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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Zenia did the same and did as she was told, squirting the strange concotion onto the jelly, waiting a few seconds, they realised it had done relatively nothing, the source of the jelly became apparent as they could see what looked like the source of the jelly in the center of the chamber, looking at each other Zenia and Hectate climbed up some shelves to get a better view and realised the entire floor had been coated with this jelly, and they had moved just in time because it would have covered what they were standing on, in the center of the chamber was a giant vaugely humanoid shape, a woman who seemed to be a part of this jelly, a bit bigger than that lamia from earlier, her body was a part of the jelly and thus she had the pool of slime just below the slime womans breasts, she noticed Hectate and Zenia and smirked, "Well hi there girls~ What brings ya down here?" she asked, Zenia was very much unnerved.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate looked at the slime suspiciously. "Calm down Zenia, it's alright, talking is good. We're trying to figure out what the hell is going on here, we were just testers for the bio spheres, and then all hell broke loose" She said. Hecate kept the gun low, but she was fast and ready if something happened, her finger on the trigger...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Yeah...containment breach i heard peoples saying" the giant slime girl said, "Apparently something got into the water, animals mutated into personified versions of themselves, idle bits and pieces joined together into sentinent tentacles...even the security robots kinda lost it, something to do with hormones i thinks~" the slime girl continued, Hectate looked at Zenia suspiciously, Zenia was almost falling asleep, she was tired...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Stop what you're doing. Now" Hecate said, leveling the gun at the slime. "I doubt this will injure you, but it has to sting having the vibrations of a bullets crush cavity tear through you." She said with a low and growling voice, her eye seen trailing down the sight. "The last thing I met that spoke ate me and left me glued to a wall, forgive me if I'm not all that trusting. Unless of course, you have something you want to tell us..."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The slime wasnt doing anything but shrugged and ignored the fact Hectate was pointing a gun at her, "Eh, those are feral ones, they dont ask for permission before they fuck your brains out" she said, blinking she then said "One of the scientists left a book about us around here, pictures and telling you what they do and how they act....i think they left it in one of the cafeterias" she finished, yawning she blinked and said "Is there a particular reason your going commando~?", obviously refrencing Hectate being naked.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate lowered the gun and glared. "Ya, the clothes I was given were next to useless. Why where shorts when everything just pulls them off" Despite her serious nature, she chuckled at the thought. "And do you plan to ask permission? Or did you have something else in mind."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"No, something completely different..." the giant slime girl said, continuing she said "Ill be willing to offer you a bit of training, how to resist pleasure, resisting pain, stuff like that, the only payment i want is anything i deem interesting enough to keep here, the first training session can be free" she said, "I can also offer you something else..." she said, licking her lips "If you ever consider wanting to be a slime like myself, feel free to ask", obviously Hectate wouldnt be as big as this slime girl, but the idea intrigued her, she wouldnt need to wear clothes as they would just get soggy, she could turn her body into liquid and she could fashion her own slime into sharped tools etc. completely forgoing the need to acquire a weapon, the training was good as well, although it seemed like she could only train herself in one line like pleasure resistance for each special item she brings to the slime girl, so many choices...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate thought for a while, a long while. "I have no interest in being a slime, but being able to resist pain... That has my attention" She said looking at the gelatinous woman. "I spent too long honing this body to simply have it turned into liquid"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Pain resistance? You sure?" she asked, "You know most things here dont rely on pain to get their way with you...except dark elves", Zenia sat on her shelf, relieved this wasnt a hostile encounter.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"A pool of blood next to a discarded gun.. I've made my choice" Hecate said quietly. Hand to hand combat relied on many things, but the best way to give more then the usual amount of strength to ones blows was to ignore the pain in the muscles.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Nodding, the slime woman spoke again "I Think something food related would be nice payment for your next training session~" she said, she held a massive hand out for Hectate to step on "Hop on" she said, as Hectate stepped on it, the slime woman set Hectate on the slime on the floor, it had solidified enough so she could stand on it, Hectate listened to the woman explain about basic muscle strength and areas that were weak, she would cite how to defend against violent tentacles and slash wounds as well, she also went over some natural pain killing techniques in the absence of pain killers and bandages, this went on for five minutes, afterwards the woman placed Hectate back on the shelf and nodded "Use what i told you, this will help you very much against the more unsavory enemies...", Zenia had brought the map with her, she marked the storage room they were in with a T, to denote Training.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"It's appreciated, and given what you told us about the book being in the cafeteria, I think food can be easily managed" Hecate said smiling. "Zenia, we can rest when we get there, maybe get something to eat" She said smiling, before heading back to the stairwell and down towards the cafeteria, but not before grabbing the bandages.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The slime girl waved to the two as they left, atleast Hectate found two sane people in this lab...moving on down to the cafeteria, she heard the growls again as she passed by the tunnels, ignoring them she got to the cafeteria to find tables tipped over and drinks spilled, what a waste, atleast one of the tables and two chairs were up, on the upturned table was the book the slime woman mentioned, and coming from behind the counter they could hear sounds of eating...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate looked around the cafeteria, spotting their goal just sitting there, but the sounds of eating set her hair on edge. "Come Out!" She shouted, the gun levelled at the counter, her stance low and ready. She probably looked mildly insane. Naked, with bandages draped over her shoulder, a gun in her hands, and a spare mag gripped next to the handle. "Come. Out. Now!" She shouted again, the military tone hardening her voice out of reflex.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Whatever it was behind the counter had heard, as it crawled out and peeked over the edge of the counter, it was another slime girl, like the one they saw, only smaller and around Hectates size...and she realised it was the colour of white choclate and emitting a delicious scent, the girl whimpered and said "P-Please dont hurt me...", Hectate felt her mind get a bit hazy, the smell was playing tricks with her mind, she started to lower her gun and the temptation of having a little bit of fun with the choclate slime girl was rising up her list of piorities

