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Home Defense (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 50, Status = Fine

Phyrra awoke early in the morning, the pleasant birdcalls which she'd gotten used to greeting her every morning conspicuous in their total absence. It was mid spring, the creatures of the wood should have been at their loudest, as it was the middle of their mating season. Instead, silence greeted the demon-druid as she pulled herself out of her small bed. That alone was troubling enough to have Phyrra on edge, but what was more, the sound that had woken her from her sleep had been a scream of terror, heard from a great distance. It had come from the direction of Argent Vale, the town which she'd chosen as her place of exile until such time as she was ready......

Quickly shaking memories from her mind before she became lost in them, Phyrra shook the haze of sleep from her eyes and rose from her bed. The scream might have just been children playing for all she knew, but with the unnatural stillness that now surrounded her home, she pondered that it might perhaps be best to investigate. Besides, it was past dawn, and even if the sound she'd proved to be nothing, she might as well get up and be about her daily business.
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Tomoe and Maya (KakkaHousu and UnknownSquid)

Tomoe HP = 48, PP = 32, EP = 51, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 87, Status = Fine

The two were certainly unlikely traveling companions.

Tomoe, a swords-woman from the amazon, trained in martial combat form an exceptionally young age. Almost a prodigy with the sword, and able to control the very energy within her soul and direct its formidable power against her foes. Virgin, even though she was at the age of 20, and her shapely body fully covered in her long elegant robes, which she kept as clean as possible despite her long travels. She'd gone from her shrine which lay to the South of Celesis and traveled West, going through the dense and dangerous Pfithirian jungle, until she arrived here. Along her journey so far, she'd encountered fearsome beasts, aggressive living plants, human bandits along the border, and even a black insectlike creature which she'd just barely managed to defeat, and had been unable to identify before it crumbled into dust before her eyes.

Maya, on the other hand, had been raised by her mother, an escapee from a traveling circus, her "father," an imprisoned fertility goddess, having departed for parts unknown after giving Red her reward. After temporarily incapacitating her mother, Maya had left her home, wanting to see more of the world than their small farm and the occasional trader that stopped by. She wore simple clothes, a traveling robe and her mothers green cloak, which left her modest curves evident at close range, as were the cat ears that sat on top of her head. Having grown up raising shorn weeds, plants that had mobile flowers that would spray an incredibly potent aphrodisiac pollen in the face of any woman who gets close enough so that it can spread its seed, Maya hadn't kept her virginity for very long. She had the body and mind of an active (and horny) 18 year old, and her lack of real world experience showed through despite her natural powers over her spirit.

The two had met along the road, Maya having walked onto the road for the first time right where Tomoe had been briefly resting and taking her morning meal. Maya, eager to meet someone knew, had struck up a conversation with the stranger, and Tomoe had humored her. Tomoe had offered to share some of her meal and tea, and Maya had offered her a strange sweet blue substance which Tomoe had immediately found to her liking, despite an odd heat she felt spreading throughout her body when it had first passed her lips. After that, the two had traveled together for the last hour or so, neither really having any particular destination in mind.

All seemed well, as a small village was fast approaching along the road. the signs along the highway had read; 'Argent Vale.' The morning sun was warm without being unpleasant, as it was mid spring, and a pleasant breeze stirred the leaves in the trees. The pair had the archway that marked the edge of the small village in sight when they both heard a scream of terror from up ahead. It sounded like a woman, and seemed to have come form within the village further ahead.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe and Maya (KakkaHousu and UnknownSquid)

Maya so far had been happily tagging along with newly met travelling buddy, making idle conversation occasionally and gazing around nonchalantly. Hearing the scream however, her ears twitch as she pauses her steps to listen. "Was that a scream? Didn't sound happy." She says skipping ahead of Tomoe and turning back to her, looking back and forth a little. "Should we go see what's up?"


