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Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

Not that it's especially important, but it was 200, not 250 :V

"The invaders are not known to carry treasure, and 'loot', as you put it, may be problematic if we are to be attacking one of their giant flying base-creatures. I will not accept such an agreement, nor will I commit our steel without our full payment." Her face twitched when Elise offered to 'pay with her body', as well. "I will presume you did not mean what that sounded like. Comforts of the flesh tie our perceptions and our thoughts to our physical bodies, and I - we - train rigorously to shed such attachments. We refuse. Likewise, we have little use for a servant or a blade of some outside tutelage, and none of these things would be of service to our monastery - it already has a great many displaced souls among it, another would not be of benefit to it. We must refuse them as well. We simply ask for either coin, or supplies of an equivalent value to tend to the monastery and it's refugees."

The other warriors of the Soaring Swords were all difficult to read as their leader responded - all except for the pig-tailed girl, who suddenly seemed to have a devious glimmer in her eye, which seemed to have gone unnoticed by the others - probably because their attention was centered either on Elise, or on attempting to meditate.

"...I do hope you will be able to acquire our fee, Miss," the woman continued, after a pause. "Earthly attachments or not, not a one of us hold any love for the monsters running amok among our civilization, and while the Swords have all demonstrated their eagerness for heroics, the denarii we raise are very important to Ironrose - to endanger our lives away without consideration for our home would be both foolish and a betrayal."
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

(Sorry about the money thing, I edited it before doing this.)

Elise listened to the leader elf woman and flinched a little as she spoke, feeling she may have gone a little overboard. She hung her head partly in shame and partly in apology for a few moments before raising it back up to look at the leader night elf again. Elise let her finish before speaking any herself, feeling her chances of help fast slipping away from her because of what she'd said, and she felt so stupid for it.

"Please, please forgive me for saying it all like that please. I merely meant if I had to, that I was willing to do most anything to get my parents and as much of my village back as possible. I mean... surely you can understand what I meant and the position I'm in. Wouldn't you go to whatever lengths you had to to save your monastery and the refugees there? That's all I meant. And yes I swear I'll get the money together some how and pay you when I'm ready to leave, I swear it," Elise responded after the night elf leader had finished, sounding very distressed and desperate with the way she spoke as she bowed her head repeatedly, trying to appease these mercs so they would help her, as she had nobody else that had the strength to do so. After a few moments, Elise continued and asked a question, wanting to know when they could be ready to leave, "Before I leave to start gathering the money, might I know something. When is the earliest you all could be ready? I won't be ready myself until at least tomorrow morning at the earliest."

With that, Elise would bow her head once more before backing away from them and leaving them to their meditations. She had to come up with seventy denarii or more by either that night or the next morning, and she knew of nowhere to get it, but she had at least half of it on her at the moment so at least she had a start. As she started out of the place she looked even more depressed than she had been earlier, muttering and calling herself stupid over and over. "Gods I'm so stupid. Why did I say all that. Dammit why am I always thinking with the wrong goddamn head. And I don't even know where the fuck to start trying to find enough money to pay them, I'm so damn stupid for not trying to find some more money first," Elise said after they got out of the temple, tears slowly sliding down her cheeks to drip to the ground. Jivi, Roxanne, and Aleth would all see Elise shaking her head slightly to either side, very distressed now that she had the possible help, yet no way to pay.

She'd turn to Aleth after a few moments of thinking. "Aleth hon, do you have any idea where I can go and make enough money to pay them in a day?" Elise asked her fellow half demon, a pleading and hopeful look on her face.
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

"We would merely need to pay our thanks to the monks of this temple for allowing us to stay here. We would be ready at any time." the leader-woman said. She didn't look particularly offended by Elise's suggestive offerings - it had been delivered in an informative tone, more than anything. Then again, the woman hadn't really displayed any sort of emotion at all during Elise's meeting with her, so it was a bit hard to tell.

After they left and Elise started to sink into despair, both Jivi and Roxanne wrapped themselves around her arms again, cooing. "Ooh, Elise, don't worry," Roxanne purred. "You're very... talented. I'm sure everything will work out!" "She didn't know what she was passing up anyway~ You're worth way more than, uh... whatever she said!" Chimed in the sister. Fiscal matters were obviously not their forte - what would they need with it out in the jungles, after all? - but they seemed quite convinced Elise was worth her weight in gold, and then some. Vines started creeping around her like they had before...

It took Aleth a moment to respond - she seemed to still be troubled, as well. "Huh? Oh! Ummmm... well, didn't that guy from the Weary Soldier say something about jobs? You could maybe check those out, you know? How to get so much money so quick, though, I'm not really suuure..."

While Elise pondered her predicament a few city streets later, a far-off voice came from behind them. "Hey! Heeeey!"

Looking back, Elise saw the pigtailed girl from before, running after them - this time, dressed in fairly common-looking rags instead of the fancy silks they'd had on, and also without her sword. She came to a jogging stop, looking surprisingly unwinded. "...Hi again!" she said cheerfully, fluttering her fingers at Elise like she had before. "I don't think I introduced myself last time. I'm Chao."

