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Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"If I knew 'ey wasn't nuts" Zahra replied simply, thinking back to Kor blasting captives she was talking to. She got the impression that a fair number of the mercenaries were unhinged. Even Solidyn, who seemed nice enough, seemed to be unstable. That was the problem she had more than anything else.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

“It just feels like we were barely survivng before. We never had a chance to actually help before we found these people.“ the gemini woman said slowly, shrugging as she stood. “We should go and see the old cat now, right?“
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Zahra scarfed down the last of her food and nodded at Huldah, standing up and stretching. They would have to find Verja and have this "checkup" or whatever it was.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Solidyn glanced down at her ponderous self.

"Uuh... and I'm gonna fit all the way down there? I don't have ta walk through any closed-in places fulla shelves or anythin', right, doc?" she asked, giving him a skeptical glance.

"Ahh, whatever. If I don't, I'll just get a coupla the goats t'help me. I think I'll carve a couple chunks outta that beast we shot down, too, n' toss 'em down after the little buggers, so's they got nibblies besides each other. Eh... I suppose in about a month or so, what's left a' the lot'll have their girly halves out. If I ain't around ta put 'em in their place, don't let 'em push ya around, alright? Makes it harder ta put 'em in their place later, 'n all."

Solidyn would go off back downstairs and outside to go and recruit some of her comrades in helping her find whatever hole Master Cat had designated for her to toss her babies down into. Even if she could fit down to get there, she still wanted to hack up some of that dead ship thing to toss down with 'em.. They wouldn't complain none about it - probably - and it'd make them a little bigger and a little stronger before they started eating each other... she thought. Maybe. At any rate, she also wanted the bragging rights of saying she blew one of those fucker's ride-arounds up, then gouged out chunks of it to feed to her babies. Yeah... that would be pretty hardcore.

Solidyn totally wasn't still sore about not scaring anyone yesterday.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"I was taught that traditional sieges are boring affairs where two sides wait and try to convince the other that giving up is preferable to continuing; a dance which continues until either the attackers or the defenders find some new circumstance that makes them believe that they can defeat the other in open combat," she replied as she moved closer in order to inspect the map. "Personally I've been in a few, but they were typically against undermanned fortresses and I had the advantages of my skill-set to quickly disassemble points in the walls and a small throng of the undead to usher through them as initial fodder. The defenders surrendered each time by the time I was finished animating the first wave of their fallen," she admitted. Normally such an admission would have wounded her pride, but the knight cared little for the prospect of a real siege against a truly fortified castle and saw no lost glory in having never had to deal with one.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

As the vines shot forth to pin him where he was, Kor let out a pleasure strangled snarl before his legs were bound as well, his hips having immediately started to buck forward as his lover set to deny him his release. His cock, jumping and throbbing within her mouth as she held him back, her tongue making slow passes around his tip, was so ready to pop it was almost painful. With need rushing through his blood, and his heart sounding in his ears, Kor was left gasping and struggling slightly as he slowly relaxed for a moment.

Another long wait, another short time to come down from his burning need, was all Kor got before the torture started again, Kor's only true response as he waited, the rest broken and almost unintelligible between his panting and desperate moans being "You're having too much fun with this."

Despite an aversion to being where he was, out of control and needing what his tormentor could give him, Kor behaved, his eyes closing as his head dropped back and his body squirmed against the vines again, unable to find purchase or leverage to move.

Pulling herself off his cock, Kor groaned in frustration before soft kisses and licks along his shaft left him breathless once more. Turning her attention to his balls, Kor was caught off guard by the sensation, not many lovers giving such attentions and leaving him a shuddering mess before she let him rest again. Almost missing her question entirely, Kor looked at her for a moment, before nodding. "I would, I'd like that very much." He panted out, his sentence broken with another low groan as she pushed him to the very brink.

Ignoring him completely, Emi took him back into her mouth, her slow motions and teasing tongue leaving him near to thrashing in his prison as the thought of Emi screaming in bliss while he drank her, and a suitable revenge flooded through his mind. Reduced to a gasping and panting animal in need of reaching his peak, of loosing his seed, Kor's body was on fire with absolute desire, he was so close!

