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Heart of Corruption - IC


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Arva Yornheim Tag: Erlend, Jenlynn primarly Disposition: Very Happy Tune: Ac: 16 CMD: 18 Hp: -1/56 Buffs: Raging Song, Path of Glory Init: 14 Raging Song: 17/19 Spells used: Grade 2: 1

The mighty club impacted Arva, sending her stumbling backwards,.. and there she remained, standing on her feet... and smirked.
"Ha ha har har harrrr YES! Magnificent!"

She laughed, spitting out blood and folding one hand. "Our Warriors,
We come riding from Beyond
Oh, The Bravest few, we look for you,
who are worthy of hearing our song
We will carry every broken heart and bone Fall Asleep
And by ODIN be Reborn!"

She declared, lifting her hand, whipping it forth in a determined gesture, a light beginning to shine around her.. and the Jarl.. before lifting her fist vertically before her chest, lowering her blade in a gesture he'd recognize as deference... although she never let go of her sword. The Jarl had defeated her with perfect honor.. and never dishonored her by presuming she was weak or defeated.. just because she had a few broken ribs and bruises. "'tis your fight, great Jarl Gianttamer. Command me as you see fit."
She declared, whilest both her own and the Jarls terrible wounds slowly began mending under the glow.

(Diehard. I am not down at all.
She casts Path of Glory Upon herself. Through this and the healing song combined, she heals a total of 8 hitpoints, whilest taking one point of damage from taking a strenous action, casting whilest under the treshold of death.
To be very clean with the rules, she'd have to 5 ft step to cast to avoid an aoo from him upon her casting, but if I do this I can't reach out to heal him as well, so I presume he notices her surrender. ^^)
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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HP: 42/42 Armor Class: 12 (18 with breastplate) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: BAB: +3
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

Jen looked in horror as the inferior man with trickery and deceit downed the Mistress!

'No...damn...he clearly cheated...somehow!' she decided in her mind, not believing that such a thing could have happened!

However whatever had happened, she knew that her duty was to heal the futa warrior!

She gave a look at Chirp, who knew exactly what to do...the little bird flew and perched on Arva's shoulder.

"Chirp....chirpp..." it cried, as her wounds closed a bit faster.

[Healing hex +11 hp]
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May 13, 2019
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80d288b0bdde391678b5a9400bf02d61.jpg Name: Sharon
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 14 (18 with mithril shirt) Initiative Bonus: +6 CMD: 17
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

Sharon watches the battle come to a close and the participants begin to heal. She walks up next to Jen and applauds. "What a show! A wonderous splendor of strength! I applaud you both!" She smiles genuinely.


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
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22542 Erlend Gianttamer
As soon as Arva had admitted defeat the fire in Erlend's eyes was extinguished. He ran his hand down the two gashes he had been left, lingering as though the pain was only just now dawning on him. "Ye did well Arva of the bear. Ye have my respect." He slapped her hard across the back. "Boy!" He cried suddenly. A young northern boy quickly emerged from the crowd holding to glass bottles filled with dark yellow liquid. Erlend grabbed them from the boy, offering one to Arva. "Drink, a special concoction one of my wives makes. Mead mixed with healing herbs, perfect after such a glorious dual!"

If Arva takes it, he clicks the glasses together before downing his in one swallow. She gains the effect of Cure Moderate Wounds CL 3

"I've no commands for ye. Just listen to the bleating of those goats as I must." He sighed. "Though... Ye might be a tad on the small side fer me, I would welcome yer company this evening. Not shared a bed with a woman since I got here, those goats wont let me keep my wives in the city, say's they scare the common folk, fhe!"

Accept or deny, Erlend returns to the counsel table, sitting back down between a well dressed elf woman, and a scruffy human. Reseting the now bloody club against his chair, "Well, get on with it then."
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Active member
May 19, 2019
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40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
47/47 Armor Class: 24 (Touch: 14, FF: 21, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21, FCMD 18.
Fort: 6 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0
Kress groans inwardly at the actions of the naked half-elf, Jenlynn. Great, not only is she a wanton slut, but also has a major thing for futas... She's probably half-corrupted already. Kress sighs as the human makes her challenge and holds her greatsword out. However, she looks over as the older man with the massive club gets up, NEVER a good sign. Luckily, he seems more keen on taking Arva up on her challenge than crushing her into paste. At least Sharon seemed more similar to herself than the slut and the rockhead, so at least she would have SOME company...

