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Heaven's a Lie (Aust Nailo)

Re: Heaven's a Lie (Aust Nailo)

Irine Courland: HP = 81, PP = 51, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Rifle at 5/6 shots, Armor at 24/30 TP

Axeguy: dead
Shotgunguys: unharmed, empty
Rifleguys: unharmed, empty, two on the ground taken 26 damage
Groundguys: bear guy badly injured, wolf guy dead

Wolf 1: Dead
Wolf 2: Dead
Wolf 3: taken 31 damage
Wolf 4: taken 31 damage
Bear: Dead

Irine tries to escape. The wolf tries to eat her.
Grapple: Irine wins! Lucky rolls for once.

Ye two dudes try to jab ye wolf attacking Irine with their bayonets.
Attacks: Both hit.
Damage: 10 + 11 = 21 damage. Skewered!

The axe guy tries to finish off the bear.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 15 + 11 - 15 = 11 damage. Not enough.

Ye rifle guys try to shoot the wolves.
Attacks: Both hit.
Damage: 11 + 12 + 8 = 31 damage per shot. Ouch.

Ye shotgun carriers finish off the bear, but not before it gets an attack.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: Enough to cave in axeman's face.

The other two wolves leap down and attack the rifleguys.
Attacks: Hit.
Damage: 10 + 10 + 11 - 5 = 26 damage.

After a moment of struggle, the wolf's jaws snapping mere inches from her face, Irine managed to throw the beast off of her. Two of the soldiers promptly closed on it and jabbed at it with bayonets while she got to her feet, and by the time she was standing the beast that had tried to kill Irine was in its death throes. The wolves on the wall leaped down and charged them, bearing both to the ground and mauling them, the two men barely able to block their jaws from their throats. They threw the beasts off, but their arms were badly mauled by the beast's jaws in the process.

Meanwhile, up on the wall the man with the axe managed to slash at the bear again, hitting it right in the head. Unfortunately, the beast's thick skull was able to resist the bite of even his steel hatchet, and the beast reared back one claw and responded by roaring tremendously and lashing out. The blow literally took off the front of the man's face, and his corpse dropped to the ground in a heap at the bear's feet. Not given time to acknowledge the loss of one of their own, the men with shotguns opened fire, finally causing the beast to stumble and fall backwards, dying. The two riflemen standing with them turned their guns on the remaining wolves, but neither went down from the shots aimed at them. The beasts turned and bolted for the innards of the town, moving more quickly than the empty riflemen would be able to follow, but Irine had time to retrieve her rifle and hopefully take a shot at them.
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Re: Heaven's a Lie (Aust Nailo)

Something on high seemed fit to bless her with some kind of luck this day as she was able to throw her attacker off. Thankfully, the beast was dispatched in due time, leaving her the chance to survey the surroundings. The bear was finally put down, but not without a loss to her side and the remaining wolves began running towards the town, leaving Irine as the only viable option to stop them. She would proceed to grab her firearm and take aim at one of the wolves heading into town, looking to finish one of them before giving chase.

(Actions: Pick up weapon and attack one of the wolves. Plain and simple.)
Re: Heaven's a Lie (Aust Nailo)

Irine Courland: HP = 81, PP = 51, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Rifle at 4/6 shots, Armor at 24/30 TP

Axeguy: dead
Shotgunguys: unharmed, 2/2 shots loaded
Rifleguys: unharmed, 1/1 shots loaded, two on the ground taken 26 damage
Groundguys: bear guy badly injured, wolf guy dead

Wolf 1: Dead
Wolf 2: Dead
Wolf 3: Dead
Wolf 4: taken 31 damage, somewhere in town
Bear: Dead

Irine shoots at a wolf.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 10 + 8 = 22 damage. One wolf is dead!

The other runs off while everyone else reloads.

Taking up her rifle once more and pointing it at one of the fleeing wolves, Irine fired a shot and saw the violent beast tumble in the wake of her rifle's crackling report. It ended up on its side after some thrashing, but when it stopped moving it didn't start up again. The other wolf, however, was able to use its fleetness of foot to its advantage, and after sprinting for a few moments the wounded beast turned a corner and vanished from sight.

