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Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

For the most part Ashraani focused on what Ash had to say, not paying the discussion about cooking much attention, though her sister's comment about lack of patience followed by her guessing Ash would soon give birth amused the Firstborn greatly. Ashraani had remained calm during it all, even as Ash had staggered and then was steadied by her companion and daughter. The Broodmother's gaze settled upon the latter as she spoke with calm indifference. "While I know my sister is impatient, I can only assume it has been a long time since she last observed one of the Ember Brood breeding a female not of our blood. It has only been but one day since I filled Ash with my seed. The children of the Ember Brood do not gestate quite as swiftly as those of other demonic heritage... It will take another five or six days before Ash gives birth, and the same time for my clutch to be ready if I put that burden on Aura rather than myself. If I keep my coming offspring within me, it will take three to four days from now before the eggs are ready to lay."

Always eager to teach the less knowledgeable of her kind, and to prove her own sizeable knowledge, Ashraani's tone of voice had been matter-of-factly and the words spoken deliberately and clearly for all to hear. And maybe a bit insufferable to Shabiri as Ashraani had always had a poor habit of calling out her siblings when they were, in her opinion, erroneous about things. Fortunately for Ashraani and her siblings this habit mostly showed on matters related to the Brood as a whole, and breeding in particular. She did know better than to try and chime in on matters regarding hunting and tracking when near Shabiri though; or else the Firstborn might end up on the recieving end of a lecture. That aside, Ashraani would also see to some other concerns her daughter had. "Bearing a child is a taxing experience, especially for a first-time mother. And the heat of our kind can be rough on those not of our blood... Some get used to it over time, some never quite adapt. Selraani, mind helping Ash outside so that she can have some water? She will need to drink plenty over the coming days."

Ashraani paused briefly before adressing the humans concerns, and would help in the effort of getting Ash outside for a drink, "I know it is not what you want to hear, Ash, but you deserve honesty from me on this matter... Everyone I bring to my lair won't have the same choice you've been given, and some won't recieve as tender care as you have. You have been very understanding and calm about your predicament, and that have earned you such caring treatment. I prefer to care for those within my domain, to nurture and nourish with affection, but my patience and acceptance is not without limits...", Ashraani paused briefly to let the words sink in, "If Aura and Fethis prove unaccepting of their fate, I will deal with them as harshly as I have to make them accepting of it." After those words Ashraani would break away, leaving Ash in full to the care of her daughter. "Take care of her, Selraani. I have matters in need of being dealt with.", and with those words the Firstborn stepped aside to then leap into the air; flying straight for Aura and Fethis. Whether Shabiri had went with Selraani & Ash, followed her, or remained by the food didn't much matter to the Draconian; she knew her sister could take care of herself, and wouldn't be against her presence while dealing with the two captives she was about to confront.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Argaaz snorted at the apparent weakness of the human before moving off to tend to what ever he dose leaving Selranni and Shabiri at the fire. The meat still sizzled but Ash was in no means able to tend to it any longer. Looking at the human Shabiri could plainly see the heat had overcome her and it would be left to her to finish the meal.

Selranni meanwhile had her hands full of a swooning female. Ash felt so light in her arms despite her growning belly. The human a delicate flower suffering the heat of a volcanno. It wouldn't be a far treck to water but Ash's state would be a hinderance to the young draconian.

Ashraani quickly closed the gap between her and the two captives. Already she could see Fethis's form swelling to his or rather her new figure. Aura seemed not to notice when Ashraani landed behind her. In fact she almost seemed lost holding the poor mage in her arms. Clearly she cared for the arrogant fool.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

With the exhausted Ash more or less thrust into her arms and tasked with getting her to water, the hatchling was more then a little nervous that she might make a mistake. She held the human in her arms and only now realized just how fragile they were, only making the situation more dire. Why did mother have to put them at risk by keeping them here? With all her might, she began cradling Ash in her arms before moving towards the nearest water source. "You'll be ok, Ash. You'll be ok. You aren't about to pass out on my watch." She mumbled, a clear hint of worry in her voice.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