The blonde half-elf hefts up her shield as the beauty stands behind her, watching the two humans go at it as she hopes to learn something. Unfortunately, with the club slamming down into the ground hard enough for her to feel it through her plated boots, she quickly realizes that this could be over incredibly soon if any of the Jarl's hits connect. Her fears are soon confirmed as the club impacts the human with enough force to make her wince. Arva manages to score two good hits, one before the potent blow and one after, but the second impact looks like it should've taken her straight to unconsciousness, (And if Kress had been on the receiving end it certainly would have...) but the human somehow still stands, laughing like a masochist. She watches the human yield to the older man before calling upon some healing for herself while the slut's bird helps with that as well.

She briefly nods her head towards the Jarl in silent thanks, glad to have somebody call on the King to spit out the reason for the strong-armed abductions as she waits for the explanation.
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
Reputation score

King Drukha stands, clapping for the fight that had just finished, suitably impressed with the fight, Arva's mentality and her economic knowledge. The more militant looking nobles had a fire burning their eyes after the fight, their blood pumping, also clapping. Though Arva hadn't been the only one to impress some of the nobility, Jen's introduction had swayed quite a few of the nobility, and if she paid attention to the reactions, there was one especially passionate gaze sent her way as she started to play with her nipple ring and sat to the side of the fight, waiting for punishment.

One of the ladies looked at her with some strong lust, a bulge in her dress, but before she could approach the Amazon slave, King Drukha addressed the party once more. "Impressive resolve to be able to still stand after taking two consecutive blows from Jarl Gianttamer, Arva. It will take that kind of determination to complete the task we have for you." He grabs a map from the table, lifting it up for you all to see. It mainly shows Morrigan's Jungle and the surrounding lands. "Morrigan's Jungle. An untameable wilderness. A place where nature rules. It would be a lovely place if not for The Corruption. And its because of The Corruption that we have need for you all." He drops the map back down onto the table, looking each of you in the eyes. "The day you were all born onto this world was the day The Corruption started to spread out of the Jungle. It has started to corrupt the country side and people around the jungle, and its only spreading faster and faster as time goes by. By the scribes estimations, it wont be long till it starts to creep its way here." He walks over to a window, giving a view that overlooked a majority of the city below. "My city will be the first of all the Kingdom's capitals to be stuck by The Corruption, its because of that that we hold our meetings here, to remind ourselves of the encroaching danger. I am rambling, aren't I? Anyways, we have a clue to how we might stop this." He beckons a scribe over who starts to explain.

"There are very few books left over from The Ancients, but lucky for us all, we are in possession of one that vaguely mentions The Corruption. We assume it to have been written during the end days of The Ancients, and from what is legible, there is a small ruins that used to be some kind of outpost for The Ancients, near the edge of the jungle. We hope that by sending you there, you might be able to pick up a trail or some other clues as to the source of The Corruption, and eventually destroy it." The scribe bows and backs off.

"As he said, we plant to send you all into these ruins to try and find the source and stop it." He holds up a hand to stop any questions. "And I know, at least one of you is questioning why you. Well just look at the Amazon there, she spent her entire life in the jungle and you cant even find a trace of corruption on her. You are all resistant somewhat to the corruption, which makes you the ideal group to send into the jungle. Now any other questions before I dismiss you so you can spend the night to recoup and prepare for a journey tomorrow?"
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Active member
May 19, 2019
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40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
47/47 Armor Class: 24 (Touch: 14, FF: 21, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21, FCMD 18.
Fort: 6 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0
Kress listens intently as the king and scribe explain the situation. Her heart sinks but she tries not to let her reaction show as she hears the scope of their mission. End the corruption? With just the four of them? After so many others have tried and joined it? This quest could easily take a lifetime to complete, even with an elf's life expectancy. She would have to send some kind of message to her mother and family to let them know the situation... She glances at the submissive slut with an eyebrow raised with the information that there wasn't a single trace of corruption within her. That... Couldn't possibly be true... Right? She starts to sigh, but finds herself speaking up.

