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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Taku stopped and smiled "Ah~ Your handling yourself quite well i see...", saying that she pulled her tail down and past Hectates busy hands, rubbing the flat of her tail against Hectates pucker now, letting her tail penetrate her asshole, Taku smiled and frenched Hectate again, thrusting her tail into her repeadetely as she continued to happily please the horny Hectate, using her hands to continue pleasuring Hectates lactating breasts while speeding her tails thrusting speed up.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate answered the kiss, pushing her chest into Taku's hands as she worked her own slit, two fingers pumping into her folds while her other hand teased and stroked her clit. She gasped softly as she felt that insidious tail push against her pucker, only to slide into her ass and start thrusting, making Hecate buck her hips, her whole body stimulated until, with a loud cry, Hecate came, hard, her holes clenching around her fingers and the tail as she went limp in the chair, shuddering, a complete mess. "Holy shit..." She gasped out.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Feeling Hectates body shudder with pleasure beneath her, Takus tail vanished as she stroked Hectates cheek, smiling as she felt Hectates spirit energy feed the succubus, "Are we done Hectate dear?" she asked.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate nodded slowly, holding up her cuffed hands, her thighs coated with her own juices even as she shuddered again, the afterglow powerful indeed. "Unlock these please..."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Nodding, Taku produced the key the cuffs used seemingly out of nowhere as she freed Hectates hands and helped her stand up, the orgasms making it very hard for Hectate to stand on shaky legs.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate stood on shaky legs and got dressed again, using the simple task to take her mind off of the pleasure still echoing through her body. Looking around, Hecate started grabbing breathing equipment after pocketing the cuffs and the gag as well. Holding a full set of diving gear, and one for Zenia as well, Hecate turned and unlocked to door, determined to check up on Zenia. "come on, lets see if Zenia found the submarine"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Smirking, Taku nodded as the two left the room and continued down the hallway Zenia went down, however something moved in the water and attacked them by leaping out, some kind of giant frog that was taller than Taku was, eeyurgh, really raised the question why a frog was down here though.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate cursed, her gun was holstered because she was carrying the diving equipment, dropping that, Hecate dropped her hands to draw her gun and fire. "What the Hell is that!"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Taku drew a fine rapier sword out of thin air "I dont know, it dosent look friendly!" Taku said, the frog immediately lashed out with its tongue, trying to coil it around Hectate, Taku acted quickly and slashed it in the stomach, causing it to retract the tongue in pain, but not before it pounced on Taku pinning her to the ground, it let its tongue hang to lick Takus face and leave globs of saliva on her "Ungh~! Get off you beast!" she cried out defiantly, trying to slash at the frog, Hectates shots unfortunately went off target, the arousal from before messing with her aim somewhat.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate cursed, holstering the gun. "Damnit Taku, we had too much fun" She said under her breath as she tried to jump and kick the creature off of Taku, water and shaking legs making things more difficult, her hands were just too shaky to keep shooting if it risked hitting Taku as well.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Using a drop kick, Hectate managed to knock the large frog off of Taku, who offered her thanks before Hectate felt the frogs tongue latch onto her and suddenely drag her over, before she knew it she found her body halfway into the frogs mouth, feet first as she kicked and struggled trying to get her gun weilding arm unpinned, Taku stabbed at the frog but it nimbly hopped out the way, trying to suck on Hectates lower body and drag her into its stomach.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate flailed and snarled, but there wasn't much she could do pinned as she was, and her body was still primed from all the fun Taku had had with her earlier, fuck it was hard to focus. She tried to push herself out, but the reality of the situation was that she couldn't find any purchase to push off of inside the slick body of the frog, hopefully her brute strength would get her out, but she doubted it, she also hoped that Taku didn't hit her with that sword of hers...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Struggling in the tongue of the frog, Taku grabbed a hold of Hectates unpinned hand and yanked her out with surprising strength, the frog tried to pounce on both at the same time, but got a bit carried away as the two dodged in seperate directions, Taku stabbing her rapier into the side of the frog and Hectate squeezing off two shots into it as well, making its croaks irregular and painful sounding.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate was just glad to be free of the frog for the moment, because a part of her almost wanted to give in, god she was getting perverted. Even worse! She had entertained the idea of pulling Taku in with her! The hell was wrong with her. As the frog croaked painfully, Hecate levelled her gun and started firing again before she gave in to her own urges... Because frogs laid eggs...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The frog continued to try and attack, despite its grievous wounds, suddenely lashing with its tongue again, Hectate was surprised as she was lining up for a shot, getting smacked aside and having the tongue coil around her, Taku however casually walked up to the frog and stabbed her rapier into it, killing it outright as it slumped over dead, but left Hectate stuck in its tongues coil, requiring a bit of pulling work from Taku to get her out.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate eeped loudly as the tongue coiled around her again, but thankfully, Taku killed it and managed to pull her free, leaving her standing there, panting softly, driving the perverted thoughts from her mind. It seemed being near the succubus was bad for her health, great for her libido. "Thanks Taku, lets keep moving..." She said, recovering the gear she had dropped before moving towards Zenia. There weren't many rounds left in the gun, and a quick check revealed 5 with one in the chamber, and one spare mag. She'd have to be careful.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Nodding, Taku helped Hectate to her feet as they continued down the flooded hallway, thankfully finding no other enemies to face, getting into the employees lounge, they were faced with a startling sight, Zenia was on the ground, she was bound in a very well constructed harness of rope, a rope rubbing against her wet crotch and her asshole, she was in a perfectly made hogtie, keeping her ankles tied to her wrists, her mouth was gagged with a rope as well and she had what looked like a vibrator on max setting in her pucker, blushing and sweating profusely, Zenias body squirmed as she reached a orgasm, her eyes almost rolling into the back of her head as her juices sputtered onto the already wet crotch rope.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate just stopped and stared as the gagged and bound Zenia hit her climax. "I think we missed something" She said quietly, drawing the gun and looking around. "Who's in here!"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

No response, Taku went over and crouched, helping Zenia out of her binds, ungagging her and taking the vibrator out, muttering "Really well done binds...someone knew what they were doing" to herself, looking at Hectate, Taku motioned for her to walk over and help her get the aroused Zenia up.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate wondered over, setting the diving gear aside. "Zenia, what the hell happened? Who tied you up?"