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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Taku and Zenia nodded as they tried to calm themselves down, now she was faced with a dilemna, getting the two down without getting herself stuck was the main problem now.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate pondered the problem as she flew up to examine Taku again, trying to carefully free her first rather then risk getting near the web Zenia was bound to.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Thankfully freeing Taku was easy, as it was a case of unbinding the web around her and letting her land on her feet, Zenia was going to be more tricky as she was very close to the center of the web itself.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate, eyeing the situation, took a moment before trying to fly above her and free her that way, just trying to avoid getting stuck for now as she pulled at the webbing, her wings beating furiously in the air to keep her away from the binding threads.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Trying to free Zenia was difficult, as Hectate found the rapid flapping of her wings tiring her extremely quickly as she managed to ungag Zenia, her tiredness came back to bite her as one of her wings made her go off balance as she fell onto the web, stuck to it with her wings splayed out as struggling only got her wrists tied to the ground and her legs spread invitingly as her ankles were tied down, Taku walked to the edge of the web and sighed, having to think of a way to free them now.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Managing to mess this up, hecate's wings gave and she fell, soon finding herself stuck in the web with her hands bound to the floor and her legs stuck spread wide for anything that wanted to use them. Struggling and cursing, she looked over at Taku. "We need a knife" She said with an exasperatted face.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Taku realised and nodded, running outside she came back with her rapier, starting to cut Zenia free, she was about to free Hectate, but a sly smile creeped across her face as she stopped saying "Say, give me a good reason why i should free you?"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate was more then a little ashamed of the situation, and was honestly at a loss for words as she wriggled in her place. "Because Im sorry... and... I got nothing, i don't really deserve it" She finally said, blushing furiously and pulling at the web.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Dont really deserve it?" Taku said, Zenia smiled somewhat and walked out the room, shutting the door behind her as Taku walked over, Hectate was relatively close to the web, Taku started to stroke and rub her lower lips, tempting Hectates succubus instincts and making her ovipositor come out "You`ve stolen my leadership, you humiliate me and you get me impregnated...." before Hectate could answer Taku slipped her hand into her ovipositor, the feeling of it being penetrated was weird but it felt absolutely heavenly as Taku forced her hand in further, the ovipositor covering her arm up to her elbow as she started to technically fist Hectates ovipositor, the whole experience bringing Hectate to ecstastic moans and yelps easily as she reached a orgasm, covering Takus arm with her juices as she pulled her hand out, smirking.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Don't deserve to go free" Hecate said shamefully before gasping and arching her back, struggling against the silk as Taku started to fist her newest addition, making her buck and yelp in pleasure as the strange sensation washed over her, hitting a climax quickly that caused her juices to gush over Taku's arm, leaving her shuddering in her bondage, redfaced and lustful all over again.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hectate felt something stir inside her body, something being added or possibly being taken away as she felt like she was starting to produce something invisible inside her, Taku climbed up on top of her, making sure to stay on her body so she didnt touch the web on accident, Hectate realized she must have started producing eggs to lay as well, Taku leaned close to hectates face and said "Thats correct, now wait here and think about what you`ve done-" before Taku could finish and leave, Hectate managed to shift her body so her knees and ankles would hit the web, leaving her trapped as Hectate pulled her wrists free and grabbed Takus wrists, Hectates familiar ovipositor coming out again as Taku whimpered, realizing she had been caught out by Hectate, who now wanted to get rid of the eggs being produced inside her...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Why~!?" Hecate said, having snared Taku as she felt eggs being produced in her body, she'd saved Zenia, helped Taku, turned everything around, and then made another mistake that Taku didn't seem to want to forgive her for, and given her speech, had no intention of ever doing so. Filled with a dark emotion she could hardly describe, the smirk on Hecate's face was nothing but evil as she pushed the Ovipositor into Taku, starting to thrust into her with reckless abandon, only wanting to be free of the eggs within her, wanting to breed Taku, some new instinct coming over her.