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Homelands (Guan Yu)

Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

The feelings were there to accompany Tomoe throughout the mealtime, but thankfully she did not see a fight or even a verbal argument break out in the crowd of flower ladies. The tension was still high and appeared to be increasing, but it ended up resulting to nothing more than that as a few of them eventually left, Rose being one of the three to go, and Kei did so as well. With no real plans of her own, the miko approached Shenron first ro check up ok how he and the son were doing, and to ask what his opinion about Primrose coming along was, as she was not going to make that decision by herself.

After hearing the two out, she would go see what antics Betty had planned, as those were higly possible with this particular alraune.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine, Aroused

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine

"Sssss... Nnnn... The one that raped you," Shenron muttered after a rumbling crocodilian hiss. "Why should we take that one with us?" he demanded, before something flicked across his alien features. "Nnnn... It is your decision, but I will not tolerate another... Move like that from her," he said ultimately.

Leaving to follow Betty, Tomoe would find the alraune smirking, a familiar twinkle in her eye. Whatever she did with that warning, however, Tomoe would find her designated sleeping partner already half naked by the time she entered the bedroom after her. Betty turned a moment after she walked in, her chest bare and very soon pressed against Tomoe's still clothed one as she moved to embrace the miko.

A hand gently pressed against the door, closing it and cutting off Tomoe's escape route, while her lips glanced across Tomoe's and her nose gently nudged back and forth over the miko's. "I think it's time... For... Bed~" she cooed playfully, before her lips closed against Tomoe's and tongue moved to invite the priestess's into an all too familiar dance. The alraune's scent had seemingly been turned up to eleven, and it hit the needs that Tomoe had been fighting to suppress harder than ever, leaving her whole frame flush with arousal like she'd taken a pollen hit even though Betty had done no such thing.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

The reaction from Shenron was completely understandable, given the circumstances. "She appears to be rather lonely, even in her family here, if what she told me is true. And I do not feel like it was lies to me. Even with what she did, it might be a good idea to have her move out as we might be able to make her live a better life and not do things like that again. Just something I feel to be the right thing." Tomoe explained her perhaps shoddy reasoning for the whole deal. Giving the hunter a hug, she left soon after.

At Betty's, the situation was starting to look a bit grim again as the pheromone levels were alarmingly high, and Betty's shenanigans were there as well. The alraune approached Tomoe in the manner that had become the standard between the two of them, the teasing one. Despite the need to fight her rising level of arousal, the priestess did not try to go against Betty, somewhat reluctantly engaging her in the kissing bout. It was probably not the best thing to do in her situation, but the miko would fight against her condition to the bitter end. She did not make a mention of it to her partner, but was sure they were picking up on the whole thing even when she was hiding it.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine, Aroused

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine

Despite her obvious enthusiasm for the act, her desire to engage in yet more lewd activities immediately evident, Tomoe's trepidation was too clear for Betty to ignore. After a few moments of trying to force some passion from the miko with her kiss and light fondling she pulled away, frowning. "What's wrong?" she asked, concern in her tone at least as much as disappointment.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

While she had not been hoping for it to happen, Tomoe still got a breakup from Betty sooner than later, the other having picked up on her troubles apparently. The question that followed basically confirmed it, so now was probably going to be the time for all of this to come out, at least for Betty. The miko had mentioned about it to Primrose earlier, so it was probably not the worst idea to share further. Making up her mind, the priestess explained how she had been the past few days, the issues with the alraune family's presence and what that did to her body over time. She also mentioned that she was having a bad time with this at the moment, since the room was rather permeated with pheromones.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine

Tomoe would spend the next week in the alraune house after Betty accepted her explanation, trying to suppress her addictions as best she could, before the storm finally let up enough to make going outside not incredibly dangerous. Rose eventually proclaimed that the worst of the season had passed, though that they should keep an eye out. Tomoe was free to try and rouse her companions to leave the ranch, possibly with Primrose if she still thought that was a good idea, whenever she liked.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

It turned out that Tomoe had been better off from the start without trying to hide what was going on. Even Betty was respectful about it, not trying to go any further with her antics after hearing about the constant issues that the miko had been having after the first few times she had been in the sexual encounters. The week rolled by without further troubles as none of alraune approached the miko in any lewd manner, which she was thankful of. In return, she did her best to help out with any manual labor that needed to be looked into and was within her ability to perform. It was the least she could do to these hospitable folk.

