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Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

Re: Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

Kor was loathe to accept his postings, this was a terrible idea, or a brilliant one, he could never guess with that insane fey commander of theirs, maybe that was why he liked him.

Riding on Solidyn's back, as ordered, Kor waited for the spider to move, the arachne was simply a platform for him to work on, but a platform needed protecting as much as anything else, and once more, as was his way, Kor increased his own speed, he had a feeling he may very well need it

Haste Activaterederp
2EP upkeep, cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 68, PP = 78, EP = 81/89, Status = Fine, Haste

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 80, Status = Fine

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 105, Status = Fine, off on her own

Casting: Success.

Perception: ???

And so, their preparations were done with. Their forces began to move, and at the forefront were Solidyn, her crew of gunners, and Kor strapped in an out of the way position to the gunner's back. The gigantic armored spider-woman wasn't exactly a smooth ride, but the protection offered might at least make up for that fact as it did for the crew of kobold gunners standing on her bronze-clad backside. They advanced upon the wall, Aurelia leading a force of gruffs on their right as they made their way towards the first line of defenses of their enemies, and soon enough they were most definitely within range.... And then nothing. No fire fell upon them, magical or mundane. Solidyn ascended the wall just after Aurelia and her group reached it, the half-vampire warrior creating a hole in the wall through which they could make entrance, while it was Solidyn who advanced alone up to the wall.

Along their flanks, other forces were moving, advancing, but even as they reached the walls and enacted their own tactics to circumvent the barrier they too encountered no resistance. The walls which should have been brimming with the corrupted were silent, and Solidyn and her crew ascended without incident, Kor needing to hold on tightly as the arachne climbed up the wall. Once atop the massive structure of the fortress city, they would be able to see the ruined city of Axni-Kri-Shoth in all its dilapidated glory. It had once been the seat of military power in the Eastern portion of the Anudorian desert, the strongest bastion of civilization in the otherwise barren Expanse. Constructed around a complex system of deep wells and magical environmental protections, the city had never been the richest or most populous, but every caravan moving through the desert had had to come through it, and few could stand before its walls, or the beautiful gardens and fountains that had once marked its magically cooled streets without a degree of awe for the marvel of engineering and sorcery that it represented.

Now it was a ruin. Its buildings were crumbled, its fountains dried out, and its gardens had withered. Grey towers build of living flesh stretched out into the skies, four clusters of five gathered in stars surrounding a fifth that stood in the center, each stretching far above any of the emptied desert buildings. The nearest cluster was only about six blocks away, easily within shelling and spell distance, but on the streets there was no sign of any forces that might rise up in defense of the alien strongholds.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

Solidyn considered hauling along a crate of extra cannon shells... but decided against it. They close to camp, and she could hop back down to pick up more ammo if she had to. Moreover, even though the walls didn't look like they had anyone waiting for them from the distance, she wasn't sure if that would be the case when they got closer. It probably wouldn't be too big a deal for her to drop her ammo and get into a claw-fight, but if she had to ditch it... her cannon was a rather old one, but she was fairly sure a cannonball and powder would fit a cannon of the same poundage either way, and hers was of Anudorian make.

As she always did, at the start of every battle, Solidyn's hands came together, her dagger-like fingers locked with each other. Her chant was a rote one, that she gave to no one in particular... "Give us the skill to destroy our foes and to triumph over them, the speed of mind and body to be where they think we are not, and to resist their will, and enforce ours upon them..."

She poured little into the aura she willed into existence, to allow it to exist all day without taxing her, and made for the wall. It was a small defense, but a defense it nonetheless was. With it to protect her, she climbed the wall. "Eyes peeled, boys an' girls..." she said, in her overloud voice. When she figured the others were in position and as ready as they were going to be, she spoke again. "It's quiet... Too quiet. So let's make some noise! Aim fer the base a' that there nearest tower there - aim a bit t'tha side, so's it don't topple on our boys, an' fire when ready!"

Casting Blessing, X=2, for 2 EP. Should have 0 upkeep.
Should thusly give nearby broskis +6 to attack and dodge, and +4 to Resistance and Perception.