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Phyrra (maikochan)

Phyrra was sitting on her throne, her skin barely covered by the finest abyssal silks, the crimson flames lighting her throne room caused the jewelry on her body to sparkle with a sinister light. She smiled at the demon, kneeling in the center of the large chamber, he was one of her generals bringing reports from the front line, but he could wait. Phyrra gently raised a bejeweled foot towards the woman kneeling at her feet, letting the slave lick her. With a slight nod, Phyrra commanded her general to speak. The invasion of the human world was ahead of schedule, only a few pockets of resistance held out, mostly commanded by the hated fey. With a smile that showed only teeth, Phyrra looked down to her favorite slave. She could be of use in crushing the fey armies, afterall, she was one of them. Phyrra slid a finger under the slave's chin, lifting her face to look at Phyrra's. "So? Want to help crush your kin... Tam-lin?" The queen of hell asked.

Phyrra awoke with a start, shivering from the cold sweat she found herself in. Sliding nude out from under the covers, Phyrra stood and stretched. She had been having the same dream, or variations of it for as long as she could remember, most commonly after feeding. Going through her morning routine automatically, Phyrra hadn't quite noticed the unnatural stillness in the morning air, her mind still occupied by her dream, or rather, nightmare. She had had the opportunity to become the demon queen, her family was one of the most powerful in hell and she herself was widly considered a paragon of cunning and ruthlessness. It was just a ruse however, the only way Phyrra could survive in the treacherous world of the demons. Having slipped on a soft, silk robe, Phyrra opened a window to let the sounds and smells of the forest enter her home. Yes, this world was far better than that of her dreams.

The lack of bird calls however, disrupted Phyrra's contemplations. Sighing, she donned her plain, brown cloak, hiding her wings underneith it and prepared to leave. Phyrra considered what could be causing the disruption, loggers, poachers, drunk Badarians looking for something to distroy. Stepping barefoot onto the soft grass outside of her house, Phyrra felt the power of the forest enter her, making her every fibre tingle. This was life, Phyrra thought, pure and untainted, a model for the demoness to follow.

With a relaxed pace, Phyrra set out to find the cause of the disruption to her beloved world, but when the sound of a woman screaming broke the unnatural stillness, she began to hurry. The humans that were causing the disruption in the forest had likly captured a woman and, from Phyrra's experiance, were likly going to try to rape her. While she was sure that the woman she had seduced the night before in order to feed was safely back in the town, Phyrra was still concerned. She wasn't about to let those who defiled nature, turn their deprivations on an unwilling woman. Feeling the natural energies of the forest filling her, Phyrra followed the scream, moving quickly through her familiar woods.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tomoe and Maya (KakkaHousu and UnknownSquid)

Tomoe was happy that she had found someone to keep her company on the trail. She's travelled far by herself, and it was getting a bit lonely at times. Her new buddy seems pleasant enough, so Tomoe is willing to keep the girl around

The peace of the travel is suddenly cut short, as a scream is heard.
"Not good" she thinks as Maya paces forward past her.
"Yes, let us go and see what that is about" Tomoe says as she quickens her pace, unsheathing Kuchinawa as she does so


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Phyrra (maikochan)

HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 50, Status = Fine

Phyrra moved through the familiar woods easily, knowing that the woods had been free of loggers this season, the area around Argent Vale being relatively unsettled and undeveloped, and the village being too out of the way to make it valuable enough to take timber from her woods. Had they arrived even here, finally? Would she find no sanctuary from them? Such thoughts in her mind, the demonic druidess sped through the woods. She found no signs of trouble in the woods themselves, so she figured that the cry must have come from the village itself.

It took her several minutes to reach the village, and after the first Phyrra knew that something much worse than just a few humans finding a victim was going on. A chorus of screams, some of terror and some of pain, echoed through the trees toward her. As soon as she came out of the forest and into the town, her route having taken her behind the tavern, which was the largest building in town, she started for the main road. The people in town knew her, and she felt confident that they wouldn't seek to harm her, even if some of them distrusted her, especially if the village was under some sort of attack.

