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Home Defense (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)



Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 48, PP = 32, EP = 51, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 51/54, PP = 3/47, EP = 48/87, Status = About to Orgasm, Pregnant
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 18/50, Status = Fine

Aphrodisiacs: Tomoe is at 1/29 Resistance.
Maya is at 6/25 Resistance.
Phyrra is at 8/27 Resistance.

Casting: Success.
Attack (Phyrra): Hit. Bastard! XP
Damage: 1 + 2 + 11 = 14 x 4 = 56 - 12 = 44 damage.

Phyrra looked about, and saw Maya about to orgasm and Tomoe rushing desperately toward the black orb, and felt the tentacles starting to constrict around her. The miasma filled her lungs, slowly overriding her thoughts with the idea of letting the tentacles have their way with her. But, the demoness still had her will, and so, she turned her body so that she could see the orb. The gauntlet of ghostly hands and walls of gelatin still stood before her, and she couldn't move very well as the tendrils began trying to restrain her, ready to give her the same treatment as they were currently giving to Maya. With a few uttered words and an outstretched hand, Phyrra unleashed another ray of life energy. The blast lanced through the wall of obstacles, one of the gelatin walls being pierced by the magic. The ray struck the black orb perfectly, and the last patches of shiny black gave way to rusty rotten brown. For a moment, the world seemed to freeze, and then the black orb exploded, an earth-shattering scream filling the air as the illusions disappeared.

After a second, the tentacles holding Phyrra disappeared, leaving the demoness standing at the edge of the stone table, unharmed. Unfortunately, the effects of the poison were not fully gone, as Phyrra was still dangerously aroused. For Maya, the effect was much more traumatic, as the tentacle she was about to cum all over dissipated inside of her, evaporating like it had never been. The illusion was gone too, and in its place her memories came flooding back. That didn't restore her rational mind, however, as the poor girl was now on the verge of orgasm, her young body quivering uncontrollably even as her flower leaked thick green goo down her legs. Tomoe very nearly lost control of herself as the images dissipated as a result of Phyrras spell. The aphrodisiac gas had hit her the hardest, and the mikos arousal was almost painful. The tips of her breasts sent shivers down her spine as they pressed lightly against the inside of her robe, and even her temple-born discipline only barely kept her from tearing off her clothes and pleasuring herself on the spot.

The room was back to its normal dimensions, with the table being only about twenty feet long. All of them were fairly close together once more, as they had been when they'd entered the place.

(Everybody gets 10 experience. Victory orgy?)

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

(Victory orgy? That's up to the other two. Tomoe doesn't do such things, she's pure and all that jazz. But I'm not sure what she'll do if the others start to get onto her :rolleyes:)

Still a distance away from the orb, Tomoe is getting desperate in her attemp to reach it. They won't hold out for long if the thing was in operation much longer. Much to her relief, Phyrra's magic hits it for the second time, causing the darkening in the surface of the orb to complete. Stopping on her tracks, the miko witnesses the orb explode in a loud, ear-searing screech.

Now back from the realistic illusionary world, the fire inside her was still nowhere near gone. On her last vestiges of resistance, Tomoe backs away from her partners, not wanting them to witness her in such a shameful state of being. "Gi..ve me a moment.. please... she says as she passes them.

"Curse you, infernal magics... for hexing me with your filthy thoughts..." the thoughts course through her mind as she hobbles towards the table, every step more unbearable than the last as her large bosom shifted against her white robes. Once she reached the table, the miko leaned against it with her sword-arm, still bearing Kuchinawa in it. Pressing her legs together, Tomoe's free hand brushed against the fabric of her hakama. Feeling herself through the skirt and and her tiny panties, she leaned her body forward and was seriously considering opening up her belt and letting the hakama slide down to allow her fingers access to her lower parts. "Curse you.. curse you... I am not like this..." she kept on damning the magic orb as the arousal clouded her mind. Tomoe didn't want to bother her companions with simple lust, so she stayed there leaning against the table and tried to fight off the lust with her learned discipline.
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Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

The sudden horrid screeching sound rung in Maya's ears, startling her greatly and visibly, as suddenly the illusionary world around her was swept away with the sound. Her thought's were hardly together at this point in time, seconds away from orgasm, and the warping scenery and rush of temporarily locked memories coming back to her was too much to handle. Stumbling in her daze she fails to maintain balance and collapses down onto her back upon the stone floor, a splash of green cum pooling slightly at her nethers.

