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Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Seeing Pollusia glare at her so fiercely out of jealousy, only encouraged Rua to tease the girl a bit as she moved even closer to Castea, layering her voice with more sensuality than before.

"But I want you...since you'll taste good... very good..."

Her voice nearly became a whisper near the end so as to amplify the effect of the tone she wished to expressed, keeping it just loud enough so that Pollusia could make out what she was saying...
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea went a deeper shade of red at that than her current one which was largely due to her now near naked state. "Uhm... thanks..." she managed lamely, unsure how to respond to the advances of her pet. "I er... hope I won't disappoint?"
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia bit off a hundred different responses about how her sister tasted, none of them appropriate for company. Instead, she simply picks up the rapier she left behind on the sofa, and quirks a brow at the daring succubus..

"I didn't quite hear that... would you care to repeat yourself?"
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

(I'm offline for a day and look what I miss....)

Claire nods to Pollusia, deciding that she might as well keep her options open, that one might be used to help her get out of here later, if she was being honest. She watches in well hidden amusement at the argument between the two apparent sisters and the strange looking woman, not able to catch all the words but understanding the gist of the situation, the woman being in a similar situation as she was. A little black mark on the one attempting to gain her trust, holding someone else against their will right in front of her, even threatening them, not so well played....
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Not really understanding all the talk about feeding, Ashley simply listens to the conversation with an increasingly confused look on her face. Eventually though, Rua's actions and tone, as well as Pollusia's reaction, clued Ashley in to the true topic at hand, though still not the full situation. With a hand over her mouth to hide her encroaching smile, she simply watched the drama unfold.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Smiling innocently at Pollusia, Rua feigned ignorance.

"Why whatever could you possibly mean?..."

It was obvious that the demon was enjoying Castea's 'timid reaction' as well as teasing the one that had exhausted her energy in the first place. Perhaps a bit too much...

As for the white-haired woman who had brought the clothes for the twins? She was palming her face at the drama between the twins and their pet...
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia smiles, warmly. For a moment, it seems everything is forgiven, then the blonde snaps forward in a blur of motion, and seizes the demoness around the throat, dragging her close. The rapier's blade is cold and sharp against her flesh.

"Just remember... what you may enjoy.. belongs to someone else. Not you. We clear?"
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea frowns slightly. "Pollusia... why are you being so hostile about this?" she asks quietly, giving her sister a significant look. "There's no need to keep threatening Rua..."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia starts with a quick retort, but swallows it halfway through..

"Castea, I just want to.."

Stopping halfway through, she tries again.

"It's just that I.."

Finally, she shakes her head, and turns away, fixing her gaze on the wall.

"Forget it, it's nothing. I'm sorry Rua, what I said was completely undeserved.."

I honestly think I was doing better with the crazy girl. Maybe I should have stayed over there.. where I belong.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Despite being slightly relieved as the rapier was removed from her, Rua tried to appear indifferent, so as to remain on the good side of the twins.

"It's fine, I wasn't that bothered by it really."

Of course, a certain someone obviously didn't share the same sentiments, given the manner in which she cut in, and the contents of her speech.

"If thou art done attempting to spill blood on the carpets...may I take this time to state that those who point their blade at another within the haven will be subject to immediate punishment? That includes the ones who forget to remind the new pieces of the rules."

Appearing from seemingly nowhere, Eva's sudden arrival managed to surprise even the more experienced white-haired woman, who instinctively shrunk back and became slightly timid.

"Miss Eva...I did not believe..."

She was cut short by the small girl, who then waved her away.

"Enough Frey, you still have work to do so move thyself, lest I do so for you."

Quickly bowing out, Frey chose that time to make her exit. Preferring not to be in the fearful 'child' 's presence longer than needed...
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea glanced at the girl who had reappeared, but did not feel any compulsion to say anything, lest she incur the creature's wrath. For Castea was certain that this girl could not be human, and must be closer to something like Rua, except far more powerful.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

(Now to find out if Eva can read minds.)

