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Homelands (Guan Yu)

Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Before Tomoe could make her leave, some further words were shared by the trio, or Alma and Felicia in all actuality as Primrose was still quite lost in her thoughts. Alma was not sounding particularly hopeful, but Felicia had some insight to share that gave the miko some food for thought. She really didn't have much time to ponder it though as Felicia followed it up with a suggestion for another round between them which appeared to catch even Betty by surprise, the complete and utter brazenness of it all going past even her standards by the looks of it. "Eh... no thanks... I'd rather not..." the priestess turned the offer down, still not having developed an interest towards the acts of lust, even if it might have given some ease of mind to the other party.

Back at the main house, Kei was waiting for the two. She had some info to share about the status of Shen and Ryuji, who had returned from their learning trip in the surrounding wilderness. As Tomoe had expected, Shenron had gone through some anger about what had had happened, but it had not apparently amounted to anything serious, or at least that was hopefully the case. "Alright, thanks for the heads up." the priestess replied to her somewhat unpredictable traveling partner. Hearing this, she opted to go and have a look at the two before going over to Betty's with the alraune.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Felicia seemed disappointed by Tomoe's refusal to give them a second turn at her body, and returning to the house with Betty and greeted by Kei's information, the priestess would be free to go down into the basement. She had been raped last time she was here, but this time she only walked upon Ryuji and Shenron wandering around, each trying to hide from the other in the closed in basement. Shenron, despite having only his natural aptitude and little practice at stealth, was outdoing his son by the miko, but Ryuji once more seemed to be learning quickly. The two paused in their game-like training when Tomoe came down the steps though, approaching her, and Shenron grumbled; "I am glad to see you well after... What happened."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Despite having some reservations towards going back to the basement again, Tomoe went down the steps to find the hunter family still doing things, something that she interpreted being a method of stealth training. It was looking more like a playing than training, but the miko trusted in Shenron's ways being effective as a teaching method. The pair stopped as they saw her enter, with the father having his usual few words to share. "Yes, I'm alright. Could be much worse if we had worse hosts. I assume you did not cause any trouble for them? Just wanting to know, even as I trust you being perfectly civil." she asked him while giving both family members brief but loving hugs, wanting to give the out the impression that she had not forgotten about them.

Once Shenron gave his possible answer, Tomoe would let the pair go back to their training as she did not want to hold them up for too long, unless either of them had something else. If not, she would leave the basement with Betty, the two of them most likely going to the alraune's room. Even with the potential hazards, the priestess did not want to leave her by herself, somewhat concerned by the earlier statement of not wanting to sleep alone. It could be another little scheme, but Tomoe was convinced that the pretty alraune had been genuine.
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

"No," Shenron assured her, and after the hug that the two could only return awkwardly with their overly long and thick arms she could easily leave them to their business. It was still the middle of the day when Tomoe and Betty emerged, the wild storm outside making it difficult to tell the time of day, and some of the other alraune were just coming in from work. It was a quiet evening, with little talking by anyone, and after a meal she would be free to accompany Betty up to bed, who stripped in a less seductive manner than before and kept her intoxicating pheromones somewhat muted... At least initially. Tomoe's own natural appeal, especially when the miko did her own disrobing, would be able to start bringing up the attractive alraune's mood, causing her own pheromones to rise and inspire the same urges in the priestess, to which she started finding herself at least mildly more susceptible after what had happened down in the basement just the other day.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

"I knew you wouldn't." Tomoe expressed her approval of Shenron's good behavior with her usual smile. The trio separated shortly afterwards, each party going to their respective things.

The day was quiet, both literally and figuratively, with not all that much happening as the remaining alraune got back from their jobs. Eventually there was a meal, which Tomoe would partake in, enjoying the food as much as any of the others she had during their time in the farm. Sometime into the day, she would find a way to sneak down into the basement, having built a solid idea how she would help the possible exiles of the house. Looking into the different bags and boxes, the priestess looked for the stuff that had caused the episode earlier, the golden pollen. She would secure a small pouch of the powder, big enough to affect any potential users but still compact enough that she would be able to store it in her sleeve. As much as she did not like it, the miko needed the powder to help her do what she had planned. Making doubly sure that no-one saw her smuggle the bag, she would leave the basement and carry on with the day.

