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Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

While the initial scents of the female are what drew her and her sisters attention to begin with, Selraani had been drawn to many of the other ones just piling on top of that. But the one that had caught her attention however was that of her mother. A strong and proud example of what it meant to be an Ember Draconian, everything the younger Draconian aspired to be. "Come on sister! We mustn't keep mother waiting! No doubt she's picked up our scent. I can only imagine what treats she'll have waiting for us!" Selraani was speaking with glee, almost like a child receiving a gift on a holiday. She was so eager to meet her mother again that her pace picked up, moving ahead of her sister and making her way to the eventual location of the lair. She would touch down, finding her mother standing at the entrance, ever proud and dominant, showing her status as ruler or the lair. In a show of respect, Selraani bowed before the elder Draconian before standing back up. "It is an honor to finally meet you again...Mother" After that, she wasted no time walking over to the matronly Draconian and wrapping her arms around her in a hug. She had missed her so much and while this may have seemed a sign of weakness, she didn't care. She was just happy to see her again
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Shabiri kept her eyes down at the trees as she flew, powerful wingbeats keeping her aloft beside Shelraani. Thin leather covered her from the waist up, hugging and enhancing her curves, her long snakelike tail winding in the air behind her.

Her face curled into a hint of a smile when she caught the scents of another ember, and one could only hope the beginnings to a new lair. She had been pointed in this direction by the brood‘s father, after fleeing her own home, under assault from the arachne and shadow demons. Chased across a good swatth of the jungle, the siblings and breeders she had taken with were slowly picked off until she was all that managed to escape.

Realizing that she had drifted into the pass, she gave her head a little shake and refocused on the ground. “You smell them too?“ she asked, nodding as Selraani hit high gear and started downwards immediately. Smiling at the draconian‘s antics, she followed, landing a bit behind, and waiting for the reunion to be over before slithering closer and offering a quick embrace of her own. “Been a while, Sister. Our Father sends his best, not much has changed since you saw him last.“ she said by way of greeting.
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

It wouldn't take long before Ashraani caught sight of just who her guests were. None less than her own daughter and one of Ashraani's younger siblings, a sister in this case. A warm smile spread upon her lips as she saw the two Draconians quicken their pace, and as Selraani landed she would slowly step forward and out from the lair's entrance, approaching her daughter with open arms. Meeting her Daughter halfway, she would crouch down and embrace the bundle of energy, hugging the girl tightly to her chest. "Selraani, it is wonderful to see you once more, and so soon!", Ashraani smiled warmly as she leant back, looking into her little hatchlings eyes. "Look at you, how you have grown! My little hatchling, all grown up... I couldn't ask for a greater blessing for my lair.", the Draconian smiled widely as she slowly rose up, tugging Selraani to her side while turning her attention to Shabiri.

Her Sister's words made Ashraani look solemn for a brief moment, her merriness surpressed. "It has, Sister. I thought you went to find a lair of your own? And Ashrigaaz...", Ashraani sighed softly, her arm around Selraani lightly squeezing the young Draconian closer, while her other arm embraced Shabiri tightly, comfortingly, and she would make it last for a little before she let the Naga-like sibling go. The topic of their shared father, and the grief that had struck him as his concubines had been nowhere to be found after the invasion, was a topic that brought Ashraani nothing but sadness. "You two must be cold, please, come inside; there is warmth, and company, waiting.", with those words said, Ashraani would reluctantly let go of Selraani, and turn to head back inside, motioning for her sister and daughter to come inside her volcanic lair, where her three captives were kept.