As the Firstborn landed and took in the current stage of Fethis' changing form she couldn't help but crack a small, wry, little smile. At least while Aura wasn't looking her way, which was no concern; the Elf appeared quite occupied with her lovers metamorphis. Not one to accept having her pressence ignored for long however, Ashraani would speak up shortly after landing. "I see his changes are setting in readily... He'll be a she come tomorrow, if not earlier, I imagine. Is he still unconscious? That would be unfortunate...", Ashraani's eyes narrowed slightly, it was high time she put this concern to rest. The concern regarding Fethis unruly attidue and Aura's unwitted ignorance of the situation at hand. "I would've prefered him awake, so that I could've questioned the two of you. Truth be told, Aura, I'd rather not see either of you leave my lair... And I want to make it clear, to both of you, why it is in your and Fethis' best interests to remain here, together." Ashraani's tone was that of thinning patience, but not quite that of an iron-fisted tyrant just yet, she very much wanted to solve things as peacefully as possible, but if such methods would not yield satisfying results... Well, then she'd have to try other methods of course.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

As Ashranni spoke Aura gave her glance. At that moment the broodmother realized that this nightelf was as vunrable as she was likely going to be with out any inteferance from Ashranni or the others. In all likely hood Fethis will be an emontional wreck from his change, not to mention what ever charms her sister had put on him. Yes Aura was vunrable her emontional state unsteady as she tried to comfort Fethis. This would probably be the best time to strike for Ashranni if she wanted to make the woman submit with out force.

Selraani carefully carried Ash out of the cave where the cool air felt like a blast of fridged ice agianst her scales. Still it seemed to invigorate Ash. Setting the woman down next to small cascade of water all Selraani could do was wait. Ash of course was naked her body on display before her. She could see the glowing proof of her sibling threw the pale skin of Ash's belly. She could also see the signs of corruption flowing threw Ash's veins. Would it be so bad if Ash was like them. Certainly she would be much stronger and could endur the life she will live from now on.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

As her words went without any response from the Night Elf beneath her, one of the Brood Mother's eyes twitched ever so briefly in annoyance. She was being ignored, as far as she was concerned. To one such as Ashraani it didn't matter if Aura was really listening or not; the slight towards the Draconian was not having given her the attention she had looked for. The dim glow beneath the cracks in her rocky carapace glowered brighter for a few moments as a quiet, seething, hiss escaped Ashraani's lips. The fiery glow showing on her form wouldn't diminish completely before, or while, she next parted her lips to speak rather than hiss. "He won't go anywhere, Aura. I will ask you, once, to look at me. We must speak. Now." The voice of the Firstborn Draconian had a dull, yet fiery, tone to it; the way she had spoke of Fethis didn't so much imply that he'd be alright without her attention during the coming conversation... More so that he wasn't going to leave the lair at all. And the tone similiarly had implied that Ashraani would only ask once; the next time it would be an order. An order Aura would have to struggle against the collar around her neck in order to not be compelled to carry it out against her will.

Had Aura not done what was asked of her, Ashraani would first brush a hand against the Night Elf's shoulder; just long enough to cast a weakening spell on her before ordering the woman to look her way. Though if the Elven woman did as she was asked, be it grudgingly or not, the Draconian would do without such a heavy-handed action. Once she had the Elf's attention though, Ashraani wouldn't give the spirit-wielder even a single moment to speak up before continuing, her voice stern and to the point. "I give you two options, Aura. No more and no less, and I will not lie to you with honeyed words. Your, and Fethis', options are now to either accept that you'll be staying here as my slaves. In accepting this, even if grudgingly, you will be treated as well as I am able to. I will do all that is within my power to make your lives here as adequate as I am able to. As long as you meet the needs I have of you two.", Ashraani paused briefly at that point, to let the words sink in. Should Aura remain silent, or ask for the second option, Ashraan would raptly enough state that one too. "The other option is that the two of you struggle. Then I will take what I need of the two of you, with very little care about either of you as a person. I would no longer make an attempt at treating you like people any more. I suggest you think my words over, Aura. Regardless of which you choose, you will remain here under my reign. You are free to ask me any question, and I will answer them as well as I am able to. I know you are smarter than Fethis, so do not make any reckless mistakes he would in this situation."