Once evening came, Tomoe went along with Betty like they had agreed, the pair heading into the alraune's room. Much like before, each of them got out from their clothes, the mood in the room turning a bit hotter as a result. Still making sure that she kept the pouch hidden in the sleeve of her clothing, the priestess remembered that she had gotten an offer about a night gown of something similar earlier. "So... did you have a nightie for me? I remember hearing that." she asked Betty, wanting to get something to wear, even if her plans would probably not need it in any way.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Tomoe would be able to palm one of the smaller sacks of shorn powder that the alraune had harvested from their cousin crops while in the basement, seemingly without either of her reptilian companions noticing. Keeping it in her sleeve throughout the day, Tomoe would be able to keep it hidden, and when she went upstairs with Betty left it in her discarded garments. "Oh... Yeah, here!" she said when Tomoe reminded her of her request for a nightgown, her voice mixing disappointment - she had obviously hoped for another nude sleep with the busty miko - and eagerness at seeing the priestess in what was unsurprisingly a rather skimpy piece of attire. Made out of soft material, the nightgown only came up to her thighs and was both lacy and fairly easy to see through.

While not as much of a concern as the drama that had unfolded, Tomoe would have one other concern by the end of the day. Her breasts, bigger than ever, had started to ache slightly, and as she felt arousal flaring from Betty's sweet scent her tips seemed to be needing attention more than ever before.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

When she saw the nightie, Tomoe was brought back to the usual Betty once more. The thing was just barely meant to act as a shroud to one's body, seeing as it was far too short, thin and translucent to really serve as a decent cover to the wearer's decency. Yet she would wear it, though she kept her panties on still to not make herself look too indecent. Sleeping would have to wait though, as she had a plan to carry out.

Going back to her stacked clothing, Tomoe would get the pouch she had secured earlier, keeping it out of Betty's sight as best as she could. It might be a bit difficult, but she would try it anyway since there was no real telling what the alraune might do if she saw and recognized what it was. Going to the door, the miko made up an excuse to her sudden departure. "Excuse me, I have to relieve myself." she told her "partner" before opening up the door and slipping out of the room. Still wanting to remain unnoticed, she advanced in the corridor to look for Rose's room.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

The miko's deceptive stealth would once more prove quite effective as she managed to palm the bag of pollen without Betty noticing it. Still, the alraune seemed to know what she was doing, or at least have an idea. Sighing, she said; "Alright... I'll be here... When you're finished." And then Tomoe was off, bag of aphrodisiac in hand and flimsy nightgown the only shield of her decency. The house was dark, the wind outside howling, but still she found Rose's room easily enough. It had been where she'd woken up after all, and all too soon she was outside the farm owner's door, ready to enact her plan... Whatever her plan was.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Finding the door that she was looking for quite easily, considering she had started the current day she had spent in there, Tomoe took a deep breath before knocking on the door to inform Rose that she was there and opened up the door a few seconds after. Stepping right in, she closed the door behind her afterwards to keep anyone else from seeing what was about to happen there. Assuming that the alraune matron was there, the miko went right to her, keeping the bag out of sight for now as she was not sure about it being needed at all. "Sorry about a disturbance at this hour, but this cannot wait. I want you to stop the exile. I just don't want it to happen to this community on my account. I offer myself to you for the night, if that is what it takes. she went right to the point, being completely ready to go through another night of lust if it gave the trio a return ticket to their family.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

"Just a second," Rose said following Tomoe's knock, her soft voice muffled through the door. Tomoe would open the door just as she was pulling up her shorts, the alraune sporting a long but flaccid cock much like Primrose had that she hastily put away, though she was still topless. "I'm sorry, do you, uhhhh, need something?" she asked, confused, while the miko came in and closed the door behind her. Her response seemed to dumbfound the woman, and though there was noticeable pulse in Rose's pants as the priestess offered herself the older alraune frowned and took a step back from Tomoe. "I... Appreciate what you're trying to do. It's selfless, if a little... Poorly delivered. You really don't know how to seduce someone, do you? But... I'm sorry, this isn't going to work. I can't just... Take you like this, and I won't just let Felicia, Alma, and Primrose get away with what they did even if you weren't harmed badly by it."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

