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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hectate managed to bite into her tongue hard enough to draw blood and break out the trance, however since the light was so far out, her crowbar swinging attempt was useless, she managed to resist falling under a trance again but she started to run out of breath very quickly once again, the girl and the monster that had took her was gone from her sight...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Surfacing and swearing like a sailor, Hecate dragged herself out of the water, aware of several things all at once, One! That she was wet, cold, and wanted a sandwich. Pulling herself out of the water, Hecate smashed the crowbar into the wall, which clanged off loudly and flew across the room. "Goddamnit! What was that!" Hecate shouted at the water, infuriated that something like that had happened. She had avoided capture herself, but the creature had gotten away after having it's face stomped in. "God damnit!" Hecate swore again as she sat down on the ground, near the water, and just cried.

She had been thrown into all of this, and even given her own impressive abilities as a slime, she had almost failed to protect Zenia, and had completely failed to help the woman who had just been grabbed. Despite all of her strength, and her own abilities, so much had grown out of hand so quickly and there wasn't a damn thing she could do to stop it. Weeping where she was, finally starting to crack a little under the stress, she reached out to Zenia for a hug of all things, back to her old self and in her right mind, the impulses of the slime gone as well. "What do we do Zenia... What the hell do we do."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hugging Hectate for a while, Zenia pet her and tried to re-assure everything was okay, trying to calm hectate down, Hectates pride had gotten the lead when she was a slime girl and now shes regular again...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate took a minute or two to get a grip on herself, staring into the water as she got her hug, which was admittedly better when you had skin to enjoy it. Standing up, she picked the crowbar back up and handed it to Zenia. "Give me the gun, I'll be right back." She said quietly.

Making sure that Zenia would be fine here as long as she didn't jump into the demonsterifying ink by leading her back a room, to where they had slept, Hecate check the ammunition left in the mag, added one for the round in the chamber, and made a beeline for the security armoury. That hallway had clothing in it, and the armoury itself had body armour.

After getting both objects, and hopefully avoiding anything along the way, Hecate would start pocketing things as she moved back towards her friend, like the handcuffs and a gag from the medical ward, just gaining items as she moved. Returning, and setting this down on the floor, Hecate started thinking.... Assuming this little shopping trip went without any complications.... Maybe it wouldn't... and Maybe something would find out how much better of a shot she was then Zenia.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Departing from the flooded aquarium with a full clip of ammo in tow, Hectate decided to go on a bit of a looting spree, trying to find more ammo and equipment in the floors they were at before, before she could even get to the security room, she encountered one of the tentacle spawns that Zenia had previously killed, a shifting mass of tentacles with a core of slime in the center.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Raising the gun, Hecate looked down the sight, the barrel lining up with the core of the creature, and snapped off two shots, her training coming back to her so easily it was scary to watch...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Squeezing off a double tap at the spawn, both of them slammed into it, it stopped to twitch slightly as its tentacles started to bleed a odd purple blood colour before its tentacles snapped off at Hectate, trying to lash and grab her wrists, thankfully quick thinking allowed Hectate to dodge its grab attempts easily.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate had waited for the movement, knowing it was coming, as she rolled backwards and came up to a kneeling position, the gun raised and expertly aimed again, two more shots fired, the woman more then a little angry.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Squeezing off another two shots was a cake walk for Hectate army taught trigger discipline, easily getting another two hits into the spawn, the wounds must have taken its course as it weakly lashed out again, trying to hit Hectate in the stomach to wind her, she managed to easily sidestep and she calmly walked up to the spawn, pressing the muzzle of the pistol into its soft and fleshy center before firing a single shot, splattering some of its blood on her as it died outright.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate didn't bother wiping the blood from herself as she continued her chore, making a mental note that 13 shots were left in the gun. She had a long list of things to get, and the first things she was after were in the exact same area and easy to find, clothing and armour. it seemed other things were starting to fill in the areas she had cleared out, which shouldn't have surprised her, but bothered her nonetheless.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

