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Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Shabiri nodded, collecting the fallen deer with her neice, hefting them carefully. "Ashraani, myself, you, Ashrigaaz, and three captives. the Young growing in your mother's first capture, of course. Humans have a manageable appetite... should last us most of the week, so long as nobody is a glutton. longer, if we bother to ration at all." She said, a light laugh coming from her. a profitable hunt, indeed.

"How much do you remember of the way home, young one?"
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

"Mother might try to ration, if I know her well enough. She might want this to last as long as possible before having to go hunting again. Enough time to see more animals and maybe enough time to see a greater variety of prey." Of course, she could only guess on things like this, hardly being an expert on matters of animals and nature. But Mother was smart. She might have figured all this out already.

Of course now there was the matter of returning home, the serpentine Draconian asking the rash youngling if she knew the route home. "I...I think I remember enough to get us home." With some hesitation, she would retrace her steps through the scorched earth and trying her best to locate the tracks from before. If following them found the deer, maybe following them back would lead them close enough to home. At least she hoped.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Ashraani's statement seemed to cause pause for both captives as they looked to each other allowing Ashraani to head over and inquire about Ash and Argaaz.

Ash looked up a slight sparkle in her eye as Ashraani spoke before a low hiss caused her to look away in a submissive manner. "No mistress he has been keeping me only for you." Argaaz smirked slightly as Ash submitted to his hiss which had hints of jealously in its tone, something which Ash was incapable of detecting but was clear to the Broodmother. Looking up Argaaz spoke. "Mistress your breeder was being unfaithful, I did not harm her but merely reminded her of her place." Argaaz sounded pleased with himself for bullying Ash into compliance. However as he puffed up with pride Ashraani saw a flicker of danger in Ash's eye clearly the girl was not broken but she doubted Ash would hurt Argaaz, still if things where equal the young wyvern would have something to worry about. What she made of the youglings pride and the hints of competitive danger in Ash's eyes was up to her however.


The tracks the deer left where hopelessly gone however her aunts serpentine tail was easily spotted by the young draconian and would make an excellent guide to follow back and besides that the smoking jungle would be more than a hint for the two of them to find. Still her aunt was taking her tutelage of the youngling to heart so it was best for Selraani to at lest try. What route she chose was here choice however. She could take the easy route and fly up above the canopy to find the smoking jungle where they had battled the panther or follow the trail her aunt left.


Shabiri watched the youngling think and look for tracks. It seemed young Selraani was hardly a tracker and looked to be more along the lines of her mothers skill set based in magics. While she waited she could of course field dress the deer or assist the younger draconian in her attempts.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

The befuddled draconian could hardly make heads or tails of the deer tracks, the path being long gone. This frustrated the girl greatly. But a ray of light shone through to help her in her efforts in the form of the winding track her aunt left. That snake half of hers really left an impression in the dirt and it made for easy following. So much so that she nearly jumped with joy at finding it. Getting her attention, Selraani would inform her aunt. "I...I found something! Come on! Follow me!" The draconian tugged at the older serpents arm, nearly pulling her with her to get her to follow. They'd find they'd be back in no time.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Shabiri grinned at the younger Draconian's exuberance, letting herself be dragged along, the deer gutted in the time it took Selraani to find the path, making them easier to carry. It didn't take her long to realize the youngling was following Shabiri's own tracks to get them home, which made her smirk.

The trip went by in relative silence, the serpentine draconian offering the occasional support and simply pointing the right direction when they reached the point where they took to the air again. Once they arrived back at their home, she'd direct Selraani to a place where the meat could stay close to the natural heat, but not so close as to cook it just yet. The dryness and smoke would help the meat keep for longer, eventually turning to jerky what they didn't cut off and keep immediately.

"We're back, Sister. Selraani did well, we should have enough food for some time, if our numbers do not increase too quickly." She told the matriarch once Ashraani appeared to have a spare moment. likely the youngling had already said as much by the time Shabiri got around to it, but confirmation was never a bad thing.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Ashraani rose a curious brow at the answers she recieved from Ash and Argaaz. The latter one's words made her frown slightly. "How was she being unfaithful, Argaaz?", her words were skeptical more so than anything, doubly so as she saw how the two were acting. Shaking her head slowly the Draconian would settle down on the cavern floor with her two subjects, sitting down with Ash and Argaaz on either side of her. As she reached an arm around Ash and her other one to caress Argaaz head like he were a pet she would continue to speak. "Do I have to remind you, Argaaz, that you are to protect me and those under my care? I want to see the two of you get along with eachother, not end up at eachothers throats."