"It isn't much, I only got here earlier today, but I have already brought home three people.", Ashraani would motion to Ash first. "That is Ash, and she is off-limits; I have made a promise to her, and no one but me is to touch her during her stay here.", Ashraani's words were firm on this point; she made it abundantly clear that she wasn't going to tolerate anything but acceptance of that rule. Next, she motioned to the naked Night Elf woman and Badarian man. "These two are my most recent prey, and I have yet to speak with them; depending on how things work out with them, I might very well share them, Sister.", Ashraani turned partially, smiling to Shabiri. She wanted to be a good host, and a good sister, but again she had to know her breeders before offering them to others of her kin.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Shabiri offered a wan smile at Ashraani‘s response. “I was...“ she answered, glancing over to Selraani during her hesitation. “We can chat about that later, if you wish. For now, it is simple enough to say that i am here to help, Sister.“

The snakelike draconian followed Ashraani in at the offer of warmth, looking around at the environs and captives appreciatively, her gaze lingering on Ash for a few seconds longer than the others. “An impressive start for half a day, surely.“ she agreed, her head turning to look deeper into the caverns. “Probably haven‘t had much time, but how deeply have you explored in this place? We don‘t wish to be surprised by anything skittering up from below, hmm?“
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

The young Draconian would embrace her mother like any good daughter would, a large smile spreading across her face. It felt good to be in Mothers arms once again. It was warm and familiar and most of all...safe. While mother spoke proudly of her daughter, Selraani couldn't help but swell with pride. " Of course I grew up so fast! I came from good stock on my mothers side. Father said the same thing himself! much as she didn't want to leave her mothers arms she was moved slightly to the side as she addresses Aunt Shabiri. They spoke of somber things the younger draconian might not understand fully. Something involving Grandfather. Thats all she knew.

But soon enough the pair was ushered into the lair which was much warmer then the land beyond. The eager draconian wasn't even bothered by the separation from Mother. She would even get to meet the treats mother had waiting for them. First up was a woman named Ash, whom mother said was off limits, much to her disappointment. Then she saw the male, a hearty Badarian. The young draconian couldn't help but lick her lips looking at the nude figure before her. The gem of the collection however had to be the dark elf, something she hadn't seen before. With an eager voice, Selraani spoke up. " Mother, can I please try out the elf?! I learned some new magic and I wanted to show you so much! Please? "
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani had giggled softly at her daughters exclamation of coming from good stock, and at Shabiri's offer to talk further on that topic later, and that she was here to help, Ashraani had nodded gratefully. Once showing her kin what little her lair had to offer, she would smile with pride at the praise Shabiri offered. "Indeed, Sister, I couldn't ask for a better start, and it is thanks to Argaaz for being such a good tracker that I've managed to catch them... And a bit of my own touch, of course.", Ashraani grinned a little, having no qualms about puffing up her chest and bragging a little. At Shabiri's question though, she would shake her head. "I have given it naught but a brief look, but it seemed abandoned; and given how nothing have came up to steal away Ash while I've been gone, I believe it to be safe enough. At least for one night, further exploring can wait until tomorrow."

While Ashraani had been talking with Shabiri, she hadn't paid much attention to Selraani, which let the young female take her time taking in the looks of her mothers slaves. As the young Draconian spoke up though, Ashraani would look to her daughter, listening to her inquiry. And then she frowned slightly, and spoke with a firm tone to her voice. "Weren't you listening, Selraani? I will speak to them before I decide what I'll use them for, and it is getting late no less.", Ashraani took a soft, deep, breath, and then reached a hand up to stroke over her daughters head. "You can show me what you've learned tomorrow, my dear hatchling, for now we should get some sleep; it has been a long day for your mother, and no doubt for the two of you aswell.", Ashraani looked up from her daughter, to her sister; Ashraani was not going to dictate when her sibling slept or not, that was up to the serpentine Draconian herself, but in the firstborns case it was high time for some rest. And if it was time for Ashraani to rest, it was likewise time for Selraani to do the same.

Ashraani would nudge Selraani along as she turned to head over to Ash, and would help the young Amazonian along to find a flat spot to sleep on, and would then have the Badarian and the Night Elf moved, with Argaaz and perhaps Shabiri's help, moved to the same spot. If fate was willing, Ashraani would be able to snuggle down with her daughter and Ash, leaving Argaaz and Shabiri to sleep wherever they wished.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

The younger Draconian let out an audible huff at her mothers words. However, she was not going to press the issue on the 3 captives if mother insisted. She did know best after all and it was her lair. Her spirit did perk up a little as mother stroked her head and promised to see her magic in the morning. "Oh Thank you! Thank you so much! You are going to be so impressed! And I really think I'm going to help you out with it too! At this point, Selraani was just swelling with pride and enthusiasm. But it was now time to rest, which she had to admit was sorta needed. After spending most of the day flying, one's wings do need time to recover.