Also, pointing out the nearest tower, the 6-blocks-way cluster.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

The problem with riding a loud, cannon carrying arachne into battle was that any choice of subtlety was completely lost, especially as she started bellowing at the top of her lungs about blowing a hole in the tower nearby.

Shaking his head and hanging on, Kor was honestly just waiting for his chance to dismount, if only to get the hell away from the blast of that infernal weapon, it was hard to think with your ears bleeding and he had no intentions of going as deaf as his battlemate.

Still, despite his protests running through his mind, Kor was keeping several spells ready in a defensive measure just in case, he didn't cast them, but he was prepared to unleash them at a moments notice to keep them alive. Alive first, then comfortable, that was always the better way. It didn't pay to be killed while relieving yourself, because it was more comfortable to do it away from everyone else in a bush. This was no different.

Full Defense.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 68, PP = 78, EP = 79/89, Status = Fine, Haste, Upkeep = 2

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 78/80, Status = Fine, Blessing X = 2, Upkeep = 0

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 105, Status = Fine, off on her own

8 Kobold Gunners

Solidyn uses Blessing X = 2.

Kor uses Full Defense.

Also, I forgot how many gunners Solidyn had, so I just gave her eight.

With the top of the wall perfectly barren, Solidyn and her crew - plus their guest in the form of Kor - would set up and orient the heavy cannon secured to the spider's back. The advanced artillery piece, cast in enchanted bronze so that the faeries could work comfortably with it, was leveled at the base of the tower, and the kobolds swarmed over the spider's armored back as they loaded an explosive round into the gun. Kor would have time to brace himself for the coming thunder aplenty, however, as no threat arose before the gun was loaded and the diminutive faeries had aimed it properly. The very base of the tower of gray flesh that they targeted was just slightly out of sight, the lower portions of the cluster blocked by ruined buildings, but hitting it just slightly higher would have the same effect in the end. A few seconds of adjusting the aim and the faeries called for fire, with the lot of them putting in their ear plugs and the designated firer yanking the lever that fired the main gun.

A thunderous roar sounded as a wave of flame issued from the gun, the packed shell launched from the long barrel and the recoil sending Solidyn's entire armored form shuddering. The first firing of the newly upgraded gun would allow the arachne to notice that her armor's upgrades had significantly reduced the shock that the gun put sent rippling through her body. At its target, the shot impacted into the side of the tower and sliced through the first layer of gray meat like so much tissue paper before it hit something hard it enough to crack open its warhead. The ensuing explosion sent a black cloud rising into the sky and charred alien growth flying in all directions, and behind them other less mobile artillery pieces opened fire into the deeper portions of the city. More explosions ensued, many missing their main targets partially or even in full but a few more landing on the clusters of towers near to their points of attack.

Five towers, including the one that Solidyn and her crew had hit and one other from their cluster and three others from the cluster off to their right, would topple or crumble from the devastating artillery barrages aimed at them, and several dozen buildings would crumble further from the bombardment of mortars, cannons, and catapult-hurled bombs. As the dust raised by the first barrage began to settle while the crews reloaded their guns, however, the silent city would suddenly begin to team with motion. The aliens might have, for whatever reason, not been expecting their attack, but now they were most definitely paying attention to the invasion force pressing into their stolen stronghold.

From the remaining towers a flight of small creatures began to spread, a legion of small flying monsters called skyrays for their similarity to the sand rays of the sea, countless small threats taking to the air to soften them up while the ground hordes began to gather to meet them as well. It was all so many ants from the top of the wall, but that wouldn't remain the case for much longer, especially once the swarm of skyrays came upon them. How either Solidyn or Kor wanted to react to the rising threats would be up to them, with the spider able to command her team of gunners as she wished.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

Once she noticed the little swarm of those annoying flying pests, Solidyn laced her hands again, projecting her will out around them in a bubble, magical energies laced into her desire for those damned flying eggsacks to keep away and off of her and her gunners, lending it real, tangible power. "Chain up, if'n ya ain't!" She shouted, once her shimmering field had settled around them.