"So, if we're indeed the best ones for this quest, to find the source of the corruption and destroy it, then I ask of you... Lords and ladies, King Drukha, what assistance will you be providing? Especially since there's no doubt that many others have gone before us with this same task in mind and failed to return, or worse, joined the Corruption themselves. If we are indeed your best chance of success, it might be wise to provide aid to increase our chances in this endeavor." She found herself surprised at her own boldness, and waits for the response with baited breath. Still, if they really wanted them to succeed, it was in their own interests to stack the deck in their favor as much as possible. She mentally curses though, as that paladin training would've came in handy big time at this revelation...
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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Arva Yornheim Tag: Erlend, Sharon, King D Disposition: Healy Tune: Ac: 16 CMD: 18 Hp: 56/56 Buffs: Raging Song, Path of Glory Init: 14 Raging Song: 15/19 Spells used: Grade 2: 1

(By taking the drink and spending 2 more rounds of raging song, Arva is healed up completely.)

Arva smirked and stood tall, enjoying the praise silently as both her and Erlends admittedly pretty dire wounds slowly knitted. A breif sideglance was spared to Sharon.. she had arrived with them? She looked.. angelic. Then again, what proper angel allowed herself to be seen without armor and large spear?

She smirked, and, humming on, downed the mead, seeming to recover quite swiftly with a good drink, exhaling heavily. "Hmnn"
She smirked. "I'd not mind a man that doesn't falter when things get going good.. but let's see where all the .. diplomacy will go."
She nodded, slowly re-sheating her blade, glancing over to the assorted nobles, those that had come to watch, before chuckling, and trotting along back inside.

"The Jarl hits like a wild bear I tell thee.. and with almost as much grace too." She smirked, playfully. She could tell this reliably. There was a reason it was called the bear clan.. then, she raised a hand.

"Aye, two questions.. nay, three.
First of all ye said somewhat resistant, aye?

Second of all, so how do we know what to look for and what to defeat? What does the stuff of these ancients look like?

Finally,.. why wait? We're all well rested, I'm good to go, No one else has been fighting I think, so let's get going already!"
She smirked. She could amuse herself with the Jarl later.
"Under winter skies, we stand glorious, and with Oden on our side, we'll be victorious!"
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May 13, 2019
Reputation score
Name: Sharon
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 14 (18 with mithril shirt) Initiative Bonus: +6 CMD: 17
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0
Sharon listens to the king and the scribe describe the situation at hand. I am resistant to the Corruption? How is that so...? She ponders on what this could mean, as she listens to Kress speak. She keeps an eye on everyone in the room, she was no stranger to odd looks and sideways glances due to her appearance, she found it quite thrilling...arousing even. Once Kress is finished speaking, Sharon chimes in.
"How are we resistant to The Corruption at all? How does that correlate with our day of birth?" She makes a grand sweeping gesture towards the rest of the beautiful ladies of her new party, she is excited to get to know the ladies behind their enticing beauty...who knows? Maybe she'll get lucky. "Also, if we are only partially resistant to it, doesn't that mean that we will eventually become corrupted ourselves?" She wasn't happy with the fact that she was subdued and brought here, but to be asked to risk her life to end something she didn't have any idea about? There had better be an extravagant reward for this!!


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
Reputation score

"Good and valid questions all around." He nods to himself before turning to Kress. "First things first, Miss Kress. I consider my self a cautious person. We have barely sent anyone into the forest other than scouting parties to validate our information." He then moves to wave towards the maps and books across the table. "Instead, we have spent most out time researching and collecting every remaining book from the Ancients, which has lead us to the ruins mentioned before. And we will be willing to offer assistance, but although you are probably our best chance at this moment, we do not like to... lets see... Put all of our eggs into one basket. We have multiple approaches to this problem being funded right now so we do not have too much resources to go around. But, that doesn't mean we will provide nothing, the churches of the gods can perform an ancient and very costly ritual that completely rids one person from all corruption. We will provide all of the rare materials needed, but it will still cost you some gold out of your own pockets to go through this ritual as to dissuade you from having to use it to many times. With your natural resistance and this ritual to cleanse you if you do receive too much, your party is naturally the most equipped to head into the forest and investigate whats happening inside. And of course, if you do manage to actually stop the corruption, not only will you receive the gratitude of the world, but more monetary rewards as well."

