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Home Defense (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

With the limp body of Phyrra on her shoulder, Tomoe climbed up towards the chamber, hoping to get there as soon as possible in an effort to get resting. Her companions needed it. But by some odd twist of fate, she saw Maya vanish amidst a puff of green light. "Even more troubles... as if the situation wasn't bad enough..." she thought and tried to call out to the catgirl if she happened to be nearby.

But there was no other answer than the echo of her own voice.

Letting out a sigh, the shapely miko set down Phyrra's form onto the most comfy spot she could find and let the woman rest. Maybe she would come back to her senses eventually. Now concerned with Maya's dissappearance and the safety of the group she was to rescue, the easterner was getting nervous what might happen if something was to attack them again. Pacing about the room, she went to take a look at the group of women, seeing their conditions in greater detail now.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 32/57, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 1/54, PP = 47, EP = 40/87, Status = Pregnant, Badly Injured
Phyrra HP = 0/46, PP = 68, EP = 38/50, Status = Unconscious

Maya spends 10 EP.

Perception (Tomoe) : Enemy wins.
Perception (Maya) : Enemy wins.

Pain and nausea driving her powers seemingly beyond her control, Maya vanished, her teleportation controlled more by instinct than by her own will. She appeared in the woods, her surroundings unfamiliar to her. She was surrounded by trees and underbrush, and Maya didn't have nearly enough experience in woodcraft to figure out exactly where it was that she'd taken herself to. The sky was beginning to change colors above, and night was growing closer with every second. Her mother had always told her to avoid being outside after dark, particularly if she couldn't find any sort of shelter or was alone.

Her question, uttered into the stillness around her, was, to Maya's surprise, answered. It was a harsh, low voice, though she guessed that it was feminine despite those two factors; "You are in the forest, child of the goddess. It would seem that such would be plain to see. Why do you ask the empty air for answers you already possess?" The voice seemed to be coming from every direction at once, and Maya could spot no one among the trees and bushes around her.


Back in the tower, meanwhile, Tomoe dragged Phyrra's unconscious form up the stairs just in time to notice the flash of green that had been left by Maya's departure. Setting the demoness down in the next that had been built for the captive women, the only place in the room that wasn't bare stone, Tomoe began checking over those women they had come to rescue.

The six who still lived were all at varying stages of pregnancy, their captors clearly having raped them. All of them were unconscious, and looked to have been beaten by their captors, bruises and shallow claw marks evident on their bodies. The beatings seemingly hadn't been severe, however, the creatures evidently wanting the bearers of their next generation in good health. The body of the woman who had had her soul torn from her body by the creature that Maya had destroyed was motionless, glassy eyes staring up at the ceiling. Her heart was still beating, and she still drew breath, but Tomoe doubted that she would ever be coming back after what had been done to her.

Suddenly, the woman who was farthest along, a girl who probably wasn't much older than twenty by Tomoe's estimation, suddenly opened her eyes, pain evident in her face, and suddenly wrenched herself away from where she'd been. A moment of fumbling, and she'd laid herself out on her back, clutching at her abdomen and groaning in pain as she stared down at herself in horror. A thick clear fluid, mixed with a good deal of blood, erupted from between her legs, and she screamed in agony, what was happening rather clear to Tomoe after a second of thought.

(Phyrra can wake whenever she chooses at this point. It all depends on when maikochan posts now.)
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Gazing over the new surrounding for a moment, Maya remained seated on the ground, considering what she should do. She felt that she could probably flash herself straight back if she wanted, but still far from having gotten over the ordeal, the fresh forest air was a small comfort she didn't feel like leaving just yet. Taking a few deep breaths, the young daemon spawn tries to calm herself down some. This harsh burn however made her feel angry and scared, unlike anything else she could recall. The fight repeating in her mind.