"Ooo I'm going to return the favor... Believe it" Kor groaned out, his muscles snapped taught against the vines for a moment as he twisted. He was sorely tempted to reach for his magic, but that wasn't fair play. He'd get his own later, and that desire became almost as strong as his need for release, Emi still toying with him as he snapped his mouth shut and closed his eyes, his chest heaving with desperation.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Huldah: HP = 72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 68, PP = 78, EP = 89, Status = Fine

Zahra: HP = 60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 80, Status = Fine

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 95/105, Status = Fine

Mason: HP = 80. 80 Body, 8 AV, Natural Attack


"The stairs are wide," Verja replied flatly, but then brightened as he continued; "Go on, don't worry! It'll be fine! Just put 'em down there with whatever food you think you can manage, and I'm sure they'll sort themselves out! Sacrimony and I can handle a few uppity spiders if we have to, don't fret." Waving her off, the old cat would return to his work as Solidyn wandered back downstairs, but on the way she would find herself confronted with the oddest duo in their little club....


"Mmmm" Ur-Wind murmured thoughtfully following Aurelia's explanation about her experiences and thoughts in regards to siege warfare. "A pity.... Still, it wouldn't hurt to get your opinion on this, methinks. Come over here," he continued, gesturing to the map on the table and beckoning her forward. When she obeyed, Aurelia would find herself looking upon a map of Anudor, one that she would recognize from her own learning regarding the geography of Donevrion, but this one had been heavily defaced to show the changes in territory due to the alien invasion. The only major settlement that hadn't been crossed off was far up North, a coastal city named Srikloeth-Tonn, while a number of lines had been drawn in grey and in red to represent the lines of the aliens and of the resistance forces respectively. Their current encampment was marked by a small pewter figurine, as were several other places farther East than they were, and three lines had been drawn in black towards three other marked spots, including a fallen city.

"Those are our paths from this point," Ur-Wind stated calmly, "Either Northwest to take Selima Oasis and secure it as a stopping point for troops moving farther West, Southwest to eliminate a regiment of aliens at another fort like this one, or straight West with the main contingent to try and reclaim Axni-Kri-Shoth. The second and third options could include some need for breaching walls, so I had hoped you had some experience in such battles. Even though you don't, I would consider your counsel valuable given your general experience in warfare." Ur-Wind paused to allow Aurelia an opportunity to respond, the old Su-Ku-Ta standing beside her looking on with undisguised interest at the half-vampire's thoughts.


"Mmmmm..." the faerie sadist murmured lightly as she coated Kor's member in licks. "I'll bet it would be..." she cooed breathlessly, before taking his shaft into her mouth and giving it a few more slow, sensual bobs. Popping off, the suction and the rapid flicks of her tongue against the underside of his shaft coming just barely short of bringing him over the edge, "Absolutely.... Delicious~"

His promise to return the favor caused the nymph to quirk an eyebrow, her tongue slowly circling over the head and sending shivers of pleasure running up and down Kor's spine. "Well then...." she said thoughtfully, and then kissed her way down his shaft until she was at the base. "If I'm going to be punished anyway...." she continued, and then sucked on each of his balls in turn, relieving their ache but not the pressure that had caused it. "I guess I should...." she continued again, before flicking her tongue around the base before giving one long, slow lick from there up to the tip. "Be very..." she said, before kissing the tip and rolling her tongue over it in slow, dragging licks. "Very...." she kissed the tip, and then took it into her mouth and sucked on it, and then slowly took in his shaft from tip all the way down to the base before slowly drawing back up, producing a soft sucking noise from the suction applied by her lips. She popped off of Kor's cock again, and finished; ...Naughty~"

And then, Emi's cruelty continued.... Or rather, it began. She sucked, she licked, she nibbled, and she kissed his throbbing erection, every touch promising the relief that he was desperately needed and sending pleasure coursing through him.... And every time she kept from fulfilling his primal need. Her techniques were varied, each flowing seamlessly into another and preventing him both from cumming and from losing his burning arousal. His balls were lathered often in just enough attention to momentarily assuage their needy ache, before some deft attentions to his shaft brought it back even stronger than before. Rapid bobs and slow draws kept him excited, kept numbing pleasure coursing through him, and for half an hour Emi kept him bound like that as she worked her mouth and hands over his manhood while leaving him teetering constantly upon the precipice.