As soon as she turned toward the source of the sounds, Phyrra stopped in her tracks, eyes widening in horror. Demons? Here? Why would her kin bother to attack this place? But... No..... What at first Phyrra had thought were stalkers, a common form of demon that used camouflage to hide, were far too large to be of that particular brand of demonkind as far as she knew. They were wide and reptilian, with flat heads and long arms that ended in clawed hands. At least a dozen of them were in the village, and she saw four people, all men, lying on the ground among them, blood flowing onto the earthen road from wounds at their throats. Seven of the creatures were backing out of the village toward the woods, struggling women clutched in their bloody claws, while the other five, advanced down the street. Villagers fled from them, some panicked, while others rallied further down the street from her. Soon, she was the only thing in front of them, and when the alien creatures spotted her, they smiled and turned to advance on her.

Recognizing an attack coming when she saw one, Phyrra was surprised when the creatures paused at thirty feet form her, and one of them stepped forward, and began to speak, its voice empty and sibilant; "Demonkind. We know You. We will ask of you only once; Join our Masters cause, and no more will you need to hide your nature from these prey. You may feed to your hearts content, upon whomever you desire, with no fear of battle or need to hunt. all you must do is... Submit. What say you?" Phyrra didn't know how much of that, if any, the villagers forming seventy feet down the street had heard, but they obviously saw her and the demon speaking.
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe and Maya (KakkaHousu and UnknownSquid)

Tomoe HP = 48, PP = 32, EP = 51, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 87, Status = Fine

The two women hurry ahead, toward the village from which they'd heard screaming. As they rushed up the road toward Argent Vale, a series of screams, some male and some female, of both the violent and terrified variety, echoed toward them. As they entered the village, they saw a small crowd of men and women forming, with some of the men shouting and pointing at something they couldn't see, since their view was blocked by the crowd.

Once they arrived there, it was an easy matter for the two of them to push through the group, and see past what they were pointing at. There were about a dozen ugly, green-skinned creatures, their heads flat and reptilian while their strangely long arms ended in sharp claws. Seven of them were going toward the woods on the far side of the village, each of them carrying a struggling woman, while the other five were standing in a line facing the crowd that Maya and Tomoe were currently standing in, roughly seventy feet away. Between the two groups of monsters were four bloody bodies, all men in simple clothing who'd had their throats torn out. One of the five demons who were closer to them seemed to be speaking to a strange woman who was standing just outside of the alleyway next to the largest building they could see in the town, apparently some sort of tavern based on the sign above the door.

The woman was wearing heavy robes that hid much of her features, her face hidden by a hood. In fact, the only thing that suggested that it was a woman were the figures curves, which were noticeable even through the modest garb.

The men and women around them were still shouting, trying to rally some sort of defense against the creatures that had just attacked their village, leaving Maya and Tomoe to decide their own courses of action.
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Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe and Maya (KakkaHousu and UnknownSquid)

Maya hurries along behind Tomoe, finding that she has to work a bit harder to keep up with the athletic Miko, and pushes through the agitated crowd with her. Seeing the violent scene her face twists in confusion and a hint of distaste. Clawed creatures, fighting and stealing people? That surely wasn't right. She didn't like these things. Without much more thought to the matter she decides that they were her enemy. Stepping forward from the crowd, she stops and stares them down, tucking her cloak behind her to reveal an unarmed and rather unimposing form. Considering saying something for a moment, she looks to the other seven still getting away in the background, and then the four bodies just ahead of her. No point chatting.

(If single shot energy blast can fire at 50+ range, walk forward 12 and fire a 15ep energy blast at any in the line.)
Looking one of the beasts in the eyes for a second, her own eyes flash a quick vibrant green as she raises her hand toward it. A sudden surge of green aura shooting down her arm and launching from her outstretched palm at high speed.

out of range, double move to within range and frown at them.)

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Tomoe and Maya (KakkaHousu and UnknownSquid)

(Frown at them, braaaaaah! The brutality!)