The Draconian was silent for a little while, allowing the two to take in her words, before speaking while looking towards her most recent subjects. "I'd appreciate if both of you tried not to cause undue trouble for me. My most recent catches are being quite problematic to deal with.", with a slighty frown on her lips Ashraani turned her gaze upon Ash. "What do you know of Fethis and Aura, Ash?". Ashraani would be quite content with a little peace and relative quiet after having dealt with the obnoxious mage, but time ticked on and by for everyone no matter what. She would spend the time with Ash and Argaaz, simply keeping them close and sharing the warmth of eachothers bodies, until Shabiri and Selraani returned.

As her serpentine sister and exciteable daughter returned Ashraani would smile fondly, and doubly so at the sight of the food they brought home. "Oh, did she now? That is pleasing to hear, Shabiri.", Ashraani would smile Selraani's way, happy to hear her daughter was doing well by herself. As the Draconian rose from her two subjects she would fondly caress over her rounded tummy. Today she would have to find a suitable carrier for her eggs, or she'd be stuck carrying them for the rest of their incubation. Ashraani also frowned a little. "We might also lose one among us. The mage, the male, is proving quite troublesome, for many reasons. I just might have to let him go.", the very notion of such an action made the Draconian frown deeply, as if the mere thought of letting ones prey go would be nothing short of a waste.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Argaaz deflated a little at Ashraani's question obviously feeling he had been in the right. Still as his mistresses hand caressed his head his spirits picked up. "I understand Mistress but dose the breeder understand her place?" Ash however ignored the question and simple rested against Ashraani a stray hand rubbing her own belly gently. At the question of Fethis and Aura Ash simply nodded. "Aura is a powerful spirit user and while Fethis for all his claims is just a second rate mage. He can be dangerous however but Aura has him wrapped around her little finger. If..." Ash stopped a sudden realization of what she was saying catching up with her as she pulled away slightly from Ashraani. There was little time to inquire further however as Shabiri and Selraani returned with several deer carcasses.

Sabiri was the first one into the cave with the sight of her sister conversing with the human female and Argaaz. Speaking her greeting her eyes quickly saw the other two prisoners talking quietly amongst themselves but other wise still remaining where they had been. After a moment Ashraani spoke to her sister about the troublesome issue one of the captives being let go. She didn't look or sound happy about it.

Selraani was near bursting with excitement at the success of her first hunt and could hardly wait to tell her mother but it seemed her aunt currently had her ear. She of course could interrupt if she wanted but maybe the prisoners especially Ash could provide a better distraction for the moment.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

((Posting from phone, proper formatting to come later, if i remember, or am reminded XD))

“Let go? I‘m not sure i have heard of a problem with lesser beings that could be solved by releasing them.“ Shabiri answered with a snide grin. She glanced over to the collared pair, her tongue flicking out to play across her lips, before she continued. “Still, it is your decision, of course.“ she admitted. Slithering across, she coiled herself into a comfortable position near a lava flow, basking in the heat, feeling it energize and excite her.

“Though... Would you object with giving him a go before we set him free, hmm? I would ever so hate to spend the rest of my life wondering...“ she commented in an offhand but teasing tone, her smirk returning.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

The child, while filled with pride, was not ignorant enough to ignore the situation on the table. Captives, but one that they may have to let go, which could be bad. Regardless of the end result, one thing did hang in her mind. "Auntie does bring up a good point! We gotta play with them at least once! Least that's what I think. Excuse me." With due haste, she would head over to Ash and sit herself down nearby. Knowing full well any more touching would result in trouble, she would only use this time to make amends. "Hey...sorry about earlier. I was just so excited to see mothers new prize and I got a little envious. You just looked so pretty that I sorta lost it." She trailed off near the end, having run out of ways to justify her mistake. She would remain in her spot, waiting to see how the drama with the new captives would end.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Ashraani smiled a little as she watched Argaaz response to her petting. Every once in a while she couldn't help but feel envious of such a simple-minded being such as him. Beyond his loyalty to herself there was little concerns for him to worry over. At his question about Ash she had but smiled softly and continued stroking his head, but wouldn't offer an answer beyond that. As Ash leaned against the Draconian while caressing her ever so slightly rounded belly Ashraani's own hand would join hers. The Draconian's warm palm would fondly caress over the pregnant womans belly while she listened to Ash's opinions on Aura and Fethis. A musing smile formed on Ashraani's lips as Fethis was being called second rate and that he were wrapped around Aura's finger. It was confirmation of a few thoughts she already had of the two. As the pregnant woman tried to pull away a little the Draconian would allow her some freedom of movement, but not full freedom.