Mother would lead her along and retrieve the woman she called Ash as she searched for a suitable location to sleep. Just being able to rest somewhere comfortable and warm would be a nice change of pace. Especially for Selraani. She enjoyed her mothers warm embrace and when the trio finally settled down, she would snuggle up against her mothers frame, a gin on her face
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Shabiri gave a short nod at Ashraani's response. "I'll check tomorrow, as much as can be done." She answered, going silent again. She was more than willing to help out moving the captures, hefting the Badarian mage before looping a coil around him, carrying him rather easily to someplace more comfortable, setting him down with the others. She knew the matron of the lair had yet to pass them along, but she spent the short trip appraising the man anyways, giving a small whistle as her gaze dropped down him some, and grinning.

Once the breeders, Ash and Sel had been settled in, Shabiri found a spot near the entrance, curling up in the spot and getting comfortable, slipping the bow from her back and resting it across her lap. "Argaaz, hmm?" She asked softly, giving the Wyvern a noticeable once over, her smile soft and predatory at the same time. "Get some sleep. I'll take first watch, then wake you for the second."
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Gathering Ash and her daughter Ashraani found a quite comfortable looking space for them and settled in. Ash being very new to the fresh sleeping arrangements simply moved where Ashraani guided her to. While Selraani cuddled rather close to her mother clearly wanting to enjoy the warm embrace that Ash still found a little uncomfortable. As Ashraani got comfortable, she noted her sister eying the mage appreciatively before setting him down and taking up a secure post at the entrance to the lair, tell Argaaz to rest for now as she would take the first watch.

As Ashraani and the breeders moved to a restful location Shabiri helped Argaaz relocate the two captives to a small peninsula surrounded by a stream of lava. It was rather small and barely enough room to fit all four of them at once, but it would have due to secure them at lest for now. Setting the unconscious mage down Shabiri noticed the mage was well gifted as far as his cock was concerned and while he looked rather scrawny, his member made up for it in spades.

Selraani embraced her mother as she brought her to bed. The human woman swollen with a child was easily moved so that she had primary contact with her mother. Looking to the pale skinned creature Selraani could easily tell the power of the brood was growing in her, Ash's pale skin failing to hide the now glowing veins. A small dribble of liquid glowing yellowish orange in color running down the woman's breast caught Selraani's eye. Seeing how her mother regarded this creature it was undoubtedly her child the woman carried, which meant she would soon have a new brother or sister.

As the night passess a series of rain and thunderstorms wash over the laire causing some steam to rise from the mouth of the cave but other than that Shabiri's and then Argaaz's watch pass without incident.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani was very pleased with her sleeping arrangements, with her daughter on one side of her, and Ash on the other, and both in her warm embrace, she figured she might sleep deeply and peacefully at first. But then the storms came, and with those came rain. She hissed quietly in annoyance, and it would take some time before she finally fell asleep. Her slumber would be fitful and restless, even if she managed to get her fair share of sleep.

When the Draconian woke up the day after she would've prefered to stay in bed, so to speak, in hopes of falling asleep once more. But she had responsibilities; her lair was now facing its second day, and she knew she would have to make the most out of it if it were to last. Letting out a long-drawn, hissing, yawn Ashraani would gently unfold her arms from her daughter and from Ash. She'd smile fondly upon the two of them, and didn't much care whether they were still asleep or not. "A new dawn rises, my little ones... You can stay where you are for a while longer, if you so wish.", her words were soft and tender, and she would gently caress the two females' heads as she got up.