"Ahh, no... where did it go? I..."
She whines, breathing still heavy. Her hips even still wiggling slightly as if hoping to somehow find the tentacle again. The glaze fading from her eyes she begins to look round the room once more, surveying the gloomy unwelcoming stone cavern, and spotting her companions looking rather flushed and unsettled. The realisation comes to her that she'd been fooled. Not seconds after she'd demanded it get out of her head, it had got in there big time. She mentally slaps herself for loosing it like that. It all seemed so obviously fake now. But still...

The sensations were all utterly real. And she was so close! Being suddenly denied like this was torturous. "Why..." she grumbles confused and unhappy, glancing to Tomoe seemingly catching her breath against the table, and then to Phyrra standing above. "What... happened?" She asks, her face a muddled mix of shock, bewilderment and desperate desire.

Her thoughts conflicted between trying to make sense of what just happened, and simply wanting something else inside her right now. It just wasn't fair.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

((Yay! I shall sacrifice a hundred goats to the dice gods for this victory... or would if I had them. It's the thought that counts, right?))

Phyrra saw her plea for aid wasn't wasted as she bolt flew true. The death-cry from the orb caused the demoness to wince in pain, but she knew that her allies were now safe, especially as the illusory world faded around them. The burning need the mist had given her, coupled with her own hunger made both Maya and Tomoe look very appealing to Phyrra, but she still couldn't bring herself to force herself upon them. Even if they were as aroused, if not more, than her, Phyrra had to get their consent; Her own code of honour demanded it.

"Tomoe..." Phyrra called to the miko, walking over to her. "I... want to help you and Maya," A glance over to the lust-addled girl nearly made Phyrra rush over to her right then and there. "And I need help as well... but I... I spread corruption as I have... sex. But I need it to live. I know... I know it's hard, but can I ask you to... help me?" It seemed odd, a demon asking for sex, but here Phyrra was, asking a priestess for sex.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Not having much success in her fight against the mist-induced arousal, Tomoe is surprised by Phyrra appearing behind her. Still having her hand pressed against her moistening womanhood, even if it was through the fabric of her hakama, the miko tries to put up a show that there was nothing to worry about. Once the demoness speaks about her request, Tomoe finds herself temporarily frozen in place. Wha-hat? S-s-s-s-sex?!" the blunt request catches her completely off guard. She was no doubt a warrior of moderate skill and strenght, but the years of shrine life had separated her from any intimate human relations, making her feel extremely awkward when the topic was brought forward. "I... well.." she tries to say something coherent, struggling more with her feelings now. What would happen if she got it on with Phyrra? Maya? Possibly both of them?!

Having settled her mind, Tomoe feels a bit easier that it was a beautiful woman like Phyrra who would be the one to touch her the first time. Keeping her back against the demoness still, she tries to give a calm answer. "I-i-i-if you think s-s-someone like me is fit to help you, then I'll.... do just that." Sheathing her sword, the miko wobbles up to her feet to try and stand properly. "I.. haven't... done anything like this before... so I'll let you show me..." she says, letting the beautiful demoness do what she wanted with her untouched body.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Maya sits up unsteadily, hand also clasped over her nethers, and watches as Phyrra comes up behind Tomoe. Still largely oblivious and uncertain as to what had just happened. It seemed they'd won and destroyed the strange orb, though perhaps some 3 seconds too soon for Maya's liking. It was highly frustrating, but she was also interested in what else her new friends were up to now...

'What never!?' Maya thought "loudly" to herself, apparently shocked by this information. 'But how... surely lots of people would love to be with her...' paying attention to the alluring and pure miko with a new fascination, whilst slightly horrified at Tomoe's tragically deprived story (at least from Maya's skewed point of view). She remembered her first time, innocently playing with Lily, when something unexpected happened. It was sudden, scary and magical. Mother never found out.

She didn't know what corruption was or what Phyrra meant by it, but it wasn't top on Maya's list of interests right at this moment. She was rather jealous, of Tomoe for getting the attention this time, and of Phyrra for getting to touch Tomoe first, now that she knew. But for now she happily sat and watched with lewd fascination, ears perked up high and eager to see this, slipping her fingers into her folds and holding herself as she gazed on.