The answer that she got did not surprise Tomoe in any real way, but she had hoped that it would not have been so. "No... I wouldn't know about that. It was never something that I wanted to learn, as that type of skill is not meant for me... But, I have one other thing might prove my conviction towards this whole issue." she expressed her thoughts about the whole seduction thing. Since she was not having luck this way, the miko had to go into her more dramatic idea. Getting the smuggled pouch out, she opened it up, not wasting any time and dumping the entire thing square onto her face, breathing deep on the golden powder to make sure she would be affected by it as harshly as possible. "Even if this is what it takes... I'm ready to do it..." she continued for a bit as she waited for the inevitable effect to kick in.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine, Horny

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Rose quirked an eyebrow as Tomoe stated she had a way to prove her devotion to her goal, and her eyes widened as the miko drew out the small bag of shorn powder. "What are you... Don't!" she cried, but too late she lunged for the bag, leaving the priestess able to inhale the thick golden powder. It took effect quickly, and Rose took a step back, sizing the miko up while Tomoe became increasingly horny, the mad craving for sex and for the alraune's seed inside of her growing more intense by the second. "You.... Are you going mad!?" she asked incredulously, "how could you... Just... What the hell!?"
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

The powder was just as effective as it had been previously, and with Rose not managing to stop her in time, Tomoe was taken over by the intense lust just like before. "This is... how bad I want you to stop breaking your family up..." the miko told what she thought yet again as she approached the alraune matron to look for the relief that she was craving. The priestess would wrap her arms around Rose and engage her in a lusty kiss, unless there was another development from the alraune's side. "Even if I have to... subject myself to more of this powder and... risk developing further addiction stages while shaming myself like this..." she'd mention after breaking the kiss, moving on to reach one hand inside Rose's pants to grab the waking member inside. Moving on to stroke it, the priestess would seek to push the involuntary act forward, as much as she hated herself for doing something like it.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine, Horny

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Tomoe's insane gambit had seemingly shocked Rose into inaction, leaving her hovering on the other side of her bedroom while the miko closed in. She didn't try to push Tomoe off with any force, and the palm resting against her still clothed breast began to knead the soft orb expertly only a few seconds after Tomoe drew Rose into a hungry kiss. As badly as her body was aching for stimulation, the alraune matron's palm working on her breast was a much needed balm, pleasure rolling up her spine and abating her sexual agony just enough to keep her slightly sane.

Rose tried to pull away from the kiss slightly at first, but her resistance rapidly faded and shifted into hesitant willingness, and when the miko's hand drifted into her shorts to grasp the massive member growing inside she gave low groan, shuddered, and her kiss suddenly started becoming forceful in its own right. Her tongue began to squirm circles around Tomoe's, and the hand that had been on the miko's waist shifted and began to grope her ass enthusiastically. She felt the woman's pre on her fingers as she gave that long, thick tool several long strokes, making her pussy ache with need to have that warm, potent cream deep inside, an almost equal craving to taste it forcing her to choose which she want first... Almost.

Rose pulled away from the kiss suddenly, and the alraune's face had changed dramatically. Her kind features had become forceful, dominant, and her blue eyes had turned to a shining gold. "Get that fucking dress off, and get on your knees!" she commanded, while an array of tentacles started forcing the priestess to obey her commands regardless of Tomoe's personal wishes. Once she was on her knees, the alraune stepped up so that her cock was rubbing against the miko's face, smearing its blue gift across her cheek and making the human woman briefly dizzy with need from the scent of it. "You want my dick slamming into you? Then you'd better earn it," she said commandingly, "your mouth, your hands, those big udders you carry around... I don't care, but you'd better make it feel good if you want to feel it! No wasting any of my cum either, and if you're not fingering yourself the whole time you get the whip... And you'd better not make yourself cum either~"
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Even with her lack of experience in the field, Tomoe's lust-driven awkwardness somehow managed to push Rose into the action, despite her initial reluctance towards what was happening. The alraune matron went from restrained to aggressive in a matter of minutes, partially turning the tables on the priestess who had initiated the whole ordeal with her actions. But that would not remain the case for too long as Rose broke out of the kiss shortly, the earlier demeanor and appearance of the kindly mother turning into something more sinister, a thing that the miko had not been expecting at all. "Oh dear me... this is looking a bit dangerous..." she thought, not offering much in the way of resistance as she quickly got out from little nighty and discarded it to the floor, the shift in Rose suggesting that she might not take too kindly to any resistance or backtalk. Even if she was not concerned for her life and going slightly mad from lust, there was still that tinge of fear to be felt in the shrine maiden's mind as she was subjected to this alternate side of Rose.