As they reach the village, the shouts and the gathering crowd draw Tomoe's attention. Sliding herself through the masses of people, the miko witnesses a scene that instantly lights her fire. Seeing the men cut down for probably no other reason than trying to prevent their loved ones from being captured made her furious.
"Better not make any hasty moves though" Tomoe thinks as she follows her new friend through the crowd, not initiating any other action yet. Noticing the robed woman on the side makes her even more cautious
"What is her role in this ?" she ponders as she steps next to Maya with blade in hand

Move in with Maya, activate Battle Aura for 5+1 if the lizard-things attack


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Phyrra (maikochan)

If there was one thing Phyrra feared more than human loggers despoiling her forest, it was her demon kin invading this beautiful land. So when Phyrra first layed eyes on the creatures, her jumped into her throat. When she realized these were different creatures than her own kind, Phyrra's worries were little eased. Regardless of where these beings were from, they were still intent on destorying, as evidenced by their attack. Phyrra knew, before the creature addressed her, that she would oppose these beings, however, it had been centuries since she last fought anything more fearsome than poachers, and knew she would be of little use in a battle with these strange invaders. Still...

As the creature stepped towards her, Phyrra prepared to call upon the power flowing through the ground. The magic of this world was difficult for Phyrra to master, as alien to her demonic blood as these beings were to this world, yet she had managed to understand the ebb and flow of the natural energies and prepared to unleash it as best she could when the creature stopped. As he spoke to her, Phyrra felt a long burried dark desire rekindling. She could take him up on his offer. With no need to hide anymore, she could unleash her full power. Aided by these new invaders, she could become the ruler of not just hell, but this world as well!

Glancing back at the townsfolk behind her, Phyrra was unwillingly seriously considering the creature's offer when she noticed two women step forward. Strangers, she had never seen them before in the many years she'd spent watching over the town. Her town... If strangers were willing to fight for it, what right did Phyrra have to even be there?

With a smile, Phyrra turned back to face the five beings. "Though I know nothing of you, you don't know enough of me." As she spoke, Phyrra moved to stand directly between the creatures and the townsfolk. "All I need to know is that we are enemies. All you need to know, is that this world is behind me!" With that, Phyrra tapped into the magic flowing under her feet.

"Awnpdo lnkpaypkn, ykia pk ia!" As arcane words spilled from her mouth, the ground in front of Phyrra began to glow green as it heaved upwards, splitting open as a massive creature made of earth and stone climbed out of the ground between the demoness and the new invaders.

(Summon Earth Elemental. Difficulty should be 40. Casting ability with Nature magic is +39. Should I need to be worried about critical failures or is this something that doesn't even need to be rolled under normal cirumstances?)

(Spell Translation: "Earth's protector, come to me!")


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe and Maya (KakkaHousu and UnknownSquid)

Tomoe HP = 48, PP = 32, EP = 51, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 87, Status = Fine
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 42/50, Status = Fine

(I never did specify a max range on that. I do hate it when I miss little things like that. Energy blast is limited to within 50 feet, unfortunately, so frowning it is! Also, the merge function is strangely convenient. And no, if there isn't some penalty to casting, you'll always succeed on that. I don't do crit fails and/or success in this game.)

Maya and Tomoe step ahead of the crowd of villagers, Maya glowering at the reptilian creatures and Tomoe holding her sword ready. With the two of them now 46 feet away from the group who were still talking to the woman, the villagers and the creatures had noticed them. The monsters don't come any closer, waiting for one of their number to finish speaking to a woman in brown robes. (See conversation between Phyrra and alien monster man above.)

To the druids words, the reptilian creature hissed, the sound reminding her of a large lizard she'd once encountered in a lake, and said; "So be it. You were given your chance." Before he can close on her, however, Phyrra utters her spell, a titanic figure born of stone rising from the ground. Once it rose to its full twenty foot height, it appeared almost like a very primitive sculpture of a man, with rocky arms and legs. Its surface was smooth, and it flexed one of its massive arms, raising it up over its head, before bringing it down on top of the stunned creature she'd been speaking to.

Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 40 = 44 damage.

The creature sees the blow coming, avoiding as much of it as possible. Unfortunately, it isn't nearly fast enough to avoid the earth elemental entirely, and the glancing blow still sends it flying aside into its comrades. The creature recovers quickly, though it's clearly dazed, and it and its comrades prepare to rush toward the lone robed woman. Tomoe and Maya, seeing this, presumably prepare to join the fray themselves.

