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Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

(I didn't think your writing was bad personally. But if you feel that you need the break then don't worry dude, I'm having a ton of fun with this new system. You did a really good job on it I think. :))

Watching as the petals close up around Cassy, Himari shook her head sadly, because usually once a Hunter, especially a novice was captured inside there, they didn't get out until rescued. Seeing the shadows of the tentacles flailing around before thrusting into Cassy's unprotected pussy, and then mouth as she moaned out, Himari knew that it was probably over, but not completely just yet she thought. Maybe Cassy could still pull a rabbit out of her hat as they say.

When she heard Cassy's moans increase in pitch, Himari knew that the Venus Rose had penetrated her urethra with her tongue as she sucked Cassy off. "Try to relax Cassy, getting too frustrated and letting the pleasure overwhelm you that much only makes it easier for her to win," Himari called out to Cassy through the petals, knowing that Cassy likely couldn't focus near as easy as she or other Hunters could from the lack of experience in sex.

The deep moan that soon came after that told Himari that Cassy had reached her peak already, to which Himari sighed. She knew it was just a part of training, but it still hurt a little inside to know that her apprentice had lost. It hurt her pride more than anything, but that's why the teachers and masters taught the apprentices all they could, so that this sort of thing didn't happen.

"Come on Cassy, cumming just once to her doesn't mean you've lost completely. You have to focus and fight it," Himari called out to Cassy, hoping to spark a second wind in her.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

((Cassy failed her save roll, so unfortunately, she lost this one :-3))

Unfortunately for her Neko teacher, Cassy was still shaking from the violent orgasm she went through. The Venus Rose automaton paused and, for a moment, she had hoped that the training would stop there.
Unfortunately for her, the machine has been designed to punish careless trainees. The tentacles expelled some liquid from their tip. Cassy felt a surge of hormones travel her body, like a great wave of freshness followed by a heat which made her sweat. Her cock returned to an almost painful rock-hard state, while her breasts tingled with an internal pressure, which resulted in pearls of milk dribbling from her drug-addled body.
What? That's... How can I?... Cassy did not have time to finish her trail of thought that two hollowed tentacles squeezed her breasts inside their mouths, and began to milk her. At the same time, the plant girl's reproduction resumed her exploration of Cassy's urethra. She went insanely far, the blonde girl losing it a second time when she felt her tongue tickle her balls from the inside.
"Mmrrrroooogh! she screamed. Her head felt dizzy, and all she could do was grab onto the idea that all of this is just a training as she tried not to lose consciousness.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

As Cassy's struggles began to die down quite a bit thanks to the powerful climax, Himari sighed softly. "Well shoot, guess it was too much to hope that she could handle all of that on her first actual training session. But hey she handled the others easily enough, which is something and puts her at above average I think. Most of your average trainees lose to the low tier succubi and stuff with this automaton," Himari said softly to Soprano as they watched the Venus Rose have its way with Cassy repeatedly.

Himari was actually getting a little aroused from the sight of everything happening, especially when Cassy was forced to lactate. This aroused Himari to the point that her leather pants were tenting a bit and her cock straining to break free, though she didn't let her arousal get the better of her. Himari allowed the Venus Rose automaton to play with Cassy until it had coaxed another three orgasms out of the young Huntress, at which point she snapped her fingers to get the Venus Rose automaton's attention and deactivated it after it put Cassy down.

"Well you did a little damage to it at least, which is more than most do Cassy. You may not have beaten it, but you did definitely manage to make it to a D ranked enemy before you were defeated yourself, so that's saying a lot about your potential," Himari said softly, helping Cassy to raise up and sit, with Himari holding her close.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

"I didn't know such monsters existed." Soprano said.
Cassy recovered in Himari's arms. Himari's protegee was visibly tired from having been drained several times by her opponent. The Harpy bard prepped her lute and played a few songs to lighten the mood, while Cassy was coming down from her experience.
The bard was as talented as always, and even other Hunters stopped their activities to listen to her.

Himari noticed Lily inviting her to report on Cassy's progress.
"How is your pupil doing so far?" the Succubus asked. "We may have to cut her training short by tomorrow. I'll need you and the other Hunters for an important job."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

"Oh yeah, there's lots of crazy monsters and stuff out there," Himari told the harpy girl, looking down at Cassy and scooping her tired apprentice up and carrying her to the rest area to recover.