Naturally then, the unexpected voice that seemed to sound out from the forest itself surprised her, and put her on the defensive right away. Whilst she didn't move from her spot on the forest floor, her aura would flare internally as she span round to look for whoever was addressing her. Small surges of energy rushing to her hands before receding again, with no target in sight and better judgement managing to hold it in. Whilst she may feel physically pained, exhausted and feeble right now, the experience had done nothing to dampen her 'inner' self.

Evident uncertainty and wariness on her face, she considers how to reply. The way the voice had referred to her being of particular note. Her mouth hovers open for a moment before speaking, "Hmm... If I knew the air was listening I might think more about my questions..." hesitating a tick, and then adding, "...Fey?" Glancing from tree to tree, as if to find a conversation partner.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Shaking her head at the brutally treated women all around her, Tomoe had nothing to comfort them with. "Why would they do something like this to another sentient being... this world is not as good a place as the vision I've always had..." she thought, getting quite gloomy inside this chamber of abuse and death.

Walking over to the soul-drained woman, the miko tried to communicate with her, but got nothing in response. "This kind of life... I can't imagine anything worse than an utterly mindless, unresponsive existence." With those words in mind, she held up Kuchinawa, putting it's blade in the front of the woman's face. If there was no response from her or another person in the room, the eastern warrior would end this destroyed woman's life, considering it a mercy killing at this point as there wouldn't be a life ahead of her after such a tragedy.

Hearing another girl come back to her senses, Tomoe hurried to witness what was happening. "Oh... too bad I'm not one with skills in this department...." she thought again, seeing the female prepare for a incoming birth. The miko remained close, letting the woman deal with the ordeal by herself but she still lent a hand to grip on during the process. Once the foul spawn implanted within got out though, the keen edge of her sword would claim more life.

This seemed like what she had to do now, look over the women and try to ease their pains before getting rid of the alien babies as they birthed.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

As the images flowed through her mind, a myriad of emotions flooded Phyrra. Anger, helplessness, hatred, sorrow. The vision of Tam-lin especially touched a nerve in the demoness. As consciousness returned to her, the only thought on Phyrra's mind was destruction. She would turn each and every one of these creatures to dust! Anyone that stood in her path would share the same fate. One singular thought was all Phyrra could think of: 'Revenge'.

However, as she opened her eyes, expecting to see the same thing that she had seen in her vision, Maya, laying soulless on the ground and Tomoe about to join her, the sight of the miko ending the poor woman's life shocked Phyrra out of her rage. Her head still spinning from the blow that knocked her out, and the visions that had clouded her mind, Phyrra could only watch Tomoe as she helped the woman give birth. As Tomoe prepared to kill the newborn, more thoughts flickered through Phyrra's mind.

'Good. The more of these creatures that die, the better. Killing it before it becomes a threat is smart. But... does it deserve to die? What did the child do but be born? Suddenly, Phyrra got to her feet. "Tomoe! Wait!" She called to the miko before she could dispatch the alien infant. Staggering from the pain of standing up so quickly, Phyrra collapsed against a bookshelf, using it to steady herself before speaking again. "It... it hasn't done anything wrong. Let it prove itself before killing it... please." The demoness begged Tomoe.

Her robes now a collection of cinders, Phyrra's nude body was on full display, her wings and tail, the later having been hidden under her clothes before now, plainly visible.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Already pressing the point of her sword against the miniature lizardman's tiny, squishy, newborn body, Tomoe was stopped by a sudden plea from the now woken Phyrra. Still keeping the deadly point where it was, she turned to face the demoness. "Spare it? What are you going on about?" she replied initially, but let the nude woman explain herself further. It seemed like such madness to her, letting these things live on so they could eventually be causing more havoc and sorrow.

The words offered to her were something the eastern warrior had completely forgotten during this uneasy moment in time. Her desperation had gotten over her, and was making her do rash decisions. It was much like the high priestess had once told her. Another minor wave of guilt came over her, making Tomoe move her sword away. She walked away from the group, eventually stopping a small distance away from them. "Sorry... my judgement was clouded by this... rather unsightly scene. The newborn should show their true nature before I make a decision about their lives. I shouldn't really be making any judgements about other creature's lives so callously..." the miko eventually replied, keeping her back to the group. Facing them now would be even more difficult for her.