It was at this point that Ashraani stopped to speak, giving Aura however much time she needed to absorb the harsh ultimatum that had now been laid before her. As much as Ashraani didn't want to come off as unreasonable, that she was willing to work with Aura in making the Elf and her transforming companion's indefinite stay within the lair as acceptable as possible, the Draconian didn't expect her words to be easily accepted by someone in Aura's position.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Ignoring the sudden burst of cold air against her normally warm scales, the hatchling would do her job as requested, knowing full well that displeasing mother might not be the best thing to do. But when Ash began reacting, the young Draconian beamed with joy and relief as she set her down. "Thank goodness you're ok. Drink all you want." All she could do now was wait and leave Ash to do the rest. It gave her a chance to admire the beauty of her soon to be relative. She could see the glowing of her sibling through her pale skin and the traces of corruption flowing through her. Her changing really would be for the best in the long run. She'd acclimate to the environment fast, she'd become stronger and she'd be able to easily handle more children. It would be the safest decision, and she would easily grow more beautiful. Selraani could not deny that. The more she though about Ash...the more she wanted her.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

It took a moment which mostly was making sure Fethis was in a comfortable position to turn around and look at her slave master. Listing intently to what Ashraani was speaking no what she was demanding. Two choice's neither of them good. Still the first was better than the second. It was a bitter pill to swallow. Though with some freedom of movement she could possible figure a way to escape.

For a moment Aura didn't look at Ashraani but eventually she spoke up. “I accept the first terms.” Well that was taken care of though it seemed rather quick for the woman to accept that offer.

Meanwhile Selraani was watching Ash the pale woman tempting her like a rare flower. Smiling Ash drank greedily from the stream. “This water must come from high up on the mountain. There not other way it should be this cold.” Ash seemed to enjoy the cool liquid even splashing from on her face which ran down her naked body. Little droplets sparkled in the faint moonlight accent her body with a gleam.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Selraani could only smile as Ash drank from the stream, relieved that she was at least feeling a little better. "Maybe. I've never been up that high on the mountain though since it's far too cold up there. Though I could talk to mother and see if I could go up their by myself. Might be fun to get out and explore." She mused, doing her best to distract herself from the site of Ash, the cool water running down her body. The moonlight even made her body gleam. In a slight pout, the hatchling mumbled. "I should have been the one to give her young. Mother always has all the fun."
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

That Aura took a moment, however brief, of her attention away from the Firstborn to dote and tend to Fethis made the Draconian snort derisively; a small puff of smoke venting from her nostrils as she did. The nerve of this Night Elf despite having been told where her attention should be during the conversation. Ashraani had expected Aura to mull the ultimatum over for a while, a bit longer than she did even, but the answer pleased her all the same. Any other answer would've been unacceptable. "Once Fethis' awakens, I expect you to inform him about your decision... For I will expect him to follow it like you will." Ashraani's lips formed into a wry little smile; that was one matter taken cared of... For the most part at least. Now she would just have to see how readily Aura truly were to accept her new life.

"I do have another choice for you to make... Or two, rather." While speaking those words the Firstborn's hands would lazily trail up her thighs and over her lightly buldging belly; her palms tenderly running over her crimson skin as she continued to speak. "I've been blessed with two eggs by my ever-faithful, and ever-eager, companion Argaaz... But it is far too early for me to nestle down and savor the sensation. I have far too much work on my hands." The smile on the Firstborn's lips grew wider as her amber eyes gazed down upon the Night Elf; expectation and curiosity in equal measure were to be found within the fiery glow of them. "Will you bear both eggs for me, or will you leave one for Fethis? For when her body have adjusted sufficiently to the change she is going through?"

Ashraani could already imagine what Aura's decision would be... But before the Night Elf could respond she began to voice the second set of choices for her servant. "And will you accept my egg, or eggs, as you are? Or perhaps you would allow me to slightly alter your body, to make it better suited for accepting my eggs?" Ashraani briefly took her gaze away from Aura, her glowing eyes glancing over Fethis' crotch. "Or the pride of a male... Both are inevitable for you to experience within my lair, only a matter of time. You would be doing yourself a favor in accepting this, but the choice is yours." As Ashraani spoke the last few words her gaze once more fell upon the Night Elf.

Just what choices would Aura make? The Draconian was more than a little curious, and eager, to figure out how much effort it would take to mold her latest pets to suit her desires.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Aura looked down at Fethis pondering the situation. She was not intrested in any.. gifts her captor intended for her, nor did she like the idea of bearing two of the monsters eggs. "I'll bear one as I am and Fethis will bear the other." It waws indeed a bitter pill to swallow but she couldn't plot an escape heavy with children or eggs. Fethis would have to deal and she was sure she could convince him of the merits of her choices. After all her captor was right about one thing she was smarter than him.