After taking Cassy to the rest area, Himari headed for Lily's quarters to speak with her about something. "Well, she's a bit worn out right now. Went up against a D ranked automaton Venus Rose. Poor thing's really exhausted," Himari answered when asked about Cassy, taking a seat to listen to see what else Lily had summoned her for. "What's the matter Lily? You look a little tense," Himari asked curiously when Lily had told her that all Hunters were needed for something, which usually meant something big, or silly if Lily was being crazy.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

"Oh... She seems to progress well, then." the Succubus congratulated. "I've received a request of the King's court. As you may know, Feron suffers currently from an infestation of sex monsters. We already lost several hunters to various creatures. Especially egg carriers. Damn nasty slimes."

After kicking away a small stone in frustation, the Succubus leaned towards Himari and resumed her explaination, taking care as not to alert the junior recruits or the trainees nearby. "I organised a reconnaissance party in Feron's sewers. And they discovered the entrance to a maze at the deepest part of the sewers. The water drain suddenly stops in a huge chasm, of a least 50 meters deep if you believe the old "throw a stone and count the time until the noise" method. There are five entry points to the chasm. I'll order a five-man party to cover each entry point the day after tomorrow, in order to find the relic key as fast as possible, and I'd like to assign you to my unit."

Lily sighed from giving all these explanations. "I'm sure you must have some questions. We can go to my office so you can ask them. After all, we have time until your trainee recovers." she proposed.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

"Yeah she is a natural at this I think. She took both the F and E ranked things I threw against her with relative ease. There was the F ranked succubus we throw against every new male and herm recruits, she took it down before it even grabbed her and managed to do anything. Then she took down basic E ranked tentacle monster that we usually throw against people on their first E ranked bout. The Venus Rose though was just a little much for her. She didn't expect it to burrow underground and engulf her and stuff I don't think," Himari explained about her apprentice.

The neko Huntress sat there and listened to Lily's explanation about why she'd called her in, curious. When Himari found out about the recon parties Lily was organizing, she didn't need Lily to ask her to be a part of her team, as Himari offered to go before she could. "I'll go, I definitely don't mind going. Especially if it'll make Feron safer for my apprentice, whom I've grown a little attached to since we got here. But I also have an extra idea, just in case. Come on and we can talk in private," Himari said, trailing off as she followed Lily to her office, where she pulled a piece of paper over from Lily's desk and a quill, where she drew out a a bit of a plan. "The five man parties that go in will need to ensure that if their paths branch any, that no monsters get out past them from the other directions. I mean it's a maze after all, so we can't know if a monster will come out of one way or the others. So I propose we have five more groups of Hunters at each entrance to cover them for us, and they could move in if needed to reinforce us or one of the other parties, which hopefully we wouldn't need. However, if we can't manage it within say... a week, then the ones at those entrances seal them shut. This would at least ensure the safety of Feron in the event that none of us come back out, for a time anyway. Oh and are we heading in there today or tomorrow? I'd like to talk to Cassy about it and stuff before we go," Himari went on to say once she'd drawn out her additional strategy to Lily.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

"That's a good idea." Lily noted. "You're always the first to come up with plans. Albeit some time, they are too crazy for your own good."

The Succubus checked the list of available hunters. "I planned 5-man units because we only had that much experienced hunters We'll be a little short, so I'll have to include able recruits to these guard units. " she tought. After a beat of a few seconds, she clapped her fingers. "Actually, I think I'll put one promising trainee in each exploration team, and redeploy a veteran to each sentry team so that they gain actual field experience. With 4 veterans to their sides, they'll be safer than if I group five of them at an exit, and a big beast manages to reach them."

With surprising efficiency, Lily quickly put several possible combinations on paper. "I think Cassy may make such a promising recruit once she completes her basic training tomorrow, but I have hesitations separate her from you yet." she commented. "I'll ask each mentor their opinion on their trainees, so I want to ask for yours first. Do you think Cassy will have enough skill to accompany you inside the Maze. Or should she stay on guard duty along with you?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

"And sometimes though, they're much better than not having a plan at all," Himari said with a smirk.