Claire made sure to remember the little girls words about not harming anyone in the Haven, as she put it. 'Going to have to take it outside if I want to grill any of these lunatics for information on a way out of here. Better not try the girl, white hair's creeped out by her, probably dangerous. Frey and Eva huh? Girls probably twice as nuts as the next one, probably on something that stunted her growth and made her so dangerous. Talks like an idiot though, probably IS twice as crazy as the next one. Might as well play along with them until I figure something out that won't get me ground into a paste.' She thought, looking at the newly arrived Eva, her expression not changing from her regular scowl. She shifted slightly, causing the chains to clink together quietly.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia, surprisingly enough, stands up with a smile, apparently unaware of the dangerous tension on the air.

"Ah, Eva. I was hoping you'd make your way inside soon. I was hoping to speak with you about clothing.. and maybe a room? I'd rather not arrange the feeding of our pet in front of everyone.. I suspect they might not appreciate the view...."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Eva's response to Pollusia was that of a dismissing one, as if such concerns were trivial to her.

"Clothing and rooms shall be distributed in an orderly manner after the initial briefing. No sooner. Supplies aren't unlimited contrary to appearances. As for the pet, it can live long enough without feeding for another space of time. That or if you are insistent on feeding it, then you can do so here so long as you are comfortable with it."

Her response to Claire however...was a different story. An amused smile on her face, the blindfolded child did not seem truly offended by the insults...yet. Those who had been in the game for an extended period of time generally knew to steer clear when Eva was smiling outside of Reina's presence...as that generally met she had something sinister planned.

"Allow me to reassure you Miss Claire, that unlike some, I am neither delusional nor on dangerous substances. However, do tell me, are you a believer in "magic"? "
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia wasn't about to be shaken that easily, though. Ever dogged in her persistence, the blonde stays with Eva, blue eyes clear and bright.

"If I may ask, then.. when is the initial briefing? I'd like to get this somewhat odious task over and done with."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

(Called it.)

Claire did not seem outwardly frightened or startled by the girl being able to read her mind, her expression and posture not changing. Inwardly, she was slightly unsettled, but that didn't even compare to the wave of rage that went through her, fury that someone would invade the sanctity and privacy of her mind. She didn't make any attempt to mask her thoughts, not sure how to just yet, and said; "Magic? Does it matter? Pulling a rabbit out of your hat's not going to save you from a bullet." her voice dripping with hate, though the comment was general, not directed at Eva. She thought, for the girls benefit; 'Sure you aren't. And in case you were unable to figure it out, no. But things can kill you even if you don't believe in them. So I'll try to keep up.'
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

"Reina will be giving you a basic summary on how things will work around here once the majority of the more useful pieces have been collected. That is the nature of the briefing..."

Her attention remained mainly on the one who still refused to fully acknowledged the existence of the supernatural, finding the girl's stubborness to be... 'amusing'.

"Rest assured that the likelihood of you being on the receiving end of a bullet is highly unlikely..."

Feeling the chains tighten around her slightly before they snapped completely, Claire could see an amused smile from Eva as she found herself unable to move still, as if held down by some invisible force.

"As on this game board, 'magic' holds the potental to be far more powerful than the pathetic drivel you call a mind can ever comprehend. So do well to behave yourself, seeing as you do well to know that none can escape my watch, ignorant worm."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Castea quietly makes a mental note to learn more about this magic when she gets the chance, at least so she can defend herself instead of always relying upon Pollusia.
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Pollusia rolls her eyes, and paces away from Eva in something of a huff, sitting down with force beside her sister.

"Useless woman. It's like she wants to annoy me with every answer. I ask her when it is - she tells me -what- it is... stupid woman. I swear, if her ass is ever on the line, we're not saving her."
Re: Heaven's Terrace (Safe Haven)

Ashley's head snapped around at the sudden appearance of the strange girl, and utter confusion passed through her as she witnessed Frey's fear, especially at the knowledge that this little girl was the vaunted Miss Eva. The girl's insistence on waiting for the briefing before handing out clothes, however, turned Ashley's confusion into annoyance. Annoyance not lessened by the talk of magic. "So what, your some kind of witch? Like the Lady that brought us here? If your magic is so strong, why don't you twiddle your fingers and shake your nose and get some clothes for these girls. With what we're going through, I'd think that's the least you could do."