Twice more during her efforts she seemed about to end his torment. The first time, after leaving him to wallow in the pleasures offered by a series of slow laps against his underside, the faerie having been licking him like a lolipop, Emi had dropped her mouth onto his cock and just started bobbing, a storm of licks and high pressure suggesting that he was finally going to be released from his need to cum. She brought him right to the edge and just kept on going, but just as the orgasm was boiling up from his balls, she stopped her bobbing with only the tip in her mouth, and the hand around the base of his shaft squeezed tightly to prevent him from ejaculating. Gazing at him with a soft but cruel smile, she began to bob slowly in the midst of his incomplete climax, ensuring that he wouldn't go soft despite being cut off like that. The second time was much the same, but this time she grasped him by the balls with one hand while the other formed a tight ring around his manhood, drawing up with her mouth as she bobbed harder than ever before, practically milking it right out of him before she cut him off in the exact same way as before.

No relief was given, and Kor found any efforts to call upon his powers thwarted by his bindings and an inability to concentrate through the incredible pleasure that her actions inspired. Eventually, however, the faerie would show mercy. Popping off of his cock once again, Emi sighed and said; "It's time for you to cum now." Rather than drop her mouth back onto him, however, Emi rose from between his legs and crawled on top of him, straddling him. His turgid shaft needed no guidance, and teasing him as she had was evidently exciting enough to make Emi soaking wet, as she slid into the warm, wet confines of the nymph's folds with ease. Her pussy was even better a balm to his need than being in her mouth had been, and the soft gasp that Emi had emitted upon sliding down onto him was ended by a soft moan as his tip nudged against her cervix.

A moment later Emi's hips rose and then slammed back down again, a motion that was repeated as the faerie began to moan in pure lust, her folds squeezing his shaft tightly and milking Kor's shaft more effectively than her mouth and hands ever had. Up and down, every motion a pleasure that was rising towards a peak that she couldn't possibly deny.... Until she did, stopping her motions with Kor hovering just on the brink once again, only his tip resting inside of her as a low breathless chuckle escaped her lips. She shifted as he issued whatever frustrated growls he might desire, planting her feet beside his hips and rising only to fall back down a second later, against sheathing his length into the heavenly depths of her soaking cunny. Her rapid bouncing returned, bringing him back to the cusp of cumming again before slowing to a crawl, her folds sliding along his length so that he could feel every heavenly inch, but moving too slowly to bring him to orgasm. Three slow humps, and then three fast ones, followed by three more slow ones to keep him right where she wanted him, where she'd kept him for what felt like forever.

"How long do you think I could keep you like this?" she asked, still managing to sound curious despite being breathless with arousal. Slow, then fast, then slow again. Five rapid bucks that nearly had him, and then ten more slow ones that gave him time between gasps to answer. Regardless of Kor's answer, she kept it up for another minute before, while keeping the rise and fall of her hips in perfect synch, she placed her hands on his chest and leaned over so that her mouth was in his ear. Soft moans and gasps poured from her lips, but a few seconds later she softly uttered a single word that he was likely dying to hear by that point; "Cum."

Without further adieu, Emi started slamming up and down in Kor's lap, moaning loud enough into his ear that anyone nearby would probably know exactly what they were up to. The tight squeeze of her folds as they slid up and down his shaft was undeniable, and even if he had wanted to deny her Kor was given no choice in the matter. He didn't last ten seconds before finally the dams were released, and the half-vampire's seed was left to pour forth into the faerie's clenching sex. She didn't slow or stop as he came, riding Kor through his orgasm, and then just kept on going afterwards regardless of how he might twitch and squirm until, several minutes later, Emi came herself. Her pussy had kept him from going soft, and if that wasn't enough a stray vine would ensure that the blood in his cock didn't go anywhere until she was finished with it, before finally Emi relaxed down onto him and collapsed against his chest with a satisfied sigh.


Rising after their meals were eaten, Huldah and Zahra were first greeted by an odd sight upon entering the tower. A bloated faerie, one of the nymphs that the massive armored spider had called upon during the battle, was on her back on the floor with a pair of gruffs kneeling beside her. She seemed to be pumping out fist-sized eggs, one after another, that the goatmen were gather in a silken basket, while the progenitor of said eggs was nowhere in sight.