It seemed like time stopped for her. Her gaze fixated on the stone walls, Tomoe's thoughts raced. She just didn't know what to do....
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 57, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 87, Status = Pregnant
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 38/50, Status = Fine

The woman on the floor gave no sign that she was present any longer, her eyes staring up blankly, and they continued to do so even after Tomoe's blade ended her empty existence. When she went to do the same to the newborn reptilian monstrosity, having opted not to aid the pained woman during the process other than as a hand to hold on to, after came crawling from its mothers womb already with claws on its hands and fangs in its mouth, only to find Tomoe's steel waiting for it, and then hesitated at the awaken Phyrra's begging to spare it, the creature took the opportunity presented to it. On legs only barely shaky after its birth, the monster took to its feet, and started toward the stairs leading down, already a miniature version of its father. Unless it was stopped, it would disappear down the stairs, and vanish into the tower beneath them, to do who knew what in the future.

The rest of the births went much the same, five more hunters either spared, slain or made somehow captive. Once that was done with, all of the women they had come to rescue were stirring, and the first of them to go into labor opened her eyes a few moment after the last birth. "Where.... Who are you? Are... Are the monsters gone? Wait.... Aren't you? You seem familiar?" The woman was looking at Phyrra, but was still obviously fairly disoriented from all that had happened to her. The demoness might be able to convince her that she was someone else, if she wished to try and hide her identity in Argent Vale, but the choice would be up to her. The only one here who had known of her secret was already dead on the floor, having been mercy killed by Tomoe. The miko herself knew, of course, but whether she would say anything was something that Phyrra could only guess at.

With the ones they had come to save, and their progeny already dealt with, there was little for Tomoe to do now, except get the others ready to move, and worry about what had become of Maya. Phyrra, still in pain and her beautiful body exposed for the world to see, demonic markings and all, had much the same before her, even though she also felt the pangs from her otherworldly hunger starting to flare up.


As Maya flared her power, the voice in the forest giggled vibrantly, and said; "Oooh! Teeeheeeheee! The little half-god thinks herself potent, even with her body ready to collapse!" The voice giggled again, and the contempt in that voice was rather plain to see. Still, as she laid out on the forest floor, Maya began to feel better. The nausea passed as she gulped in the fresh air, and the feel of the grass beneath her seemed to make all of her pain simply wash away. After she'd delivered her response to the voice, it laugh again, and responded; "Teeheehee! And she thinks herself wise, as well? How adorable!"

A snapping sound came from the exact opposite direction of where Maya happened to be looking at the time, and she turned her head to see a woman standing behind her, a stick broken in two in her hands. She had light pink skin, most of which was on full display, concealed only under a thin white robe. "Not fey, no. But I do know quite a few of them..... Do you?"
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Still unsure what to do with the current situation, the miko followed the birthing happening behind her back with only her hearing. She couldn't bear to look upon the scene that she might have been able to prevent from happening. If only they had come upwards first. The women could still be fine. She could've avoided having to kill an innocent. Why did it have to go this way?

Hearing the small, clawed feet move away from them one after another, Tomoe still had serious doubts about these creatures being able to be anything but harmful rapists and killers. The urge to turn and kill them right there was strong, but she held it back. As the final one was leaving, a sudden thought flared into the eastern warrior's mind. "If these things won't stop being nasty by themselves, I'll do my share and take care that there is even one such creature that is not an abusive affront of nature...." were the words in her mind, and they moved her into action. Sheathing Kuchinawa for the first time since the basement, she went after the last mini-lizard as it was heading out. Before it could reach the stairs, the miko grabbed and lifted it up to face her, keeping the tiny critter away just so much that it couldn't claw at her face. Her purplish eyes met with the newborn's, and they faced each other for a moment. "Can your kind actually be good towards other creatures? Show me your nature." she said to the thing in a low voice, wanting to know how it reacted to the sudden occurrence. If it behaved, Tomoe would take the creature with her and see it grow up and develop, maybe into something that was tolerant or even helpful towards other beings. If it showed hostility in any way, she would just toss it back down and let it go away. Killing it was out of the question, as she had promised Phyrra not to take their lives.