Once on her feet, Ashraani would yawn once more, and slowly unfold and stretch our her wings, while her arms followed the same motion. Afterwards, she would channel her magics, making her wings grow large enough to be capable of flight, and then set off to where the Badarian and the Night Elf had been left for the night. So much to do, she might aswell start where she left off from the night before. Regardless of whether the two captives were asleep or not, Ashraani wouldn't hold back; as she landed by their sides, she would weave her magics and cast a defouling, weakening, curse upon them. First on the mage, secondly on the priestess; if that didn't rouse them from their slumber, her following words just might. "Time to wake up, you two; it is high time I got to know you both a little better! Such as your names, what may they be, hmm?"

[Actions: Ashraani shapeshifts Wings into Greater Wings, and once by the Mage and Priestess she casts Hex of Weakness(Lv2 Entropy) on them, auto-success cast, 1d20+40 to Hit, 2MP cost. First on Mage, then the round after on the Priestess]
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Morning came and the young Draconian was nothing but smiles as her mother roused her from her sleep. Unlike her mother, who had a difficult time sleeping, Selraani spelt like she had never before, so happy to be in her mothers warm embrace once again. Rousing at her mothers gentle words and touch, the Draconian was dissapointed to see her mother leave so quickly. But if she had business, her child was not going to get in the way unless requested. This left the curious child with Ash. Selraani noticed the night before the various changes going on with the woman. Her peoples blood flowing through her. And of course, she couldn't forget the young she was carrying. A new sibling and another proud heir to her peoples legacy. Approaching the woman, Selraani would crawl up to her slowly. "Mother seems quite taken with you. I can see why. And I won't lie to you, I'm quite taken with you as well." In haste, she scurried around the woman and pressed herself against Ash's back, giving her a hug from behind. She would also proceed to rub her belly with one hand while playing with one of her breasts in the other. "I know mother said to stay away, but you are just too precious. You...you carry our future and you carry my new brother or sister! I never want to let you go!" She said with a bit of sincerity and a tiny bit of lust. She knew mother would be angry, but she didn't care.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

When the end of Shabiri's watch came, she slithered over to Argaaz and woke him with a nudge, settling in as he got up, using her coils to get comfortable along the base of the thin peninsula the captives were on, and falling asleep quickly.

She was still asleep when Ashraani came over to question the two captives, twitching and letting out a short hiss when she came awake. She settles quickly enough though, sliding sideways to give the matron of the lair room, and watching the proceedings silently, slowly stretching herself as she woke up more fully.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani awoke her sleep, which was far from restful due to the storms that had passed during the night. Still resigning herself to her tasks ahead Ashraani rose and greeted her concubine and daughter with a fair amount of affection. Heading out to the small peninsula Ashraani found her captives still unconscious and thus fairly easy targets. Her sister watched her after a very grumpy sounding wake up but soon quieted herself as Ashraani began to weave her magics casting her weakening curse on the unfortunate adventurers. This, however, didn't seem to wake them but both soon jolted awake to her words. Looking both confused and a little sick to their stomachs, the mage and the priestess looked to Ashraani. Looking at the two Ashraani could clearly see the collars she had bought were working their runes glowing slightly. Both captives seemed far from hostile and thanks to the collars didn't even question why they were here clearly trusting Ashraani had no ill intent for them. “I'm sorry how rude of us my name is Fethis Anelleor researcher extraordinary, and this is.... My name is Aura Ebonblade.” The mage which had been speaking, up until now, looked taken aback at the sudden out burst of his friend.