She stared - a little unsettlingly, actually - at Elise for a few moments, until, at last, she coughed and said, "Could I talk with you? ...Alone." She tugged on Elise's arm, but her two Alraune fuckbuddies didn't let go, looking protective... or... possessive? "It's about payment," the swordsister said. "I... might be able to help you out." She sounded like she was picking her words carefully, and snuck a few glances at Aleth as she did so.

The flowergirls, sharing a glance as they weighed the pros and cons of letting their precious Elise out of their sight for a moment with getting help for something that was important to her. After a brief deliberation, they relented.

"Thanks! I'll just be a minute!" Chao said, slinging her arm around Elise's waist and pulling her into a nearby alley while her friends stood where they'd been, looking confused.

"...What would you say if I could get you your money?" the strange swordsister said to Elise, once they were in the relative privacy of the alley. "Because I can. If you'll do me just a little favor. Juuust a little one. You'll like it even! Promise." The girl was smiling, and... perhaps it was the close proximity of the alley, but she was standing awful close... and leaning in... and... smelling her?
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

"V-Very well then, thank you again," Elise replied to the merc leader, bowing her head once more as she retreated out of the temple, not seeing any signs of her being offended by her words, though of course she didn't know for a fact if she was or not.


After getting outside the temple again and Elise started falling into depression again, which she had gone into and come out of several times this day already. While hanging her head sadly, she felt Jivi and Roxanne grab either arm again, trying to reassure her that she would be able to figure something out in the end. She smiled at their efforts to cheer her up and couldn't help but giggle a little when she felt their vines slithering around her again like earlier when she, the two of them, and Aleth had had their sex romp in the middle of the city.

After a few moments, Elise finally heard Aleth respond to her question of where to gather some money, yet it was something she already knew and had considered so it didn't really help her any at all. "I remember what he said Aleth, but I don't think I've got the time to go out on any missions like that, cause they'll probably entail me going out of town for some reason or another. But we should probably check of course, maybe we'll get lucky and find something in town. I hate to have to ask anyone if I could borrow the money when I don't have any way of paying them back on short notice, but I'd be willing to work off any debts that I've got as long as it didn't entail me getting hurt," Elise said in reply to Aleth's words, not liking her odds of finding something to pay enough money for her to pay the merc company in a single day.

After walking along a couple of more streets while wondering how she was going to pay for the help she needed, Elise heard someone calling out behind them and turned to see who it was. She saw the pigtailed night elf from earlier running towards them all, and Elise saw that she was no longer dressed in her fancy dress and now wearing some old commoners clothing, without her weapons as well. Elise listened to her talk all cheerfully to her and waved back at her wave.

"I think you already know my name, but in case you forgot, I'm Elise," Elise said with a bit of a chuckle.

Elise waited while the girl Chao stared at her, fidgeting around a little feeling a little anxious as she didn't know what the night elf girl had planned with coming out after them. When Chao grabbed her arm and tried to pull her along and away from Jivi and Roxanne, telling her that she might be able to help her about her payment, Elise was eager to listen, noticing the glances Chao gave to Aleth, and noticing that Jivi and Roxanne didn't seem to want to let her go for Chao to talk with privately, looking a little protective and jealous about it. After a few moments of silent debate, Jivi and Roxanne decided to go ahead and let Elise go and speak with Chao, apparently wanting to help her in any way they could, which Elise was thankful for. So just before heading off with Chao, Elise kissed Jivi and Roxanne both on the lips, saying a quick thank you to them both as she let Chao lead her into the alleyway, thinking that this could be the break she needed and instantly coming out of her depressed state.

As Elise stood there in the alleyway with Chao, she listened to her telling her she could get her the money, but in return for a favor to her. Elise pondered her offer while watching Chao leaning in and doing what looked like smelling her, the night elf extremely close to her. Elise could only think that Chao was breathing in her pheromones from how close she was. "What exactly is this favor you want Chao? Can I at least know what it is before I accept it?" Elise asked Chao, wondering what her favor would be.

If Chao told her however that she must accept the deal before she would tell her the favor she required, Elise would look a little unsettled about it, but after thinking it over for a minute or two she would accept, not really having much choice in the matter. Telling Chao in that case, "Very well then, I'll accept. But only as long as it wouldn't entail me being hurt or killed, I kind of need to be in good shape for when we leave you know."
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

Perception: Nope.

When queried as to what the favor actually was, the night elf looked up from her place hovering near Elise's collarbone. "Oh, yeah, of course. I want you to fuck my sister."

She continued without missing a beat. "She's always so wound-up and high-strung, I think good screw would do wonders for her. And that stuff she said to you is silly, anyway - how can you shed your physical desires if you've never known them? You know? And, well... if she doesn't pester me as much when I run off to... well, find something to fuck, so much the better. I should probably mention that I don't really share her view, also." Chao paused to take another sniff. "My nose is really good, you know. I smelled sex on you when you were talking back at the temple. Lots of it. Semen, and girl-juices, and sweat - different from the sweat from a farmer, or from just the jungle's heat. I smelled it on those other girls, too... they seem pretty happy, and those alraune were very clingy. That tells me it was really good sex. Right?"

Due to her continuing proximity, Elise eventually found herself backed up to a wall - Chao's head was practically nestled under Elise's chin, right now, and the elf's palms were pressing into the building behind Elise, as she continued to take in Elise's scent. "Mmf. It's a really good smell, you know."