Man alive, did she hate those things. Flexible as she was, it was still damned difficult for her to get bent enough to swat at them if they started harassing her kobolds. Sometimes they went unnoticed by her and her lookouts, which was when they usually caused her the most grief.

The spider spread her power into a sphere, surrounding herself and her gunners, which pushed out until even her cannon's barrel wouldn't be molested by those damned flyers that had taken wing against them.

Casting Holy Wall to create a bubble around Spidertank and her homies. EP 4, upkeep 1.

he character pays 4 EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round so long as the wall is maintained. Any creature not allowed to pass through the wall must win a Resistance check against the character in order to do so. Creatures attempting to pass through it take 2d6 points of damage that ignores Armor regardless of whether or not they succeed at the check. Demons and Undead attempting to pass through this wall have the damage against them doubled. The character may pay an additional 4 EP when using this power to give the wall a +20 bonus to Resistance, increasing the upkeep cost by 3. This can be done multiple times.
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Re: Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

"I'm not going to lie to you Solidyn! I'd like to save my energies as long as I can! But if they get to close I'll turn them into pulp! Keep moving" Kor shouted to Solidyn as he saw the swarm, and saw the barrier around them thicken.

His hands were already clenched into balls, but they opened as he willed himself to relax, and pushed against that door within his mind, shoving it open as he entered a mental realm that those who didn't understand magic's song would never reach. And then he tapped that power again, Unleashing a violent hail of magical projectiles that steered unerringly towards the approaching mass of creatures, each bolt singling out one of the skyrays with enough force to rend flesh. He felt the pain of his blood boiling within his veins as he reduced the drain on his arcane energies by offering up the strength of his flesh.
Arcane Apotheosis*Greater Missile Storm(Widen and Control at +4 EP, Blood Magic.)
Total EP Spent, 13, HP Spend. 5. Mind increased to 128, (Base of 68 +55+5((Focus))
Haste allowed to Dissipate this round. Upkeep at 3 EP.
Ball (1d6+1+8(focus)+128/8)==(1d6+25)*4 Radius increased to 10Ft. Overall Volume of Targeted area = 4189 cFt (HOLY SWEET FUCK O.O)
64EP remaining. HP Remaining:63/68
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Re: Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 63/68, PP = 78, EP = 64/89, Status = Fine, Upkeep = 3, +60 Mind (Arcane Apotheosis)

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 74/80, Status = Fine, Blessing X = 2, Holy Wall, Upkeep = 1

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 105, Status = Fine, off on her own

8 Kobold Gunners

Solidyn uses Holy Wall to form a bubble around herself and her gunners.

Kor casts Arcane Apotheosis to increase Mind, then Greater Missile Storm with Blood Magic and Spell Control to Widen it.
EP cost: 2 (upkeep for Haste) + 8 (Apoth) + 5 (Missile Storm) = 15 EP
HP cost: 5 (Missile Storm)
Attack autohits and kills the puny little little skyrays, and the casting checks both auto-succeed.

AoE becomes 20 * 2 = 40 foot radius. Much larger. AoE gets multiplied by spell level, and you pay upkeep on Haste if you gain a benefit from it, which you did.

After Solidyn barked her command, the kobolds all prepared to move and repel the incoming swarm, chaining up and some manning the collapsible rifles that had been added to her armor. A protective shimmering field appeared around them, forming a bubble that would hopefully keep the skyrays off of them. Kor, in the meantime, would call upon his magic twice, making good use of the power he had already called upon before releasing it in order to conserve power. The first boon, a strengthening of his ability to concentrate his sorcerous power, went off without a hitch, and the second thus went off fine even as he poured some of his life force into it. A storm of energy bolts lanced out from his outstretched hands, piercing Solidyn's shield but leaving it unharmed on their way to their target.