"Hmm, that may be good. We might even be able to get just three veterans in the main groups and just have an adept go with them, like a few that may make some promising lieutenants soon, that way not all of our veterans are going down there and all. Just a thought in case something goes wrong, that way there's at least a few veterans left aside from just two or three," Himari said after Lily mentioned sending a promising recruit down with each team. "And personally, I think she may be okay down there with us so long as she doesn't have to tangle with anything above D ranked alone. I'm positive she could have taken that Venus Rose had it not gotten the drop on her like it did by burrowing. If we're not leaving out until tomorrow though, then that'll give me some more time to teach her things, and maybe I could have Tiamath do that thing she does sometimes to speed along the recruits. You know, the mind magic stuff you succubi can do," she went on to say, mentioning the succubus mental magics that Tiamath could do.

(Just tossing the succubus mind magic thing in there to maybe give you a chance to give Cassy some last minute training so she wouldn't get overwhelmed down there. :))


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

((Actually, she will have one more day to complete her training. We can detail it, or fast-forward to the expedition, as you see fit.))

"Do you mean the mind melding? It is a harduous process, and not that efficient if the recipient is not able to understand what we pass to them.. Your trainee seems to be very knowledgeable already, but she needs a little more training. I'll let you decide what is best for her to train. Then, I'lluse my mind meld to give her a little edge in any domain you deem better to priorize."

Lily produced a paper with a diagram that Himari saw many times during her own training. ""I'll let you choose if you want her to be a versatile and balanced hunter, a experienced figther, a knowledgeable observer, or a charmer who could use her body to distract and conquer her foes. Then, once her training day is complete and she got some rest, we'll leave for the underground Maze at dusk. For now, I think you should head home and relax. The next day is going to be busy for everyone." the Succubus captain said.
"Unless you have any objection, I will let you take your leave and explain Cassy what will be expected of her."

Cassy's stats reminder
Physique: 35
Intellect: 50
Sexuality: 35

Resistance: 5/5
Libido: 0/5
Sanity: 5/5

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

(Oh okay. I guess we can just skim over it a little bit to move the story along a bit. Unless you would like to detail it a bit more.)

"Maybe you're right. It was just a suggestion to springboard her along though. I mean if you want to help out, then I'd suggest the domain we're going into now myself, dark dank areas like sewers, caves, tunnels, you get the idea. And alright, I'll take her on home with me and talk to her about things. I'm pretty sure that she'll want to do it though, and while I would normally be against it, I kinda want to let her make that choice herself if she feels ready," Himari replied, looking thoughtful about Cassy training with Lily or Tiamath in the mind meld.

Himari wanted Cassy to get strong, so that she wouldn't have to go through the long arduous training process, and so that Himari wouldn't have as much at risk herself by losing her apprentice. She'd seen that happen to a few of her friends through training, and one was too many in her opinion. Nodding to Lily and looking deep in thought, Himari headed on to get Cassy from the medical ward where she was taken to rest for a while, where she sat down on Cassy's bed.

"Hey there Cassy. You feeling alright after that earlier?" Himari said to her apprentice, reaching up and caressing her cheek, and then brushing her hair out of her eyes.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

Cassy was a little startled as she heard her master's orders. But the Neko could notice that the human herm was looking much less embarassed than earlier. She was getting used to the trade. "Hey. That was... Intense. There are so many kind of beasts in this world. I don't really want to get molested and milked by them, but wondering how many there are and what they look like makes me... Curious." she admitted.

Himari explained Cassy the big expedition which would depart the next day. "Wow. A Maze, just under the city?" she repeated, dumbfounded. "I wonder how different it will look like, compared to the one which was near Drem.".
The Hunter trainee suddenly took a pensive expression "I have a weird feeling about this, though. Such a big Maze, popping under the city, like that? Actually, now that I think about it, the other Maze appeared just as I was rejected by Roman. Hmm..." Cassy ended her train of thought with a pouting expression. "I guess we'll think about it once that chasm is closed, right? Soprano left already. I told that harpy that it may be a little risky, but she said she was fine... I guess she must be used to walking through the city." she added. "Should we head home ourselves?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

"I was the same way when I first joined. But after a while you'll probably change your mind. Because while some of the creatures and stuff want to make you theirs. Some are actually quite kind and just acting on instinct, or necessity to survive," Himari told Cassy gently, kissing her on the cheek.