No matter how that deal turned out, she would wait for the women to gather their wits and prepare for the journey back to their homes. Maybe then she might not feel this guilt anymore. "Let's get you people out from this horrid place. Better home than here." she called to them.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Maya's expression remains one mostly of wariness and suspicion as the mystery voice continues to speak from hiding. This voice certainly fit the description of "talking trees" from her mothers story, but despite the "playful" laughter, hardly had quite the same attitude as the green woman. At this precise moment, Maya didn't quite have the same casual confidence in her "potency and wisdom" as normal, but couldn't help but frown at the small jabs regardless.

Turning upon the snap, Maya regards the unknown woman for a moment before answering. "I... no. I've never met any. Only stories and drawings." Said plainly and honestly. "Who are you? How do you know me?" She proceeds to ask.

'Are you watching my thoughts?' Since her moment of weakness in the tower basement, the security of her own mind was yet another new concern of hers. Something that perhaps needed improvement. Focusing her thoughts for a second, she tries to probe inwards for any presence that seemed unfamiliar. Staring up into the strangers eyes whilst she waited for her answer.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 57, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 87, Status = Pregnant
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 38/50, Status = Fine

The night elven woman giggled again, the same hints of contempt as her previous gestures plainly evident in the sound, and it seemed that she was laughing at Maya's expense. As she did, Maya searched through her head, and felt no strange presences within her mind. "Me? Well, I am nobody of importance. Just a wanderer, and a hermit, you know. Nothing to be concerned about. I do not know you, at least not in particular at any rate. I knew your mother... Or father, or whatever hand Naya had in your creation. Some act of obscene debauchery, no doubt! Anyway, I can sense a bit of her presence about you, child, so I figured that I would stop in to say hello! Tis a good thing that she was released from her prison, methinks. One can never have too many immortals wandering the lands, in times like these! Particularly as the old soldier seems content to let us go about our business now, rather than trying to hunt us down and eat us!"

She giggled again, this time at something private apparently, as Maya felt less contempt in the sound. "But that's got little to do with you, young one. Though, it does seem that you've taken after your less natural parent, hasn't it? A rounded belly already... For shame!" Her laugh was more a cackle this time, but Maya guessed that either the woman wasn't, or simply couldn't read her mind. "Anyway... To business! What are you doing out here, young one? This forest is no place to be a wandering for one so wet behind the ears as yourself! A dragon might come by and gobble you up!"


The last of the baby reptiles was about to start down the stairs when the busty miko grabbed it by the back of its neck. It had rough skin, and wriggled desperately for freedom as she held it, and it didn't even try to claw its way free from her grasp. It hung fairly limply for a moment, looking Tomoe in the eyes with its own beady black ones, before nodding hesitantly. The motion was awkward, however, and a second later it squeaked out; "Yes!" It sounded frightened more than anything else, but that was possibly sufficient for Tomoe to decide to take it back to where she had left the women before setting it down. The creature remained next to her, not sure what else to do besides cling to her leg as it glanced up at her, and then around. When she came back over to the "nest," the creature gave its mother a wide berth, and she seemed content to do the same.

It took some time for the women to get themselves together, all of them recovering from the births of their unnatural children, and therefore still weak and wobbly even when they could all stand. They all nodded at the idea of getting out of here, however, and would likely travel as quickly as they could. It would still be a long trip back down the stairs of the tower, however, much less all they way back to Argent Vale. Maya still hadn't returned, and her beg still laid discarded off to the side. There were no windows for them to look through, so neither Phyrra nor Tomoe could tell what time it was.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

The squeaked reply surprised Tomoe. "Oh, it can actually talk... and this early in it's development. That is quite astounding...." she thought, having been unable to imagine the mini-lizard talking this fast upon first impressions. Seems like she was proven wrong in her estimates.

