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Himari Shotainushi (Mind Flayer)

Re: Himari Shotainushi (Mind Flayer)

Despite her valiant struggles, Himari was unable to break free of from the tentacle wrapping her arm and waist (Himari rolled 12 vs 24, failing to break free). The beetle creature wasn't idle during this, using more of it's tentacles, it further secured it's hold on her Horn Beetle rolled 40 vs. 17 to strengthen grapple/strip).

But that wasn't all, a damp, thick tendril slid down the waistline of her skirt, spreading some sort of slime or mucous across her thigh. In one quick motion, the tendril pulled her skirt right down her legs and off of her, exposing her glistening pussy and her large member to the cool cave air. It then proceeded to drag her even closer to it's body.

As Himari struggled against the tentacles, she only managed to make her situation worse as the beetle synchronized with her bucking movements and used her own momentum to help hoist her into the air. In short order, Himari found herself once again at the top of the horn atop the beetle's back, the tip of it beginning to press into her folds. This beetle had shown none of the hesitation the first one had (Himari rolled 6 vs crit 40, failing to break free and winding up in suitably worse position as wrath of the dice dictate). After only a second spent adjusting her position, the beetle started up with the same motions the first one to capture her had used.

It eased her up and down it's horn, gradually increasing her descent until she was taking seven inches again, the phallic tip knocking gently, but insistently against her cervix. And then the familiar vibrations started up again, first tingling gently against the walls of her pussy, but beginning to build in strength the longer she stayed on for the ride (Beetle rolled 33 vs 7 for sex). As her sexual juices ran down the horn, a pattern appeared, glowing, at it's base, identitcal in shape to the first one that had been fucking her. It was definitely a reaction to her juices.

Through the pleasure the beetle was causing her, Himari thought she noticed movement. At first she couldn't be sure, but a second look confirmed that the beetle she had downed earlier was coming to. It was twitching more and more frequently. If she didn't get out asap, she would be facing two opponents instead of just one(Himari rolled 47 for perception, owning the check). But was it already too late? The tremendous vibrating horn-phallus in her pussy just felt so fantastic...maybe she should just stay and let the beetles have their fun. They seemed like a nice enough sort, they probably wouldn't hurt her unless she kept fighting them.

Himari: 3/5 FP 2/10 AP (long enough since you last took AP damage that I just let it wear off, most times I'll let non-magical AP wear off after a couple posts)
Beetle 2: KO'd wakes up next turn (45 or higher will give you the number of turns left on KO checks, though in this case you would have known anyway since you already had 5 turns.)
Beetle 3: 3/3 FP 0/10 AP
Since your situation didn't change much after the first set of rolls (you got more grappled and lost your skirt), I just went ahead and rolled another round for you. I will continue to do this in the future just to speed things along unless you are opposed to the idea. And of course you have my permission, my preference actually to do the same in our other thread if its a similar situation.

Beetle wakes up next turn, good job getting a max roll of 6 for KO timer. Too bad you got dicked over by the second round of rolls (I did count that post as 2 turns since I rolled twice for you to break out).

Notes: Future reference: If action isn't resolved (fail to break grapple in combat, normal attack misses for both sides), I will roll a second (maybe 3rd) round for same events to speed things along. This WILL take 2 (or 3) turns off the KO timer.

After this battle I will be switching over to d20 dice for most rolls

Pick a number: 1, 2, or 3. This will determine your first party member! Yay!
Re: Himari Shotainushi (Mind Flayer)

Himari struggled with all her might to break the tentacle wrapping around her, which gave the beetle time to wrap more tentacles around her and secure her more so than she'd been. After securing her a bit better with its tentacles, a much thicker tentacles slid down her waistline, tickling her a bit and forcing a giggle from her lips in the process. It then pulled her skirt down her legs, and spread some sort of slimy substance all over her thighs as it did so, the end result of which was exposing her quickly moistening nethers and quickly hardening member as it dragged her towards it.

As she struggled to get free, it only served to get her more entangled as the beetle used its tentacles to raise her up into the air, where it then brought her gently down where it slowly impaled her upon the horn on its back like the first one had done to her a couple of minutes before, though this one didn't show any hesitation at all as it adjusted her into the position it liked best.

She let out an unbidden moan of pleasure as the beetle's tentacles began easing her up and down upon its horn, unable to suppress her voice as her lust got the better of her momentarily. Soon enough she was taking as much as she'd been taking with the other beetle, which from the way it felt she thought it was about seven inches or so, and the horn was knocking against her cervix, which sent another jolt of pleasure through her and forced another moan of pleasure out of her lips as her member finished hardening up and was now pointing to the sky... or the cave ceiling at least. Then she felt the think begin vibrating like the first one had been doing, which caused her juices to begin flowing out of her before she could even think about trying to stop it as it built in strength while she stayed atop the thing. She glanced down to see her large member pointing up at her and as her juices made it to the base of the horn she was being forced to ride, and she noticed a strange glowing pattern appear at the base of the horn, though she'd seen it on the first beetle that grabbed her, she still didn't know what it meant or what it was for, but she knew it seemed to be reacting to her sex juices.

Through the haze in her vision the pleasure was causing, she noticed movement after having to make a double take on it, that the beetle she'd knocked out was stirring as it began waking up. She knew if she didn't break free soon she'd be facing both of them again, but the question now was, did she want to break free. Gods it felt so good to feel that vibrating horn in her pussy, and she was quite sure they wouldn't hurt her despite her killing one of them, because if they meant her harm, then she'd probably be hurting very badly right now.

Oh gods... you doing that... feels great mister beetle. I... I tell you what... if you'll let me keep... all of my stuff, and make me feel really good... then I'll let you do what you want... and I won't try and hurt you anymore... okay, just please don't... take my stuff... I need it to... make it to the bottom of this place... and find the treasure in this place for my family...” Himari whimpered out, panting madly as her body heated up from the pleasure and she pleaded with the beetle, though she doubted it would be able to understand her, she still said it.

If it seemed like the beetles were going to take her stuff then she would struggle with all her might to break free, but if all they wanted was her, then she was willing to let them ravage her to their hearts content, because she had endured worse when she had to work at the brothels, men and women both paying to have sex with her, most of the time when women bought her services it was a whole group of women that used her for hours at a time, so she was no stranger to long sessions of sex. But she couldn't afford to lose her belongings, not when it took her so long to save the money to buy it all, with her and her parents working their asses off just to be able to save the money to get her things.

I figure Himari is pretty well fucked, so she's going to give up unless the beetles try and take her stuff, then she's going to go feral on them and start biting and scratching like a cat if she has to to keep her stuff. But if they just want to rape her, well she won't struggle any longer.

So I get a party member huh? Unless it's going to be a cute girl or a futanari girl that swoops in and saves the day or something, then it doesn't really matter honestly which number it is to me... If neither of those are in the options, then I'll just say 3.

And I expected you to count it as 2 turns honestly, and I don't mind about switching over to d20's either.