"And you're very pretty, too, so no worries there. Have I told you I like your hair?" She looked up. "But yeah. I can handle getting her if you need me to, but if you could seduce her that would probably be better. What I had in mind would probably be rape, and your guard friend probably wouldn't like that. All you have to do is make her feel really really good. With this thing." Elise suddenly felt a hand run up her inner thigh... "Or maybe your mouth, or something - you know, whatever. You can do that, right? In return..."

Chao suddenly stepped back, and handed Elise a pouch, heavy with coins. If she counted them, she would find exactly forty-four... and, shortly after doing so, she would find that there was a sudden absence of a familiar weight on her hip...

"Hehe." The swordsister grinned and looked up at Elise. "I did say I'd get you your money, didn't I? But really, I'll get you the rest of your payment... though, your guard-friend might not like that one, either. So what do you say?"

Seemingly ignoring her own question, she adopted a skeptical look as she stared up into Elise's eyes. "You are good at sex, right? The idea sort of hinges on that... maybe you could show me, just a little?" Chao pressed in again, her thin elven form pressing lightly against Elise's knockout figure. Looking up at the half-demoness with her head slightly askew, the night elf licked her lips and pouted, looking expectant.
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

"Y-You want me to have sex with your sister? The leader lady back there?" Elise asked, a little surprised, then she listened when Chao continued talking, gulping a little and speaking up again when Chao backed her against the building wall and took another whiff of her succubus pheromones she'd inherited from her papa, "T-That is true, about shedding your physical desires I guess, and yes Jivi and Roxanne, the two alraune were clinging to me because of the sex, same with Aleth, the guard lady."

"T-Thanks I guess," Elise replied with a cute blush on her cheeks when Chao complemented her on her smell, hair, and beauty, then after listening to Chao continue speaking, Elise did herself after giving a soft gasp when Chao ran her hand up her inner thigh, saying, "I wouldn't know how to really entice her into coming on to me honestly, since she didn't really seem interested any when I offered earlier, so you'd probably have to help me out on that regard. But as for making her feel good... well I am the daughter of a succubus after all, so yeah I can handle that one easily enough I guess. I'd probably need to get her drunk or something like that, maybe just keep her around my pheromones or essence or whatever you want to call it long enough for her to just get horny, but either of those would likely end up being pretty hard to do without first having the money to give to her, at least I would think. But if you can get her to come on to me then I can handle the rest."

When Chao moved back and gave her the pouch with some money in it, Elise thought she was just giving her the money to take back and give to her sister, but as it turned out it was in fact her own money. When she found this out, Elise couldn't help but feel a little mad and puffed her cheeks out at Chao, giving the night elf a slightly hurt look.

"T-That was a little mean Chao. I thought you were giving me the money, and I really need it. But yes I'm good at sex, like I said I am the child of a succubus. And I don't mind showing you just how good I am, but it might be good to get a more private place, but only if you promise to help me get the money okay, I meant what I said to your sister that I'd do most anything to save my parents," Elise replied, letting Chao lean against her and unable to deny liking the expectant look the young night elf had, as she was a succubus after all and enjoyed sex much more so than most people probably would. If Chao agreed to her, then Elise would suggest they go and find a place more... private, where she, Chao, Jivi, Roxanne, and Aleth if she wanted to to have some fun.
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

"Y-You want me to have sex with your sister?"

"Yes," came Chao's reply almost immediately.

"The leader lady back there?"

"Yes," she said once more. She blinked. "Why? It's not a problem, is it? Is she not your type?"

The night elf rolled her eyes. "Well of course she didn't seem interested. She's chaste, remember? That's sort of the whole point - to make her realize it's not bad to feel good." There was a rather pregnant pause in which the elf girl seemed to study Elise's face. "...I'm mostly pretty almost practically sure she'll get into it, though! Even if she says 'shuns the comforts of the flesh', she's always tossing in her bedroll and panting when she's asleep. I remember one time a couple years ago, I heard her go 'Oh Vatsyahattva', push more of your prayer beads in my ass!'" The night elf's impression was uncannily accurate, though she continued before Elise could dwell on it for very long. "So yeah. Kinkier than she'll admit."

The swordsister scoffed when Elise got angry with her for handing her her own money. "C'mon, where's your sense of humor? Besides, I said I'd get you the money, didn't?"

She pressed up against Elise, though when she asked if she wanted to go somewhere more private, she shook her head. "I don't have time, Elise - I snuck away, and if I take too long Yu will figure it out. Mm... maybe I shouldn't have said 'sex'. I meant... you know..." the girl brushed a hand up against Elise's cheek. "Tender caresses..." The hand fell, and Elise felt it slide down to her breast and squeeze. "Touching..." Chao rose up on tip-toes, her lips brushing against the side of the half-demon's neck, until they were not even an inch from Elise's own. "...Kissing?"

The violet girl sandwiched Elise between herself and the wall behind her, trailing kisses up to her ear, where she whispered...