After that she explained everything to her apprentice and waited for her to answer. "Aye, I'm not entirely sure about how these mazes pop up like they do. But I can only assume that it has to do with a great emotional catastrophe or something," Himari said sadly, hoping that if that was the case that they could help the poor guy, girl, or herm in question. "And yeah, soon as you're ready to go then we will. And until the maze is closed, nobody from the guild goes alone, pairs or more only. Also, I have something else to talk to you about on the way, to help you... along. It's difficult and can be a little dangerous, but if you feel it's worth the risk, then you can come with us down there in one of the five teams. I suggested that an apprentice goes with each group for the experience, but only if their masters think they're able to handle it, and if the apprentices themselves show lots of promise... like you Cassy. I suggested for each group three veterans, an adept, and an apprentice. While everyone else keeps an eye on each entrance for us, prepared seal it off just in case we lose... which I don't expect to happen with Lily and Tiamath going in with us and all," she went on to say, helping Cassy up and helping her get ready before heading out, explaining to her what the mind meld meant and stuff along the way.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

Himari explained to Cassy what this process would entail. "Mind melt" was a powerful spell, which allowed the caster to share her experiences with the recipient. In Cassy's case, that would mean all the battle experience. The blonde herm silently nodded as she listened to the explanation.

The night passed surprisingly quickly, and by the next morning, Cassy was following her master in her training exercises, managing to complete almost as much push-ups and squats than the neko. They headed to the Hunter headquarters, where Tiamath awaited them.

The demoness asked Cassy to take her clothes off, which she obliged, and stand inside a pentagram the succubus drew on the ground. Tiamath joined Cassy in the chalk figure and began to focus, reciting a long chant. At the same time, a flash of light erupted from the pentacle. Cassy gasped in surprise, as years of experience flowed into her mind. Countless battles, some of them ending in climactic victories, some of them ending in painful and maddening defeat. She felt hot, falling on her knees and instinctively caressing her breasts and her genitals.
Just as Cassy spilled her fem and male juices on the ground, the spell finished.
"That was... Wow..." she stammered.

Cassy's final stats
Physique: 55
Intellect: 55
Sexuality: 40

Resistance: 6/6
Libido: 0/4
Sanity: 5/5

She was left a few hours to rest and prepare for the expedition. Hunters prepared their clothes and weapons, and Cassy was not different, packing her bow and adjusting her guild leather armor.
"I'm feeling kind of stressed" she admitted to Himari.

Finally, in the end of the afternoon, Lily reunited the troops. The succubus briefed all of them. Himari and Cassy's group would cover the eastern entry point.
"One last word, Hunters. I received reports of a few more disappearances. Apparently, a herm mother and her teenage daughter, and a minstrel have been reported missing yesterday. If you find them, escort them to a secure position before resuming your operation."
"A minstrel?... Oh no, I hope she didn't meant Soprano?" whispered Cassy.

The troupe departed, entering in close ranks inside the sewers. Forming a line, they walked down the dirty path. The different groups split, until Himari's party, and the guard party accompanying them, reached the Maze entrace.
In front of them, the Sewers tunnel stopped abruptly, the dirty water felt in a pitch black chasm while the stone sideways just stopped as if they ended in a cliff.

Himari's group had Cassy, a male Hunter, a female Hunter and another herm Hunter. She knew them as experienced hunters.
"I guess the only way down is by repelling down" the woman, a Sylvari, analysed.
"Okay. Let's set our ropes, boys and girls." the herm, a strong-looking human tomboy, advised.
"I have a bad feeling about this." the boying elvan male commented.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

After explaining things to Cassy, Himari was glad to hear that she wanted to try the mind meld with Lily or Tiamath. Himari suggested to Cassy that Lily might be a better choice than Tiamath, because Lily had more actual battle experience than Tiamath did, but that Tiamath would work out well too. After they got home, Himari got ready for bed after they ate dinner, letting Cassy sleep with her if she wanted to. She would explain everything the mind meld entailed to Cassy, and the dangers of if as well.


The next morning after they got up and ate breakfast, Himari led the way to the guild hall to talk to Lily. After they got to where Tiamath was waiting for them, Himari watched patiently as the succubus teacher did everything that would be required when Cassy stepped into the pentagram. It was a little painful for Himari to watch, because she knew of the dangers that came with the mind meld. But she held her tongue and watched.

