome one. That she had found something of this value, apparently left by criminals running from the Inquisition no less, down in these sewers was a better find than she'd expected even if it wasn't a better option for escaping than the narrow tunnel that she'd left much of her group at. Pulling off her pack, Selena carefully stowed all but one of the potions away, wrapping each in some rags she'd kept for just that purpose and making sure that the bottles were cushioned and that nothing of them would clink noisily against each other if she had to move quickly. The last she placed into a holster on her belt meant for just such a vial, a utility she had never understood until now, and then resealed the box but left the bricks on the floor.

'This is a dead end.... Better get back,' the noblewoman thought silently to herself, and then started creeping back towards her companions. The note had mentioned other stashes somewhere, and she kept her flashlight out and searched as much for them as for more signs of danger on her way back.
Re: Hope Beneath the Rubble (Tassadar) GMed by Hafnium

Selena: HP = 48, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine

NPC Info
Sword Wielder has taken 25 damage.
Club Wielder 2 has taken 24 damage.

No issues arose from taking the various bottles, and before long the noblewoman was a bit heavier on supplies and ready to return to her allies of the moment. On her trip back to her companions, Selena found neither danger nor further stashes, both fortunately and unfortunately respectively. It was a relatively short and simple trip, as she hadn't gone far enough away from the others to risk getting lost on her way back to them, and in so many minutes she had returned to find the group still waiting. The lack of overall enthusiasm to see the woman return safely did not necessarily lend their remaining where she had left them as a sign of loyalty to her, however.

"Was there any trouble? Did you find another way out?" The shabby man asked the moment Selena was close enough for him to talk without alerting everything that might be above them, offering some clue as to his main concerns for the time being. This seemed to cover the only questions present among the group, as the rest waited for her answer with as much interest as the man who had asked.
Re: Hope Beneath the Rubble (Tassadar) GMed by Hafnium

"No. On both counts," Selena said quietly in response to the question asked by the man after she'd returned. "Any progress here while I was away?"
Re: Hope Beneath the Rubble (Tassadar) GMed by Hafnium

Selena: HP = 48, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine

NPC Info
Sword Wielder has taken 25 damage.
Club Wielder 2 has taken 24 damage.

"We haven't spotted anything, and you weren't gone very long so we haven't sent anyone through the pipe yet," he replied simply. There was still one more path which Selena hadn't explored that she could search if she so desired, albeit at the cost of time and the risk of running afoul of whatever else might be lurking in the sewers. If that didn't seem worth the potential prices to the noblewoman then their escape options were down to whatever might lie beyond the flooded passage that Selena had just explored or whatever was on the other end of the pipe they had congregated around.
Re: Hope Beneath the Rubble (Tassadar) GMed by Hafnium

Selena pursed her lips, but after a moment she simply said; "I'm going to look in the last direction that we haven't checked really quick. Choose among yourselves who you want to send into that pipe, the sooner we know whether it's a potential way out, the better. There was a flooded passage back the way I checked, but it's not exactly ideal and I have no idea where it goes."

And with that, Selena would be off with the same modus operandi as her last bout of searching, checking the last passage for a safe way out of the Necropolis. She would immediately stow away her light, wanting to remain as stealthy as possible on her search, but if things seemed safe she would bring it out briefly to check on anything of interest that she stumbled across.