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RPG [猫ひげラジオ] プリンセスサクリファイス~供犠姫フィーナの冒険~ / Princess Sacrifice (RJ124341)

Re: Princess Sacrifice

(I'll guess demea-sama is the girl that's always beside us?)

I'm pretty sure you can repeat his fight as many times as you want (winning or losing). I just tried killing myself and after the h-scene I talk to him again, choose first choice and can still fight him. Or did you mean you can't get item from him after you lose to him once (which I didn't test yet)?

Fun Fact: Remember that gauntlet-like fight in the demon fortress at the middle camp? Yeah, went and try it out today and he actually made it beatable now.

You still can get the item, even after get beaten the first time.
(gonna replaying the game for the 5th time, to see the new event and grinding level.)
Re: Princess Sacrifice

You still can get the item, even after get beaten the first time.
(gonna replaying the game for the 5th time, to see the new event and grinding level.)

I found all the new events and items. It doesn't require purity/virgin so it's pretty easy to get but the dragon is brutal if you tried to fight him in very hard with low level. (Tried it)

By the way, was there a secret path at the final fortress underground that you can go into in the previous version? (That connects to the crystal-ish cave and the front of the final fortress before you ascend the stairs and you fight an 'adam statue' there)
Re: Princess Sacrifice

I found all the new events and items. It doesn't require purity/virgin so it's pretty easy to get but the dragon is brutal if you tried to fight him in very hard with low level. (Tried it)

By the way, was there a secret path at the final fortress underground that you can go into in the previous version? (That connects to the crystal-ish cave and the front of the final fortress before you ascend the stairs and you fight an 'adam statue' there)

yeah, there's secret path at the waterfall there, where you can get safe the nun event with Short hair blonde Nun there. with 40 purity(?) option, I don't know the other one does, (maybe she can't survive :eek: ) and the path after save her lead thru the final dungeon aka first place. while the statue one lead thru the path before final dungeon.
Re: Princess Sacrifice

Fun Fact: Remember that gauntlet-like fight in the demon fortress at the middle camp? Yeah, went and try it out today and he actually made it beatable now.

If I find out that you were actually trolling us...
Re: Princess Sacrifice

If I find out that you were actually trolling us...


Technically, half-trolling. It's only beatable after you beat the queen of the castle. :p

It still unbeatable otherwise (both the camp and the holy castle battle)

I'm pretty much completed with the game at this point (for now) so I'll just leave my save file here for any lazy bum out there (I corrupted her quite a bit so holy her up if you want to do a pure run). Also, it's currently in Very Easy because I was testing the gauntlet and dragon.

View attachment save (1).zip
Re: Princess Sacrifice

no i understand he's repeatable it's how you beat him or like yc4ever said massive item use... maybe i'll just hope the dragon continiously rapes me instead of attacking me.

Oh I see.

Well, to be honest it was brutal trying to beat him and yeah...a lot of item was used. If you don't like challenges, the easiest way to beat him is to change the difficulty to very easy which makes him a lot easier to kill (still take some time) otherwise normal will make him hard and very hard will make him hard hard touhou hard. Do recommend at least lvl 20-25+

Choosing class will make life a lot easier when dealing with him.

Do recommend best weapon and defensive gear and the accessory that gives you a bit more mp for spamming.

I avoid all casting classes since you do need more beefy class to deal with the dragon (sometimes) out-of-nowhere big damage. Witch class hits pretty hard but dies or run out of mana too fast.

The dancer class (6th one) is pretty rng since it gives you 20% dodging chance which can be useful.

The queen class (9th one) gives you another 2 mp skill that allows you to increase enemy's pleasure until he climax and if he does it can stun him which makes it very useful for the so-precious healing moment.

[However, I never test out yet if dragon have pleasure meter when fighting or not but if he does going queen class will be the best choice and keep crippling him until he dies]

EDIT/ADD: He does have pleasure meter but it's very risky and not sure if worth it. He requires at least 6-8 whipping (damm virgin dragon) to climax the first time and with his damage if it's worth the whipping since the queen class is very sub-par stat-wise especially in HP department. Still can cripple him but it became more crucial to heal up and sometimes the 2-3 turn stun doesn't really help out that much.

Maybe it's just me but when you actually got him to climax he'll attempt to rape you more. Another thing I found out is that when he is flying, your whipping can still do damage to him but won't increase his pleasure (why? I don't know).

Swordwoman makes your skill damage higher by 20% which makes the 2 mp skill that increase dmg by 1.5x more profitable to spam. The 5 and 10 mp skill is too random to make it profitable.