That bolts exploded into the midst of the swarming flyers, lines of white light spreading out like the roots of a tree into the horde and destroying every skyray that that light touched. His spell left a bubble of emptiness in the center of the swarm and damaged one of the towers, filling the top of it with holes. The other gunners continued the lengthy process of reloading the gun on Solidyn's back, opening the breach and removing the spent shell while another gunner came forward with the next round from a spring-loaded carriage that kept the majority of her ammo underneath her. In the meantime, Kor's magic was joined by many others, some as visually impressive as the storm of exploding bolts. Bolts of lightning, both normal and pitch black, cracked from the clear sky and lashed through the ranks or were launched from above. Fireballs in every color exploded among the swarm, lances of wind and force scattered them, and a few other storms of bolts ripped into their ranks. Down below, small arms fire erupted in the alleys of the ruined city, though whether they targeted the increasingly sparse aerial swarm or some unknown target down in the streets was unknown.

Some of what remained did start toward them, but they were far off and few enough in number that they wouldn't even bother Solidyn's shield. Her gun would soon be loaded, leaving her able to deal with another tower, but as they watched a new threat rose. An alien lord floated up from the top of each tower, each of them a definite threat in and of themselves but enough to spell doom for the entire army if they weren't dealt with quickly. Only four rose from the towers that Solidyn had targeted, but whether any or all of them held the intention of targeting the spider and her cohort with their deadly magics was impossible to tell.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

Kor's spell did a great deal of good in undoing the current aerial threat, and a great barrage from below further thinned out the swarm that had filled the air, but there was a bigger problem looming up from the towers. Lords...

Kor clenched his teeth, setting his jaw hard and tasting his own blood on his mouth as he stayed firmly seated upon the insane arachne's back. He didn't need to point it out, she'd do her own thing with that ridiculous cannon, but he was the other artillery up here and this was part of his job. Threats that standard armament wouldn't take care of. He was going to work himself dry again...

**You ready Ensiloth?** he asked his imprisoned companion within his soul, a feeling of affirmation and determination flowing through him as his locked teeth turned into a rictus of insane violence.

It was probably for the best that the more powerful spells he had at his disposal didn't hurt those around him when they were cast, because he was going to have to dig deep to start knocking those things down... Or did he trust his companion to do so? This was going to be interesting.

he'd strike first, and then worry about defenses later, there was no garauntee he could even stop a spell from such a creature and he wasn't likely to try right away. "SOLIDYN! MAKE EVERY ATTEMPT TO STAY OUT OF SIGHT! DODGE AROUND THE TOWER IF YOU SEE A SPELL COMING!" He bellowed into his companion's ear before starting to chant, his hands coming together in front of him as a black energy began to compress, his will crushing a fundamental force of the universe down into a tiny package, before hurling it at the nearest lord within his line of sight, a surprisingly dangerous spell he didn't envy the recipient of, and once more his blood burned to help sustain his spiritual power, as he set the spell free.

Kor is using Implosion, Level 4 Force, Bolt. 2d4+(mind/6)
Mind: 128, Ep spent 3, Hp spent 3. EP:61 HP:60
Damage for Implosion treated as level 7.
Finished maths 7*(2d4+((21)) So (2d4+147)
Target: nearest visible lord.
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Re: Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

Solidyn flinched away from the fae yelling into the side of her helmet. "Oy, you tryna make me even more deaf?" she grumbled back. "I'm th'size of a goddamn house, how exactly m'I s'posed ta stay 'outta sight'. GUNNERS! Target that noodly git on the left! Kill 'em afore they get their wizzardy bullshit protections goin'!"

Solidyn pointed at one, keeping steady to let her gunners aim properly. She did, however, let out a sticky piece of silk, anchoring it to the wall beneath her, in case she had to make an emergency drop off the wall.

Target one of the Grey Lords or whatever their names are, I have totally forgotten. Look imperious.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 60/68, PP = 78, EP = 58/89, Status = Fine, Upkeep = 3, +60 Mind (Arcane Apotheosis)

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 74/80, Status = Fine, Blessing X = 2, Holy Wall, Upkeep = 1

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 105, Status = Fine, off on her own

8 Kobold Gunners

Solidyn holds still while her gunners reload and take aim.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 77 * 2 = 154 damage.

Kor casts Implosion.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 2 + 21 + 2 = 26, 26 * 7 = 182 damage.