Eventually, Rose was there to mention that the storm season appeared to be passing or at least calming down for a while, which was good tidings. Tomoe was starting to feel a little bad about being around the ranch for so long, even as she was doing what she could to help with the maintenance. After getting into her usual uniform, she packed up the remaining things she had, including the gift clothes that Betty had bestowed upon her. She would go and look for the other people in her group to ask for some last-minute opinions about Primrose and if they should bring her along. It would probably ultimately fall to her own decision, but she was not going to assume that without asking first.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine

Kei didn't hide her disdain for Primrose, and suggested every alternative from leaving her behind to cutting her loose immediately to "mercy" killing her, so long as she didn't go with them. She supported her suggestions only with the notion that Primrose was week, and would be a liability, but ultimately left the decision up to Tomoe. Ryuji would look at Primrose regularly, his alien expression unreadable, but ultimately the hunter she had given birth to was of the same general opinion of his father, if not more so. Shenron she had already spoken to, and that he would begrudgingly allow the alraune. Wistaria seemed to glare daggers at Primrose for a moment when asked, but would grudgingly allow the younger plant girl to come with them.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Going through her companion group as she came across them, Tomoe found pretty much all of them being against the idea of bringing Primrose along for the journey, with Kei unexpectedly being the most vocal and direct member of the group against it as the others did not like it but were giving the ultimate authority to the the miko. She found this to be silly and a little bit hypocritical in the case of Wistaria, who had basically done the same thing as the younger alraune and even inserted herself into the party without really asking for it. While the party consensus appeared to be heavily against the decision, the overall decision had still been left on the priestess' shoulders as none besides Kei had stated their mind directly.

With all that in mind, Tomoe cast her own lot in with Primrose, allowing her to come along if that was what she really wanted to and was alright with it after having had the time to think about it. Assuming the party was ready to leave, she would have them do so after handing out a generous amount of thanks for the hospitality that the farm alraune had given them, while apologizing one last time for causing them hassle with that whole rape event.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine

Following goodbyes, Tomoe would travel the road for some hours with her eclectic group. Primrose was standoffish and nervous, trying to keep from being too close to anyone, though she seemed most comfortable with Tomoe. She tried to keep near Wistaria for a bit, but after a time the other alraune's coldness prompted her to edge away. The going was unpleasant for other reasons, the road damp and muddy, and though the hunters and alraune had little trouble with it she and Kei were gravely inconvenienced by the difficult terrain.

When night fell, she would have to pick whether or not to camp, and if so where to rest. The sides of the road would be simplest, but had few comforts to offer. She could go exploring if she liked, or try to send some of her companions while she did something else.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

With the entire group leaving, the travel was about as unpleasant as Tomoe imagined it to be. The rain and wind had made the roads into a muddy and wet mess, which was not an issue to all of the party, but the miko herself and Kei too had issues with it as they were the ones who used clothes and had to try to maintain their condition, which was fairly bothersome to say the least with all that slop there. The mood of the party was not making it any easier, with Primrose having to skip around all the others in an effort to avoid them. Even Wistaria was giving her a hard time, which left the young one mostly hanging around Tomoe. The miko did not mind this, but she still worried about the sour relationship between the rest of them and Prim. It was bad, and did not appear to improve any that day.

Eventually the group had to stop for the night, which would make it necessary to set up camp. The side of the road had to suffice, as the forest might not be as safe a place to go into for the night in these lands. With the group there, Tomoe set out to take a brief scouting trip around the nearby wilderness, just to check out any possible threats or helpful materials that might aid in setting up a decent camp for the entire crew.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine

Taking a walk around beyond the perimeter of their camp in search of threats, Tomoe would find the going even harder while in the woods proper. Much of the nearby wood was soaked through, useless for making a fire, and the ground was as sodden and unpleasant as the worst portions of her jungle home. More than once she was almost caught in a mucky mire, but it seemed that either no true dangers were about or the storm had driven them to shelter and they hadn't yet emerged. As she was heading back, however, things simply... Changed.