She did manage to retrieve a new uniform and a extra clip of ammo from the security room, but as soon as she left she could see something interesting, someone at the corner of the medical ward corridor, looking at a map, they turned the corner out of Hectates sight and walked off.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Uniform, body armour, a spare mag... This was good so far. But then she saw someone turn the corner looking at a map, but she was gone too fast for Hecate to do anything. Sprinting after the figure, Hecate wanted to figure out who this was and hopefully what was going on. "Hey! Wait!"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Rounding the corner in pursuit of the unknown person, Hectate eventually saw them, reading a map, Hectate looked down and realised they were..rather scantily clad, however the person turned around, Hectate almost immediately found herself mesmerized by this...womans face and looks, her well toned body, her beautiful smile...everything about her made Hectate fall in love at first sight, the woman smiled and rather calmly asked the entranced Hectate "Do you know where the submarines or underwater equipment are?"

Person looks like
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate wanted to react, to close her eyes and twist away, to stop looking because she knew what was happening even as she fell under the sway of whatever this thing was, this woman was her friend. Nodding, Hecate started walking rather then trusting herself to speak, because the first words that wanted to come out of her mouth were "Fuck me."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The strange woman watched the entranced Hectate come towards her, smiling she showed Hectate the map, to her surprise it was the map of the entire facility, since Hectate had no idea what was beyond the aquarium, she simply shrugged, the girl nodded and said "I Understand, are you one of the survivors?", upon asking that question, Hectate felt the hypnosis on her loosen up, the girl was showing no harm meant towards Hectate so maybe they could just talk for a bit, Hectate had to give herself a bit of a slap though so she would stop looking at the strange womans breasts for a moment though.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate did slap herself, although she kept the gun lowered and motioned into a side room to collect some of the bondage things she had wanted to take with her as well while she talked. "I am, and I'm trying very hard to figure out what's going on here. I mean no harm to anyone who doesn't want to hurt me, but your affect on people... Makes me nervous as hell, please don't do that again" Hecate said quietly, breathing heavily before turning to look at the woman again, hoping she had listened to her request. "Me and a friend are very near where you want to go, and that map will be a huge help, but... I can't take you there unless you're friendly, although you've done nothing I wouldn't do to protect myself in here. Maybe I'm being overly suspicious. Think we can get along? I'm Hecate."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The girl giggled "Oh dont worry, its a natural defense mechanism~" she said in a somewhat naughty tone, remembering the encyclopedia, Hectate remembered this girl resembled a Succubus, the almost infamous demon of sex, she was still slightly untrusting, "Ah a friend? I thought nobody else wanted to escape, they were too busy being fucked by tentacle monsters~!" she said almost too cheerfully, "Its nice to meet you Hectate, im Taku" she said, shaking Hectates hand as her two wings folded up and seemed to just vanish into thin air.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"I'm too busy killing them and trying to get to the bottom of things here" Hecate said, staying a little wary but pushing that away for now. She was glad, cuffs, a gag, everything she needed to take a serious talking too entirely too far if she saw that wolf bitch again. "Alright, follow me then" Hecate said quietly, the gun in front of her as she started jogging towards Zenia.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Noticing Hectates equipment, Taku giggled and cheekily asked "Oh my, are we going to have some fun to relieve some built up stress?", giggling and watching Hectates embarrassed reaction, she followed Hectate to the aquarium area "So whats your friend like?" she asked.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"These are for someone else with a wolfish figure who needs a serious talking to" Hecate said darkly, "Although~" She said turning to wink herself, we could probably have a little fun later... But Zenia is a Holstaurus, and a very sweet girl. I should probably tell you, that if you were human before that, you may become human again in the water, something cost me what I had, and a mermaid, we need to be careful under the water." Hecate said seriously as they made their way back.

"Zenia~! I'm back!" Hecate said smiling, only now just remembering that she hadn't gotten any clothing for Zenia. "This is Taku."