And eventually her sister and daughter would return home with food in tow. Shabiri's choice of words didn't sit very well with Ashraani however, the Draconian frowned slightly; she did not take well to being called incompetent or incapable, intentional implication or not. Her answer to Shabiri was rapt, and while not overtly aggressive she was being a bit more blunt and rapt than usual. "The Elf have offered to serve willingly, should the male be set free.", as Ashraani spoke she would slowly unnestle herself from Argaaz and Ash and rise to her feet. "The male, being a mage of questionable standing, could pose a problem should he have allies capable of tracking him here by means of magic. I have yet to make the decision, as I have allowed them to consider an offer of mine.", having filled Shabiri in a bit better on the situation at hand Ashraani would smile amusedly at her sisters inquiry regarding the male. Her tone of voice was more positive, not to mention amused, as she gave her answer. "I certainly do not object, Sister. I must however mention that he and the Elf appear to be partners to some extent... But do not let that keep you.", Ashraani was now grinning widely, "Do make him an offer once they are done talking with eachother.", yes, that just might work out nicely if she was fortunate. She had after all offered Fethis that should he accept the role of a breeder then Aura would not have to do the same as soon as he left. Perhaps that would serve as motivation to keep him complacent. She wouldn't hold her breath over it though.

When Selraani made her contribution to this particular topic Ashraani would look curiously to her daughter. A small smile on her lips as she spoke. "A sentiment I could agree with, should the circumstances allow it, daughter of mine.", the curiosity in Ashraani's gaze only grew as she watched her daughter scurry over to Ash' side. She was not going to stop Selraani, and she would motion for Argaaz to pull away and not intervene aswell, while only watching for the time being. The Draconian couldn't help but smile at her hatchlings words, though her expression was closer to 'good enough, I suppose' than anything else. Perhaps she'd have to speak with both Argaaz and Selraani about Ash later on.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Ash now free from Ashraani's embrace had stood up and moved to the mouth of the cave a low warning hiss from Argaaz drawing a slight frown from her. As Selraani approached however Ash made room for her at the mouth of the cave her eyes fixed on the small waterfall of water that still ran down the rock to lava crevasse. "Its okay you just surprised me is all." She paused a moment looking at Selraani. "Thank you for calling me pretty. I do have one request though if you could help me with. The brute over there doesn't seem to understand that Myself and the others need fresh water fairly regularly in such a hot environment. If you would please grab our canteens and fill them with water it would be much appreciated. I think your mother has them up on that outcropping" Pointing a finger Ash pointed out a small ledge at the back of the cave. If Selraani decided to humor Ash the pregnant woman would thank her before drinking greedily from the canteen and sitting down. "So Ashraani is your mother.. whats she like?"

Meanwhile Fethis and Aura seemed to be having an argument that was slowly raising in volume it seems their discussion was not going well. At the peak of the argument both just turned away from each other and looked away at opposite ends of the cave.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Shabiri visibly bristled a bit at her sister's starting tone, her brow furrowing and the cracks along her skin glowing a little brighter. "I see. Usually I would just say 'Let them come, more for us', but this early, perhaps letting him go would be more prudent, this time." She admitted. She grinned and nodded at Ashraani's second statement, however, Waiting until the argument between the collared prey reached a head, slithering over a minute or so after it had fallen silent.

"Now now, you two." She chided in an amused tone. "If the male here's leaving, would you want those to be your last words, hmm?" She paused, getting closer to Fethis. "Speaking of... Would you like to get a taste of what you'd be missing, hmm? One night of fun, leave in the morning, no strings?" Shabiri purred, grinning seductively. "You'd have it easy, you don't have the equipment required to fill you up and make you wait. You could likely leave right after, if you have the gusto. I promise not to be hurt if you do..." She finished with a chuckle and a sly wink, seeming to be hovering just short of wrapping him up and starting what she promised.