"If you're going to defile my sister, I need to know you'll make her like being defiled... and that process should start far before your cock goes in her... shouldn't it? Surely, you can do that? 'Daughter of a succubus'? Steal her heart like I stole your coin. She should like you. She should want to like you. She should want you to like her."
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

"Well no I don't have a problem with it, it's just... what if she gets mad at me and tries to kill me, or worse still, refuses to help me go and save my parents. I mean your sister is very pretty, as are you, but... you know what I mean don't you?" Elise said almost desperately, not sure what to do in all honesty, as she'd never raped someone before, and she wasn't sure if she was comfortable with doing so either, but if it was what she had to do in order to get the payment for saving her parents, then she would have to do it, as she had no other means of getting it on short notice and every minute wasted in trying to get it would be one minute less she had to find and rescue her parents.

Elise watched her roll her eyes at her as she spoke some more, stating the obvious to her that it was the whole point of her not seeming interested about sex, because she was chaste and whatnot. When Chao did the very accurate impression of her sister, Elise couldn't help but giggle a little at her, especially upon finding out how kinky the other night elf seemed to be by what Chao was saying at least. Elise still remained silent as Chao pressed her against the wall behind her, kissing and caressing her, sighing as Chao squeezed her breast and drew her lips up the side of her neck, saying that she wanted Elise to make her sister want to have sex.

"Yeah... I think I can make her want it, and enjoy it. Her heart is as good as mine, because I'm the daughter of a succubus, and we succubi can make people fall in love with us with enough effort. When I'm through, I'll have her wanting to marry me, just to be able to feel my touch. If that's the gist of what you're wanting at least. And I was serious about wanting to travel with you all and helping you afterwards, to repay you all for helping me," Elise said once Chao was through speaking, now determined to make Chao's sister like her and want her to have sex with her, which she intended to give her all to make certain of. "However I'll still need your help to cause a meeting between the two of us Chao, because it'll look too suspicious if I just go back to the temple and ask her if she'd come with me somewhere secluded. Don't you think so? So you'll have to help me in order for this to work. Does she have any hobbies that I should know about by chance? Anything you can tell me about her would be helpful, because the more I know, the better I'll be able to make a plan to make her fall for me. But anywhere you think would be a good place for us to meet would be good to know, unless she goes to be alone somewhere at least, then that would work, because I'd hate to try this and one of your other companions come along and like... attack me or something," Elise then asked after taking a breath and thinking about it for a few moments.
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

"...but... you know what I mean don't you?"

"Not really," Chao responded. "The plan hinges on you sticking your penis in someone good. Those things you're worried about won't happen unless you stick it in bad. You have three satisfied girls following you around, which would seem to indicate proficiency at sticking your penis in things... I don't see what the issue is."

Chao - still pressed up against Elise, her face not an inch from the half-demon's own (which afforded her an extensive look at the girl's green eyes) - grew impatient as Elise spoke of a succubi's hold over the heart, wanting to travel with the Soaring Swords, and asking her about Yu. When she paused to think, the night elf gave a little sigh, and stepped back to a polite distance, looking disappointed that she didn't get to have her light caresses returned.

"Hobbies? No. She's entirely dedicated to her swordcraft and spiritual mastery... so her entirety is training and meditation. You might be able to impress her with some swordwork of your own..." Chao indicated Elise's twin swords with a small gesture with a finger, "...But that would be unlikely to happen outside of the temple, where the rest of the Swords would be - you'd have to get her to leave afterwards on top of beat her - and, well - she's the very best of us - and we're not called 'Swords' for nothing, you know."

She sniffed - a thoughtful sniff this time, unlike how she had been taking in Elise's scent earlier. "Her latest endeavor has been learning to 'see' without her eyes - she feels and listens, and also uses her spirit to sense auras. It's why she doesn't open her eyes. She has a birthmark on her left side... I've heard it said it looks like a palm tree - five points and a curving line branching off from one, with a little dot where the 'leaves' and 'trunk' meet, like a coconut. The palm is a symbol of victory, which makes it very fortuitous omen - if you believe in that sort of thing, anyway. It really just looks like a star with a big floppy dong sticking out, to me. "

"Mmm... oh. She's a virgin, of course, so you should probably start gently. I expect the rigors of training to have broken her maidenhood - so, she'll be nice and tight, but without all the ripping and bleeding. So, that's a bonus, right?"

The strange swordsister sighed. "If you aren't about seducing her, though, then I'll handle it - I'll find you and contact you when it's all ready. Okay? Do we have a deal? I'm reasonably sure this will work... though, perhaps a little bit less sure than before."

"...Oh, one more thing. You talk too much." The elf blinked as she continued. "She already knows your voice, so if you start talking in the middle of it all, she might concentrate on figuring out why you sound so familiar instead of how nice you feel. That would probably be... detrimental. ...Also I was hoping to find out firsthand about how good succubi are. You kept mentioning it after all."

"...Uuhhh... Elise?" came Aleth's voice from around the corner.

"Oh well," Chao sighed. "Perhaps next time. So, does it sound like a deal?"