While Kor and Solidyn delivered their exchange, the kobolds were busy rushing about in reloading the heavy cannon on the spider's back. Slapping the chamber closed and securing it, they centered their sights on one of the floating lords while Kor targeted another one. Whether or not Solidyn's bubble would protect them from the stronger aliens was yet to be seen, but it didn't stop either of their attacks from going through. Kor's spell hit hard, a bolt of concentrated force striking its target and simply sliding into it before opening up, drawing in with irresistible force and reducing the thing into a pile of mush that briefly floated in mid air before falling towards the ground.

Solidyn's shell, in the meantime, ripped through a lord and slammed through a building beyond it. Everything below the thing's "waist" was simply ripped off, but even though it lost about twenty feet worth of altitude it remained floating and continued to move its overlong arms. It turned, as did one of the others remaining from their tower cluster. Magic and artillery was now going off everywhere, shells raining down into the city and sorcerers spewing magic up at the alien lords and those out on the streets while the aliens responded in kind. The ones in front of them did something and floated a bit closer, albeit while still remaining well over two hundred feet away, enacting some unknown defensive measures while approaching the floating bubble containing Solidyn and her crew.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

"Reload!" Solidyn commanded, helmet and ears ringing. "Someone get on th'left gun an' take aim! Fire as soon as 'at noodly bastard gets close enough!"

The great spider turned, facing the left cannon at their approaching assailant. "Does th'cannon spin that far as well or am I gonna have t'dance around fer this?" she yelled.

Immediately after barking her question, Solidyn folded her hands together once again, and a vaguely disc-shaped shimmer in the air manifested near Solidyn's forearm, though a few swipes of the spider's arm sent it spinning around her person. She kept it low for now, but she was eyeing the approaching spellcaster, ready to use her disc to deflect whatever it was preparing to fling their way. ...Hopefully.

Turning to orient the left gun towards approachan foe. Also casting Holy Wall (shield version), and if 'at any time' means what I hope it means, I'll expend it to eat some damage if I get attacked and fail to dodge it. Mostly blocking for my Kobuddies, since they're probably far more squishy.

X = 5
Spirit: 30

Should give 5 + 8? Dodge, I think, or block 50 damage.

I am hoping this counts as a separate effect from the no-passy Holy Wall.

-Alternatively, the character may pay X EP to gain a shield with 0 EV and X + Spirit/4 DB, which deals 3d6 + Spirit/4 + 2X damage if used to shield bash. The X bonus to damage is doubled against Demons and Undead. This power costs 1 EP upkeep, but may be expended at any time to create an energy barrier around the character and any adjacent allies that absorbs 10X damage.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

Kor didn't have to reload any ridiculous cannon thankfully, and was already duplicating the spell he had just used, hoping the floating creatures wouldn't be able to get off a proper counterspell with all the other magic being flung at them, though seemingly not to much affect.

The same motions, the same dark mass of power set to spinning, and an identical projectile flung itself from his arched hands towards the next floating monstrosity. He wouldn't be able to bring both down, but hopefully a third would fall before they had too much to worry about.

Kor is using Implosion, Level 4 Force, Bolt. 2d4+(mind/6)
Mind: 128, Ep spent 3, Hp spent 3. EP:61 HP:60
Damage for Implosion treated as level 7.
Finished maths 7*(2d4+((21)) So (2d4+147)
Target: nearest visible lord... again. cos pewpew
Re: Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 60/68, PP = 78, EP = 49/89, Status = Fine, Upkeep = 3, +60 Mind (Arcane Apotheosis)

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 68/80, Status = Fine, Blessing X = 2, Holy Wall, Upkeep = 2, Holy Wall Shield X = 5, +13 Dodge and may expend at any time for a 50 point damage absorption

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 105, Status = Fine, off on her own

8 Kobold Gunners

Solidyn orders her gunners and creates a shield with Holy Wall. X = 5 for +13 Dodge and an emergency damage prevention field.

Kor casts Implosion.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Resistance: Kor wins.
Damage: 2 + 2 + 21 + 2 = 27, 27 * 7 = 189 damage. Splatter.