Knight has that high defense and also probability to recover from fatal by 50% back to 1 hp but lacks a bit in dmg.

I went with swordwoman since knight does have chance to recover but I don't want to play with rng. Use item to keep healing if you ran out of hp and careful on the mp regen item since it gives pleasure although can be cancel with another item but it's risky since you lost a turn removing it. Elixir is the better choice but well...pretty hard to get.

Use the chance when he flies to either heal up, buff your defense or just attack him more (I don't know how she attacks him). He can attack you usually by fireball (this is like a short class so he will still continue flying back even when he cast it) but when he comes back (in 2 turns) he deals quite a damage on you. Use the 1.5x dmg skill when you have the chance but always keep enough mana for heal. It will be a long fight but not impossible.

Another user said that the dragon is a virgin so...I guess he won't attempt to rape you that much (??) but I don't know that yet...since throughout the whole fight he never once try to rape me...or maybe that changed after you lost to him once.

NOTE: I have no idea why the word 'class' is red.
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Re: Princess Sacrifice


Technically, half-trolling. It's only beatable after you beat the queen of the castle. :p

It still unbeatable otherwise (both the camp and the holy castle battle)

I'm pretty much completed with the game at this point (for now) so I'll just leave my save file here for any lazy bum out there (I corrupted her quite a bit so holy her up if you want to do a pure run). Also, it's currently in Very Easy because I was testing the gauntlet and dragon.

View attachment 18475
So where did you get the black stocking/gloves from?
Re: Princess Sacrifice

So where did you get the black stocking/gloves from?

This requires you find the secret place in the dragon map:

It's near the middle left of the map up from the tombstone location and in between the two-pathway of the left side [too lazy to screenshot hope that covers it, if not I'll grab a screenshot somehow] and if you click it you will find another place . Just hovers around there and it'll give clickable sound like all the other secret place.
EDITED: You do need to have the two-pathway on the left side opened on the map first in order for the secret place to be clickable (i.e. can't just go into dragon map and expected to be able to click at the secret place.)

After you're there, choose first choice to take a bath then you'll need to fight a sumo-orc (without any weapon/clothes available). Beat him and you'll get it. If lose it's an orc rape scene we already have.

Once you beat him once he will not show up again and you can keep going to this place to replenish your hp/mp and any stains. Good if you keep wanting to fight dragon or don't want to waste money on inn.

RANT: I ran through the whole frigging game from start again just to make sure it's not a drop from a long time ago and even tried doing it on very hard because I thought it might be something with difficulty. Turns out I found it just because I got bored and start doodling the dragon map and accidentally click it. Then it took me an hour later to realize that that sumo-orc drop the stocking after I found it while playing dress-up (Seriously...why the hell is he carrying black stockings around? Same with virgin dragon boy and black underwear). TL;DR I wasted 2 hours trying to find it.
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Re: Princess Sacrifice

If anyone can pm me the link for the newest version thank you.

Also apparantly theres a version 1.07 now.
Re: Princess Sacrifice

I see. Then it's not really worth my time hunting this one down.
I like content update patches ^^
Re: Princess Sacrifice

Expect UI-translation soon.


EDIT: If someone have save files with various resistance stats and etc, please share them for testing purpose.
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Re: Princess Sacrifice

Expect UI-translation soon.
omg omg mog omg mogm omg mgom gmo ogm ogm omgomogm om gom ogm om gom omg om ogm omg omg omgmom gmom gmom gmo mgom om
Re: Princess Sacrifice

Expect UI-translation soon.


EDIT: If someone have save files with various resistance stats and etc, please share them for testing purpose.

What tool did you use to extract/repack the files? I've been looking freaking everywhere for one but couldn't find any. :(

Do you plan translating items also?
Re: Princess Sacrifice

I'm using python 2 scripts, I'll post them when they'll work flawlessly, they have some problems right now.
I will try to translate basic UI elements such as menus, skills, items, statuses, buttons and etc. However I will not translate any dialog or character line.
Re: Princess Sacrifice

Woah, a translation? Maybe I'll try playing this game again. I gave up after I couldn't figure out anything...
Re: Princess Sacrifice

Still can't get the game to work...
Not my first time with Jap games either.
So before anyone else tell me to "do the normal process" know that I've done it to the best of my knowledge.
This includes:
Running With Appoc
Setting Unicode to Jap(As Far as I know, Don't know if I did it correctly in Vista)
Unzipping With Appoc and/or Unicode to Jap
Tried different Versions of the game
Renamed Folder(Just in case)
Have Japanese Fonts

Other than getting a new comp I think I did what I can. Unless I needed some special file or something...