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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Charging at the first jellyfish, Hectate managed to get a very solid hit, so powerful infact that her arm got lodged inside, and it was very hard to pull it out, oh dear, Rui was busy as well, digging around her sack she pulled out a few knives which she threw at the remaining jellyfish, missing as it lazily floated out the way, Hectate was in a bind, metaphorically and literally as her other arm was grappled and kept behind her back by the first jellyfish as the second one tore off her clothing, trying to get herself free, Hectate managed to get her arm out of the jellyfish but not herself out of its binds, as Rui pulled out a useless cuddly toy from her sack and casually tossed it away, still digging around for anything useful as Hectate felt her ankles get grappled and her legs spread while her now free arm was kept bound behind her back with the other one.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate hit it! And then got stuck, swearing loudly, she cheered even as she struggled and wound up further bound, her free arm wrenched behind her back as Rui started throwing knives. But then she pulled out a teddy bear. Looking at her in disbelief, Hecate was stripped. Granted there wasn't much to strip, but still. And having her ankles bound, and her arm after she had pulled it loose, winding up with her arms folded ehind her and her legs spread, she kind of new what was coming next.

Thrashing around wildly, Hecate would try and free herself before she was raped into a stupor, shouting at Rui to do something!
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Rui panicked as Hectate tried to struggle free, Hectate managed to headbutt the first jellyfish holding her, seemingly dazing it immensely as it dropped her completely, leaving the second one to hold onto her arms, but that was all Rui needed as she pulled out the entirety of a piano from her sack with literally no effort, grunting, she threw it at the dazed jellyfish, creating a satisfying "BONG!" sound as it was crushed under the grand piano, a small bit of blue blood squirting out from beneath the piano, or whats left of it, the jellyfish remaining noticed this and lashed out with its tentacles at Rui, grabbing a hold of her arms and electrocuting the girl making her yelp in a shuddery tone as the electricity coursed through her body, Hectate was frustrated with the jellyfish trying to hurt her as she tried to punch it again, missing, Rui failed to struggle out of the jellyfishes grip meaning it was free to shock the succubus once more.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

And then Rui threw a Piano... It was like fighting with Wile. E. Coyote! Making an odd face but thankful to not be facing impending penetration, Hecate wriggled free only for her new friend to get tazered by the jellyfish and getting grabbed herself. Remembering that it was a headbutt that had bought her time before, Hecate charged forward the only way any proud warrior would, prepared to smack her enemy with her face.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Rushing forward in a attempt to finally off the last jellyfish grappling her friend, Hectate was slightly surprised when it whiped around and used Rui as a shield, Hectate having to stop mid-run so she didnt brain herself on the succubis horns, Rui still didnt have any luck struggling and the jellyfish wasted no time bringing her extremely close and pressing her against its transparent body, winding its tentacles around her arms as she was forced to drop her sack, her feet taken off the ground as she kicked at the air wanting to meet the ground again, the next round was uneventful as Hectate failed to hit, the Jellyfish tried to spread her legs but failed and Rui was unable to struggle free.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate blinked and stopped as the stupid jellyfish used her new friend as a shield. That was playing dirty! Forcing Rui to drop her bag of tricks and binding her, the girl was apparently so energetic that it couldn't pry her legs apart as it dodged away from Hecate. Getting kind of annoyed, Hecate charged in again, starting to lose her patience with the things.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Attempting to attack again, Hectate still didnt have much luck as the jellyfish managed to dodge out of her way again, Rui however managed to get herself free and grab her bag, retreating from the jellyfish as it tried grabbing Hectate but failed, producing a sledgehammer from her bag, Rui threw it to Hectate who was all too eager to use it, running at the jellyfish and crushing it with a powerful overhead swing, splattering it against the ground as the monitor above ticked up to "4" while Rui yelled in joy and hugged the naked Hectate a bit too eagerly.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate gave a grim little smile as she caught a sledgehammer and went whack a mole on the last jellyfish, cheering along with Rui before oofing and falling over, laughing as she hugged Rui right back. "Hooray! I wonder how high the number gos" Hecate said idly, wriggling underneath Rui a little before standing again, flicking the bell on her tail.