Ash sat a moment enjoying the spring water before turning to Selraani. "Your mother... has the potential to be a very good woman Selraani. She bears a heavy burden in regards to the fate of your people. It leads her to unsavory things, but between you and me.. I think her actions in the end can be for the good of this land." Ash stopped a moment blushing. "Maybe Im just being foolish and naive, but during our brife time together I saw the spark in her. She cares deeply for her people."
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

The hatchling continued to watch Ash intently, allowing her to speak and spell out her opinion on mother. And to Selraani's surprise, it was quite a glowing review of her mothers actions. Selraani couldn't resist wrapping the pregnant human in a warm embrace for a moment before pulling back. "You don't know how much it means to hear you say that. Mother has seen her family and her people torn apart and on the brink of oblivion. She only does what she must to see our strength and glory restored and if that means doing...what she's done to you to others, then she will do it. She doesn't do it out of malice, but necessity. I can only hope she won't go overboard in her efforts. Her passion to see our people restored could get the better of her. Just hope I can help her find some balance in all this."
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

"Mooooooooooom! Moo-oooooooom!"

Ambalika slithered over some collapsed, burnt tree, like she had been for the past... she wasn't really sure how many days it'd been, but it had been a lot of them. Amba, previously sent out to found another colony far-off elsewhere with two of her other sisters... had gotten lost and separated. Unsure what to do, she just slithered back home. Where she was then told mom - Ashraani - had buggered off to found another colony, just like they had, so Amba had decided to track her down... or rather, to wander around lost in the jungle for a few days, before finally realizing she knew magic and could bloody use it to find mom. Or her sisters, now that she'd thought of it... though they were farther away, so fuck it.

Ambalika was accompanied by some vaguely incorrect-seeming flaming lizard - a salamander. It turned out that the jungle was pretty dangerous, away from her den and her fellow draconian's protection! She'd conjured one every day, taxing though it was on her magical energy... as was the finding-spell she'd been using.

It was really getting to be a problem! She didn't restore her vitality like most due to her soul-stealing nature, and it had been days since she'd managed to wrangle herself one of the predators of the jungle to hump for their delicious cu- errr, spiritual power. She guessed they'd learned what happened when she got her mitts on them. Or, maybe they just didn't like being around a charred place like this one.

Ambalika spotted a cave opening, which might be promising. Bringing her hands up near her mouth to amplify her voice, she called out.


Fish told me it was okay to poast and stuff so I am aaaaa.

Maybe start me at 1/3 or less EP?

Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Though distracted with Ash, the young broodling could hear a voice on the air. At first it was distant, the noise faint enough for most to hear but not for her. But as time wore on more and more, the voice grew louder and louder as it got closer until eventually she could hear it right at the cave entrance. And whoever it was, they kept calling for their mother. Maybe it was a lost human for her to capture or some other ripe specimen for her to claim as her own. Seeing this as an opportunity, Selraani stood herself up, an eager glint in her eye. "Ash, stay here. Someones outside the cave." Giving Ash a quick pat on the head, Selraani made her way back to the cave entrance to see what all the noise was about. What she saw blew her away. A naga, but not those run of the mill ones she heard about. This one was different: A typical serpantine tail, black and red scales, a horn sticking out of her head, firey orange hair. She was an Ember Draconian much like her! Stepping closer, she took a moment to get a good look at her face. It's been a while, and she couldn't recognize every member of her brood.

"Are...Are you one of my mothers sisters? One of her distant kin? Or...could you be one of her children? Tell me. I'd like to at least address you by the proper term before I take you to mother."
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

"I don't know!~" Ambalika replied, waving her muscled arms in greeting to the other Ember (with really great tits). Paydirt! She even had a greeter! As she wiggled up through the charred ground, she couldn't keep the tip of her tail from twitching. Finally finding someone, though... finally finding someone was almost more important than finding her mom (probably). Her Finding spell was pointing in there, after all...

"I don't know who your mom is so I don't know," she repeated. The immense snake-tail stood high above the ground, with even more thick, muscled tail in the dirt moving her steadily along. "I'm looking for Mama Ashy though. And you smell like an Ember too, so I you might know, right?"