It really was a dangerous proposition - but, it would undoubtedly be difficult to get the money otherwise. A skilled band like the Soaring Swords would be invaluable if she got into a fight - especially a massive fight like what undoubtedly awaited Elise if she tried to cut her parents free from the cluthes of the invader that abducted her parents. Could she handle raping someone just for money, though? It might be difficult to raise the money elsewhere, but it could be done... probably...
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

"Well what I mean is that yes I can do it and I don't mind doing it any, but you know. I'm scared that she'll attack me, or worse refuse helping me for doing it. Chao... my parents... they mean everything to me, and I want to do this right. So yeah I'll seduce her, I just need your help to do so is all, I'm not incompetent or anything, I just want this to work and all. Now I'm sure you understand that, surely," Elise replied, not sounding so much scared of doing it, but the fallout of doing it, as she wanted... no she needed their help with this. Elise did returned the caresses that Chao gave to her, not letting her retreat any when she tried to do so.

Elise listened to Chao tell her a bit about Yu's hobbies and such intently, figuring that she needed to know everything about her that she could find out, especially considering that she was supposed to seduce her and all. When Chao told her that she could impress her with her own sword skills a little, but Elise wasn't very confident in her own skills that much, so she doubted she'd be able to beat someone as good as Yu was supposed to be or anything. When Chao told her about Yu's birthmark, she was a little intrigued about it, giggling a bit when Chao told her what she thought it looked like, unable to hold back her laughter.

"Well you don't have to worry about me not being gentle, I'm always gentle with my partners, because i want them to enjoy their time with me as much as I enjoy my time with them. And like I said, I can seduce her, but I'd need help, because I know next to nothing about you all or anything," Elise said after giggling about Chao saying what she did about Yu's tattoo and after she'd said what she did about her being a virgin, yet not having her maidenhood, or so she thought at least. When Chao told her that she talked too much though, Elise got a little pouty and hung her head a little, "I suppose I shouldn't talk too much around her if I'm going to be doing this, but I'd like to not outright rape her if I can help it, so I'm going to try and seduce her into wanting it first if I can. However I'll wait for your word before I do anything, so we can be sure that we'll be able to do this without a hitch. Because I want this to work... I need this to work right Chao, I can't afford to mess up," Elise continued, sounding very serious all of a sudden and looking serious as well, letting Chao know that she was ready to do this in order to get her parents back, and that she wouldn't get cold feet, but she didn't want to lose the support of the Soaring Swords in the process of it all either.

"What is it Aleth?" Elise asked Aleth aloud, then she turned to Chao before the night elf could leave and whispered quietly in her ear, "And I'll see you later then Chao, just be sure to be ready and please... try and convince her to do it of her own free will. Call her out on it if you can and tell her what you told me. How could she shed her physical desires without experiencing them to begin with and all that, then you could just tell her that you bought my services or something, but don't tell her who I am of course."

Once Chao was gone, Elise glanced over to Aleth and walked over to her, asking again. "What is it Aleth? Something wrong?"
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Still not too shabby. Surprising right?

Elise: 15 + 36 = 51 VS Chao: 12 + ? = Nope. Elise retains hold of ye elf, to hug and cuddle. Unless she doesn't.

Also sorry for the massively late and disproportionately unwalllike orpdat and stuff.

"Not. Really." The elf repeated once more. "If you can't afford to fail, then you have to put everything you have into solving the problem. You're doubtful. You're apprehensive. All doubt does is get in the way - make you hesitate when you shouldn't, and make you go for it when you shouldn't. If this is the course you decide on, shouldn't you be more sure in it?" Chao stared up at her as she spoke, unblinking, and then tried to pull away...

...Only to find Elise refusing to let go of her. The night elf gave the half-daughter an annoyed look when she tried to keep her from backing up, instead trying to slip under and out of the hug. With great surprise, however, the elf found herself unable to escape Elise's grip. Despite looking all the more annoyed for Elise's reflexive grip, she nevertheless asked, quite evenly in tone, to "Please let go, thank you."

At any rate, Chao kept quiet until Elise had finished saying everything she wanted to say. When she finished with the night elf gave her a rather blank look, and said simply, "Eyup. I will definitely do that. ...See you later."

With that, she ran off back up the alley, earning her a little squeak from Aleth, who'd merely called from around the corner. After the elf left, Elise's fellow half-demon's head peeked out from behind the wall. "Oh. Uuh... nooothing... I was just wondering if you were okay."

Aleth looked a bit concerned while Elise walked back to rejoin their little group, and when Elise was close enough, she started to whisper. "Um... I don't know about her... the Soaring Swords are supposed to be a well-respected group of warriors from Ironrose. Secret conversations in alleys are a... little shady, you know?" Once they were all together again, though, she seemed to brighten up. "Well, what now?"
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

When Chao asked Elise to let her go while she spoke, Elise started to hold and cuddle he for a few minutes to let her see just how good she could be, but she went ahead and let her go, not wanting to anger her in any way and maybe lose her support if she couldn't get the rest of the Soaring Swords to help her. She nodded to Chao and waved bye to her as she left, wondering why the girl simply couldn't seem to understand her plight apparently, at least that's the way it sounded when she spoke to her and all. That left only one thing to do with this unless she could come up with the money elsewhere in a few hours... and that was to steel herself for seducing Yu into wanting her cock inside of her, as she didn't want to outright rape her unless she had to, and in that case she'd have to be successful in making her like it.