"Shit!" the man with the shotgun cursed as he jumped down from the wall, "You lot up on the wall! You, harpy, come with me! We've got to chase that thing down and finish it off before it breaks into somebody's house!" Whether or not Irine took some insult at being referred to by her race and whether or not she wished to raise some issue with it, the man took off after the bleeding beast. It was difficult to follow the creature, with their only light being that provided by the torches and the nearly-full moon, but the man took off after the blood trail anyway, and Irine was left with the choice of whether to follow as commanded, and if so how she would do so. The other men jumped to their orders, moving up to see what could be done for their wounded, and she could go and try to help with that instead and ignore the human's orders.
Re: Heaven's a Lie (Aust Nailo)

Another shot, another wolf put to rest. And only one more of them to go. And it was severely wounded...and running off into the town. A wounded animal was just as dangerous, if not more so then a normal one. And given the effects of the curse, that danger would only be raised 10 fold. She would shrug off the words of the guard with the shotgun, the priestess almost use to the foul words and insults tossed out at her kind. Despite the fact that the creature was wounded and most likely leaving a trail of blood, it would hardly make finding him easy. But unlike the humans, she had a trick up her sleeve: Her eyes worked very well in the dark. She chased after the man who went after the wounded wolf, calling out to him as she followed. "Don't mess up the trail! It'll make it difficult to follow!"
Re: Heaven's a Lie (Aust Nailo)

Irine Courland: HP = 81, PP = 51, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Rifle at 4/6 shots loaded, Armor at 24/30 TP

Axeguy: dead
Shotgunguys: unharmed, 2/2 shots loaded
Rifleguys: unharmed, 1/1 shots loaded, two on the ground taken 26 damage
Groundguys: bear guy badly injured, wolf guy dead

Perception: Failure. Irine rolled an impressive 2.

Despite her ability to see in the dark without issue, following the increasingly small trail of the wolf's blood at any decent pace proved far more difficult than she had initially surmised. The beast hadn't kept to a straight line, and despite spotting it running through the streets of the small town twice, they eventually lost track of it where its blood trail ended. "Dammit!" the guard who had followed her swore loudly, only slightly winded by their desperate run after the swift canine invader. "Where could it have gone from here?" he demanded a second later, but then they heard a child screaming from only a short distance away, a high wooden fence situated between them and the source of the sound, and if Irine glanced at it she would see small specks of blood around the top of the fence.

"Gods dammit, no!" the guardsmen said, but again they proved too late. Rushing into the house that the scream had come from following another one that sounded as if it came from an older woman, Irine was to witness another scene of horror as the beast they had failed to catch was to be found tearing flesh from the corpse of a freshly killed young boy. She would recognize him from the group she had seen playing, his face undamaged and only partially obscured by his life's blood. A woman, presumably his mother, was cowering in the corner as the wolf gorged itself, pausing only long enough to let out a threatening growl at her and the soldier beside her as they entered before returning to its meal.

Whether she did it or left it to the guard, the creature was put down quickly enough, but they were too late to save the child. As she looked upon the scene of horror, however, over the sobs of the woman in the corner she would hear a tiny whisper that sounded imperceptibly like a scream, and her instinctive ability to sense otherworldly things would allow her to tell that the child's spirit was already gone from his body. Normally that would take much longer after death, and the same could not be said of the adults she had seen killed by the beasts, leaving an unusual mystery that Irine would be the only one privy to.
Re: Heaven's a Lie (Aust Nailo)

Through some cruel twist of fate, it seemed her keen sense of sight was failing her in her efforts to track a wounded animal. Admittedly, the blood trail was getting getting smaller and it was also rather erratic, winding through the streets. The trail eventually grew cold however, prompting the guard to curse in frustration. She too was more than a little upset. In a time like this, she couldn't afford to fail like this. Taking a moment to catch her breath, Irine would debate what to do next in this situation in her head. But she would not be afforded that chance for too long as it seemed the gods had other plans for her when she heard a scream. A child's scream. Her face turned from one of concern to sheer terror as made her way to the source of the noise. She also couldn't help but notice the specks of blood on the fence, only making her worry more.