(Also, speaking of corruption. The just passed encounter?)
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User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

((Gack! We got bumped off the front page again... Sorry guys. Had a week of absolutely no inspiration for this.))

"You've never... Oh! Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know. I thought, a beautiful woman like yourself... Nevermind, we should, uhm..." Phyrra looked back to Maya, a blush obvious on her cheeks. A demon embarrased about sex? Was that even possible? Apparently. Phyrra was worried about being Tomoe's first, she didn't want to harm the pure priestess. She hoped Maya's help would be able to make it less traumatizing for Tomoe.

"Maya, do you want to help with... I mean, you were so close when it ended... I wouldn't mind helping you finish off... I can use this." Putting her hands between her legs, and opening her robe, she let out a soft gasp as a male phallus started to grow.

((Use Vampiric Futanari... Phyrra's gonna get a ton of EP regenerating...))

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

'... huh? No wait, you don't have to stop, she said it was ok... you need to... she needs you to... I...' Maya comments to herself mentally as Phyrra backs off a tiny bit due to her new concerns, the sitting Daemon spawn looking just a little distressed, but perking up again instantly when Phyrra turned to her. Standing up, she was about to reply when Phyrra revealed the extending phallus, Maya's eyes shooting wide with a speechless and excited expression upon seeing it. A quick duck to see confirms it, 'She has both parts!? Just like that? If this is a demon thing I love it!' her mind races. Her face said everything. Looking to Tomoe again before she got too distracted, she steps over behind her and reaches round straight into an embracing hug, resting her cheek on the miko's shoulder for a moment before softly whispering, "Don't worry, this is a good thing..."

One hugging arm sliding up slightly to glide a gentle and caressing hand over Tomoe's clothed breasts, whilst the other begins to sink, stroking lower and lower through the fabric of the hakama. As it goes, the sinking hand catches at one end of the bow that held the hakama up, gradually pulling it loose as she descended. There was no forcefulness behind Maya's siege on the miko's body, but she'd be breaching those walls soon enough if permitted so.

Meanwhile Maya's hips waited fully exposed to Phyrra behind, standing with her legs spread enough to give the Demoness ample invitation. Looking back briefly to shoot Phyrra a very lewd coy glance.

(I only hope that Maya doesn't instantly pass out due to Phyrra's touch. ^_^; )
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Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Lost inside her own mind for a brief moment, Tomoe misses most of the words uttered by her two travelling buddies. Her thoughts wandered among the few images she had seen about sexuality as the two exchanged words with each other behind her back.

Suddenly glomped from behind, the normally brave miko let out a slight yelp of surprise. As the assailant leaned against her and calmed her with a few whispered words, it turned out that Maya would actually be the first to ever touch her in this way. "Al..right.. I trust you enough to believe that.." Tomoe replied, letting Maya teach her in her own ways. She was made to stifle a moan as her companion's hand took a hold on her chest, feeling her ample bosom through the robe still covering her body. After the slowly moistening area between her legs had been poked at briefly, the miko could feel her hakama being undone. She made no move against it, letting the garment fall down to her feet as her robe slid open, no longer held tight by the ties of her hakama. Tomoe's tiny panties and bandage-wrapped breasts were now exposed for all to see. She couldn't help blushing, but didn't want to resist Maya's gentle advances, such was the desire of release within her.
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Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Maya was loving this, having been granted full access to Tomoe's perfect body she continued exploring with her hands, quickly growing more bold with her affections. Not letting the bandages deter her, she tugs an end free to loosen them a little, whilst squeezing her hand in underneath the wrapping to play whilst the bandages became gradually more and more unravelled. In a small surprise, Tomoe would feel an unexpected stroking from Maya's two soft tails, one wrapping round her waist and gliding up and down across her skin, whilst the other made a quick swipe along the base of her panties before curling lightly round her leg. The other hand diving in beneath the panties, Maya's fingers going where none had got the chance to go before, as she slides them gingerly along the moist outer lips. "Your touch feels so wonderful... I'll make you feel wonderful too..." softly whispering to her once more as Maya now smoothly sinks a pair of fingers into Tomoe's ready womanhood. Gently biting down on her shoulder and following with a line of loving kisses up the neck, she begins pleasuring the inexperienced miko. Slender expert fingers working their magic.