"Oh! I should introduce myself. I'm Ambalika! I went off to build a colony with my sisters, but we got separated. I've been a lot of places since, though! One was this place called 'Acheron'. It's was like, so nice! Do you want to see how they say hello there?"
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

As Aura voiced her answers to the Firstborns questions Ashraani's lips would form a wry, pleased, smile. "Good, that is now settled then. Lay down on your back, and spread your legs; this won't take long. And Fethis' will survive without your attention for the short time this will take." The Draconian wouldn't wait for the Night Elf's response before she herself would begin to crouch at first, and then settle further down to stand on her knees; her legs parted a fair amount for the routine endeavor to come. Her left hand came to rest on her lightly rounded belly, as her right went further down and between her legs. Two fingers soon slid past her folds into her barely slick snatch. Just enough to be comfortable as she closed her eyes and breathed in deeply... And then pushed out from within herself. That was the best part about being an egglayer; eggs were so much easier and quicker to lay compared to the birthing of live young, from what the Firstborn had seen in the past. And having never experienced the latter wasn't anything she had ever envied some of her kindred or the captive breeders of the Ember Brood.

With a gush of slick, moderately glowing, and thick juices Ashraani would ease her egg out of her body; taking a gentle hold of the oh-so-precious oval-shaped object and lifting it up and close to her bosom once the ordeal was over with. At this point she would once more bring her attention to Aura, and either smile pleased if the Elf was in a proper position or frown disappointedly if the Elf was not.

Should Aura prove compliant to the Firstborn's wishes Ashraani would crawl closer to Aura, somewhat unsteadily as she had to keep one hand on the egg at all time, and once there would reach her free hand down to briefly caress the one of the Elf's thighs. Her hand would draw closer to Aura's womanhood, and should there be no complications, once her digits were upon the Elf's sacred flower she would sink two fingers in vertically, then turn them ninety degrees and push them apart. There was no love or care in the action; she was only being just gentle enough to not cause too much discomfort for her captive.

And then came the egg; the Draconian would be very careful with her unhatched young, the glowing shell around the unborn ember was only slightly bigger than the size of a fist. One of the 7+ feet tall Draconian's fists that is. She would start with the slightly more narrow end of the egg, lightly nudging the slick shell against the helf-open entrance of Aura's womanhood. And then she pushed gently. The egg was warm, more than a little noticably so too, and while it might very well cause some discomfort it wasn't at any harmful or painful degrees at least. And while the elven pussy might be a little tight to start with, the secretions coating the egg had a few properties to remedy that. Even if just temporary effects, it would render Aura's womanhood, as well as the innermost barrier that was the cervix, soft enough to easily yield and give way for the slow but none-the-less forced insertion.

All in all it would take two to five minutes for the egg to end up in Aura's womb, the better part of that time spent pushed up against her cervix; so the secretions were given enough time to soften it for the final push that brought it as deep within her as it could come. Ashraani hadn't said a word during the process, save for trying to hush at Aura to be silent should the Elf try to talk during it. Though as soon as the Egg was safely nestled in a new womb, the Draconian spared no time in pulling her fingers out of Aura's pussy, with a satisfied grin on her lips. "There, done and over with. I will do the same to Fethis later today, or at least after I've checked on what is going on outside the lair. I think I heard someone... No matter, you did well and may rest now."

And with that Ashraani would rise, once more make sure her wings were readied for flight, and unceremoniously leap into the air and fly towards the entrance of her recently claimed new home. And had Aura proven troublesome rather than compliant to begin with, the Elf would've gotten a faceful or two of magic-induced pain until she were unconscious and not troublesome anymore. Though with less talking at the end of the ordeal.

If Aura was being troublesome I guess Ashraani cast some level 5 bolts o' pain in her face. That level 5 body bolt spell that is. Too tired for the mathjunk, might edit in later.

Overall I ain't very pleased with this post, and for the most part I felt like I just wanted it done and over with but despite that I kept dragging it out since I didn't want to just go "AND THEN ASHRAANI JAMMED THE EGG INTO AURA'S CUNT, THROUGH HER CERVIX, AND INTO THE BACK OF HER WOMB!", blech.