They would find her, only a short while later, as the arachne climbed across the ceiling of the old cat's odd machine-filled room. They needed to cross it.... In the opposite direction from which the spider was going, and Solidyn would spot the cat archer and her gemini compatriot as they climbed up from the level below, where she had been headed to see to her young.
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Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Walking back into the tower after her meal Zahra was confronted with something quite odd… The sight of one of the fae Solidyn had summoned earlier was laying on the ground, surrounded by a couple of gruffs who were helping her “give birth” to a multitude of rather large eggs. It looked excessively unpleasant for the sorceress, and the catgirl was glad that for all the depraved and ridiculous things she had been made to do in her life she had never had eggs laid in her. Deeper into the tower she and Huldah walked on, putting that scene behind them as they made their way into the machine-room. There they saw the source of those eggs, the arachne walking across the ceiling in the way that spiders often did. It was just a bit odd looking for a creature so large, a little bit creepy… the archer continued on towards the chamber where Verja and she had worked on Huldah yesterday, assuming that that was where he meant.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

While the half-vampire might have seen no lost glory when it came to avoiding sieges up until that point, it became apparent as she looked at the map and listened to the options their commander was considering that she had been looking at the wrong sieges. Retaking a city from the aliens would surely result in much fame for those who stood out above the rest, and maybe even plenty of plunder for an opportunistic mercenary who was fast enough. In contrast, the knight's believed that the oasis was probably the safest choice to take, albeit not to hold, given its apparent lack of walls and that it would bring them closer to a more secure supply route. Of course, in a battle where-in safety and wisdom matched off against glory and a good fight, the latter won out easily for the prideful former noblewoman.

"The fort does not seem worth the effort," she began, "barring our host having a brother there with a similar magical tower, or some other object of interest, it seems most likely to expend resources and lives for currently minor tactical gains. The oasis has the benefit of moving us closer to Srikloeth-Tonn," perhaps she should have been happy her new slaves couldn't speak if these were the sorts of names their language spawned, "which grants us readier access to supplies and allied aid, and will most likely be the easiest and least costly move for us to make. With our spellcasters we could probably even have a defensible wall up within a week of taking it and be ready to defend it against counterattacks or hand it off to another force capable of as much." Not that their ability to deal with the oasis quickly and efficiently changed her opinion on the matter, which was that taking and securing the oasis was a job for a greener group of soldiers than their own.

"So my council is that we attack... Axni-Kri-Shoth," she pointed to the city for emphasis. "The implications of a victory in the fallen city are great, and it could mark a turning point in the fight against these aliens. Doubtlessly it would raise the morale of the resistance and perhaps even persuade more refugees to pick up arms and return to the fight, as it would demonstrate above anything else to this point that victory is possible in Anudor. Thus, I'm of the opinion that every force in the area with the capability should join the main contingent and press the attack, and that the oasis should be left to a group out of position to join this siege." She paused for a moment then, before adding. "And while my experience in more active sieges is lacking, I believe myself perfectly capable of shaping siege equipment, disassembling walls, or even tunneling under them for this endeavor, commander."
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Huldah followed behind her catfolk friend, her eyes going wide at the sight of the distended faerie, making sure to give the scene as large a berth as teh room would allow.

Soon enough they spotted the cause as well, Solidyn striding across the roof above them in the maze room, which in Huldah's opinion was the worst place in the entire tower. "You think the old cat has turned this place back on again?" She asked Zahra nervously.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"'Eeey! If it ain't Big Girl an' ki- Imean..." Solidyn fell silent, evidently having a hard time coming up with a new name for Kitty now that she actually remembered she didn't like being called 'kitty' - and only half-remembered her actual name. "Zzzzah... Zahhhh... uuuuh... Zatanna. Yeah, that's it. Big Girl and Zatanna!" Solidyn waved!

She moved to roundabout where she'd be able to drop relatively close to them, and with a few deft flicks of her hind legs, put down three anchors for her silk. Then, her hind legs paid it out, and she descended on a cable of spidersilk - distressingly thin-looking, though the stuff that made it's fibers were far stronger than those in normal rope. The huge spider spun slowly as she neared the ground.

"I'd offer ta give ya's a lift, buuuut I'm kinda in a hurry right now, so I can't." She was half-shouting - which was normal, but she was half-shouting louder to be heard over the din of the machinery, as well. "Sorry! Try not ta' get lost in 'ere, yeah?"

She shouted down the stairs instructions about which basement she'd gotten permission to hurl the little suckers into, where it was, and - of course - not to toss them someplace they didn't belong. After all, them other rooms might have holes in 'em, and when they chucked 'em in places with holes in 'em when they were occupyin' where they'd hatched, they had problems. No one wanted to be the second Gottlieb - AKA 'Peghoof', who she saw helping with the birth. It wasn't as funny the second time around.