The whole time, she couldn't help but feel like a simple and sincere affectionate aura was emanating out towards her from the slightly mysterious cat girl, as Maya telepathically projected her warm frame of mind forwards.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Once she had given her blessing, Tomoe found Maya's efforts to please her getting more determined. The hand that previously touched her chest was now making contact with her bare skin as the catgirl loosened her sarashi somewhat before sneaking the hand under the bandages. As her plentiful orbs were played with, the bandage-bra loosened along the way, soon hanging completely on Maya's hand. Some further teasing was added by her tails taking part, one wrapping around the miko's hourglass waist before starting to travel up and down along her stomach. The movements were somewhat ticklish as the furred tail rubbed about, causing another type of good feeling as it did so. The other tail made a teasing swipe at her tiny panties before wrapping around her leg. The addition of the tails gripping her made the young miko feel like she was captured by Maya, but it just added to her excitement about the whole ordeal and thus she didn't try to make a move against it.

While that was going on, Maya's other hand moved in towards areas no other being besides Tomoe herself had gotten to before. As her netherlips were rubbed by the rather eager fingers of her partner, the miko couldn't hold back the moans anymore and let out a few low ones. "Oh, yes please, make it happen...." she gasped back at the girl who had her completely under control, tilting her head away from Maya's to allow her easier access along her exposed neckline. Once the slender fingers sunk inside her for real, Tomoe let out a louder cry of pleasure. She felt like crossing her feet, but the feeling she was experiencing made those thoughts fade away. As the catgirl started planting the kisses, the young miko reached her hand to Maya's head, feeling the other girl's hair and giving them a few friendly pets along the way. Something in the catgirl's presence made the miko feel relaxed, and she knew that Maya could be trusted enough that she could allow free reign over her to her exotic partner.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

while Maya played with Tomoe's pristine body, Phyrra watched, slowly stroking the member she had conjured up. She wanted to be in there so badly, but she was holding herself back for a very important reason; She didn't want to spread her corruption to either of these two women... but she had to feed.

Licking her lips, Phyrra pulled the obi that had been holding her clothes together and shrugged them off to stand nude behind Maya, finally revealing her tail and wings. Gently, Phyrra moved up behind Maya, placing her hands on the catgirl's hips so gently that Maya may not even have noticed them in her busy pleasuring of Tomoe. Phyrra swallowed, she hadn't been with an uncorrupted person before for a while, and moved closer to the catgirl until her skin was pressed against Maya's back. "L-last chance to change your mind..." She warned, the tip of her futanari member just brushing between Maya's legs, collecting some of the tentacle's seed dribbling from the catgirl.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Maya smiles and purrs at her partners moaning vocal confirmation that her affections were working nicely. She continues her efforts, using every trick she knew. Leaning to one side a little and turning Tomoe ever so slightly, she brings the fondling hand up to Tomoe's cheek and gently guides her head round to face her. Looking the miko in the eyes for a moment, before leaning in to kiss her on the lips lightly, and then again kissing long and deep.

She finally breaks away with Phyrra's cautious warning, whingeing and wiggles a little at the "cruel teasing" to ask such a thing, responding to the gentle demoness' approach by rocking her hips back to rub her hungry womanhood upon Phyrra's tip. Turning her head half way as it rested on Tomoe's shoulder to cast back a pleading expression. "Phyrra..." she begged, and was all she said in reply. Continuing to goad her on with the stroking, whilst in front, devotedly building up Tomoe ever more towards her goal. She could hardly wait, to hear and savour those first climactic cries of pleasure... and the promise of her own final satisfaction behind her.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Still under the gentle, even loving caress of Maya, Tomoe was going through sensations she had never felt before. The fondling was making her feel intense heat throughout her shapely body, but it was very pleasurable and the miko didn't want it to stop. She was leaking heavily between her legs and produced a lot more saliva in her mouth than usual. When Maya leaned forward against her, she moved along with the catgirl, fully aware that going with her would keep the young miko on the heady heights of pleasure. "Ah..." she suddenly reacted as Maya ceased her attentions at the miko's unbandaged chest. "Oh.. you want to.. kiss...?" Tomoe said after receiving the first peck on her lips. Kissing back at the catgirl at the second meeting of lips, she pushed back her inexperience and tried to do her best with the exchange of mouthly fluids. She would've wanted to turn and face Maya properly for this kissing, but a pair of tails held her back, stronger than any steel chain could ever be.

