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Hey, where'd the sun go?(Kei Weiss/Prinny #471)

Re: Hey, where'd the sun go?(Kei Weiss/Prinny #471)

Adessa continues tickling Kei into submission until finally pulling both of them into the bed and cuddling with her. Instead of taking things further, Adessa eventually gets up again and leaves for the kitchen.
Re: Hey, where'd the sun go?(Kei Weiss/Prinny #471)

Giggling and starting to laugh, Kei could barely do anything as Adessa continued to tickle her "M-Mistress stop~!" she managed to get out as Adessa started to stop, eventually just cuddling with Kei, after this she walked off, presumably to prepare the food, leaving Kei with thirty minutes to kill, she decided to go back to her own room for a bit, simply lying on the bed and staring up at the ceiling, she went through her thoughts for a bit, simply remembering what had happened so far and realising everythings moving so fast...after spending about 20 minutes doing this she got up and left her room, adjusting her panties as they seemed to have slipped slightly after the little tussle with Adessa.
Re: Hey, where'd the sun go?(Kei Weiss/Prinny #471)

When Kei gets back to her own room, the rope demon comes out from under the bed and greets her in its strange way before curling around her arm, only to slip off again as she gets up.

Smells of cooking are already coming from the kitchen as Adessa prepares the meal. There are multiple dishes in the making, including sausages, ground beef, some sort of pasta, salad and many others. Adessa merely nods to Kei and gestures towards the table, where there are some dishes ready.
Re: Hey, where'd the sun go?(Kei Weiss/Prinny #471)

Petting the rope demon before it goes under the bed, Kei could smell one of her favourite things coming from the kitchen, food, knocking before entering, Kei entered, Adessa was obviously busy as she merely gestured towards dishes ready on the table, sitting at the table she smiled to herself as she started to eat her early dinner, at a quick rate almost, eventually finishing up she stood up and curtsied Adessa, attempting it perfectly "Thank you for the food mistress...", smiling she picked up the dirty dishes from her dinner and giving them all a good clean.
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Re: Hey, where'd the sun go?(Kei Weiss/Prinny #471)

The food is quite tasty, and Adessa acknowledges Kei's thanks with a nod, applying finishing touches to the rest of the food. "Be ready for the guests. Some of them might be early."

A few minutes later, Kei would hear a knock from the door, at least were she listening for one. If she didn't immediately go to open it, it would be followed by a louder one.
Re: Hey, where'd the sun go?(Kei Weiss/Prinny #471)

After finishing the dishes Kei would stand near the door like Adessa mentioned, just incase anyone arrived early, sure enough, someone did arrive early,so Kei immediately opened the door for them.
Re: Hey, where'd the sun go?(Kei Weiss/Prinny #471)

Behind the door is a pair of men; a hard-looking soldier perhaps in his thirties and another, younger man dressed like a minor noble, as if any noble would come to a place like this with only a single guard.
Re: Hey, where'd the sun go?(Kei Weiss/Prinny #471)

As directed, Kei would allow them inside and give them a curtsy "Welcome guests....please follow me", afterwards she would lead the two men to the living room, after they sat down she would say "Please wait here until the other guests arrive, would you like any drinks in the mean time?" she asked.
Re: Hey, where'd the sun go?(Kei Weiss/Prinny #471)

The noble-looking man acknowledges Kei with a nod and the pair follows her to the living room, taking seats at the table where Adessa is already waiting for them

"Bring us some ale, girl." the soldier says as Kei offers them drinks, before greeting Adessa. "Hello Kalen, Edouard." Adessa says, nodding at the soldier and then at the noble. The three of them start chatting about a past "job", apparently involving some influential noble.
Re: Hey, where'd the sun go?(Kei Weiss/Prinny #471)

Nodding and saying "Ofcourse sir", she left the room to retrieve a bottle of ale and two glasses for the noble and the soldier, coming back into the room she would pour the amount requested for both the noble and the soldier before leaving the bottle on the table in case they were going to have more, she stood at the door of the living room in case she was to be given any more instructions or if she heard a knock at the door again.
Re: Hey, where'd the sun go?(Kei Weiss/Prinny #471)

Kalen pays little attention to Kei, merely holding the glass until it's full, while Edouard eyes Kei curiously, but doesn't say anything about her. Just as Kei is about to put the bottle down, there's another knock from the door. This time, there's a man looking like a priest and a city dwelling peasant, a craftsman by his wealthy clothes.
Re: Hey, where'd the sun go?(Kei Weiss/Prinny #471)

Once again Kei went to the door and opened it, once again giving a curtsy, welcoming them and leading them to the living room, once again she also asked if the priest and the craftsman would like anything to drink.
Re: Hey, where'd the sun go?(Kei Weiss/Prinny #471)

The priest frowns upon seeing Kei, and the craftsman seems like a grumpy personality, but they both follow Kei and take seats. The craftsman orders more ale, while the priests asks politely for water. "So what's she doing here, Adessa? Another of your slaves?" the priest asks accusingly.
Re: Hey, where'd the sun go?(Kei Weiss/Prinny #471)

Kei nodded and retrieved two more glasses, also bringing a bottle of water, she poured the amount of ale requested by the craftsman and handed the cup to him, she then poured the amount of water requested into the other cup and handed it to the priest, returning to the living room door incase anymore instructions were given to her or if the door was knocked on again.
Re: Hey, where'd the sun go?(Kei Weiss/Prinny #471)

"Well, I happened to find her wandering around in the jungle, all alone. Apparently she was part of the bandit group that got wiped out." Adessa answers sharply. "Oh, stop it you two. You have the same argument every damn time." Edouard puts it, stopping the argument and causing the table to fall into awkward silence that lasts several minutes until there's yet another knock from the door.

Behind the door Kei finds two more men dressed as nobles.
Re: Hey, where'd the sun go?(Kei Weiss/Prinny #471)

Answering the door once again, Kei repeated the same routine with the others, curtsying as they came in, directing them to the living room and then asking if they wanted any drinks.
Re: Hey, where'd the sun go?(Kei Weiss/Prinny #471)

As the two men get in, Adessa greets them like the others before turning towards Edouard as they sit down. "Now that we're all here, mind telling us what do you have in your mind this time?"

Edouard leans back. "We're going to rob the emperor."
Re: Hey, where'd the sun go?(Kei Weiss/Prinny #471)

In the living room, Kei nodded at Adessa and left to retrieve the food from the kitchen, bringing in two plates at a time into the living room to serve to all the guests, her speed thankfully meant she had carried most of the food in in about two or three minutes, she stood beside the door and again waited for any instructions.
Re: Hey, where'd the sun go?(Kei Weiss/Prinny #471)

As Kei works to serve everyone, she misses parts of the conversation, but the group seems to be arguing against Edouard's plan. She notices that Adessa is smiling and staying quiet during the argument as if knowing the outcome already.

As the meal starts and the argument gradually turns to Edouard's faver, none of the men pay all that much attention to Kei, considering the way she's dressed, except for Edouard and the priest; the former seeming to try to measure her while the latter frowns when he looks at her.

Kei has to fetch more drinks a couple times, but other than that she's left alone. "So what are we going to steal, then? The crown jewels?" Kalen asks as they are finishing the meal, to the tempered laughter of the others.
Re: Hey, where'd the sun go?(Kei Weiss/Prinny #471)

After serving the food to everyone Kei stood at the door once again, listening in to the conversation when she wasn't called on to fetch more drinks for the guests.