With the tentacles guiding her along the way, Tomoe got down on her knees in front of Rose as instructed, the pull of the vines suggesting that she would have been put there even if she had not agreed to the gesture. Once she was down, Rose whipped her schlong out, slapping the priestess on the cheek as she started laying out some further rules as to what was going to happen next. Getting this act going was apparently going to take more work as the alraune matron was not going to just start humping her right there without some return favors, even in the current condition that the miko was in. Seeing it best to get right into the heart of the matter, Tomoe awkwardly started to work on the shaft in front of her, using her mouth and one hand as it was hard to make anything happen with her breasts when she had only one hand free to perform. It would have to be done orally, and this was what she set out to do, initially keeping her efforts on the tip, which she took in shallowly and rolled the tip of her tongue on it occasionally, simultaneously stroking the lower part of the shaft with her hand. Soon enough, the priestess started to intensify her effort, starting to go deeper with her mouth while maintaining her determined stroking, her lips sliding up and down on the cock in a steady rhythm. Going slow like this was hellish in her current state, but she was slightly relieved by the occasional trickles of cum that appeared from the thick rod that she was sucking on. All the while she had her other hand in her panties as she fiddled with her folds, doing it slowly as to keep herself from building up too much ecstasy and avoid that forbidden climax.

Not before long, Tomoe was going at it hard, forgoing the use of her hand altogether as she switched to simply going as deep as she possibly could with the shaft in her mouth. The member poked at her throat, which was the limit as to how far she managed to get it into, but the miko kept on servicing the suddenly scary Rose regardess by maintaining the steady pace of her deep blowjob and eventually picking up speed. The slow pace was still not giving her an easy time, but it was probably better to go along with her bossy partner's orders to make it take less time.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine, Horny

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Rose let out a coo of satisfaction as Tomoe leaned forward and took that thick tool into her mouth, the alraune's rod pulsing and delivering a small spurt of its sweet, creamy gift right onto the miko's tongue as she swirled it over the tip. That familiar taste only left Tomoe more light headed than ever, her body pulsing with need for more of the alraune's cum, and as she jerked and began to descend along that long rod she got numerous other samples that only seemed to stoke that insatiable addiction. While she seemed quite pleased with Tomoe's efforts there, however, the miko's decision to tease herself seemed to anger the increasingly dominant Rose.

As her panties were dragged down her legs, Tomoe felt more tendrils sliding all over her body, coating her in a thin sheen of oil much like what Betty had exuded over her, and once she was both totally naked and quite thoroughly covered Rose growled; "Naughty little slut!" Two tentacles lashed against the cheeks of her ass, and a third coiled around her throat and pulled her down until Rose's cock was jammed all the way down her throat and her lips were sealed around its base. Her arms were dragged behind her back and tied together to her ankles by the alraune's extra appendages, and while she started guided Tomoe into deep throating her thick rod the alraune thoroughly bound her with dozens of crisscrossing tendrils.

Helpless, Tomoe could only do as Rose demanded by that point, but luckily the occasional lash against her curvy rear would suddenly turn into those soft cheeks being spread slightly as another tendril slid up, replacing that pain with a teasing prod at her ass. "I told you naughty sluts get whipped~" the alraune cooed, before groaning and starting to thrust her hips into the miko's mouth, giving her just barely enough time to draw a breath between thrusts. Two of the tendrils binding her swirled their tips over her breasts, teasing the sensitive peaks before opening up and clamping over them, sucking and quickly drawing out squirts of her milk that they greedily drank down, relieving the pressure that had been building up in her overflowing orbs and sending pleasure spiraling through Tomoe's body. Those tendrils squeezed first one and then the other, drawing out spurts of the miko's milk from her breasts while the inside of those tendrils both sucked on and squeezed around her sensitive tips.