After some time spent in what seemed like a realm next to heaven, Maya pulled away from Tomoe's lips to glance backwards at Phyrra, who was apparently using some sort of power. The miko could sense that much with her own spiritual sense as the catgirl started to wiggle slightly. Maybe the two of them were having some kind of play going on back there. Not long after, much to Tomoe's relief, Maya started to touch her again with the same gentle but determined manner. The miko could feel herself starting to heat up even more, the warmth getting almost unbearably good. She craned her neck back, not able to contain the lewd gasps and cries that she managed to keep under control up to this point. Tomoe started to feel like something life-changing would happen if this went on further, but she'd welcome it with open arms.
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User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

'Just do it. Plow into her. Twist her into the perfect pleasure toy. It's what she wants.' Phyrra fought to control her instincts. It was hard, Maya giving Tomoe the miko's first pleasure from another person, the girl's ecstatic moans pulling hard at Phyrra's primal desires. With all of them so aroused now, Phyrra was sure she could have turned both of the girls into loving, devoted sex toys, the first of many in her rise.

Hearing her name called by Maya brought Phyrra back from her dark fantasy. "I'll... I'll be gentle." She whispered and pulled back a bit from Maya's needy cleft, but only for a second as she pushed forward, slipping her conjured member past the catgirl's folds. Even from simple penetration, Phyrra could feel Maya's energy flowing into her. While the girl's appearance hinted that her heritage was anything but ordinary, the 'taste' of Maya's energy, and the sheer volume of it, confirmed Phyrra's suspicion that the catgirl was special. Though she would have liked to have discovered how Maya was special, Phyrra was soon overcome by the sensation that the energy pouring into her brought. "Maya...!" She cried and started to thrust into the girl, her earlier promise of being gentle forgotten.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Momentarily seizing up, followed by gasping in delight as Phyrra finally joins the act, Maya's ecstatic moans soon complete the trios lustful choir. The draining effect hits her instantly, reverberating the strange and fantastic new pleasure through her once again. Even Tomoe also felt it's effects in different way, as Maya involuntarily and suddenly held her tighter than ever, one hand squeezing down on one of the miko's plentiful orbs. Regaining awareness of her actions even as her head spun, she softens her grip on Tomoe a little but remains hugging onto her for support as Phyrra thrust into her wholeheartedly, sliding against her forward partners back. "Aaah! How... how can it feel so good..." Maya softly cries out in ecstasy already. The cat eared young daemon spawn could hardly cope with Phyrras love, physically able to feel surges of herself drawing out and being submitted to Phyrra, even as something else more subtle but just as powerful replaced it. It was overwhelming, but she couldn't let it distract her from doing her best to provide Tomoe with the same feelings. Her right hand by now completely soaked in miko juices, the smell of which Maya breathed in deeply. She seemed to pause ever so briefly as she decided upon something.

Sliding her fingers away from Tomoe's folds, and snaking up as she turned her partner to face her, arms wrapped round. Following to suddenly lift slightly and lean into her, guiding down toward the table behind. The motion was a little rough, but the heat of the act had grew to much for such gentleness any more. She shoots a lewd and hazy expression as Tomoe is properly barred before her in full view now, and rapidly begins kissing and licking at Tomoe's waist and navel, though somewhat chaotically as Maya heaves back and forth from Phyrra's work behind. Her licking quickly makes it's way down, getting tantalisingly close and teasing a few seconds, before abruptly plunging the tongue into Tomoe. Barely containing herself, somewhat literally, as Phyrra's pull threatened her conciousness, Maya avidly drank down also as she worked her tongue on and moaned into Tomoe's pussy.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

The wonderful heat coursed through Tomoe's young, shapely body as Maya stoked it's flames with her talented fingers. The miko rode the wave of pleasure, hearing her companions exchange a few words behind her before the catgirl's left hand squeezed harder than ever on her chest, drawing a louder yelp of pleasure from her. Maya started to slide slightly against her back, no doubt there was now something going on between her and Phyrra as well, Tomoe thought as the hand that had been bringing her near-divine joy suddenly departed. "What... no, don't stop... now.." she thought as Maya took in the smell of her moistness that soaked the other girl's hand.