Two fucking months for this shit. *Splashes angrily at self*
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Mama Ashy? It seems strange she would use such a casual term for Mother Ashraani. Her work deserved a little more respect then that and to be refereed to by such a silly pet name, but Selraani would let that slide in the mean time. It was quite clear that this serpent was referring to her mother and that she was her mother as well, meaning this Ambalika very well may be of her many sisters. For the moment, she was a little too excited to think rationally. "You...You are one of my sisters! I never thought I would see another one of you again after the family separated from mother!"Quite excited at the revelation, the bipedal hatchling approached the serpent and wrapped her in an embrace. "You must have been out in that world for so long to have forgotten where your ancestral homeland is! But you also must know so much about the outside world! You have to tell me absolutely everything you know! Ash has only told me a tiny bit of how her kin live but nothing in great detail. "

She paused from her excitement to let her sister finish, who spoke of a strange place called Acheron. How could they say hello any different then they did? Seemed quite an unusual thing to say. "I can't imagine it's much different then ours...But you've raised my curiosity, sister. Show me.
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

"'Ancestral homeland'? I went there! I went there, and they said you guys had all packed up and went off somewhere else!" Amba retorted. "Anyway, though... in Acheron, it's like this."

Ambalika pulled Selraani into a tight hug - chaste, excepting perhaps for Ambalika's huge, bare chest, kissing her cheek, and then repeating, this time kissing the other cheek, being careful of her horn. When that was done, the snake-tail held her at arm's length, smiling and enjoying the moment of reunion with her family.

Then, Ambalika twirled Selraani around so her back was towards the newly-arrived. One arm wrapped around Selraani's hips, while the other pushed on her shoulders, bending her over. Twin cocks, glistening with wetness from inside Ambalika's sheaths, almost erupted from their hidden place near her human pelvis on her snake-belly, which were unceremoniously lined up and shoved into both Selraani's rear and front holes. With a sigh that might've also been a moan, Ambalika let out a long, dreamy "Hell-oooooo~".

Amba leaned forward to wrap both muscular arms around her supposed sister's mid-section, one reaching up to cup one of her breasts, while her belly started pulling out and thumping it's bulk back down, filling Selraani with cock again. They were both pleasantly big, but not too much, only reasonably so... even for a human man's, at seven inches each. As they went in and out, though, Selraani would feel as if something deep in her were getting pulled and nibbled and suckled on...

Before long, Selraani heard her apparent sister's voice whispering into her ear: "I learned this next part from an Acheronian I met. His name kinda sounded like scratching on a rock, so I just called him Mr. Squiddy~"

From a few lumps on Amba's back emerged a plethora of fat, slimy tentacles, which started circling their way around each of Selraani's limbs - two around her legs, one of which started rubbing against Selraani's clit, while the other stroked at her thighs; and two around her arms, which pressed the leggy draconian's tits together, one of them diving into the soft valley, while the other nuzzled at her cheeks.


My grapple, if it's needed, is 56.

Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Indeed Aura seemed to have readied herself as Ashraani prepped the egg. Moving close to the elven woman's sex you found it slightly agape. Slipping her fingers in the draconian found them almost welcoming a gentle suction pulling on her fingers. Clearly while Aura was good at hiding her feelings on the surface her body was far more honest. Pressing the egg to the folds Ashraani had little worry as the lips easily parted for the egg. The most difficult part was getting the egg into the womb and this seemed to cause Aura some discomfort as she grunted from pain during the process, but soon enough it was finished and pulled out looking at the rather distressed face of the elf. All to pleased with the effort her post egging speech was interrupted as Ash screamed in fright from out side.

Ash watched the new ember come closer. She was similar to Shabiri in that her body was snake like but she didn't have wings like the other one. Selraani however didn't seem worried as the new ember who called herself Ambalika wrapped her up in a hug. However as Ambalika spun Selraani around and impaled her on two cocks she got a little worried. Still Selraani didn't seem worried. However when the slimy fat testicles showed up Ash couldn't help it anymore. Screaming in fright the girl picked up a nearby stone and threw it at Ambalika. The stone of course bounced off harmlessly but it was quickly followed by another and another. “HELP ALIEN!
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Ambalika kept merrily humping away at while Selraani while her tasty little friend threw rocks at her. Ambalika didn't really mind - she liked it when people were a little rough with her, in fact. "Your friend seems very protective. Isn't that sweet, sister?"

Eventually, though, one rock would stray too close to her winged sibling, which Ambalika would take offense to. "Hey! You're gonna hurt sis!" She shouted, even as she continued to pummel Selraani's holes. In response, the snake-tail turned to her summoned pet, to give it an order. "Salamander! DON'T hurt that girl, but make her stop throwing rocks! Maybe sit on her or something."