"I understand you Aleth, she does seem a bit off compared to the rest of them doesn't she. Did you... happen to hear any of that conversation by chance?" Elise replied to Aleth, sounding a little apprehensive.
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

"No, I didn't," Aleth replied. "I just heard you laughing a bunch, mostly. ...Why? Was there something I was supposed to have heard?"

Meanwhile, the two alraune proceeded to entangle themselves around Elise once again. Other than being happy to get their half-demon back, they seemed quite nonplussed about the strange encounter.
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

"Huh, oh no there wasn't anything in particular you were supposed to hear really, I was just wondering if you'd heard any of it," Elise replied to Aleth as they got back out where Jivi and Roxanne were at waiting for them.

Elise was quite pleased when the two alraune entangled themselves back around her, wrapping an arm around either one of them with a bit more confidence, because what Chao said was true, she needed to be more confident in herself and her abilities, or she would certainly fail if there was any doubt in her mind and or heart.

"Hey you two... you can help make someone horny as hell can't you? I mean you've got that pollen attack don't you that can do it? Can you both help me with something then? It's to help get my parents back and I really need your help," Elise whispered to the two alraune, suddenly getting an idea now that she was back with them as she remembered some of the stuff alraune could do that he parents had told he over the years.

If they answered her yes like she hoped they would, then Elise would slip out of their embraces and pull them by their hands and rush off after Chao, telling Aleth to come with them and hoping to catch Chao before she got back to the temple. "Chao... Chao wait up, I thought some more about it. I've got a couple of people here who can help me with what we talked about," Elise called out to Chao when or rather if they caught up with her before getting into the temple.
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Aroused.

Resistance Check: Successful!
"Hey you two... you can help make someone horny as hell can't you? I mean you've got that pollen attack don't you that can do it?..."

"Yup! Wanna see?" Jivi exclaimed, and suddenly Elise found one of the plant girl's tentacles hovering just in front of her face. The vine-like length's tip bulged, and suddenly, a cloud of golden pollen flooded Elise's face. Immediately, she started tingling with the most delightful, warm sensation all over her body - a few certain delicate areas tingling far more than the rest of her. It didn't seem as potent as it might have, though... Elise knew that her exposure didn't seem to be nearly as debilitating or overriding as it should have been - the alraune's ability to veritably cripple a person with uncontrollable lust was most definitely not in full-effect here.

The pair were reluctant to let Elise go again so soon after getting her back, and as strong as her urges were to ravish them right then and there were - pollinated and suddenly very aware of how they were wrapped around her - she retained enough of her thought to pull away anyway, dashing in pursuit of Chao, back towards the temple.

...Unfortunately, the Sword Sister was already long gone, disappeared, presumably back into the temple. After all, she seemed to be worried about being late getting back inside... Elise could of course re-enter and seek the girl out to discuss their plans - though, catching the Sword's attention may or may not have been a good idea.

Her arousal reasserted it's needs in her mind, however - her hardening shaft making it abundantly clear it wanted yet more action than it had already gotten! With Chao gone and their continued dialogue thusly improbable, it might have been of value for Elise to consider what - or who - she would do now.
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

"N-No wait I didn't mean I wanted to... (gasp)... see it in action yet," Elise tried to say before Jivi did what she should have known the alraune would do, which was blast her right in the face with said pollen.

Elise quickly felt her member coming to attention in her trousers as the golden mist floated in her face, in fact her whole body was starting to tingle all over and she was getting rather hot and bothered. However she could easily tell she hadn't been blasted with everything Jivi could hit her with, or else she'd already have her clothes off and fucking in the middle of the streets of Glassmoor. Despite being aroused enough to want to just take them, she was able to fight her urges enough to remain level headed, and so she grabbed Jivi's and Roxanne's hands and pulled them along as quickly as she could, though still Elise didn't get back to Chao quickly enough to catch her before the night elf went back into the temple, which kind of let her down a bit, but she knew that she could probably get a message to her in some form or another.

As soon as she found that she wouldn't be able to talk directly to Chao now, Elise's arousal flooded back into her mind, her member twitching with need as it obviously wanted more action than it'd already had, which she couldn't help but smile about, as she was the daughter of a succubus after all and succubi all but reveled in sex. She knew that she'd need to get this condition she now had taken care of, but that'd have to come in a few minutes as she had to find some way to give Chao the information she thought the night elf needed to know. As she brainstormed on how to get her message to Chao, Elise also remembered her papa telling her of how her own sex fluids could be used as a makeshift aphrodisiac as well, which may come in handy if she could possibly mix some of her juices in with something Yu drank later on. This was just another thing she'd have to tell Chao when she could speak with her again.

Thinking it too risky to just go and try to speak with Chao directly while all of her companions were around, Elise glanced over to Aleth whom she assumed had followed them back to here to keep up with them and not lose them in the process, as she was their guide and all, "Hey Aleth, I just remembered something I needed to tell Chao. Could you go in there and tell her that I said to meet me in a couple of hours or so at the same spot we met earlier?" Elise would ask her fellow half demon, assuming she willing to do it and all, however if she wasn't then Elise would ask Roxanne to do it instead, telling her the same thing.
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Aroused.