As Cassy fell to her knees and popped, spurting her seed and leaking her female juices all over the place, she spell was done, and Himari breathed a sigh of relief. After that, Himari helped Cassy to the medical ward to rest for a while before they prepared to go down for their expedition into the maze.


"It's alright to feel a little stressed. And natural. But try and relax some. Best not to get too worked up before a big fight. If you'll remember the other day when I came to Drem, I was calm, cool, and collected the entire time pretty much. It's best to keep your head about you in stressful situations, else you'll make a big mistake. Just stick with me down there okay and we'll be just fine," Himari told Cassy when her apprentice admitted to being a bit stressed.

After they all were called to the briefing room for Lily to give them their orders for the maze, Himari brought Cassy along where they took their seats. "Lily, who is in command of each group? I know you're commanding one, but who are the other four commanders?" Himari asked curiously before the briefing ended, wondering if she was supposed to command her group or not.

Regardless of the answer, once they were ready to go, Himari offered to take point and led the way down to their entrance. Once they arrived, she sighed and looked around as they found they'd have to repel. "I got a bad feeling too guys, but we have to go for it. Come on, I'll go first. Cassy, you come down last, everyone else come down in whatever order you like," Himari said, looking to the others before she tied off her rope and hopped over the edge to repel down.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

((OOC: Let's just say you're commanding yours, Lily and Tiamath command one group each))

The five hunters began to repel down the rocky cliff. They could not see what was below, their torches only lighting a small area around them. Their steps resonated in the darkness. A dozen meters or so below, the surface under their feet changed textures. It felt like grass, except that the grass was pink, and seemed alive.
"Great. I hope there aren't bigger versions down there." the herm sighed.

They descended a little more. The hunters noticed the grass got a little thicker, and that there was some kind of foliage appearing. There was also strange holes made into the rock.
"That's weird. I hop... Oh shit!" the male hunter cursed as Worm-like creatures surged from a hole next to his body. The long creature spat saliva on his pants before he could react, and his leather pants visibly melted. It also had an effect on his groin, as his dick began to harden. The worm did not lose any second, as he swallowed the Elf's rod and clamped on it, pinning the Hunter against the rock.
"Oh G... Gods. It's sucking me out..." the Elf moaned.
The female hunter, the nearest to the Hunter, began to strafe cautiously next to him. "Leave it to me, commander Himari. It'd be best if we do not linger here." she said.
"Q... Quick. Oh fuck, is that a tongue? Nnnf" the male Hunter said.

"Okay, let's see what's down there." Cassy said, scouting the possible ways to climb down in the meantime.
It looked like there were several possible routes towards the bottom. Himari would have to decide which one she deemed the safest. She noticed several hazards along each route: big, bulbous flowers and big plants with leaves.

((The rules: Y for your position, H for hole, F for flower, P for plant, - for nothing; you can move either horizontally or vertically (watch out, BBS distorts the columns a little). If you land on a possible trap, I'll ask a specific stat check from you: H = PHY check, F = INT check, P = SEX check. If you are trapped, your partners will get you out, but not before the trap gets to play with you. You can order Cassy to go by another route ;-)))

Start: - Y -
Step 1: P - F
Step 2: - F H
Step 3: H P -

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

(That's fine, just thought I'd add in that since all but Cassy in her group is experienced.)

As they slowly descended downwards, Himari stopped about halfway and shuddered. "Hey guys, give me an extra torch real quick," Himari said to the nearest one who had extra torches, where she'd light it with her own and drop the older one down to the bottom to see how much further they had to go, and to hopefully light up the bottom a bit unless it hit water.

As they got further down, Himari noticed the pink grass and instantly began getting a bad feeling about this. She kept going though because not only was this her job, but for the sake of those already taken she had to do it, no matter how spooked she was. When the elven man was grabbed, Himari gasped and immediately drew her blade, preparing for more of the worms to launch out at them. When none did, she sheathed her blade and nodded to the woman huntress and told her she would trust that they would be okay, and to hurry on down once she had freed the poor guy.