I'm bad enough at pickup lines to begin with, and adding that everbearing edge to it... I'm just terrible XD
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

The hatchling would laugh at the woman's words. "You're welcome. I call them as I see them!" She'd smile with a rather lighthearted grin before allowing her to continue and make her request. You mean to say that during all this, that big oaf was too thick to get them water? Not all creatures are like them. At least not right away. Feeling sorry for the poor woman, Selraani would hop up and make her way to the ledge where she was pointed to. She'd grab a canteen and fill it up with water, bringing it back to the thirsty woman. She'd let her drink her fill before indulging her question.

"I'll be honest, this is the first time seeing my mother in some time. After I hatched, I didn't stay long with her. But in that time, she was the most magnificent mother. She was gentle but strict. She's also very passionate and cares greatly about her duty to our race. She'll take good care of you, because you're important to her. To all of us. At the very least, I'll keep an eye on you all the time. You have my little brother or sister in there. I want to be able to see them. " She'd reach out to stroke the woman's hair, but drew back, knowing it was a bad idea.
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Ashraani had kept half an eye on Ash as she wandered over to the mouth of the cave. She had little intention of preventing the woman from wandering about; given her pregnant state it was unlikely that she'd try to escape. As Selraani wandered after the Amazon the Draconian simply smiled. Hopefully her daughter would keep Ash company while Ashraani dealt with another matter. "Keep them company for a while, Shabiri. I have other matters in need of tending to", would be her only response to her sister before the serpentine Draconian made her way over to Fethis and Aura. With some luck her sister would keep the two of them occupied for a while. And then she called out to her wyvern companion, "Argaaz? Come with me, it is time I tended to you.", beckoning him to follow, as she walked off to where she had stashed the ingredients she had bought the day prior. Yes, these things would do nicely for what she had in mind, it was indeed time to tend to her young and loyal Wyvern. And with a bit of luck the ritual wouldn't be interrupted either. As Ashraani made her way, with Argaaz in tow, to a secluded alcove she would catch sight of Selraani grabbing something from where she had stashed Ash' gear. "Selraani, dear? I'd be thankful if you kept Ash company for a while, as I have matters to tend to. Make sure no harm comes to her, understood?"

With those words said, and with or without a response from her daughter, Ashraani would set about her work. It would take some time, no doubt about it, but if things went according to her plans it would be well worth it. First Ashraani would mark out a circle, then she would order Argaaz to lay at the center of the marked area. Ashraani had experience with channeling the power inherent to their Ember Blood, and she also had the magics to alter bodies, and together they would be used to strengthen her prized companion. "Argaaz, no matter what you must remain within this circle. It will take time, but I know you will not fail me.", her words were stern; it was part of her trusting his loyalty in her, and part an order for him to do as she said. Or there might be punishment in store for him. By the time most of the preparations had been made Ashraani would get to the real work of her plan; the cracks in her skin began to glow brightly as she channeled her spirit and magic, and slowly over the matter of a few hours she would infuse the magic within the ingredients she had bought aswell as some of her own spirit, into Argaaz. The Wyvern was not just young; he had been born a runt, not as strong or as big as his fellow kin, but with her magic she would shape and mold him into something far greater. It would take time, it would cost her, but she would make him powerful. Make him truly worthy of serving her as a protector and a consort.

[Ashraani proceeds with the "Infuse Companion" ritual, in order to grant Argaaz a new talent. 8XP(60 Denaari's worth of ingredients), equals two hours of ritual time. The Talent given is Resilient(+30HP), to pretty much double Argaaz max HP(32>62).]
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Shabiri made her offer and though a bit awkward her posture made it clear. Fethis however would have none of it. Backing away as much as he could from her he scowled. "Back away creature I have no interest in your offer." His tone was angry, and prideful. Clearly he had no idea that she could do almost anything she wanted to the man. "Fethis for once in your life shut the hell up. Stop and think where you are. You are bound and gagged your powers sealed." The mage looked over at Aura a moment mouthing words as his situation began to set in getting a very depressed look on his face.

Ash smiled slightly but did flinch back from Selraani's touch a bit. "Sorry Argaaz is very picky about people touching me." It was clear that Ash feared Argaaz to an extent but soon enough the woman's bold blue eyes locked onto Selraani's. Reaching out slowly she placed a hand on Selraani's shoulder. "Thank you for talking with me. Im glad that my child will have such a kind older sister." With that Ash moved to sit down and look out the entrance to the cave a longing sigh escaping her lips.