"Uuuhm... okay!" Aleth responded, as she agreed to pop into the temple for Elise. She disappeared through the gate, and - without much to do besides wait, Elise found her alraune-induced horniness growing ever harder to ignore. Her member swelled to full mast, throbbing needily with each beat of her heart, and she found it hard to focus on anything but release... a predicament only compounded by her companionship, which had quickly taken to slithering vines into Elise's breeches and were slowly writhing against her slit and around her shaft.

Before things got too out of hand, though, Aleth finally returned to them. "I found her and she said okay! She kinda looked at me funny though... um, what did you have to ask heAAAAAA what are you doing?!"
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Once Aleth had gone inside of the temple for her, Elise stood there with Jivi and Roxanne who were pleasuring her with their tentacles, her member throbbing and twitching with need every second that passed. By the time Aleth returned their tentacles had wormed their way down into her trouser and were fondling her member and caressing her slit, the former which was already dripping her precum, and the latter which was already dripping wet, and Elise was pulling Roxanne into a deep kiss, unable to hold herself back any longer.

"H-Hey Aleth... I-I'm gonna n-need some more relief soon. A-And I don't want to meet your parents like this, because I don't want them to think I'm nothing but a slut. Let's head back to our little sanctuary from earlier and get this out of my system before we head on to Aleth's house girls, okay," Elise panted, her cheeks flushed with arousal. "Also thank you Aleth, and I hope you don't mind coming with us again, but I really need this because Jivi blasted me with her pollen earlier," Elise added to Aleth as she began tugging them along back towards where they had done their business earlier.

Suddenly, as they were heading back, Elise idly wondered if they could put on a show for some people to make them some money. "Hey Aleth... I was just thinking about it. Do you know of anywhere around here that we could put my overactive libido to good use? A place that would pay the three of us pretty good money to put on a good show for them or something? If so then we could always go there and I could blow off some steam, while at the same time getting paid pretty good for it," Elise asked as they walked, though if Aleth didn't know of anywhere, or if Jivi and Roxanne had no insight as to where they could find a place for it, then they would continue on towards their little sanctuary from before.
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Aroused chicka wow wow.

Stiff, viney tentacles ran through Elise's sensitive gash, soaking in fluids, before sliding up to wrap around her penis. She soon had a sheath of pulsing, massaging alraune vines coiled around her cock, and though they were going easy on her, the agonizingly slow grinding and twisting was bringing her ever so slowly towards another orgasm...

"A-again?!" Aleth exclaimed, looking shocked, when she heard Elise's libido had already reared it's head to once again demand her attention. "B-but... I'm already late getting back to my post because of us urm, stopping that one time!" Obviously Elise didn't have the time to talk it over right there, so she followed along as they headed towards the park once mork, pouting.

She blushed when Elise asked her if there were any place she could 'perform', as well. "W-well... I, I don't know much about th-that..." she stammered. "We have brothels, and stuff, but they're not usually open a-at this t-time of day... m-maybe the... Screaming Mermaid? We u-usually have someone p-patrol near there, cuz' sometimes th-there are troublem-makers..."

Elise - red-faced, panting, and tangled up in attentions of her pet alraunes, not to mention sporting a tremendous and obviously-writing bulge - drew a lot of stares as they made their way through Glassmoor's streets - some of outrage, but many too of curiosity or interest. However, while it wasn't an especially long walk - perhaps a few blocks - it still wasn't short enough - both alraune sharing lustful, almost devious looks the entire time. Just a few streets away from the park, the slick, pulsating cocoon of smooth vines wrapping around her member brought her over the edge... and then wrapped like a vice around her base, keeping her from exploding all over the insides of her trousers. Not a single drop of cum spilled from her cock, and it jumped and twitched as Elise's moment of orgasm passed, unfulfilled. "Mmmm... I can feel your cum struggling against my vines, Elise~♥" she said, bringing her hands up to caress Elise's cheeks as her knees buckled, her muscles relaxing as she tried to attain her release, the two alraune keeping her from collapsing on the road outright. "But I can't just waste it like that... I want it in me, or on me... anywhere but as a stain in your pants or on the ground~♥"

As the moment passed and Elise felt some measure of control return to her knees, Roxanne's face filled her vision, as she leaned over to plant her lips on Elise's cheek. "Let's hurry."

Aleth was blushing furiously as they made their way back to their little haven, and the two plantgirls didn't let up - the group having to stop several times as Elise was brought over the edge and yet not allowed to cum, an even more intense pressure building behind the steel grip ringing her iron-rod cock. Lost in a haze of lust, Elise found herself stumbling along as her lover-tormentors guided her, until at last, she was on her knees... then crawling... then on her back... and then Jivi slammed her pussy down on her twitching and impossibly hard fuckstick. As soon as the alraune hilted herself, the ring around Elise's base loosed, and like a dam breaking, a flood of white, hot goo rushed out of Elise, who's entire world became nothing but pleasure for minutes on end, each climax they'd stopped having swirled together and built upon each other into a massive, back-arching, muscle-spasming, earth-shattering orgasm.

When it finally ended and Elise could think again, she found the familiar leaf canopy above her, soft grass and soil beneath her, a sticky wetness pooling around her thighs, and Jivi sitting on her with her eyes rolled back, stomach swollen. She tumbled off to the side, and a huge gush of white oozed from her loins... and it quickly became obvious that Jivi's distended tummy was all Elise's doing, having shot so much in her plantgirl womb that her stomach had puffed out as if she were pregnant - which she surely was, now, if her earlier session hadn't done it.