Both her and the guard would rush in, another scream piercing the night, this time one of an older woman. What Irine saw as she entered the house would almost cause her to scream herself. Before her very eyes she saw. The wolf they had chased had found its way into a house and was now tearing away at the flesh of a freshly killed boy. She would recognize seeing him earlier from her tour of the village, only sending a deep pang of regret through her. Feeling she needed to take care of this beast, the priestess would bring her rifle to bear and finish off the wolf.

No amount of penance would be able to make up for this. The sobs of the distraught mother would haunt Irine to the end of her days. But through her personal scolding and the cries of the grieving mother, she heard a tiny whisper. It sounded rather strange, almost sounding like a scream but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Thanks to her ability to sense otherworldly things, Irine noticed something strange about the boys spirit. It was just...gone. Vanished like dust on the wind. Normally, the spirit would take some time to leave the body fully and this phenomenon had not happened to any of the guards that had died at the hands of the various animals today. Whatever was going on, only she was aware of this disturbance and that fact alone scared her. With this situation tragically resolved, she looked to her companion. "Should we head back to the wall? What other options do we have?"
Re: Heaven's a Lie (Aust Nailo)

Irine Courland: HP = 81, PP = 51, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Rifle at 3/6 shots loaded, Armor at 24/30 TP

(I don't need to roll, ye wolf is dead. Irine gains 6 experience.)

"I've got to stay here. You get back to the wall, tell 'em what happened, and one of 'em will run off to help get a squad together to help with.... This," the man replied with an air of calm that might surprise the priestess, at least until she looked past it to the deadened despair that had sunk into the man's eyes.
Re: Heaven's a Lie (Aust Nailo)

"A...Are you sure? Well, if you insist. I'll have someone here as soon as humanly possible." Taking a moment to glance at the man, she was very surprised at how calm he was despite the terrible situation. If she had to hazard a guess, it would most likely be because these sights were all too common around these parts and as such, he was not effected by the terror they brought. However, a closer look and she would notice the deep despair that had sunk in as well. These poor souls. They've known nothing but death, loss and fear at the hands of these creatures and it was driving them to the brink.

As she marched away to retrieve one of the men from the walls, she grew more ill than she did in the building. How could the gods allow this to happen? Were these people not faithful enough? True they had a large cathedral dedicated to one of them, but all the others were fairly represented and respected. How could they cast aside a town like this? Good people made to suffer at the hands of some curse. All these thoughts and a sick feeling in her stomach persisted as she finally reached the wall, calling out as she got close enough. "W...We've had a casualty. The guard there is going to need some assistance cleaning up." If any guards approached her, she would point them in the direction of the home, telling them the full situation if they asked for it. The little oddity she felt however, would be kept to herself. The less people that knew about it, the better. If all was said and done, she'd find a place to sit down, hoping to catch her breath.
Re: Heaven's a Lie (Aust Nailo)

Irine Courland: HP = 81, PP = 51, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Rifle at 3/6 shots loaded, Armor at 24/30 TP

The man shot Irine an annoyed look as she asked if he was sure, making it as clear as day that he was, but once she had gone silent and turned to leave she would see that hopeless melancholy settle over him once again. Departing to walk the streets of that forsaken town of Helgesdale once more, and left to ponder what dark deeds might have left them so forsaken, Irine would notice from the corner of her eye the sight of a person watching the building she had just emerged from with a saddened look on their unnaturally beautiful face. A head of curly, platinum blond hair veiled the stranger's face, and she wore a simplistic tight-fitting outfit suitable for a woodsman with no identifiable markings that would establish an association to place the woman with. If Irine tried to approach the woman, or even so much as looked at her for particularly long, the stranger would take notice and vanish behind a corner, and if Irine followed she would find the stranger gone without a trace.

Returning to the wall, the men there all frowned at her dark news, and soon enough each had adopted a sorrowful look akin to the one that that man had had, albeit one that was much more muted due to not seeing the ill scene themselves. Nobody asked about the full details, preferring instead not to know, and instead welcomed Irine back to the wall - at least as much as they had up until that point - while a pair of them left to go and help deal with the mess. The bodies of the dead had been placed under sheets already stained crimson with their blood, and left their to sit out for a time before a pair of working men would take them away one by one.