With all other stimulation denied to her, the next few minutes would pass in sexual torture as Rose kept her bound and helpless, unable to even stimulate herself further. She would sometimes let Tomoe choose her own pace and depth, allowing her to bob and suck how she liked, but for much of that time she held the priestess by her scalp and simply fucked her mouth at whatever depth and speed that she pleased. Thankfully, after a few minutes, the tendril teasing her ass moved only for a thicker one to take its place, slipping into her lower hole and going deep inside. Pleasure surged through her even though her sex still hungered for something filling it as well, and when it pressed into that sensitive spot in her ass Tomoe felt her body seize.

"Heh... Nnn... Of course~" she grunted knowingly, and then sent Tomoe's pleasure soaring as she used the helplessly horny human priestess from both ends. Her body seized in orgasm after only a few moments, pleasure rising until it exploded through her as her ass was violated and her breasts were drained. The whipping of her ass commenced once more as she started cumming, Rose giggling as she added pain to the barrage of sensations that Tomoe was steadily being overwhelmed by. "Slut~" she grunted, and then leaned back to let her cockhead rest in the miko's mouth while her pumping tendril sped up, chaining her first orgasm into a second. Her own moans started rising in volume and coming faster and faster, and whether she flicked her tongue over the tip of the alraune's rod or left it simply hanging in her mouth, she was soon treated to a flood of warm, sweet cum right into her waiting mouth, with smaller spurts going into her ass. Rose let out a satisfied groan as she came, filling Tomoe in both ends for several long seconds before pulling out, leaving a few ropes to splatter over the miko's nose, lips, and chin.

"Naughty thing... Are you ready for more punishment?" she purred, and as her addiction to the alraune's cum drove her to swallow she felt her body flushing anew. Her orgasm had left Tomoe feeling strange, attachment and submission to the woman before her, and as she was lifted and put on her back on the bed, her hands tied over her head her pollen-inspired eagerness only redoubled. "Time for your breeding~" she cooed, leaning over so that they were faced to face while pressing the tip of her cock against Tomoe's defenseless pussy, her ankles tied to her thighs and her legs forced wide apart.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Going on like she had appeared to be satisfactory to Rose, so Tomoe kept on doing it as long as she was allowed to. It took a while for things to move on, the act making itself a little more tolerable as the alraune leaked up some cum for the miko to gulp down and feed her addiction. Once the act did start to progress, it was significant move onward as the many vines of the matron started creeping all over the priestess' body. It appeared a bit creepy at first, but Tomoe could remember what had happened before with Betty and was not as concerned as she could have been about it. No, she was a little more concerned about the increase in aggression from Rose, who started setting things up to her own liking a little more enthusiastically than the shrine maiden would have liked. Being tied down was starting to be comforting to her at this point as some depraved part of her had been taking more and more control, but getting lashed while taking the entirety of Rose's considerable member down her throat was hard to manage as the choke factor was there. Soon enough, she was completely bound down in a patterned web of vines, the deepthroating starting up in full as Rose pushed her onward to deeper levels of depravity.