Meanwhile, Selraani quickly overpowered Ash, who gave no resistance besides a small yelp as the young draconian wrapped the rather fragile looking human into her embrace. “P-please let me go... I don't want to get into trouble with Ashraani.” as her hands caressed the bulging belly Selraani couldn't help but feel a very healthy kick from the child inside as Ash panted from the breast massage. That feeling, however, was only the first of many things Ash would give her as the human began to moan a little from her touch. This, however, was interrupted by Argaaz who slithered up to Selraani hissing loudly. “DO NOT TOUCH THE MISTRESS'S PET!” This of course caused Ash to yelp louder and try to scramble away from Selraani.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Ashraani smiled giddily at how compliant these two turned out to be; she would have to get more of those wonderful collars in the future for sure. "My name is Ashraani, and I am the Queen of this lair, the firstborn Draconian of my kind. I have questions for you...", and then she was interrupted by the angry cries of Argaaz. Her right eye twitched slightly, as she figured out quickly just what had happened. "One moment...", after telling her captives to hold for a little, she turned around and glared angrily towards Selraani; and shouted at the top of her lungs. "SELRAANI! I TOLD YOU THE RULES, DID I NOT? LET HER GO, AND COME TO ME RIGHT THIS INSTANT!", her eyes flared up, and she wouldn't take no for an answer. If her daughter proved to be compliant, she would turn and look towards Shabiri next. "Sister, I have a favor to ask; once I've dealt with my unruly daughter, would you mind taking her along, and head out to hunt for something we can eat?", Ashraani's words were half-half between requesting and demanding; she wanted her daughter out of the lair for a while so that she could take care of her captives without interruption, and she was regrettably not able to fully punish her rebellious daughter fully at this point in time.
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

The now spurned and repelled daughter pulled away from her mothers prize an obvious look of displeasure on her face that matched that of mother and her little pet Argaaz. "You're so damn stubborn, Mother! I just wanted to protect the mother of my new sibling! So what if I play a little?" But she knew any arguments she made would be quashed by her more powerful mother. One day. One day, she'd show that woman she's just as powerful and capable as she was. Fighting with her now would only cause more problems for the lair and she was not looking to cause problems...for now. Crossing her arms across her chest, the obviously upset Selraani marched over to her mother. "If it means anything, I'm sorry. I just got really eager to have a sibling that I just got carried away."
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Shabiri chuckled lightly, giving her sister a nod in response. "Prey, or stock, just to be clear?" She asked with a smirk, drawing herself up and starting towards the door, glancing over at Selraani as she passed. "Come on, then. Let's see if your Aunt can provide a distraction, hmm?"

((Moving the outside part into a new post, make it read smoother))
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

As Selraani made her way towards her mother, the eldest Draconian briefly looked to her younger sister, and then Ashraani pointed to her mouth as she bared her fangs. "To eat, Shabiri. Food first, fun after if you manage as much. I will hunt later, and do my part to keep our bellies filled.", the mother then turned to her daughter, and hissed lowly, disapprovingly, at Selraani's excuses. "And you are disobedient, Selraani! I told you to keep your clutches off of Ash! Tell me, did she want to play with you, hmm? Or did she tell you to stop?", Ashraani's eyes flared up as she spoke, and her words were harsh and scolding. "Had you truly been sorry, you wouldn't have disobeyed me in the first place! I will deal with you later, hatchling, for now you should go with Shabiri, and help her bring home food."

Ashraani paused, and then sighed, a hand reaching for her own belly, slightly rounded from her own budding pregnancy much like the human Selraani had wanted to protect, as she had put it. "You will have many more sisters and brothers, daughter of mine, as time goes by. I want to be able to trust you to not do what I've said you can't do. You are still young, but you will have to grow up fast, if our kind are to survive...", Ashraani's words were solemn. Before the two, Shabiri and Selraani, would leave however the Draconian woman would cast spells upon them; simple boons she had so often cast upon Argaaz, which had proved invaluable at many times. "Go with my blessings, you two, and come back unharmed, you hear?", there was concern in her voice, and worry in her eyes; like any mother she hoped for the wellbeing of her kin, be it siblings or children or anything else. Her being upset with Selraani's disobedience didn't change that.

With her daughter dealt with, and her sister taking her out to hunt with, Ashraani would turn back to her captives. A faint, half-hearted, smile upon her lips. "As I was saying... I am Ashraani, the Queen of this lair, the oldest of the Draconians of my kind. I wish to know more about the two of you; your reasons to be here in the jungle, and more about yourselves...", Ashraani turned her gaze to Fethis first. "You are a mage, correct? I'd like to hear what magics you know of.", she then turned to Aura, her eyes staring on the symbol she had let the Night Elf keep. "And you, there is a reason why you carry such a trinket, is it not?"