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate bit her tongue to try and get a hold of herself, trying to force herself to raise the gun and fire, no longer wanting to hesitate. It was so hard...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Biting her tongue inflicted some pain to get Hectate back to her right thinking attitude, however this was to no avail as her own body betrayed her, dropping her gun she climbed over the counter and knelt so she was at the same height as the choclate slime girl, the two stared at each other for a moment and then Hectate held the girl and kissed her, tasting the chocolatey body it tasted absolutely divine, the girl was obviously shy and not kissing back to Hectates sudden advances, Zenia meanwhile was keeping a eye on the cafeteria door out of paranoia, oblivious to what was going on behind the counter.

Status: Horny.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate wanted to stop! Damnit! If she could find the will to speak, she tell Zenia to shoot, to grab the gun... If she couldn't... Then she was powerless to her own desires as she kissed the slime, hands rising unbidden to caress the girls body and draw her closer, to moan into her lips as her will crumbled away, pushing herself on top of the girl, shuddering, moist with arousal... just wanting to lose herself in the slime for the moment as her hands roamed over the girls body, trailing up her sides to grope her chest hungrily.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

As much as she wanted to shout out for Zenia to help, Hectate just couldnt, forcing herself on this choclate slime girl, she found herself kissing and caressing the girls body, her thoughts replaced with wanting to ravage this girl, the girl eventually gave up and frenched Hectate back, putting her arms around her back, Hectate withdrew the kiss and smiled giddily in lust, the girl said "I-If you want to p-please be gentle...", Hectates thoughts told her otherwise.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate couldn't control herself, pushing herself on the girl without mercy as she trailed a hand lower and pushed her legs apart, two fingers drifting along her folds before pushing into her slit, thrusting into the slime as her mouth latched around the girls breast, sucking and licking hungrily, moaning into her breast as she took advantage of the girl without a second thought. If the girl tried to resist, Hecate would seize the bandages she carried without another thought, grabbing her wrists and forcing them down to her legs before tying them to her ankles tightly. She had no idea if the cloth would actually hold her, but Hecate didn't care, she had to... She just needed to... Returning to inflicting as much pleasure on the girl as she could, if she voiced any protests, Hecate would use her free hand to cover the girls mouth, before forcing her fingers into her mouth, muffling her as she continued unless someone stepped in to stop her.