She decided to follow them along to dumping the eggs - she had about an hour, and they were fresh-lain, so she'd have plenty of time to gouge out a couple chunks before the little bastards hatched. It'd be better than getting lost trying to find where it was while hauling around some nasty, probably-putrefying meat, anyway.

Shit. She was probably going to need a bath once that bit was done.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Zahra wasn’t much a fan of the big room either, from the obnoxious noise of the whirring machines that assaulted the ears to the maze-like quality of the floor plan. Of course, that was even before the fact that somewhere in there lurked those deadly creatures from before, something Huldah reminded her of with a nervous question. "Ol’ coot coulda" she replied quietly as the arachne up above began to yell at them. It was becoming almost sort of amusing, how godsawful Solidyn was with names. At the very least she hadn’t called the catgirl “kitty” again, so she likely wouldn’t bother to correct the error. "Gotta be careful." She paused and waited for the spider to approach, slowly dropping down from the ceiling by means of a tiny little strand of thread. It was an odd sight, to see such a large creature supported by something so small… "We’re fine" the archer replied, nodding a bit. Ideally the arachne would be able to carry Huldah at least up above the maze, in the hope of avoiding any possible ambush by those things from earlier, but they were probably safe. Probably. Once the shouting commander had gone along her merry way the two would continue up to meet with Verja, the catgirl’s eyes peeled for potential dangers. He seemed like a trustworthy old cat in the abstract, but she didn’t trust him not to be a senile old fuck.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

(uh gods, blah post to keep things moving, sorry)

Huldah frowned slightly at Solidyn's yelling commentary, looking wistfully up at the thread attached to the ceiling. "Make sure she's okay, okay?" She told the arachne, sighing as the pair headed upwards started into the machinery, glancing around at everything warily until they had safely passed by.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"Who, Tilly? Aaah, she'll be fine, layin' is always like that. Heck, mine are smaller than them live babies you folk make, besides. ...Though, there's prob'ly 'round two dozen of 'em. Aaaaand they hatch inter flesh-eatin' little monsters. But, we got it handled, ain't nothin' ta worry over, yeah?"
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Kor, realizing a sadist when he saw one, would normally have figured out that the more he struggled the worse it would be. However, the proud, and more importantly, bound, man was too busy lusting after his own pleasure to have the thought truly sink in.

As Emi's torments continued, her agile tongue and soft lips, the heat of her mouth and skilled ministrations, Kor was trapped in a haze of warring thoughts and needs. His cock jumped and throbbed with his desire for release and flitting images of what he'd do in repayment only made him hungrier.

But he couldn't move, he couldn't make any progress himself, and when the fey told him she was going to make the most of this since he'd already promised her recompense, the half vampire groaned. He'd reached the point of trying to hide the reactions of his pleasure, biting down on his moans and clipped gasps. But he couldn't hide the rise and fall of his chest, nor the eagerness of his cock. And when she gave him as much warning as she was going to, Kor gave up. He couldn't reach his power, he couldn't break his bindings, and he was stuck as Emi's plaything until she either grew too aroused to keep torturing him, or she grew bored. He highly doubted the latter, and had no way of judging the former.

The ecstasy was constantly shifting and changing, Emi's efforts always flowing from one direction to another and Kor was caught as he teetered on the edge. The first time she seemed about to end his torment, his disappointed growl slid from his lips as she denied him again. The second had him pulling at the vines, his hardened body stretched taut against the bindings... It wouldn't end! The incomplete orgasm she actually denied him was enough to have him trying to break his binds once more, his fangs bared in an obviously angry hiss that was more desperation then actual malice... probably much to her delight.

His hunger was more animal then man at this point, the inferno of his lust all consuming as intelligent thought was driven from his mind by both a strange anger, and his need, and when she spoke to him next, Kor was confused for a moment, having to think about what she was saying. The groan that was the response to Emi telling him it was time for him to cum was as close to "Thank all the Gods!" that she was likely to get.

As the tip of his abused cock was greeted by the silken embrace of her soaking cunt, Kor sighed, thinking his ordeal was finally over... He was wrong... The rest was a haze, Kor was honestly too far lost at this point to care, he only had two things he wanted and one was always just out of reach. As the fairy sorceress rose and fell atop him, obviously aroused by her teasing of her nearly unwilling captive, Kor was simply trying to fight his restraints again, wanting to buck up into her clenching depths but still held fast.