[Action: Ashraani casted Strength, Lesser(Perception) on Shabiri and Selraani, giving them +26 Perception at the cost of 2EP per cast. Auto-success due to base casting exceeding cast requirement]
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

The young draconian was downtrodden as she approached her mother, knowing full well her mother was not a woman whose wrath you wanted to incur. If only it wasn't for that hanger-on Argaaz, she might have gotten away with her short playtime. But there was nothing she could do about it now. All she could do was gaze down at her clawed feet as her mother proceeded to yell at her for her disobedience. Each word out of her mothers mouth only made the once eager draconian worse and worse. So much so that a slight sniffling could be heard from her. But she was now given a task and she had to complete it, lest she bring down the wrath of her mother once again and suffer an even harsher punishment.

However, before she could respond, the once fiery voice of the matronly Draconian calmed somewhat as she place a hand on her swollen belly, a sign of even more young to come. This brought some light back to Selraani's face as she looked from her feet to her mother. Her mother finished with a solumn reminder of her daughters station in life, having to grow up in order to keep her kind alive. She then felt a surge of energy flow through her as her mother granted them a blessing. "I will mother. And I'm sorry for my disobedience...You will be able to trust me in time, just give me the chance and I won't let you down." She wanted to hug her mother again, but knew it wouldn't be wise at this time. All she did was nod at her mother before she took to the skies, hovering as she waited for her aunt to join her.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

Shabiri gave a thankful nod for her sister's blessing, following her niece into the jungle air.

Once outside, she stretched her wings some, but didn't take off just yet. "I'd like to look around here at ground level first, I think. See what the area looks like close up before the real work starts. Do as you wish, but don't go too far." She explained, glancing about before moving away from the cave further. She hated having this much brush and cover so close to the entrance to the cave, but much as she wanted to just burn a zone clear all around, the scorched hole in the jungle would likely make them even more of a target.
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish,Aust_Nailo, Shrike7 ) GMed by ranger

The moment of anger passing Shabiri moved to the mouth of the cave. Her sister had been fortunate in finding this location, as it was up high from the jungle ground. A rough rocky face as well as a small but rather deep crevice graced the font of the lair with a small stream of lava flowing out of its mouth. With such features it was easily defended from both the ground and the air but the other tunnels yet unexplored did give Shabiri some pause. Still she had food to find first and fun to find later. Waiting a moment she left the mouth of the cave with Selraani not far behind.

Having to get close to the damp jungle undergrowth was unpleasant but a necessity as the trees kept all but the most obvious tracks hidden from sight. Giving a slight sigh as she descended threw the damp canopy Shabiri found several tracks that could lead to some prey. Among them where the tracks of small deer native to the jungle as well as a large cat apparently stalking them. Shabiri had a choice to make here she could follow these tracks now or try to find different ones later.

Meanwhile Selraani followed her aunt out of the lair and down into the jungle her cheeks burning from her scolding still her mother did know best and all things considering she got off fairly light. Moving her mind to the task at hand she found her aunt looking over some tracks. Still the thoughts of Ash still lingered in her mind. Maybe she could find her own toy during her adventures.

Ashraani quickly dismissed her sister and disobedient child so she could turn to the task on hand. Looking at her new captives she made her inquires. The mage taking the lead in the conversation seemed eager to speak. “Well your Majesty we where looking for some forgotten night-elf ruins for treasure and ancient magic. I think the ruins where once called The City of Fa'Thelis” Sadly that name failed to ring any bells still she pressed on with her questions. “Oh yes I am a master of Fire, Force, and Water.” With that out of the way Ashraani turned her attention to the nght-elf who had been giving her a strange look for sometime. “Yes I honor the goddesses teachings and while she has passed from us I honor her memory with my deeds.” Ashraani smirked she knew of the Goddess Venus and what her teachings where as her mother was rather fond of them.
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