Ashraani however missed most of what was said or going on due to the ritual she was performing. It would take some time but the results where promising already. She could see Argaaz infusing with power his scales seemingly to toughen up and develop a stronger sheen. His body seemed to grow slightly getting slightly bigger as the magic began to take hold. Yes it was all going well even though the young wyvrn hissed in pain at the forced growth. However Ashraani couldn't stop now after all the pain would only be passing and in the end it would be better for him.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Shabiri let out a light-hearted chuckle at the exchange, the sounds till managing to hold an sir of menace about it. "The female threatens for me, how amusing." She said with a grin, reaching out to touch under Fethis's chin, dragging her nail down his chest slowly.

"But I know the stick is such a bad way to go about something like this, when honey works so much better. Amuse me, sate my curiosity, and you can go home after, just as promised. If not, well... Like I said, I don't want to threaten you." She purred slowly, almost uncomfortably close to the collared mage, a sly grin on her face as she glanced over to Aura, the look meaningful.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Only nodding at her mothers words, the proud daughter gave a quick salute before she went off to take care of her task. Mother seemed so busy since she arrived. It's a wonder she's not exhausted yet. Either way, she had Ash all to herself. She'd sit down and let Ash vent a little, clearly not happy with Argaaz's treatment "He does seem to be a bit too high strung. But mother keeps him around for good reason." Selraani was more then a little surprised though, about the woman touching her and her words. But she swelled with pride following the woman's comment. "You just seemed so bored over here that I couldn't help but talk to you. The mom of my future sibling earned it! I'll also do the best I can too for my future brother or sister. It's an older sisters duty to protect her siblings. Simple as that! " The young draconian puffed out her chest, quite proud of herself, before noticing the sigh and where Ash was looking. "What's up? Why you looking outside?"
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Fethis still leaned away but caught the look Aura was giving him. Scowling he spoke. "Do what you will monster but I will take no enjoyment from it." His attitude was coarse but Shabiri knew that after she was done with him it would improve much to the better. For her part Aura looked away not wanting to witness the next event.

Meanwhile Ash continued to look out over the jungle. "Its nothing really but that out there is my home not this cave. Did you know I used to be a hunter. I tracked game all across this jungle. I knew the places to go for just about any sort of game you could want. I even knew where to avoid the demons." Ash sighed again. "I suppose that is why Fethis hired me. Funny if I wasn't saving up for a new home I wouldn't have taken the job." Ashes hand went to her pregnant belly gently stroking it.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Shabiri just laughed, pressing closer to Fethis until the mage could feel the unnatural heat coming off her. "You most certainly will, little mageling. You'll find me very generous, in that respect." She purred, her tail slithering around the mage, wrapping three coils around him and lifting him off the ground, retreating with him deeper into the caverns.

Her heat seeped into him as she went, the moment or two needed to reach some privacy getting him hot, and likely bothered as well, given his previous reluctance. Finally, she settled into a sizable depression in the tunnel she had chosen, deeming it comfortable enough to continue. "Mmm, this should do nicely." She purred, bringing the mage closer as she loosened her grip some, letting her slide her tongue along his chest and belly some, before dipping lower, teasing at his manhood, her sinuous tail aiming to excite him for what was to come.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Meanwhile Ash continued to look out over the jungle. "Its nothing really but that out there is my home not this cave. Did you know I used to be a hunter. I tracked game all across this jungle. I knew the places to go for just about any sort of game you could want. I even knew where to avoid the demons." Ash sighed again. "I suppose that is why Fethis hired me. Funny if I wasn't saving up for a new home I wouldn't have taken the job." Ashes hand went to her pregnant belly gently stroking it.

The young draconian became greatly absorbed in the former hunters story. She had a home of her own, a life before coming to the caves. How she use to track game all across the jungle and how skillful she use to be, being not only able to find just about any pray but also how to avoid demons, a rather impressive feat. Selraani couldn't help but be a little envious of the woman's skill. "You sound like you had such an interesting life before you came to our neck of the woods. I've spent all my life living in caves. Never getting to see too much beyond that." Selraani allowed the woman to continue, the hunter expressing some measure of regret for taking this job. Selraani felt a pan of guilt after she finished and began stroking her belly."I...I don't know what to say. All I can do is promise to make things as comfortable as possible for you. It's the least I can do for you."