The kobold opens fire with the side gun with 5 shots at full deadly aim.
Attacks: One hit.
Damage: 31 ignoring AV. The wounded one dies too.

The other crew start reloading the main gun.

Solidyn would turn as she conjured a hovering shield of power, similar to the dome she'd already surrounded them with but more focused, and able to be dispersed in the event of an attack that might harm her crew. Her crew hurried to obey her orders as she turned, putting the wounded lord in range of the gun and letting the little faerie open up on it. Smaller shots rang out, bullets whizzing through the air and allowed to pass through Solidyn's shield. Four of them met a shimmer barrier, but the last tore through the defenses that the lord had raised and finished it off. Kor, in the meantime, hurled another spell at the last fresh lord just as it was preparing to unleash its own magic upon them. His spell pierced the alien's defenses and simply popped it, leaving the skies clear save for the swarm of skyrays that were mostly incinerating themselves against Solidyn's shield.

That gave them options, and as the kobolds loaded another shell into the main gun they had choices to make. A flak shell into the air above their allies would help clear it and damage a lord, and Kor could accomplish something similar with a spell. Targeting another lord, or another tower was also an option, though even as powerful as Kor's magic was it couldn't so easily destroy the towers given its limited area of effect, that being a goal better left for the heavy gun than his limited supply of energy. Direct artillery fire on the ground would likewise help their ally, but Solidyn's would be highly dangerous given how difficult it would be to place the shot through all of the mess in the air.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

With the skies around them clear for now, Kor was free to turn his attention to their fellows on the ground, and the battle was raging. Still, while the large cannon could probably help, he could do the same without risking collateral damage, and as that was something within his power, he had no doubt that it was part of the reason he was up here with a bird's eye view.

Still, of all the spells he had, it was always irksome that he couldn't get too creative in such a large battle. There were simply tools in his arsenal that were more suited to this kind of fighting and another spreading of his hands and a burning in his veins unleashed a flood of energy down into their enemies below.

Greater Missile Storm with Blood Magic and Spell Control to Widen it.
Total EP Spent, 5, HP Spend. 5. (Base of 68 +55+5((Focus))
Radius 40 ft.
Target: Enemy ground forces within range.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

"You're gonna burn out, neckbiter," Solidyn yelled. "Put the next round into another tower, before more nasties pop out of 'em, gents! Them as on th'ground are still fresh, we'll trust 'em to hold their own fer now!"

Solidyn opened her helmet's faceguard up so she could get a better view of the battle's proceedings, though she held one of her hands up, bladed fingers in front of her face, in case something managed to get past her shield.

Direct the cannon's fire onto another tower.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 55/68, PP = 78, EP = 41/89, Status = Fine, Upkeep = 3, +60 Mind (Arcane Apotheosis)

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 66/80, Status = Fine, Blessing X = 2, Holy Wall, Upkeep = 2, Holy Wall Shield X = 5, +13 Dodge and may expend at any time for a 50 point damage absorption

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 105, Status = Fine, off on her own

8 Kobold Gunners

Kor casts Missile Storm. Just as a note, it autohits everything, not just enemies. You need to use spell control to protect your allies.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Resistance: Kor wins.
Damage: 4 + 1 + 16 + 2 = 23, 23 * 4 = 92 damage. Lots of damage.

Four rounds pass, letting Solidyn bring down two more towers with cannon fire. Kor can pick what he does on those rounds.

The battle turned, or at least seemed to turn, in their favor as Kor unleashed a wave of power onto the aliens below. The pressed mercenaries suddenly had a moment of breathing room so that they could regain their formations, and over the next few moments Solidyn's gun would thunder twice more, bringing down two more of the alien towers. They were briefly left untouched thanks to Solidyn's barrier, and with the battle moving further into the city in many places they were rapidly running out of targets that they could reach. The forces on the left were getting bogged down by a swarm of grabbers, however, and they could stop to deal with that even though that wasn't a front occupied by their allies, or could continue on ahead.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

Kor managed to buy some time for the ground forces, taking the pressure off of them though he was sure he'd probably panicked a few of them when a hail of light started punching through things and they took a moment to pat themselves looking for extra holes...