One moment she was striding through the damp woods, and the next Tomoe found herself walking onto a far more comfortable section of solid earth. It all seemed oddly natural despite how impossible it was, and as she looked around a warm breeze rushed across her that left her sodden frame suddenly far more comfortable. The ground was solid and formed a path ahead of her, the surrounding woods denser and more verdant but somehow not as dark as it seemed like it should have. The gloom was gone as well, the sky a beautiful gold with the sunset and almost totally cloudless, and the warmth was a unique comfort that made Tomoe feel like she was in a midsummer's eve rather than a late autumn afternoon. The path continued up ahead, and a glance behind revealed that it continued that way as well, as if the damp forest she'd been walking through was gone...
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

The initial results of the search in the nearby wilderness gave very little in the way of actually usable material,.but the hostilities were equally absent, which Tomoe was thankful of. It was not looking good for their camp, but something had to be figured out, so the priestess advanced with the tiniest of hope to find a stack of usable wood or something similar.

Soon, there was a sudden development as the wilderness altered itself in a particularly radical way. The previous soggy forest of rain and mud was replaced with an all too pleasant, summer time forest in the blink of an eye, which instantly made the miko suspicious of something or someone messing with her. But she debated the chance of this being an area in the fairy lands too, which could explain the sudden change of scenery. Having witnessed it all before, she saw it as a very real possibility. But Tomoe had no assurance that the place was safe, so she advanced with increased alertness, making way forward as she was not entirely sure about being able to make it back to the rest of the group without dealing with the source of the nice terrain in some manner, peaceful or not.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine

Advancing down the path, Tomoe was confronted by tempting warmth that soon dried her damp clothes. As she continued, soft pipe music underlain by a steady drum beat and the gentle tune of a harp flitted on the wind to her ears. It was a gentle, pleasant tune, one that drew her inexorably closer, and ultimately she began up a hill and turned a corner around a thick stand of trees to find herself advancing towards an opening in the path guarded by two goat-headed figures with bronze bladed halberds held to their side loosely. They were clad in bronze armor that half covered their fur covered lower halves, but they made no aggressive moves towards Tomoe and simply stood on either side of the path on which she traveled. Beyond them she could see a number of other goatman milling about, both the human looking satyrs and more inhuman gruffs, and beyond the gathering she saw a great throne which she could only partially see through the crowd.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

The surprise forest area only got more fairylike the farther Tomoe got into it, the warmth and the atmosphere being the only indications of it first, but other things added to it soon enough as music started to become audible along the way. It was fairly fairy-like, and as soon as the pair of guards, the suspicions were indeed confirmed. While the miko couldn't detect any hostility from the guards, she was not entirely sure about what part of the complex fairy collective this place belonged to. Wandering into the wrong ones might end badly for her, but this was probably not a point that she could do anything about that anymore. Collecting herself, she started the approach, going for the guards first to address them initially, explaining her situation to them as she did not want to be improper about it all. Assuming the guards did not stop her in some manner, she would seek to make her way closer to the throne and see what was going on there.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine

"You may go in," one of the guards said simply, "you have been invited to join the feast."

Stepping beyond them, Tomoe would find herself in a large gathering, a number of high tables with stools and chairs surrounding them. Unsurprisingly, they were mostly occupied by faeries. There were women in limited garb of exceptional beauty but with such variety in appearance that she couldn't have described all of them if she tried. Wild combinations of hair and skin color, styles of hair and garb, and figures were evident. More numerous than the women were the men, however, and though there were a handful of masculine looking humanoid faeries the majority of them seemed to goatkin, the gruffs and satyrs offering their own variations of appearances in fur coloring and decoration.

A feast was on display, foodstuffs consisting of gathered berries and herbs, rich stews, fresh breads and hunted game all arrayed. Wines and ales were omnipresent, as well as less immediately savory substances, a circle of smoking gruffs stood off to one side, and as Tomoe passed through the party a pair of satyrs urged a hesitant human looking woman with golden blonde hair and expensive looking blue robes to snort a line of golden powder before taking the dazed girl off into the woods.

At the rear of the party, at the throne, was something of a sight. The great chair itself was intricately constructed, carved reliefs flowing together into scenes of battles and duels, hunts and feasts, the life of a warrior flowing before her eyes and rising up into carved structure of living wood that flowed into a tall, proud oak. In that chair was a being that dwarfed any faerie she had ever seen, a goat-headed colossus with hooves so large they might crush her skull with a single step. Black fur coated thick, trunk-like legs, up to around his navel where a suit of bronze maile began that covered him from waist to shoulders. Massive, muscular arms rested on the arms of the carved chair, up to his thick trunk-like neck upon which his caprine head rested, including thick black hair and a pair of silver curling ram-like horns, and tinges of gray amidst the black near the base of his horns and at his brows.