The rest of her time on the wall came and went, night passing in darkness and silence save for the quiet whispers of those around her. Irine was mostly ignored save when they needed to say something directly to her, none of the human men making any obvious effort to interact with her beyond that. Exhaustion and boredom would take their toll, her wounds leaving her weaker than she might have been otherwise after such labors, and eventually a man would come to her and tell her to go to her rest. She'd been offered a room at the healer's home, by Jenny, and she would find the scarred woman's home open if she arrived. The healer was to be found asleep in her own bed, and would remain so unless Irine opted to wake her, but she could instead proceed to the room where she had awakened instead.
Re: Heaven's a Lie (Aust Nailo)

Irine was honestly frightened by the mans glare but in a way, she was asking for it. She asked a stupid question to someone who must have seen this a dozen times before. Being an outsider did nothing to prepare the normally gentle priestess for what she was seeing in this town. It was getting to her. Returning the the streets, Irine would be left to her thoughts, wondering just how much worse this could all get. At the corner of her eye however, she saw a very striking individual. One that seemed almost out of place in a town like this, what with almost everyone bearing some kind of scar or wound. She possessed a head of curly, platinum blond hair, which was covering her face quite well and she was dressed in attire best suited for woodsman. She bore no identifiable markings, making identifying her very difficult. That was all Irine could see before the stranger vanished. A chase would get her no where tonight. Just another question in the myriad of others she had gained tonight.

Relaying the news was even more heart wrenching for the priestess as she saw the looks on the mens face, similar to the one from the actual scene but not as heavy due to not having scene the true horror she saw. She was thankfully welcomed back to her post with little objection as a pair of men went to attend to the grisly business made no less grisly by what she saw. The bodies of the deceased laid out under sheets until workers could take them away.

Her shift thankfully went on without too much of a fuss, the only noises being the whispers of her fellow watchmen occasionally. She was thankfully left alone save for the occasion when they needed to speak to her, but beyond that, little else. The weight of the evenings task finally hit her after some time, the fragile harpy feeling rather exhausted as a result. Never before had she felt this tired. Thankfully, she was relived and offered a place to rest at the home of the healer who treated her recently. At the very least she was grateful for being able to stay with someone who could bear her presence and wasn't bothered by the fact that she was a harpy. Not wanting to wake the poor woman, Irine would head to her room from this morning and climb into bed, leaving her armor and weapon off but in reach. While she welcomed sleep, this wouldn't be as restful as she would like, the events of the night haunting her all the while.
Re: Heaven's a Lie (Aust Nailo)

Irine Courland: HP = 81, PP = 51, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Rifle at 3/6 shots loaded, Armor at 24/30 TP

Irine went to sleep, sans her armor, a short while before dawn. She wasn't left with long to sleep before, still only just barely out, she heard the healer who had cared for her rising from her bed and slipping out of the house just before dawn, but after that no interruptions would come to disturb Irine's sleep for some time. Eventually, Jenna would return and knock on her door. Once it was evident that Irine was waking up, she would speak through the cracked door without looking inside; "It's almost noon, and I've made you something to eat if you'd like to get up. I want to check your bandages while you eat, if I may." The scarred woman closed the door after that, leaving Irine to do as she wished, but while she was still certainly fatigued it was fatigue born of her injuries still healing rather than raw tiredness.
Re: Heaven's a Lie (Aust Nailo)

To say her sleep was restful would be a rather boldfaced lie. Even before she could fully fall asleep, she would hear Jenna rising from her bed and leaving the house just around dawn. She must have been called back to work or was needed for some kind of late night emergency. Regardless of the reasons, Irine needed her sleep. Anything to take her away from what she saw earlier. Her sleep was somewhat restless, but she still felt a tiny bit better when morning finally came.