Having set the little critter down, the easterner observed it's actions with a modicum of curiousity. It was visibly afraid still, so she tried to calm it down at least a little. Pushing it off her leg with a gentle finger, she lowered herself onto her knees to adress it in a more even view. "Don't be afraid of me. I'll look after you until you grow and develop, then we take a look where my guidance has left you and what follows." she said, almost sporting a smile at the newly-adopted being. "You can climb on my shoulder if you want. I trust you." the miko offered her shoulder as a perch.

Whatever was the thing's decision, there was things for Tomoe to decide afterwards. The group of newly-made mothers were still tired and weak. It would probably not be a smart move to get them moving just yet, despite the miko's earlier words. There was the matter of Maya as well. None of them could know where she had ended or if she would return. The bag was moved among the group to wait for it's owner before Tomoe moved off briefly. "I'll go and have a look outside, I'll be back once I find out what time it is and if that catgirl is somewhere nearby..." she told the group before starting to descend the stairs. She would go outside just enough to see if something was happening and to check up on the time, unsheathing her blade once out of sight.

If nothing was out of the ordinary, she would move back into the top room and keep guard on the group while they rested.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Maya remains at her spot on the ground, listening to what the woman had to say, though frowning some and visibly unhappy with the tone being directed at her. Some evident confusion and dissatisfaction also in her face, as the stranger vaguely introduces herself as "nobody of importance". The sound of Naya's name however brings a brief light to Maya's eyes, even if soon enough quashed by contemptuously referring to her mothers tale as "obscene debauchery". A subdued grumble coming from Maya. 'Immortals... the old soldier... us?' As much as she wasn't in the mood for the attitude right now, this woman clearly knew things.

The remark about her pregnancy made her want to hide it, not that she could. And in what way was her parentage unnatural? Perhaps obvious to most, but Maya treating each sentence rather defensively now. Even subconsciously checking behind her lower ears for wetness. "I... came here by accident. I was fighting in a tower. A monster burned me, and... I left. I just wanted to get out of the tower. But now I'm here." She says, gently laying a hand over her burnt left shoulder. The stubborn tingling pain dancing under her skin where ever she touched. Ignoring the woman for a moment, her attention goes back to the horizon, or as much as she could see anyway. Looking for the tower again as if she might have missed it the first time. "I shouldn't have left Tomoe behind. I don't even know if Phyrra's alive..." said purely to herself, but with no attempt to hide the words.

Looking back to the stranger, Maya sighs and looks at her plainly. "I just wanted to explore, and... experience, the world. I've barely gone anywhere, and already this..." Her gaze dropping to her own invaded and charred form once more, glaring at it indignantly.
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Still leaning against the bookcase as she got her breath back, Phyrra watched the miniature creatures flee down the stairs, her eyes following them. 'Did I... make the right call?' She thought, turning to look at Tomoe as she questioned the last one, its response bringing a ghost of smile to Phyrra's lips, and not an entirely happy one. 'Hopefully it stays true. If it's anything like a demon, it's certainly capable of deception, but also...' What? Redemption?

Getting her strength back, she walked over to Phyrra as she moved to leave the tower. Pausing her with a hand on the miko's shoulder, Phyrra whispered to her. "Thank you, Tomoe. That means a lot to me." Letting Tomoe leave, Phyrra moved over to the dead woman and closed her eyes, whispering a soft prayer before standing up again.

She didn't try to hide her nudity, or demonic features, to try to do either now would be futile. Instead she moved over to the woman who had spoken to her and knelt down next to her. "We've never met." She said simply. "But I'm a friend. We came here to rescue you all. I'm afraid we were a bit late though, I apologise." Phyrra looked over to the body of the dead woman. "Please, just relax for now, we'll be returning you to Argent Vale soon."