The priestess felt it when those beady black eyes focused on her, the greater faerie's attention like a weight settling onto her shoulders and signifying a significant degree of power beyond his mere physical size. Raising one hand, it beckoned her forward with two fingers, allowing her to approach further. There were no guards at hand, and only a few faeries noted her passing, and even then with only passing interest.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

"Invited, hmmm..." Tomoe thought about those words as she excused herself from the guards and made way towards the main event area. For what reason was she, a random passerby, invited to a fairy party? This question would hopefully get answered soon, preferably by the apparent ruler of this particular area of the fey woods.

Like before, in that other fey glade, the atmosphere was that of a big old party with plenty of hedonism and debauchery going on. But even with the look of things being what they were, there was certain unease that the miko could not shake off coming from all of this. Somehow, this particular place appeared to be more in control of the various different male fairies. The females there appeared to be subdued, even submissive, towards the menfolk, and not in the good way. It could just have been the priestess' mind making things up, but somehow she got that kind of vibe from everything she was witnessing as she approached the throne and it's inhabitant.

The throne was indeed occupied, and the occupant was as large as the fancy chair itself, a fairly satyr-like entity of impressive physical size. And that did not appear to be the entirety of his power, as there was a very real feeling of him packing some heavy magical or spiritual ability in that frame as well. Tomoe could not pin down if they were of a particular species of fey or some unique kind, but she would not bring that up as it was not of any particular importance at this very moment. Having been called, she made her way to the throne proper, the lack of guards suggesting that this entity did not have much in the way of fear towards their own safety, for obvious reasons. Once within a good distance from the throne, the shrine maiden would stop, introducing herself to the large fairy as she gave them a deep, respectful bow that was suitable for someone of obviously vast authority. Assuming she got to speak, the miko would ask why she had been allowed to enter this place, and if there was any chance she could have the rest of her company in here for shelter.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine

"Greetings traveler,"

The giant's voice boomed out, even at its present low tone the being was audible over the sounds of the party now going on behind her.

"Be welcome here, in my domain."

The great faerie's gaze settled on her like a set of weights while she tried to lay out her concerns, and it took discipline to even speak to the powerful creature without falling to her knees and prostrating herself in worship to it. Even so, the faerie's voice was entirely calm, even gentle, as it responded to her.

"You are known to us, from our kinsmen to the East. You are welcome here, though for certain reasons your companions are not."

It eyed her for a moment, and then tilted forward slightly to continue;

"Normally the alien creatures you travel with would be killed on sight, but we know that at least one of them was with you when you aided our kin. Both will go unharmed through our domain, on my word, but because of the... Ill nature of their kind they cannot yet be permitted to walk the groves. As for the flower women, I have forbidden my sons from engaging with their kind. They are... Too easily tempting to a less disciplined mind for my liking. The other human with you, the one with blood red hair... She is known to us. I do not know why one of your caliber would associate with such a creature, and it is only because of that that I have not gone to see her slain personally. As it is, however, she will enjoy the same protections as your hunters. I can afford to be patient. For now, you may make yourself comfortable here if it pleases you, or even attempt a trial of proving if you relish a challenge."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

The answer that she got was interesting enough, and told that the fairies were in contact with each other on a fairly frequent basis apparently if this particular grove knew about Tomoe and what had happened in the past. But more interesting than that was the words that she got about her companions, Kei in particular catching the miko's attention as she was mentioned. After the what had happened in the previous fairy glade, she had been wary of the other Easterner a good deal, but this was something else and she would need to know now. "You know about Kei? Might you enlighten me about all of that too? She has told me some things about herself, but I'm not entirely sure as to what her real deal is. After an encounter in the previous fey glade, I have been cautious with her around, as I saw something there that was fairly disconcerning." the priestess inquired, dreading some potentially scary information coming towards her. If there was something like that, she might need to start thinking about ways to get rid of her only human companion, which she was not entirely wanting to do despite everything that had happened.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine

The giant gruff didn't answer immediately, instead holding still for a moment before slowly leaning forward, resting his head on his hands and gazing at her with an expression that hinted at deep sadness.

"It would not be right for me to color your opinion with only my side of the story,"

He said ultimately, hesitating a moment...

"But... She slew five of my issue, two sons and three grandsons, when they approached her when last she walked through these lands. I do not know if she knows of our vendetta and has been avoiding these lands, but this is the first time that she has been within our reach since then."