With that, Himari spotted the various paths and decided on taking the middle path straight down herself, while telling Cassy to take the left and the other herm to take the right. With that, Himari led the way down, telling her two remaining members of the party to move left and right as they needed to avoid anything they thought might be too dangerous to traverse over, such as another hole. "I'm sure those plants and flowers are dangerous too, but I think they'll be less dangerous than the holes, so move if you need to in order to avoid the holes," Himari said as she led the way down.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

Step 1:
Cassy steps by a plant. The plant's leaves are coated with aphrodisiac!
SEX check: 62 - failed
Cassy triggers the trap; she gains 1 LP and becomes pent-up (her LP won't go down unless she rests)

Step 2: You step by a flower - the flower emits a debilitating pollen
INT check: 49 - pass

Step 3: You step by a plant
SEX check: 62 - failed
You become pent-up as well. +1 LP and the pent-up status

The three of you begin your parralel descent. Cassy approaches one of the leafy plants. The blonde herm approaches cautiously, but the plant does not seem to move. However, its leaves are coated in a strange sap.
Suddenly, surprising Cassy, the leaves slap against the herm's body. Their grip was not tight at all, it was akin to having a big leaf fall on you. But their sap seemed very sticky, and as they enter in contact with Cassy's skin, either directly or through her soaked clothes, they emit a strong odor.
""Oh, it... It tingles... That sap is a strong... Nnnn.." At the same time, vines start to move next to the plant, but fortunately, the nearby Himari goes to her rescue. She yanked the leaves apart, and pulled Cassy out. Her cock was painfully erect and formed a noticeable tent on her pants.
"I feel so sensitive." she moaned.

Meanwhile, their third companion encountered a flower. Himari and Cassy heard a swear and saw a cloud of pollen cover their comrade's general area. The hermaphrodite quickly jump a few meters down.
"I was right to hold my breath. These flowers are more dangerous than they seem." she said when arriving at her teammates' level.

The group resumed their descent, followed by the other two hunters, the Elvan male complaining when his red, hard cock grazed against the surface of the grass.

All the hunters negociated the rest of the obstacles almost flawlessly, except for Himari. The Neko reached another leafy plant. Despite bracing for the sap's contact, her training could not prevent her breath accelerating and her body warming from the aphrodisiac's contact.

Eventually, everyone reached the bottom of the pit, three of them already sporting a hard-on. The pink living grass was also covering the floor of the rift. Glowling firefly-like insects provided a dim light to the explorers.
"So... Where to, and in which manner?" The party could notice bulbous structures south of their position, but they could also hear something some beasts roar north of here, no hunter recognising a beast it could belong to.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

As they began to descend the rest of the way, Himari grimaced as Cassy came into contact with the leaves and their sap and she saw what was happening. When Himari saw what was going on she came to her apprentice's rescue and cut the leaves away for Cassy to keep going. "It's alright Cassy, just try and keep going, keep your head on straight," Himari told her apprentice.

Himari nodded to the other herm and prepared to hold her breath on the way down past a flower on her path. Some of the sap got onto Himari as well, and she gasped softly as she felt her balls engorging a bit and her cock hardening in her clothes. Cursing softly as she managed to navigate past the leaves, Himari soon reached the bottom with the others and looked around.

"I say south of here myself, those structures look interesting and like they might have something inside. Possibly the missing people," Himari said, taking point and leading the way, trying to keep her mind calm.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

The Hunters walked south. As they got closer, they noticed the structures formed some kind of small city or some nest. They formed a multitude of small structures. They looked like igloos made of flesh, with a small opening one could enter by crouching. The surroundings were eerily quiet, only disturbed by soft noises coming from the dozen of structures. At first, they wondered what it was, but the more they listened to it, the more they recognized a creepy explanation.
"Are those muffled voices?" Cassy pointed.
As soon as she asked this, Himari noticed that, from several of the weird buildings, some larva-like creatures left by the opening, and converged further down the road, towards what looked like a cave dug in the rock.
"We're in some kind of nest, aren't we?" asked one of the other Hunters.

Suddenly, the earth underneath all of them shook and a dozen of scarab-like creatures sprouted from the ground. Himari managed to stay close to Cassy, but got separated from the rest of the group by the insects. Four of them headed towards them with aggressive intentions.

Giant scarab's stats:
40 PHY | 40 INT | 60 SEX
4/4 RP

Scarab A: 4/4 RP
Scarab B: 4/4 RP
Scarab C: 4/4 RP
Scarab D: 4/4 RP