She'd hear knocking at her door and could see the light pouring in as it struck her face, forcing her to jerk her head up. Jenna would call out to her, rather shocked at the news. Did she really sleep in that late? Beyond the events from last night, she may have still been tired from the rather busy day she had prior to her time on the wall. Either way, she would finally rouse herself and dress for the day, making sure her bandages could be inspected by the dutiful healer. She wasn't sure why, but the priestess was still rather fatigued. No doubt her wounds from her first night were not fully healed and her body was still recovering as a result. "Whatever tests you have in mind, I pray that they're worth it to you. You never made father suffer this much. So why me? What do you want me to learn?" " She spoke to no god in particular before she finally walked out to receive her meal. Hopefully the inspection of her bandages wouldn't take long. She had a full day ahead of her.
Re: Heaven's a Lie (Aust Nailo)

Irine Courland: HP = 81, PP = 51, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Rifle at 3/6 shots loaded, Armor at 24/30 TP

Hardly an unusual occurrence, no divine answer came to Irine's impassioned demand, and she was left to dress and head out to meet Jenna to have her bandages looked at. The woman wasn't smiling when she came out, but still managed something of a cheerful air when the harpy priestess came out of her borrowed bedroom. "Good morning. Or, I guess it'd be good afternoon now.... How are you feeling? Did you sleep well? I heard you had a rough time of it last night. The food's right over here," she said, gesturing Irine over to the table where a sandwich and a small platter of fresh fruits waited on a simple ceramic plate with a glass of crystal clear water sitting next to it.

The physician would go about checking Irine's bandages while she wait, responding to whatever the priestess might say. One wing seemed fine, and she cleaned the wounds and rebandaged them without any reaction. When she checked on the harpy's other wing, however, she frowned at and said; "I don't think this is healing quite right. The bones were fractured when I looked at them last and seemed to have been bent slightly... If I knew more about your people's anatomy I might have been able to do a better job. Do you know what it's supposed to look like? If I did something wrong, now would be the best time to fix it. Your wounds are healing remarkably quickly, and if we need to break a bone and reset it the sooner we do it the less painful it will end up being."
Re: Heaven's a Lie (Aust Nailo)

Of course they wouldn't answer. They never answer. They never answered her mentor and he was the most devoted man she knew, so why would that change now? She'd cast away any more thoughts on the matter as she headed into the main room. While the healer wasn't all smiles, Irine could at least tell she was trying to keep the mood up in the building, given all that had taken place in the past 24 hours. "Yes, good afternoon. I do apologize for oversleeping, it was not my intent. Last night was just far more exhausting then I could have imagined." She spoke honestly, her inexperience in such affairs being quite clear. She saw the food before her and was quite surprised at the spread.

Letting the healer examine her wounds, Irine would flinch slightly at the touching. "Can I ask you a question? How do you deal with all this? All this death and all this suffering? I mean, I watched a child die before my eyes as his mother looked on in horror. All I could do was sit there. I felt sick to my stomach. How do you deal with this every day?" After she posed her rather grim question, she'd allow the examination to continue until Jenna got to her second wing. Seems something was out of place and she needed to address just how to deal with it. "I'll be honest, this is the first time my wings have ever been seriously damaged. I would say to just try and get it to look like the other wing since it's in good enough shape. And I may have a medical text in my pack. My mentor did have a great deal of texts, so he may have one dealing with my species. I mean, he did have to take care of a harpy and he enjoyed being prepared." She wasn't quite sure how true that last assumption was. She only paid attention to the religious texts he left her and really didn't care for the remaining books and paid them little heed. She could only hope it was there as she said.
Re: Heaven's a Lie (Aust Nailo)

Irine Courland: HP = 81, PP = 51, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Rifle at 3/6 shots loaded, Armor at 24/30 TP

"It's quite alright, you earned a rest after last night," Jenna replied as Irine sat down to her plate of food, some chopped vegetables, scrambled eggs, and a crust of warmed and buttered bread. The healer paused at the following question, however, and for a long moment she was silent and still. Finally, she simply said; "Because we have no other choice."

She continued with her examination, and when Irine replied to her question about her wings she frowned and said; "May I look through them?" Assuming that Irine said yes, the woman would root around in the harpy's backpack for a few moments, extracting her books with great care one by one, examining each, and then setting them aside on a table. Finally, she withdrew a thin manual of some sort and opened it only for her face to screw up in confusion. It was a hand-written book that Irine had never examined much, but the human woman seemed to take great interest in it, and paged through it a few times before setting it aside as well.