Slowly, Phyrra reached out to gently touch the woman's shoulder, intending it to be a comforting gesture, but she knew full well that she might be judged on her appearance and so prepared for any backlash from it.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 57, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 87, Status = Pregnant
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 38/50, Status = Fine

The woman looked at Phyrra suspiciously for a moment, but then nodded, only glancing sideways at the hand that the demoness brushed against her shoulder. "Better late than never..... I guess." The lot of them were still recovering from their birthing, and all of them save the one whom Phyrra had spoken to kept their distance from her as they collected themselves. After a short while, they were all standing in a huddle, naked save for what few rags they could make to cover themselves from the nest they'd been left in. They were as ready as they were going to be, unless Phyrra wanted to try and convince them to stay the night in the tower.

The reptilian creature cocked its head as Tomoe lowered herself to its level, and when offered the chance to climb onto her back, it hesitated for a moment before climbing onto her back. It was heavier than she'd expected it to be, and threw off her balance rather badly, and its clawed hands weren't exactly comfortable, wrapped as they were around her neck.... But it didn't seem to want to do anything hostile to her, at the very least. Carrying the little creature on her back as she went to check out the lower floors, Tomoe found nothing that she hadn't seen before in the lower levels of tower. Outside, there was not a single sign of Maya, nor any sign of any other life save for their own footprints, and one set of claw marks on the soft ground.


The woman quirked an eye brow as Maya mentioned the tower, and Tomoe, and Phyrra, and her goals. As she turned her gaze away from the woman, and searched the horizon for the tower, Maya couldn't find any trace of it. She giggled again after Maya had finished speaking, and the osund of her voice was much closer than it had been a moment earlier, so close that she was practically standing on Maya's toes. Before Maya could say anything about the sudden closeness, the woman said; "Yes, the world is such a cruel place, for those who know so little of it.... Tell me, when you came here, what were you thinking? What were you feeling? Was it just after you had received your wounds, or was it some time after?"

As Maya was about to answer, a sudden pain surged through the naked half-daemon's body, and a wetness from between her legs alerted her to something leaking from her body.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Going down the steps and through the previously explored areas, the eastern warrior didn't find anything out of the ordinary with her brief patrol along them. Even with the questionable way it used to cling onto her, Tomoe let the mini-lizard hang on the way it did for now. If battle broke out, she'd order it to drop off and remain aside. Even as she exited outside, there was no sign of an immidiate threat within the tower perimeter. Looks like they were safe from now, at least for a while. Maybe the women upstairs could rest now.

But just as she was about to turn and head back, the shapely miko noticed the additional claw print tracks in the ground alongside the footprints they had left upon entering. There was different sizes among them, but the ones in Tomoe's mind were the bigger ones. With a minor wave of anger in her mind, she decided to set out and find the ones who made them. She didn't want to stray too far from the tower though, as the miko was bound to her promise and didn't intend to shirk on it by going on a complete hunt. Maya might also turn up and complete their party once more, giving her another reason to not wander too far.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

The sudden closeness of the sound makes Maya blink, having not heard any indication of an approach. Her aura internally pulsing again as an instinctual reaction. Glancing sideways at what she could she of the woman from down low, she doesn't make eye contact. Whilst one part of Maya simply wanted to push her away for so smugly invading her space like this, she couldn't. Yet she didn't shrink away or relinquish any ground. Opting to sit steadfast regardless of however the stranger attempted to impose on her. Just what was this woman's game? How did she move like that? If it was the same trick Maya liked to use to flash across the landscape, then although the young spirit adept was loathe to admit, it was far cleaner and and better controlled. And now more questions? She would play along for now, in the hopes that some of her own questions might be answered afterwards.

"I..." Maya starts, cutting off momentarily as a passing pang is felt. "I... nnggg!?" cut off again by a stronger more certain pain, coming forth from below. She knew exactly what was happening, dropping herself back just a little and moving one arm to her belly whilst the other continued to rest behind to support her. "... aghh, it's coming out. Why now..." Forced to unfold and spread her legs to allow whatever creature she carried an exit. Taking a deep breath, as someone had once guided her before. She curses herself for putting on such a helpless display in front of her single person audience. The company wasn't calming at all right now. "I, don't know what will come out." she says, only now allowing a glance to the woman's eyes and expression.