But Tomoe's wordless plea was answered as the cat-featured girl turned her around. The deeply-blushing young miko couldn't look at her partner in the eyes, turning her head away in embarassment as she was all of a sudden grabbed and lowered down onto the table she had been leaning against a few moments ago. From the corner of her eye, the swordswoman could see Maya taking in the view of her body for a while before her midsection came under attack by a wet tongue. This was yet another way to make Tomoe feel good, and as the moist lips passed around her waist and navel, the miko was getting dangerously close to her limits yet again. "Ah.. haaa... you're going to... nhaa.." she managed to gasp as the mouth went past her womanhood and briefly visited her inner thighs before doing a surprise attack into the unblemished flower between her legs. As Maya ruthlessly devoured her womanhood, Tomoe could feel an overwhelming pleasure starting to wash over her. The miko held her arms over her chest and moaned out loudly and lewdly as the tide of ecstasy made her body spasm, her back bending by itself as she temporarily couldn't think of anything at all, only the feelings of ecstasy present there in her mind.

Once the rush was over, Tomoe lied there own the table, gone completely limp but ultimately satisfied. "So... that was an orgasm.." her euphoric mind told her as Maya was still there with Phyrra. The two of them still went about their business as Tomoe was laying there, in a perfectly exploitable position in front of them. She wasn't sure if she wanted the act to continue as she drew heavy, steady breaths.
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User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Barely cognezeant through the rush of pleasure she was recieving from Maya, Phyrra still registered Tomoe's climax and the demoness smiled. She was happy the girl was able to have her first time be from a trusted friend instead of some horrible monster, and that she would remain pure and unsullied, unlike Maya. Though she didn't want to, Phyrra knew that with every thrust, every pulse of energy from Maya, she was putting something into the girl that would scar her soul forever. But at this point, Phyrra couldn't stop herself even if she wanted to.

"Maya... Maya! Together... soon..." Phyrra knew she was close to climax, a combination of the arousing mist, the unique energy she was feeding on, and Maya's on natural attributes bringing the demoness to the edge in very little time. As her thrusts became more erratic, Phyrra tried to hold herself back, wanting to be sure Maya would get some release from their encounter as well. As soon as she felt the tightening of Maya's walls, Phyrra let herself go with a cry, adding her own seed to the tentacle's already swimming in Maya's womb.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Gradually lifting her head from between Tomoe's legs, Maya licks her lips and beams with glee and seemingly even pride, as she looks up to Tomoe's euphoric face. Racing towards her own limit along with Phyrra, she is unable to do much more than gasp and moan herself, and lies her head down upon Tomoe's belly as she continues to hug onto her as she rocks into the demoness behind. The miko would be able to see the waves of pleasure in Maya's face, in time with Phyrra's motions. And in this intimate condition, perhaps even sense the ebbing tide of her partners energies, virtually visible in her eyes. "Ahh... Iahh, I'm... aahn... I can't..." The catgirl moans out in her best laboured effort at coherent speech, "I'm going to... it's too good!~♥"

Crying out together with Phyrra, she grips her fingers into Tomoe's sides and stares off into space, followed by a pulsing series of face twisting shudders. Phyrra would feel the anticipated but unprecedented rush as the fledgling Daemon spawn surrenders all her essence over to her. Maya's soul likewise breathing in the foreign presence during the exchange, blissfully ignorant. Eventually her orgasmic moan quiets to silence, as her eye glaze her completely. The abnormally vibrant green faded from them, as her eyelids slide shut.

For the most part she stays put in her unconscious state, Phyrra only having to support her rear end lightly as her front still rests on Tomoe, breathing softly as a definite look of contentment comes over her face.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Still a bit lost in her euphoria, Tomoe could finally look Maya in the eyes as she saw the catgirl look at her with the miko's juices around her mouth. She cracked a small smile to the other girl as she was getting nailed by Phyrra, placing her hands on Maya's head and petting her as the catgirl's head laid upon her stomach. "Looks like it'll be over soon.." she thought as the two slowly intensified their pace.

When Maya's fingers dug slightly into her sides, Tomoe felt like the end was nearing for the two of them as well. Eventually she saw the catgirl pass out. The miko was considerate enough to not bother Maya in her "sleep", and didn't move from the spot she was on, letting the other girl use her body as a cushion until she came back to her senses.