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Grinning, Hectate started to thrust into the vulnerable Taku as she lowered Takus wrists, binding her to Hectate completely and leaning her face close to Hectate, she started to aggresively french Taku while thrusting, letting Taku moan into her as she felt her inevitable orgasm happen, cumming into Takus moist folds and implanting two new eggs into Taku, Hectate felt even more maneuverable, slipping out from underneath Taku and standing on the web, she could move about without being tied down now as she lied Taku on her back, Taku coughing as Hectate found she could manipulate the web just as easily as the arachane now, smirking she started to tie Taku up in a nice cocoon, lying on her back she forced Takus left leg to be spread as she blindfolded Taku as well, keeping Takus wrists spread but not binded and making sure to leave a band of web across her stomach so she was properly tied to the web, turning Taku over so she was kneeling Hectate gripped her wrists as she roughly mounted Taku and thrust into her pucker, Taku only able to give out moans and cries of pleasure as Hectate started to thoroughly dominate her, implanting more eggs into her stomach, she rubbed Takus bloated belly and laid her back down on her back, lying infront of her, she started to lick and tease her folds, Taku only able to say "S-Stop..~ Unh~ I w-wont t-try hnh~...to g-get revenge anyMORE AUUGH~!" before she let her tongue hang as she reached another mind blowing orgasm, Hectate mounted her again and penetrated her with her ovipositor, leaving another two eggs in Takus vulnerable form as she squirmed in ecstasy.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate took Taku in her slit and pucker until she simply had no more eggs to lay, before binding her tightly in a cocoon and gagging her, tired of hearing it, and no longer caring. What had started as an attempt to help her friends had now become a pure vendetta run against everything and everyone in this place. hecate's heart had become so dark with her own emotions over this that it was probably now past the point of redemption, possessing so many abilities now she didn't even qualify as a monster girl, she was just a monster. Moving around on the web as deftly as any spider, and able to manipulate the silk, she glared down at Taku. "After this, you leave this place, you do not come back, and If I see you again, I'm just going to turn you into my personal slave for the rest of eternity." She said dangerously, climbing up into the web to wait for Zenia to return, sweet Zenia.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Keeping the panting and cocooned Taku on the web, Zenia came in after a minute or two saying "H-Hectate...?"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate looked at Zenia, and hopped down. "Take Taku, and get out of this place" She said. "Ill take you as far as the rail station and then you need to beat feet before the government cleans this place out. They won't be nice about it. I'm going to continue alone."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Zenia blinked and said "B-But why...? T-Taku told me she was going to f-forgive you a-after w-what she called the d-discipline..." Zenia had a worried look on her face, but deep down in Hectates heart, she knew that the corruption in this place had changed her quite a bit, and the idea of keeping Zenia and Taku as little breeding pens to take to the surface was creeping forwards, as was the idea of departing on a little crusade on her own, attempting to redeem herself and finding out who caused all this, it was all down to this choice.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Because it's not safe to be anywhere near me" Hecate said, refusing to look at Zenia because the idea of just using them both as personal little breeders was becoming entirely too tempting. She had to get them away from her before that actually happened. She knew she would fall, that this place would warp her into the kind of monster used to scare children into behaving, and she wasn't going to have Zenia of all people caught up in it. She was certain she would hurt others, many others, but the man at the top of her shitlist was first, as was the information she was after. When everyone left, she would claim this central complex as her own.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Zenia sighed and looked at the ground "C-Come back and visit sometime..." she said, she walked over to Hectate and hugged her tightly, before taking Taku and leaving, Hectate was on her own now to try and redeem herself.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate watched them leave, and then shuddered, wrestling the impulse under control. She was going to slide further, she knew it, become the thing she didn't really want to be in order to see this crusade of hers through, but she wanted Zenia out of harms way before that happened, the little cow girl having found an odd spot in Hecate's heart that always made her smile. Leaving the room, gun in hand, Hecate stalked farther into the complex, looking for clues on where that son of a bitch had gone.