"Oh why... just put it in already... don't keep me in this state..." Tomoe thought as she got poked up the rear, the tease of it mostly serving to frustrate her further, the oral violation not doing much to ease the situation, especially once Rose picked up the pace to make it as hard as she possibly could. She was not completely without mercy though as two dedicated tentacles set upon the miko's breasts with gusto, starting to milk them quickly and efficiently, a gesture which the priestess could certainly appreciate as it was relieving her of that particular burden in a hurry. The next moment was not particularly enjoyable as the priestess was stuck simply blowing off her dominant partner, who clearly had more experience and stamina than any of her daughters when it came to the carnal arts, and she clearly knew how to play out the role of a dominant one extremely well. Maybe she and her previously mentioned past lover had done the exact same thing. Thankfully she did not stretch the frustration out for too long, eventually moving in a thicker vine that pushed it's way into Tomoe's exposed rear end. The sudden, deep push brought an harsh wave of lewd pleasure with it, stunning the miko with it's intensity and throwing her into a fit of ecstasy. "How... could this happen from there..." the priestess could barely think about how she had just climaxed from her butt being violated. But think she did not, focusing more on taking in all the incoming sensation, including the returning lashing and the painful stings it brought along with it as it was finally getting some relief to her situation. And it didn't let up as Rose amped up her violation, getting a two-parter as she brutalized Tomoe's ass even harder to drive her over the edge for a second time within that quick, intense moment of ecstasy. Barely making out what was happening, the shrine maiden's attention was completely shifted to the pulsing in her mouth, the realization that there was a flood of cum incoming taking her mind completely off from whatever else was happening. As the spurt came, she greedily slurped it all down, getting a slight disappointment in the end as Rose pulled out to spray her face a little instead of giving everything up for her to chug.

Having barely breathed for the last ten minutes or so, Tomoe had a brief coughing fit as she was finally allowed to breathe normally again, not reakky having the time to give any answers that Rose might have wanted. Spittle and cum both were dripped onto the floor as she was transferred over to the bed by Rose's grasping tentacles, the things starting to feel like friendly caretakers by them. Giving herself over to Rose's control felt strangely safe and comforting, even if it was very much submitting her own free will to the whims of another. And as she was set up on the bed, the miko could see that Rose might have taught some of her techniques to her daughters, Betty having put her into this very same position during their sexual encounter. Looking at the alraune matron was hard, and Tomoe turned her gaze to the side, feeling ashamed of her current sorry state even as she was so far in the depths of lust. But even then, she only had one possibly answer to give. "Yes... do... as you desire... with this obscene body... I am yours for the night..." Tomoe replied, completely submitting herself to getting used as a body for breeding and whatever debauchery might happen after that. Her commitment to the trio of exiles was that serious.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine, Horny

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Held in place, Tomoe would feel her bound legs lifted until her knees were tucked up beside her head, leaving her lying on her shoulders with her body bent. Rose squatted over her, aiming her cock at the miko's helpless folds, but for the moment she simply hovered their teasingly while a number of things happened. A handful of leaflike vines began to gather up the blue cum coating her face, offering it to her strand by strand, while a few more tube-like ones began to roll over the alraune matron's impressive rod while the tool itself began to change. An oily substance began to seep over it as it developed thick ridges, its tip growing more pointed as it rubbed against Tomoe's petals.

She didn't have to wait too long before the freshly greased rod started to slide into her, however, and with her body hypersensitive from the pollen the feel of her inner walls being stretched and dragged by the alraune's ridged rigid rod sent ecstasy flowing through her whole body. That ecstasy nearly doubled as those ridges started grinding over the priestess's g-spot, the rough patch sending excess stimulation flooding her senses. Rose didn't even make it to the hilt before Tomoe's body was sent shuddering into a powerful orgasm, but though the alraune gasped in pleasure as her folds spasmed around her she continued her downward descent until her tip kissed the miko's cervix.

Letting out a sound that was half sigh and half moan while Tomoe's brief but intense orgasm wound down, she didn't move until the miko was basking in her afterglow, sliding back and then pushing back. Those ridges were no less tortuously pleasurable than when she'd first felt them, but her next orgasm took a full minute of steady thrusts from Rose before it swept through Tomoe, leaving her shuddering for several long seconds. Rose started thrusting much more slowly, teasing the priestess towards another powerful climax while another trio of tendrils aimed themselves at her face. Two more curled around her breasts, squeezing one at a time and sucking out great spurts of her milk into the still humming suckers attached to her tips, and another narrow one slipped down to begin flicking her clit.

"Nnnn... Mmmm... Time for you to... Tell mistress what you want~" she groaned, her thrusts slowing further and further.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

The position that Tomoe was put into did not appear to fully satisfy Rose's desires, so the alraune matron decided to change it up a bit by levering her legs up to her head and bringing the whole thing to a rather tedious position which had a fair share of pressure applied on the miko's shoulders. Once she realized what was happening with the rest of the setup, the priestess found it not to be as bad though, the sudden reuse of the cum staining her face making her have a newly-acquired like towards it. With the blue delight there to entertain her, she barely even acknowledged what else was going on, most of her effort going into ingesting all the samples that dripped down into her mouth in strands.