Her last remark earned her a snarl and another fruitless attempt to break free, her seemingly bored tone of voice actually infuriating, it seemed she'd had enough and started to wildly ride him. It was finally over, with an animalistic howl, Kor poured his heat into her depths as his orgasm blew through his body like a tidal wave, leaving him breathless and struggling as Emi rode him through it, abusing him until her own peak before collapsing atop him.

It was probably for the best she still hadn't untied him... The Half Vampire was still in a rare temper...
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Huldah: HP = 72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 68, PP = 78, EP = 89, Status = Fine

Zahra: HP = 60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 80, Status = Fine

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 95/105, Status = Fine

Mason: HP = 80. 80 Body, 8 AV, Natural Attack


Striding back down the stairs after her run in with Zahra and Huldah, Solidyn found herself back in the presence of her incubator and cuddle-pillow faerie, now bereft of eggs and lying in a stupor on the floor while the gruff that had been helping her give birth tended to her. The two baskets were filled to the brim with eggs, and would need to be tended to quickly lest they start to hatch and unleash the deadly young arachne contained within upon an unsuspecting group of mercenaries. A trio of kobolds - including Raginhard - were waiting there for her, and the kobold that had fathered her offspring saluted Solidyn and said; "Guncommander! Your main gun and your armor have been taken to be repaired and refitted! We are on duty to help you deal with the new recruits on General Rammel's orders!"


Ur-Wind and his guest listened without interruption as Aurelia delivered her opinion, the kobold general nodding occasionally while the Su-Ku-Ta was as still as a statue. Once her requested council had been delivered, the cat simply stared at the city she had pointed to with an introspective look while Ur-Wind rubbed his chin. "I figured you would say as much," Ur-Wind said after a brief period of silence, and then turned to the cat and continued; "Very well then, you've got our answer Rakishi. I concur with Lady Korort's appraisal of the situation, I merely needed the to hear someone say it aloud. It'll be risky, particularly since two of the larger ships are still unaccounted for, but you have us for your attack."

The su-ku-ta, who had been silent until then, allowed a small smile that Aurelia would quickly perceive was a rare expression for him to creep over his face for an instant. He nodded and spoke a brief phrase in a deep, booming voice; "I knew that I would. Prepare your soldiers, you move within the hour to join the primary column." With that he simply turned and walked out of the tent, and after watching him go Ur-Wind turned to Aurelia and said; "You are dismissed, milady. Prepare yourself for an extended travel, it's a week long journey across the desert to reach our target."


"Mmmmmm, that was nice~" Emi cooed breathily after lying against him and panting for a few moments, her rest allowing the aftershocks of her orgasm to fade. She slowly rose up, placing her hands upon Kor's chest, and slowly arched her back, stretching in the most distracting manner possible as her pussy slowly gyrated against his cock. The motions had her inner walls squeezing and relaxing rhythmically around his abused length, which still had a vine wrapped around its base to prevent it from going fully soft. If he had hoped to be freed from the vines binding him that he might take out some of his bottled fury at the faerie's treatment, Kor would be sorely disappointed, as Emi made no move to release him. Instead, after her stretch was complete she simply began to gyrate her hips more energetically, eventually beginning to bounce slowly onto him again. "So, now that your punishment for fucking me up the ass without my permission is over, what would you like to do, hrm?" she asked innocently, making no apparent reaction to the way in which she was slowly but steadily riding him.

"I bet you'd like to punish me back, wouldn't you?" she added, and then let out a delighted sigh and slowly closed her eyes as her bouncing shifted into a series of quick grinding motions. The nymph came to a full stop after a few seconds, however, and opened her eyes again as Kor would feel his cum leaking out around his cock. "You made such a mess inside me," she added, her mock reproach muted enough that he would be able to tell even in his present state that she was far from distressed about it. "I wonder what I'll have to do to get you to make an even bigger one?" she question introspectively a moment later, the slow rolling motions of her hips starting up again as she lifted a hand and tapped her chin with a finger.


Heading through the maze after their run in with Solidyn, Huldah and Zahra made it without running into anything with murderous intent, though they did happen upon Verja's partially mechanical hound as they wandered through the twisting passageways of noisy machinery. Sacrimony was apparently just idling about, and ran over to them and began barking excitedly at the sight of the su-ku-ta and her gemini companion. Tail wagging, the mechanical beast ran a quick circle around the two, his extra mechanical limbs flailing wildly, before rushing around the corner and then looking back at them with the characteristic look of an excited dog. This would continue the rest of the way through the maze, Sacrimony leading them through a relatively short path if they followed or simply following them if they elected to take another one and get lost instead.