Finished answering Kress's questions, King Drukha now turns to Avra, and nods to her. "Indeed, somewhat resistant. We don't know why you're somewhat resistant while every one else is very corruptible. We only know thanks to our people who have watched over you. Jenlynn was a big help with this, being in the jungle proved that she didn't receive any corruption as long as it wasn't from a concentrated source." As to her second question, the King spread his hands helplessly. "Well, you will be searching for ruins. Old decrepit things that are falling apart. We don't know what the source is and that is part of the reason you are being sent in as well, to hunt for clues. And I appreciate your enthusiasm, as long as your new companions share it, you are free to depart when ever."

His eyes scan over Jen and seeing that she didn't look interested in asking any questions of her own, moved onto Sharon. "As I said with Arva, we don't know why you are resistant, and there is a correlation between your births and the corruption. When you all were born, it started its aggressive behavior. Between this and your resistance, scribes have thought that perhaps it has something to do with your souls, or perhaps it was something from your past lifes. No one truly knows." He smiled reassuringly at her last question. "As long as you do not receive too much corruption at once you should be able to make it back to this city and the church can cleanse you with the ritual."

He suddenly perks up as if he remembered something. "Oh! Scribe Tolrend. Bring it here." As he finished speaking, another scribe steps forth from the crowd, carrying a very small chest. Holding it up for the King, King Drukha opens it and takes out four vials of what looks like just slightly cloudy liquid. "The church has developed a very experimental potion that will cure some of the recent corruption you have received. I'm told about half of what ever you receive within the last 12 hours can be cured with this potion. Here." He puts the potion back and the scribe walks to you all one by one handing each of you 2 of these potions.

"Now, do you all wish to leave now or stay the night?"


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Arva Yornheim Tag: King D, Jen Disposition: Amused Tune:

"So the corruption got more aggressive because it's scared of us, makes sense." She noted, taking the two potions and sniffing on one with a crinkled nose. "I don't like the gifts of churches beyond the Allfather .. oh and I could just go on my own.. funner that way." She grinned at that.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Any of you need a beauty nap? No? Wonderful. Welp, if you do, just catch up. Ruins're about somewhere in that corner of the forest, wont be hard to miss." She chuckled, half turning, before noticing Jen and hesitating..

"What ye looking at for.. oh right. hrmnn.. Punishment ain't really my.. expertise." The Skald pondered. "How about you follow me along while I come up with something.. your healing-thing was kinda neat you know.. Jen was it, right?" She chuckled, before heading out already, unless stopped!
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Active member
May 19, 2019
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40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
47/47 Armor Class: 24 (Touch: 14, FF: 21, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21, FCMD 18.
Fort: 6 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0
Kress bows briefly to the king, thinking to herself that despite all the precautions and expenditures these idiots were taking, giving the groups they're sending off to save the world very little in terms of upfront support was a typically very copper-wise, gold-foolish choice. Still, she graciously accepts the two small vials, storing them into her adventurer's sash.
"Thank you, may we never have to use these. About how far is the journey to these ruins and do you have a copy of a map we may use?" She asks, then notices the stonebrain wandering off.
"Arva, was it? Do you know the way or have supplies for the journey? Or do you intend to wander out in the jungles until you stumble upon these ruins?" She questions, waiting for the map and her answer from the seated man. No sense in wasting time doing their own research when the work was probably already done.
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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"Ahh yes, here this is a copy of the map the scouts made themselves." He reaches over to the table, and grabs another one of the maps, and hands it to Kress. It shows the path the scouts took to get to the ruins from the city, and this path is very detailed, making you think it would be easy to get to the ruins following the same path. Though the map is missing some things, namly everything thats not along this path. It really does seem like the scouts made the map by hand.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Arva Yornheim Tag: Kress Disposition: Amused Tune:

"I mean I saw the way on that large map. If I get lost, worst case, I'll squeeze the answer out of the locals. As for supplies, the girl can do foraging or something, I can do hunting." She jolted her thumb towards Jen... who also propably knew the general area. Useful useful. More useful than the complainy-elf, but perhaps she had talents of her own, Arva guessed... then she shrugged when Kress was handed a map. That'd solve that problem.