When the return into the situation at hand came, it hit Tomoe like a hammer to the face as the mere introduction of the enhanced alraune member destroyed her with just going in once. Had she not been bound down so thoroughly, the shrine maiden would have likely trashed around at this point, the hypersensitive state of her body amplifying the slightest tease to unbearable ecstasy. Yet, Rose could see what was going on clearly enough as the priestess strained against the restraints in her ecstasy hell, probably giving the alraune matron some work to keep her completely strapped down. Thankfully she got some breathing time afterwards, the matron getting a little caught up with how tight and pleasing the miko was. But she was not the head of the family for nothing, recovering almost straight away and getting back to the saddle as she started nailing the priestess with all due authority. It took her no effort at all to throw Tomoe into another pleasure hell, though it did not feel like that exactly to the shrine maiden herself, who was off the deep end rather bad at that point as she was getting pounded deep.

Eventually recovering from the rapid climaxes, Tomoe could feel herself getting milked even more by some more tentacles, a few others leering over her in preparation for something that the miko was wanting more than anything else at the moment. Rose was slowing her pace down to a torturous slow one, much to the priestess' dismay, before leveling a question at her. It was easy for the shrine maiden to find an answer in her current situation, even if it took a fair bit of effort for her to actual articulate it. "Mistress... give me your cum... please... violate me as much as you... want... just... cum..."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine, Pregnant with tons of seedlings

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Tomoe's pleading prompted Rose to let out a passionate groan, and she picked up her earlier pace of rapid thrusts down into the miko's thoroughly bound body. "Oooh... Nnnn... Open your... Mouth," she panted between moans, and should she obey Tomoe would find the trio of phallic tendrils hovering around her aiming for her open orifice. The alraune's furious pumping nearly drove her into another orgasm, but it seemed that Rose had stopped holding off the inevitable and finally allowed herself to fully enjoy the embrace of the miko's inner walls.

It was Rose's orgasm that set of Tomoe's, the alraune throwing her head back and moaning loudly while her thrusts slowed and her cock started spurting streams of warm, thick blue syrup. Gravity, the force of her eruption, and the insatiable milking of the priestess' inner walls ensured that the majority of Rose's seed was poured deep, pooling directly in her womb, and true to her apparent fecundity she had quite a bit of cum to offer. Her face was painted blue, her mouth filled with the delectable taste of the alraune's fresh cream from the three tendrils pointed her way. The whole of her innermost chamber was full by the time her spurts turned to a dribble, and through the haze of pleasure Tomoe felt her womb pulsating as Rose did the very thing that her daughters had done the night before, her potent seed taking root in the miko's ever receptive body.

The alraune matron wasn't finished, however, as he neither released Tomoe nor pulled out. Taking only a minute to bask in her afterglow, she began to slowly thrust again only to begin working her way back towards her relentless pace. Then she started going faster, pounding into Tomoe and moaning loudly, still seemingly ecstatic and now driven by pure lust. Another orgasm ripped through the miko's body only moments later courtesy of Rose's rapid pumping and the constant grind against her inner walls by those thick ridges. Then another, which drove Rose to fill her again, thrusting down to the hilt and pouring another dose of potent seed into Tomoe's womb until it was filled beyond capacity and her seed began to pour out of her plugged up sex down her front.

Rose took another minute of basking in her afterglow before slowly pulling out of Tomoe, leaving the priestess on the very edge of orgasm and leaking copious amounts of alraune cum. She had been given two more doses of the alraune's cum in her mouth and on her face, leaving her glazed blue, and as she was slowly released from the alraune's bondage and laid down on to her side she could do with that what she liked. Rose had quite thoroughly fucked the pollen induced lust out of her, but her more conventional arousal plus the mild addiction she'd gained to the alraune's cum left the busty miko ever hungering for more. She found a standing Rose pointing her cum coated cock at the miko's face, or at least in its general direction, and the alraune softly purred; "So obedient and lewd... Have you had enough punishment, or do you need more?"