Meanwhile, off in the distance, the other seven creatures disappear into the woods, the screams of their captives barely audible at this distance over the hissing of the creatures and the thunderous movements of the earth elemental.

(Phyrra is 30 feet from the enemies. Her elemental is right on top of the enemies. Tomoe and Maya are 46 feet from the enemies.)
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Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Maya's eyes widen enthusiastically as she watches the impressive towering elemental climb out of the ground and send the first creature flying. She steals a quick optimistic glance to Tomoe, and then with the raiding creatures preparing to charge as a group, she grins and makes her attack.

Raising her hand as if holding something out in front of her, fingers spread, a vibrant green light rapidly begins to develop and gather hovering in a glowing sphere above her upright palm. Her green eyes seeming to brighten further as they reflect it's light, or possibly even glowing of their own accord. Taking a sudden single step forward she brings the ball round in a throwing motion and launches it at the rough center of the massed reptilians, releasing a small battle cry as she does so.

(Power surge ball 20, aiming for any good spot to catch a good portion of them without hitting the elemental.)

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Seeing the elemental now supporting them urges Tomoe to action. She returns the glance with a nod, preparing to make her own move

"Attacking a lone woman in a group, you filthy beasts" Tomoe thinks as she holds her other hand in front of her in a posture of prayer. Soon, her inner fire answers the call as a sudden puff of wind makes the surrounding dust and sand fly away from the miko's feet as she powers up. Now radiating an aura of power, Tomoe starts moving towards the lizards with Kuchinawa held ready
"Regret this day in hell!"

Activate Battle Aura for 5+1 then move towards them reptiles


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Her heart beating with the rush of adrenalin, Phyrra looked around as Maya's energy ball and Tomoe rushed past her. After summoning the elemental, Phyrra had little else she could contribute, but with allies, she could help them fight better.

Without a word, Phyrra stretched her arms out and soon let out a burst of white light that spread to the two other girls as well as the elemental, making them feel lighter and faster.

(Move if needed to catch everyone with Blessing and then activate it for 3+3 EP to boost everyone's to-hit, dodge and perception by +9. Also, have elemental smash the same lizard dude again!)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 48, PP = 32, EP = 51, Status = Battle Aura 1
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 67/87, Status = Fine
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 36/50, Status = Blessing 3

Walking tactical nukes is right.
Attack(Elemental): Hit.
Damage(Elemental): 1 + 40 = 41 damage.
Damage(Maya): 4 x 20 = 80 damage.

The titanic stone elemental lifted another fist, swatting the already injured monster aside like a fly even as it tried to recover form the initial blow. It flew aside through the wall of a building across the street, disappearing form their view. A soft glow accompanied the unsettling of the loose earth around her feet as Tomoes inner power flared up, and she rushed toward the creatures even as Maya shouts and unleashed her ball of energy at them. What's more, Phyrra moved toward them, her own aura spreading out, and wrapping all three women and the elemental in a soft white glow, increasing their power even further. Their power-ups proved rather unnecessary, however, as Mayas ball of energy impacts amidst the creatures, and when the smoke clears, all of the creatures are nothing but burnt husks.

(Everyone gains 2 exp.)

The battle over, the townspeople gape at the three women, who'd just obliterated the creatures that had attacked their town. All of them were speechless at how easy they'd made it look. There was still the matter of the seven that had fled carrying captives, and a groan from the damaged building suggested that the one in there wasn't quite dead yet. The elemental crumbled into the ground, its goal accomplished now that Argent Vale was safe once more. That left Tomoe and Maya looking at Phyrra, all of them at varying distances form each other, with Maya closest to the dumbstruck townsfolk, Phyrra closest to the remains of the disintegrated monsters, and Tomoe closest to the one that had been tossed through a wall.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Quite surprised by the ball of energy blowing up the whole group, Tomoe stops in her tracks.
"That was amazing.." she thinks, looking back at her cheery friend. With the robed woman's role now much clearer to her, Tomoe turns towards the damaged building. The groaning coming from within suggested the lizardman punted in there was still alive, a threat to the townspeople. Letting her inner power fade, she moves towards the wrecked wall, holding Kuchinawa ready in case the thing tried to pounce on her