'Go ahead, laugh again. I bet you find this hilarious.'
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Phyrra nodded and sighed, content to be set apart from the other women, used to being on the outside of things by now. That didn't mean it didn't hurt though. As much as she tried to understand them - being around a demon after being abducted and then impregnated by what could only be described as demons, even if they were different from Phyrra, would be difficult to say the least - Phyrra still felt isolated.

Sighing once more, she stood up and moved towards the staircase leading down before turning back to the women. "I'm going to take a look around, make sure there's nothing we missed. I won't be far if I'm needed." But rather than go down the stairs, Phyrra stayed in the library, out of sight behind some book cases.

'Why am I helping them?' She thought, idly looking through the decaying tomes. 'They're like cattle to feed from. If they couldn't defend themselves, why should I help defend them?' Shaking her head and resting it against the bookcase, Phyrra let out yet another long sigh. "Tam-Lin... please be okay. I need to see you again." She whispered, clutching her pendant.

A few minutes later, after getting her thoughts under control, Phyrra continued looking through the tomes, really just passing the time until Maya returned, occasionally checking in on the women to make sure they were still safe. Controlling her demonic urges and caring for the women also kept her mind off of Maya. Phyrra was very worried for the catgirl but without a single clue as to her whereabouts, worrying was about the only thing that the demoness could do, and that was not productive. Better to focus on the here and now.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 57, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 87, Status = Fine
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 38/50, Status = Fine

Perception (Phyrra) : Success.
Perception (Tomoe) : Failure.

The night elven woman nods as Maya explains that she doesn't know what exactly she was carrying, her face more serious than Maya had as yet seen it. She knelt between Maya's legs, and curtly responded; "Completely understandable, dearie. It isn't often that one encounters a daemon and survives, after all. Even when the person in question is half daemon themselves! Don't fret, I'm sure that I can handle it, just breath and squeeze." The sudden reversal of her disposition would have been jarring had Maya not been so distracted already.

The birthing process was unpleasant, and far more painful than Maya had ever experienced before, but after a few moments of intense pain, a tiny wailing child had been pulled from her womb. Maya had never seen a baby before, and as such, the sight of her child in the stranger's arms, glistening with assorted forms of goo, was probably a very strange one to the half-daemon. "It's a boy!" The woman said gleefully, holding the crying babe in her arms for several moments before offering it to Maya, who was only then recovering from the process of birthing the child. The baby looked completely normal, as though it were only a human, but as Maya had never seen a human, it probably looked fairly odd to her. "What will you name him?"


A couple of the women nodded to Phyrra, but most of them ignored her as she left them alone at the top of the tower. She didn't know if any of them noticed as she instead ducked around the book shelf, but she didn't hear them say anything about it as she held her quiet moment of secret contemplation. The memory of the vision she'd had about her faerie lover while unconscious from the fire blast flashed into her mind as Phyrra clutched at her amulet. For a moment, she almost thought that the metal became warmer for a second as it rested in her hand.

As she scanned here eyes over the labels of the tomes, some of which were so ancient that Phyrra wondered if they would crumble to dust if she took them from the shelves, a few of them popped out at her as things of interest. Some of them were written by her own kindred, containing the names of prominent members of her kind and rituals for opening a gateway to her world. Others were treaties of different types of magic, even including some on the magics of nature that she herself preferred to use. Still more contained information about faerie-kind, and how best to bind and deal with them safely. Plenty of interesting things that might be perused through while she waited for her new allies to return, and perhaps distract her from her worries about Maya. As she looked through the shelves, she noticed that one of the books lacked a title. Pulling it form the shelf, Phyrra found it to be wrapped in thin silver chains and marked; "DO NOT OPEN" on the cover. She could easily slip the chains off of it, if she wanted, and the demoness felt some sort of energy trapped within the book, though what it might be precisely was impossible for her to tell.