Her cock ached - another feat in and of itself, given Elise's succubus-born stamina - but the pair didn't seem to be done with her yet, as the slender sister dove her head down on Elise's cock, her tongue slithering along it's bottom as she deepthroated it back to throbbing erectness. She then jumped up to straddle the half-demon, rubbing Elise's tip with the folds of her pussy. "C'mon, Elise! I want to cum too!"
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

As the two alruane teased her more and more, Elise could feel her climax slowly approaching, and she knew that soon she wouldn't be able to hold back, so all she could do was merely try and hold on for as long as possible while they went on.

"I... I'm sorry Aleth, and don't worry about the brothels and stuff, we'll check them out later tonight when they'll be full. One of the downsides to being the daughter of a succubus though, as well as a futanari. We've got really overactive libidos. Y-You don't have to follow if it'll get you in trouble, I'd rather not get you in trouble and you be mad at me for it," Elise whined as the two alraune pretty much dragged Elise along, the poor half succubus stumbling along the way to their secret spot, though she was coherent enough to remember the name the Screaming Mermaid, which she made a mental note of checking out later that night with Jivi and Roxanne.

As they made their way through Glassmoor's streets, Elise barely noticed the stares and glares they received going through, with Elise falling to her knees and almost all the way to the ground a few times along the way,but Jivi and Roxanne kept catching her and pulling her along thankfully. Soon, just a street or two away from the sanctuary of theirs, Elise felt an orgasm washing over her, but just as she felt it about to spurt out of her all over the inside of her trousers, Elise felt one of the alraune's tentacles clench around her member, squeezing her tightly and preventing her full release, so despite having her orgasm,she was forced to stay sensitive as if she had just had one.

"O-Oh gods... J-Jivi... Roxanne, please d-don't hold it back... like that. It... it's so sensitive as it is already, t-that's just making it... so much worse," Elise whimpered as they went along, the two alraune supporting their cum dispenser between the two of them and prevented her falling to the ground completely.

Before they arrived at their sanctuary from earlier, Elise was forced to stop as her knees buckled several more times, each time her cock twitching and throbbing so much and so hard that it hurt. Finally, when they reached the sanctuary, all that happened on the way there was pretty much a blur, with Elise barely remembering any of it, so she didn't really care about how much she looked like such a slut crawling and such to get to where they could have sex. The next thing Elise remembered after that was being rolled over onto her back as Jivi lowered herself down upon her hard as steel length, where the tentacles uncoiled and allowed her to finally find her full release. When she felt the fullness of her climax washing over her, Elise's back arched into a perfect crescent as she let out a loud and lewd moan, not caring that anyone around probably heard her as her cum spurted out of her and into Jivi's pussy, filling her full of her spunk.

When she finally managed to regain some sense of sanity after that, Elise finally noticed where they were. They had made it to the sanctuary and she'd been allowed her release finally. She watched Jivi roll off of her, looking in pure bliss after being filled by her's and Roxanne's seeder that they'd found. Elise knew that with the size of Jivi's belly that the alraune was surely pregnant again, though their fun earlier that day likely got her pregnant already, but she was unsure if it had, but if it hadn't then this one had to of done so. When Roxanne switched places with Jivi and lowered herself down onto Elise, suckling and licking Elise back to full mast, Elise let out a soft coo and pleasant sigh as she was pleasured without being forced to hold back, allowing Roxanne to take herself a turn as well.

"Okay Roxanne, go ahead, go until you cum too, I don't mind," Elise cooed, relaxing her body for the darker alraune to have a go.

Elise would take a more active roll this time around, rolling Roxanne over and onto her belly, raising her ass high into the air where she began thrusting in and out of her alruane lover's pussy, enjoying herself greatly as she fucked her. While she was going at it with Roxanne, Elise would lean forwards a little bit and show her naked ass to Aleth if she was still watching, as she hadn't really bothered to look around yet to see if she'd followed them. If Aleth was still there, Elise was trying to entice her into joining them and showing her ass to her to give her a couple of targets where she could poke her member in to. Elise of course didn't really care if Aleth joined or not, she simply wanted her friend and fellow half demon to enjoy herself too, but wouldn't force her to do so unless she simply wished to.

Should Aleth join in though, Elise would make sure to have her pull out of her pussy before she erupted inside, not wanting to risk a pregnancy with her friend until after she'd went after her parents, but she would allow Aleth to enjoy herself and would squeeze her perfectly as she rocked her hips back and forth between her two lovers, letting loose with another wave of her spooge when Roxanne found her release, but grasping Aleth's member like the two alraune had done her with their tentacles, save with her tail and squeezing her enough to prevent her release, where she would then maneuver around and take the whole load in her mouth after sucking on her friend's cock a few times, sloshing it around and playing with Aleth's load in her mouth, allowing her fellow half demon to watch her play with her load. However if Aleth didn't join in with them this time, then Elise would merely go with Roxanne until they both came, where she would fill her up with her load before grabbing both alraune by the hair of the head and making them lick her clean, suddenly getting a dominating urge in her.