"This will hurt a little," she warned, and then grasped the offending wing and shifted it. The healer had underestimated the pain she was to inflict, the movement more painful even than the initial mauling had been, but it was blessedly over quickly and left only a dull ache in its place. "The wing looks better now," Jenna reported quickly, "it wasn't set properly in the joint, but now it should heal alright. I can bind the wound again and it should heal alright. If you heal like you've been, it should be mostly alright by tomorrow morning. I've never seen anyone heal this quickly... I don't even think you'll have any scarring where your skin isn't covered by feathers."
Re: Heaven's a Lie (Aust Nailo)

Irine just nodded at the healers comment, feeling nothing else really needed to be said. A small part of her felt she didn't earn the right to sleep in, especially after last night. Any loss of life was a failure in her eyes and more then a few people shed their mortal coil that evening. But she couldn't linger on this forever. She just had to adapt and move on, much like the people of this town. She looked at her meal and was quite surprised at what it had to offer. Maybe her time on the road had conditioned her for poor meals, so seeing an actual decent one was a nice change of pace. "Go ahead and take a look. See if you can dig something out." She began eating as Jenna began searching through her pack.

When Jenna found the manual, Irine had made a good dent in her meal. Seeing the book made Irine a little curious. Had her teacher really made a guide as she suspected? That man really was a little unusual but at least he was prepared. At Jenna's warning, she put down her utensils and took a deep breath, bracing herself. The pain was quite excruciating and the priestess winced and clenched her eyes shut. Thankfully the pain was quick to fade and all that was left was an ache. "I must admit...I'm surprised Father had something like that." She said as she rubbed her wing. "I only remember getting one sprain in my entire time with him, so for him to be that prepared is remarkable."

Seemed the diagnosis for the wing was for a speedy recovery, something Irine was at least relieved to hear. "Do whatever you must, Miss Jenna. Sooner I can start flying, the better. That way I can better scout the forest beyond the wall and try to do something meaningful." She spoke with her usual naive determination, knowing she could do something despite all she's seen. "If I may, has anyone asked for me since last night?"
Re: Heaven's a Lie (Aust Nailo)

Irine Courland: HP = 81, PP = 51, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Rifle at 3/6 shots loaded, Armor at 24/30 TP

"Only one? Strange.... Your, ahh, father must have been a physician then, because this analysis is extremely comprehensive," Jenny said, paging through the book in her hands. "Hrm? No, no one came looking for you while you were asleep... I'm not sure why they would. Would you mind if I hold on to this for a little while? I'll give it back whenever you want, but this is... Fascinating stuff. I've never read about the anatomy of another race before."
Re: Heaven's a Lie (Aust Nailo)

"Well, one really serious one. I had a couple minor ones here and there but nothing too serious. Nothing that a little bed rest wouldn't fix. I did also catch the occasional fever and got sick just like any other person did." She willingly admitted, feeling none of this was really sensitive information about her life. "And he wasn't a healer in any regards. He was a priest. I imagine he had knew some medicine for his own benefit and he had to learn new stuff for me. Of course, how is beyond me. I was so devoted to my work growing up that father's business outside of preaching was always a mystery to me." She was a little upset that no one needed her for anything, especially after last night, but it was hardly an issue and more of a curiosity.

Seems the healer wanted to hold onto the strange manual and she saw little reason to say no. With a shrug she said. "By all means, keep it. I didn't even know I had it until today and I'm sure it's going to be of more use to you then me."
Re: Heaven's a Lie (Aust Nailo)

Irine Courland: HP = 81, PP = 51, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Rifle at 3/6 shots loaded, Armor at 24/30 TP

"Oh, no! I'll keep it for a little while, but I couldn't do that, not if it belonged to your father!" Jenny refused insistently when Irine offered to let her keep the journal, "it's... Well, it should at least have sentimental value to you, shouldn't it? I couldn't keep it. You can read, can't you? You ought to look over it, see what else he might have known."
Re: Heaven's a Lie (Aust Nailo)

"He was my adopted father, but yes. He was more or less my father figure. Took me in and taught me everything I know today, which includes reading. But I will give it a once over once I get the chance. I wouldn't want such valuable knowledge going to waste and it would be really useful in emergencies. But all the books I own hold both sentimental and intellectual value. Memories of my father, yes, but also the knowledge he's passed on to me in the hopes of passing it on to someone else."Irine spoke honestly about her collection, having no issue carrying the many books of her trade . She saw it as just another goal on her journey.