Turn off the battle aura and move towards the building w/injured hunter.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Phyrra barely had time to turn her head away from the blast as Maya's energy ball decimated the four creatures that were still standing. "Such power..." She whispered once the dust cleared, looking back at the catgirl with some amazement. 'If I could just...' Shaking her head to dismiss her thoughts, Phyrra turned to the elemental. "Thank you warrior, you've done well." Phyrra gave the elemental a bow as it returned to the earth.

Dropping her own aura, Phyrra looked at the group of civilians and the direction the other seven monsters fled in. There was no way she was going to catch them with the head start they already had, and even if she did follow, she'd likly be walking into an ambush. Sighing, the demoness walked over next to Tomoe, looking for the surviving creature for some answers. She wanted to get to know these two women, but more important things were taking priority. Hesitant to get close to the creature, even its rough shape, Phyrra stood near Tomoe as she waited for any sign that it might emerge.

((Drop blessing, move next to Tomoe.))

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

(Oh, I was able to hit all four huh? Woot.)

"Hah! Not so tough now are ya?" Maya laughs closing her hand in a crushing motion, her remark directed at the charred corpses. "That was bigger than last time. I'm getting better at this." She mutters quietly to herself with a smile, her twin tails smoothly swirling in unison behind her. She watches as Tomoe and Phyrra head toward the remaining creature for a moment, taking in the scene though oblivious to the dumbstruck crowd behind her until they eventually begin to show signs of life once more. She peers round over her shoulder to them, looking uncertain, then glancing between the charred foes, the other unfortunate bodies, the two women, and back again. "Oh... Hi. So, uh, what were those things?" She says turning half way to face them, and taking one last look to see if she could spot the ones that ran.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 48, PP = 32, EP = 51, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 67/87, Status = Fine
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 36/50, Status = Fine

Maya couldn't catch a glimpse of the rest of the creatures that had taken captives and fled to the woods. It was likely that they were long gone by now, back to wherever their lair was. A man stepped forward form the crowd, though perhaps pushed forward was a better description. He was young, probably in his early twenties, and wore simple clothing beneath a leather apron that had numerous stains of a rainbow of colors on it. He cleared his throat awkwardly before addressing Maya; "Errr.... We don't really know.... They just sort, appeared, and started attacking people. They came form the North West, I think... At least, that's where they originally appeared, and that was the way they went into the woods."

Meanwhile, Phyrra and Tomoe cautiously approach the building containing the injured creature. The hole was about four feet wide and was around three feet from the actual door into the building, allowing them to see inside. The creature was lying on the floor, its leg badly twisted, and numerous bloody wounds with pieces of broken wood sticking out dot its body. Its groan was one of pain, and it didn't stir as they watched it. If the look of it was to be believed, it no longer represented a threat to them. What they were going to do to the badly wounded creature, however, was still to be decided.

(See? I provided an easy quest hook and everything.)


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Phyrra glanced back at the spokesman chosen by the villagers. It was Roland, the local potter and one of the few young people born in Argent Vale who was still living here. Phyrra had considered several times revealing her nature to him, he was a kind, if shy young man, and Phyrra knew he was single, but not for lack of any desire, there just wern't that many women around his age in the small town. Once, when she was near her breaking point, Phyrra had spied on Roland through an open window one night and witnessed him masturbating, so she also knew he would have been a good lay, and the young ones had so much energy...

Shaking her head to stay on track, Phyrra walked over to the wounded creature, glancing at the robed woman as she went, hoping she'd follow. Kneeling down next to it, she took a closer look at the creature, trying to figure out where it came from. Drawing a blank, she decided to ask. "What are you? I've never seen anything like you before. Why did you attack this village? If it's women you're after, wouldn't you be better off finding a larger city where you'd have more potential targets?" Phyrra realized what she had said and tried to make up for it. "What do you want them for anyway?"