Once they had, eventually, arrived at the next floor, they found Verja in the kitchen once more, eating another platter of his mashed together but highly flavorful foods. Whatever it was, it smelled wonderful, far better than the rations they'd had to eat earlier. Rising to his feet at the sight of them, the old cat saluted with a boyish grin on his face, and then shouted at them with a mouthful of food; "Ssssahra! Fffuldah! Come in, come in! Take a sheet! I'll be done eating in a mmmmonent!"
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

The large gemini calmed somewhat once they left the maze behind, fine with following the barking mechanical hound through the easier path of the maze.

They found the old mage in the kitchen, the smells of his meal permeating the air and making Huldah hungry all over again. Taking deep breaths of the aroma, she give the mage a smile and did as he asked, carefully putting herself in one of the chairs offered. She glanced between Zahra and Verja a moment, not really knowing what to say, remaining quiet instead for the time being.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Thankfully there was nothing to impede the progress of the two through the maze of machinery, and indeed the old cat’s strange mechanical dog was wandering about inside. When he saw Zahra and Huldah he rushed over to them and yapped with the sort of excitement the catgirl normally associated with smaller kinds of dog, running circles around them while his tail wagged furiously. She leaned over to try and give him a quick scritch between the ears before he darted off around a corner… and then peered back at them. Well that was helpful; she almost certainly would have had trouble navigating the maze without his help. When they eventually arrived her nose was assaulted by the scent of much better food than that that she had just eaten; Verja was in his kitchen, eating his breakfast. He didn’t bother to stop as they approached, though he did greet them and tell them to sit down, a light spray of food coming from his full mouth. Zahra quietly did as she was told, taking a seat next to her friend and watching the old mage eat with some small amount of envy.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Kor believed his freedom was close at hand... and he was wrong. Groaning in frustration as Emi stretched, his eyes drawn to the alluring sight as he pulled against the vines holding him.... again... He utterly ignored everything she said, he was too busy ranting and raving at his other inner self.

"Really... Ensiloth, take this one for me, I'm too old for this shit..." he said, flailing around as they watched the situation from within, the trapped Fey just laughing uproariously at the entire thing and taking a great deal of enjoyment out of Kor's predicament. Shaking his head, still laughing mirthfully, he answered. "If I'd have known it was this easy to take care of you, I'd have skipped the fighting altogether and just sent a slut, gods know we have plenty of them, and I could have been victor by having you fucked to death!" He said, pausing between snorts and loud guffaws of laughter to force the sentence out. Kor, annoyed by the response, eventually shrugged, chuckling himself at the insanity of it all, and himself, and resigned himself to riding it out.

Snapping back to himself to find more energetically riding his cock, she suddenly stopped to speak again. "Want to punish you? Emi... It's going to be a loooong day." Kor promised, ignoring the comment about making a mess as he laid there, still strapped down, still annoyed, and with Emi's pussy abusing his sensitive and confined length as she started it up all over again.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"Do the refits include a real breastplate?" Solidyn started. Damnable titty-armor. "Eh, nevermind. I'll see if 'afore too long, anyway."

She told the lot what room had been assigned to hold the eggs, and then sent Raginhard and one of the others he'd brought to start gouging chunks out of the massive carcass outside, for them to come back and grab.

Then, Solidyn grabbed up a basket in each arm, and had the last remaining kobold accompany her. That cat had said she'd be able to fit through the hallways to get at the room, but she wanted someone tiny around just in case. Once she was done, she'd hurry back up to join the others in ripping flesh from the sky-monster's corpse, where her sword-like fingers and her spider's abdomen that routinely supported a few tons of metal would let them move a whole bunch back down to toss in after her babies.

She hoped one of the Sorceress...es...esses? Whatever, would be up to a little magic after that. A sand-scrubbing of her spiderbutt might get her mostly clean, and this hot, arid environment probably would have slowed down the usual "rot and maggot" thing that dead bodies did, but dammit, she was still gonna want some water to rinse that shit off. Tilda might still be a little loopy for that, but there were two other Sorceressesessses, and making water was easy enough for them to do, right?