Outside of the tower, Tomoe found the tracks difficult to follow for any distance. They were all jumbled and mixed with the tracks of those who had entered into the tower, and she lacked the proper skill in woodcraft to pick out one set from any other. The creature around her shoulders watched her with interest as she picked around the entrance to the tower, trying to find a fresh trail leading away into the woods, but as the sky began to darken into orange, signalling the coming of nightfall, Tomoe hadn't been able to figure out where any of the adult creatures that had fled might have gone.

She did notice, however, that the weight on her back had grown steadily heavier, and that the creature hanging off of her was a good three inches taller than it had been before. "Hungry." It muttered as she glanced back at it, and she could probably second that sentiment, as she hadn't had much to eat herself that day.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Going around the tower and inspecting the clawed footprints, Tomoe slowly realized that she couldn't make heads or tails about all the criss-crossing markings going all over the place. The creature she had picked up earlier seemed to be getting heavier for some reason, as it began to weight more on her during the time it hung there on her back. With night steadily rolling in, the miko decided the best choice would be to return back inside the tower, for who knew what lurked around the nearby landscape at night...

Upon hearing the creature state it's hunger to her, the eastern warrior realized that she was pretty hungry herself, not having eaten after the morning. When a good part of the day had been spent on physical activities of different kinds, the hunger was really intense. Going back inside and closing the door after her, Tomoe opted to not climb back up with the hunter still there, as the women might not take to it all that nicely. Instead, she set up a guard spot at the entrance hall. Sitting down on the massive furniture, she unpacked her travelling sack after letting the already taller hunter down on the table, taking out rations and water. She offered some to the creature before starting to munch on some much-needed food.

(Also, get the merchant summoned to sell those three hunter skins and upgrade Kuchinawa into +2)
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 57, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 87, Status = Fine
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 38/50, Status = Fine

The door clicked ominously behind Tomoe after she returned to the tower and shut it behind her. It was exceedingly dark inside, as the chandelier was still dark as it had been since they had returned to the basement. There was far more room than was necessary for Tomoe and her adopted charge at the massive table that dominated the entrance hall to the tower, and the creature hopped about on the table after she let it down, but paused to watch as she pulled out her pack and began pulling things out. When it was offered food, it glanced at her with its black, glassy eyes, and then plucked it from her fingers and gobbled it up. It didn't seem to quite know what to do with her water skin, and began clawing at it until it broke or Tomoe stopped it and showed it how to drink properly. Its claws clicked against the heavy stone of the table as it started walking about, and Tomoe could literally watch as it gained several inches of height as she ate her meal. It grew from the size of a toddler to as large as a small child within ten minutes after its meal, and then turned toward her again and repeated; "Hungry."

Its voice was lower and more guttural than it had been before, closer in tone and pitch to what she had heard of the adult version of this particular sort of creature. Its claws had grown along with the rest of it, but Tomoe was still fairly sure that it was relatively helpless compared to the ones that she had fought previously. The hall was almost completely dark at this point, and she could barely see it as it was, but then, it seemed to vanish almost completely right before her eyes. She could still hear the claws on its feet hitting the table, however, and it started rifling through her bag while blended into its surroundings until she decided to stop it or it found more food to eat.

"Hehehe.... That's a fine specimen, stranger." A voice suddenly spoke out from the darkness, and when Tomoe looked in that direction, she found a fairly tall man standing in the hall about twenty feet away from her. He was wrapped in a black cloak with a hood, and had a violet bandana tied around the lower half of his face. He was extremely pale, which Tomoe could see even in the near total darkness, and his eyes were milky and glazed over. "Hehehe.... What are you buyin, stranger?" He continued, completely ignoring any reaction she might have as he pulled open his cloak. The inside of it was lined with bottles and bags and pockets containing an amazing assortment of different items, including several rolled up skins just like the ones she had taken from the hunters that she had killed.