Still, Kor kept his eyes on the battle while Solidyn handled the towers, her gunners working skillfully on her back to handle the large gun. He had to admire them, they were brave little fuckers...

Still, while thinking, there wasn't much that he could come up to help the ground forces, except maybe giving them a port in the storm, and that would be incredibly risky... if the ritual was interrupted, it would be useless, and he'd be in an even worse situation... but if it worked.. He could create a place where the injured could go to be healed, or to die in a moment of peace...

A nagging voice in the back of his mind told him that this may very well be worth the gamble, he couldn't win an assault like this on his own, that was never the plan, but he couldn't leave Solidyn on her own unprotected... if he hasted himself... he could complete the ritual at twice the speed as well, but his energy supply would never last that long, if he'd thought of this at the very start, it could have been done... but not now. Still, as those thoughts drifted around, he let his empowered mind fade, the rush of energy pulsing through him released before it could drain him further, his companion was right, he'd burn himself out again if he wasn't careful.

(End of Round 1, action: Release Arcane Apotheosis, Think and look silly)

He'd have to limit his influence to Solidyn and her crew, and he was quickly coming to admire the insane gunners more and more, as well as Solidyns ability to command them and keep them working. They trusted her, that much was apparent. Closing his eyes, Kor began a set of castings, power humming through him carefully, and unlike before, quietly, no great rushing of power or show of force, but a careful manipulation of the winds around himself, and more importantly, Solidyn and her crew. Her own barrier was nice enough, but it needed a little more power then she could spare for it. Meanwhile, he could, though he'd be trusting her to keep him alive. As the first spell came into being, his concentration unmarred so far by the actions around him, the winds picked up, first once, and then considerably more around them, deterring and even deflecting any incoming attacks to a degree, the vampire once again trading blood for power, he Had to stay in this fight, something in his gut told him, if nothing Else, Solidyn would need him.

2 spells went up, before he racked his brain in those final moments of peace he had seemed to find, thinking of more ways to protect the mobile artillery he was riding. As long as they were moving however, many options he could think of were either too draining, or completely useless. He could increase Solidyn's defenses, however it would affect her, and only her. Still, for now, he would continue to think, leaving the winds defensively rushing around them, closing his eyes and paying close attention to the reloading pattern of the cannon, so that he could open a path for the shot amidst the winds without throwing it off course. He chuckled at that, having never thought he'd have to learn such a thing so mundane for a spell. Still, that left him, closing his eyes, and timing, waiting for the order to fire as he opened a gap in the winds around the cannonball as it tore out of their interfering range. It was the best he could do right now.

The drain for these 2 spells is Minimal to an extreme, but blood magic will be used regardless to save any amount of EP he can, which in this case, comes to 1.

HP and EP Cost Total: 1 each.
Arcane Apotheosis released without benefit gained for the first round, nor used. Upkeep for round 1 removed.

Round 2 shows the use of Buffeting winds, all allies within 30 feet of Kor are protected, this encompasses at the least, Solidyn and her gunners, reducing enemy attack rolls by 8. Upkeep of 1, cost of 0.

Round 3 is the use of Harsh winds, which is a further penalty to attacks by 10, and speed within 50 feet of the group by 10. Total penalties at 18 Att and 10 Speed. Cost of 2 (Hp and EP 1) No Upkeep Listed.

Round 4 is devoted to keeping the winds from interfering with the cannonballs aim, though there is no penalty to ranged allied attackers within these spell effects. If this is unnecessary, then there's only one further detail in this post for clarification.

So far the cost is at 2 for upkeep, and 1&1 for HW, that's 3 and 1. Harsh Winds is Listed as a Utility, but no upkeep is listed. This leaves it (To me at least) in question as to whether it is a sustainable spell. If it is Not, please let me know. If such is the case, Kor will recast it in round 4 for the same cost, of 1&1.

