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help with hentai fighting games


Jungle Girl
Aug 14, 2011
Reputation score
my friend doesnt have an account but he wanted to ask is there any dickgirl hentai fighting games? besides fairy fighting?
Re: help with hentai fighting games

yes my friend. an can you plzzzz awnser my question?
Re: help with hentai fighting games

You don't have to be ashamed. We're a hentai forum. You can tell us the truth.
Re: help with hentai fighting games

no anything but those games i have those tht's why im asking here
Re: help with hentai fighting games

OK ME now can you PLEASE awnser the question?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, how ironic, you try trolling us in the Shoutbox for 'watching hentai all day' and here you are practically begging us to tell you of any fighting games that have futa in them.
Re: help with hentai fighting games

This is funnier than Incubus' rage quit post.

I mean, his most recent one.
Re: help with hentai fighting games

first of all sironi im not begging so you cn kiss my ass...and second silentsith that shit wasnt funny...and no one cares
Re: help with hentai fighting games

Ha, bad grammar/spelling and a hypocrite. Fine, you can stay in your little bubble of denial.
Re: help with hentai fighting games

first of all sironi im not begging so you cn kiss my ass...and second silentsith that shit wasnt funny...and no one cares

Learn English faggot. Apparently you can't even comprehend SirOni's post, which was fairly simple. And yes it is funny.
Re: help with hentai fighting games

first of all your priks it's called a typo and hentai spider go suck some cow nuts fucking fag
Re: help with hentai fighting games

first of all your priks it's called a typo and hentai spider go suck some cow nuts fucking fag

Typo is making one or two mistakes in about a page. What you have is a case of "I can't fucking spell because I'm an idiot"
Re: help with hentai fighting games

He could do that, or, now this may be a crazy idea but hear me out, you could fuck off and we'd be done with this conversation as well as your company.

Also, I find it funny that someone would call another person a 'fag' when that person is asking for games featuring women with dicks. If we're going by the definition you're implying wouldn't you technically be considered the faggot here seeing as you want games of naked phalli attached to women? Oh, I forgot. Judging by the level of your grammar and spelling most of the words in the previous sentences are beyond your comprehension.
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Re: help with hentai fighting games

oh my god..the little faggot is trying to use big words he thinks im a third grader..well not you twerp get a life dude
Re: help with hentai fighting games

I would think big words means he knows you understand them, so, you're obviously not a third grader.

But at the same time, I really wouldn't consider any of those words really advanced at all, so the fact you refer to them as "big words" has me questioning your age. You're at least 15 right? That's the legal age for your state? It is for mine.
Re: help with hentai fighting games

FUCK YOU ALL! I LIKE BOURBON! Wait a moment, that's not what you guys are talking about is it? Well, now that we're talking about alcoholic beverages I would like to inform you that I don't really like bourbon. At least not as much as I like Jose Cuervo with ginger ale. That shit's delicious.
Re: help with hentai fighting games

oh my god..the little faggot is trying to use big words he thinks im a third grader..well not you twerp get a life dude

D'aaaw, look at the baby, thinking he can outplay me. So cute.

And it's still ironic how you tell people to get a life even though you're doing the exact same thing as me. People in glass houses should think before throwing stones, yeah? Though I imagine it's like Toxic said, you're an underage moron, probably borderline retarded, who's bored now that it's coming to the end of summer and you're looking for something to do before you go back to school.

And I'm surprised Dark hasn't put a stop to all this already.
Re: help with hentai fighting games

I... I don't really check in here too often. And I've been busy.

Also, I'd really like it if you guys would tone down the angry on the lurkers a little bit. It's been getting a little out of hand lately. As for what's going on in here, if nobody's going to answer his question, don't answer the damn topic. Just because he's being an idiot doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a chance.