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The bell made a somewhat delightful jingling noise as the monitor flashed up the text "CHALLENGE A COMRADE AND YOU WILL EARN A PRIZE", Rui obviously having not noticed as she rolled around happily with Hectate.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate pointed out the message on the screen, laughing and cuddling Rui. "Shall we have a rematch and take things seriously this time~? Winner gets to have some fun? and apparently a prize?" She asked, looking at the exuberant and strange new friend, hoping Taku had enjoyed the show. It was only fair she got to rest, she had to be sore after the day she had had...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Rui nodded at Hectates request for a rematch, jumping up and getting her sack ready making her bells jingle like crazy for a short amount of time, Rui pacing over to put a decent amount of distance between her and Hectate as she yelled "You ready~!?", idly bouncing in the meantime.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate waved and nodded. "Yup!" She shouted, before charging forward, looking to seize Rui to try and stop her from using that crazy sack of hers.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Trying to run forward and seize Ruis sack, Hectate was somewhat surprised when she smacked Hectate in the face with it, almost knocking her to the ground as Rui squealed in fear and retreated to put more distance between her, running at her again, Rui pulled out a useless cuckoo clock and groaned as Hectate managed to get a grip on her wrist, the succubus squeaking in surprise and struggling against her.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Oofing as Rui panicked again and smacked her with the admittedly heavy bag of goodies, Hecate came in again, having managed to keep her footing, sprinting forward. She almost flinched away as Rui grabbed something, but it was a cuckoo clock and she grinned as she grabbed Rui's wrist, trying to grab her other to stop her from using the bag again because she didn't want to get hit with a piano.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Trying to stop Rui was easy, it seemed like the girl wasnt physically strong, Hectate felt her instincts kick up again, she wondered what else could come out of that bag, oh god she would look so cute full of her eggs wouldnt she, unable to control herself Hectate burst back into her spider form as she lifted Rui up by her wrists, forcing her to drop her bag as she helplessely struggled, her feet not touching the ground as she squealed "Spiderladyspiderladyspiderlady!", her belt bells jingling with every kick of her legs.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Huh, now hecate was back to being her spidery self, which seemed tied straight to her instincts as such, and she found herself pondering Rui stuffed full of her eggs, which was always sooooo nice. However, the kicking, jingling, shouting christmas woman had her attention shouting spiderlady over and over again. Laughing, Hecate countered, singing "Stickythreadsstickythreadsstickythreads" As she sought about cocooning Rui, smiling the entire time, because it was hard not to smile around Rui.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Trying to web up Rui, Hectate managed to get her knees together with a band of silk before she struggled free and landed on the ground, squirming about like a worm she grabbed her bag and threw a bloody hand grenade at Hectate! Sending her almost flying from the explosion as Rui continued to scoot away, trying to get herself free.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Haha! Hecate had managed to get Rui's legs! But then the excitable woman had somehow managed to slip her grasp and gotten a hold of her bag after some inch worming antics and thrown... "HOLYSHIT!" Was all Hecate had time to say before a handgrenade went off in her face and pain exploded through her. Levering herself up, she saw that Rui was still having trouble getting her knees free and rather then give her a chance to recover, Hecate angled her abdomen and sought about blasting the girl with more silk, because that had hurt...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Blasting the christmas themed succubus with some silk, Hectate managed to get her pinned to the floor on her back as she squirmed against the thick band of silk across her stomach now, her struggles ultimately failed and one more blast of silk had pretty much defeated her as the silk pinned her wrists to the ground forcing her to drop the bag she carried around all the time, the ticker above vanishing and dropping a prize for Hectate wrapped in a stereotypical gift box.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate had won, using her silk spewing abilities that seemed to be utterly unfair to anything that didn't have considerable strength, or a blade. But such was life. Looking at the wriggling form of Rui on the ground, Hecate had her attention torn away by her prize dropping to the ground. Looking at Rui, then back to the present then back to Rui, Hecate realised that sadly, the present wasn't Rui. But it was still a present and Hecate scampered over to pick it up before moving back to the wriggling form of Rui on the ground. "So... Lets open this up and then see about your prize~" She said grinning as she tore open the wrapping paper.