This will leave his stats at either HP = 54/68, PP = 78, EP = 38/89, Status = Fine, Upkeep = 1. OR alternatively at HP = 53/68, PP = 78, EP = 37/89, Status = Fine, Upkeep = 2& 1 HP until Kor ceases to hold up Harsh Winds.
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Re: Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

When Solidyn saw her choices of targets starting to thin and her mercs pressing onward, Solidyn started planning her route to follow. She wanted to stay high to keep clear of of the majority enemies on the ground, but that made it hard to move among the roofs - she couldn't jump far enough between most roofs, and even if she did, the ability of these old buildings to hold up under the sudden impact of a ton or so of spider and bronze was questionable at best.

She did see an opportunity on one of the flanks, however; their allies on the left were struggling against the little tentacled beasties, of all things. They might even be overrun! She didn't want them collapsing and allowing their foes to cut off Solidyn's own from the rear.

"Lads, watch that left side - those regulars are strugglin' with them tentacles! We're movin' up an' pickin' a route to keep an eye on 'em - we'll move close to take some shots with the side guns at that crowd before continuing on towards the Marshal. Do NOT hit our allies, understand? If ya aren't sure, don't even try!"

Solidyn double-timed it down the side of the wall, clipping the tether-silk once she reached the bottom. Having studied the streets to choose a route that looked like it would swing by a position that would lend them a position to put some supporting fire into the enemy crowd, Solidyn made her way through the streets or along the walls if she had to, making her way towards her chosen position. She was extremely wary of putting a cannon round into the ground near friendly forces, but the heavy guns on her flanks ought to be good enough.

So long as these regulars held their lines and kept Solidyn's forces from being flanked, they were making themselves useful to her. She was anxious to reach Ur-Wind, however; she didn't like being separated from her band.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 50/68, PP = 78, EP = 32/89, Status = Fine, Upkeep = 1, Buffeting Winds, Harsh Winds

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 59/80, Status = Fine, Blessing X = 2, Upkeep = 1, Holy Wall Shield X = 5, +13 Dodge and may expend at any time for a 50 point damage absorption

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 105, Status = Fine, off on her own

8 Kobold Gunners, each took 6 HP and 3 EP damage.

Slime Mage: Spent 6 EP
Slime 1: Fine
Slime 2: Fine
Slime 3: Fine

Haste doesn't do anything to increase ritual speed.

Spells are easily cast, costing no EP for Buffeting and 1 EP and 1 HP for Harsh. Upkeep goes up to 1 EP. Harsh Winds just doesn't have an upkeep cost in 3.5, it can be maintained.

Casting: Success.
Attack: Miss.
Damage: 2 + 1 + 7 + 2 + 2 = 14, 14 * 3 = 42, 42/4 = 11 damage, Solidyn's armor shrugging it off completely and Kor's armor and DR reducing it to a puny 4 damage. It still deals EP damage though, for a total of 7 on Kor and 5 on Solidyn. I charged Solidyn for two rounds of upkeep and Kor for one. I assumed that Solidyn dropped her wall because it can't move with her, but left her with the shield.

Crawling down the wall to keep up with the moving battle and quickly scurrying up the side of a building, Solidyn would have to leave her wall behind, but Kor's wind spells would keep the flying pests at bay while they repositioned themselves. Taking some time to aid their allies, the kobolds would open up on their foe from above, bullets tearing into the large horde of tentacle spawn and thinning them enough that they would be able to recover, shift those affected by the slime to the rear where they could wait off its effects, and took a more organized approach to killing the alien horde.

They were not to go unmolested, however, as while paused on the roof so that the side gunners could chew through some of the aliens several of their foe decided to target the mobile artillery platform. Namely, a violet slime crawled up the building and unleashed a spell upon the crew, tendrils of black magic that Kor's magic only partially diverted as the winds disrupted the magical assault as well rending through them. Solidyn's enchanted armor shrugged off the physical aspect of it, and Kor's supernatural durability letting him do mostly the same while the gunners were only barely affected, but more painful by far was the energy suddenly burned out of their souls, their very essence shredded in ways that no armor would protect. The offending caster was directly ahead, some thirty feet away, but two of the gray blobs rolled up the side of the building and advanced on them from only twenty feet away, and a third came up beside the violet slime, standing in front of the more dangerous caster as if to block them from attacking it.