"Welp, outta the city and towards the forest we go." She concluded.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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HP: 42/42 Armor Class: 12 (18 with breastplate) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: BAB: +3
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

"Of course, you can punish me when you see fit, Mistress." Jen replied to Arva.

"I think we should also start now...the sooner we finish, the sooner I can go back to the tribe." Jenlynn explained, going to the side and bowing as she placed the potions in her bag...putting her butt in display, as it was covered only by the see-through cloth...


Active member
May 19, 2019
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40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
47/47 Armor Class: 24 (Touch: 14, FF: 21, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21, FCMD 18.
Fort: 6 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0
Kress gratefully takes the map and looks over it. Map-making wasn't her strong suit but she appreciated it regardless as she moved to catch up to the stonebrain, with apparently the bonebrain showing off her ass as she took her potions.
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May 13, 2019
Reputation score
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 14 (18 with mithril shirt) Initiative Bonus: +6 CMD: 17
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0
Sharon pondered about the king's answers to their questions, yet they don't seem to have any more of an idea that she did about this whole debacle of being somewhat resistant to the Corruption. Strangely enough, it didn't put her at ease. I'll have to be on my guard then... everyone seems to have some idea of this and may have even been aware of it before today. Well, I suppose we all have our secrets then. She smiles to herself and grows excited as she thinks. This will be fun, getting to know these lovelies and their secrets? A challenge I can't resist! Only to be jolted out of her thoughts as she notices the group had already begun to leave without her awareness. She rushes to catch up to Kress, trying not to show her flustered expression.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
Reputation score
The nobles bid you farewell and safe journey and then you are lead off by the messenger that had brought Jen. He leads you through several shortcuts and passages that get you out of the city much faster than if you would have just gone down the crowded main streets, and once outside he bids you farewell. If any of you were to study the map, you would realize that you still had at least a day's travel, perhaps more until you could start to see the edge of the jungle!

Yet before even a day has gone by, you are all taking a short rest to recoup from the long walk when one of you reach into your bag to grab a snack, only to realize you don't have any food! You all quickly look at your bags and only Shanon and Kress seem to have packed any food with them at all. They can share their food or the other two will have to scrounge up some food from the nearby wilderness!

[Survival checks to hunt/gather food for those who don't accept food]
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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HP: 42/42 Armor Class: 12 (18 with breastplate) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: BAB: +3
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

Jen never carried rations with her...what use were they, when she could simply pick up anything she needed on the go? The forest never hindered her footsteps...and with Chirp helping, finding food as they walked was a piece of cake.

"Here, those are very tasty. And this one is great for you, Mistress, it will make your cum taste nice." Jen smiled at Arva.

Apparently, just by casually picking up stuff, she had collected more than their little group could eat.

Jen had a leather bag on her side, and a cauldron hanging on top of it.

When they stopped for a rest, she placed the cauldon on the side.

"Spirits of water...please fill my cauldron!" she whispered, and magically, the cauldron was filled with water.

"Spirit of air, spirit of cold, spirit of war..." she mumbled, as she picked up the cauldron and slowly started emptying it on her hair.

However, the water didn't run down...instead, when it reached her chest, it froze, forming a crystal breastplate of ice.

"Thank you, spirits. Well, now we should be able to continue! Ah, right...you are tired? Spirit of tiredness, could you please leave them alone? Ah, thank you, thank you very much!"

Suddenly, the others would find that indeed, they didn't feel tired any more...

[26 survival, and auto-success diplomacy even on 1 so I didn't roll it]


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Arva Yornheim Tag: Survival Disposition: Amused Tune:

Arva had a special approach to hunting wildgame. Namely, she walked out and shouted. "Alright, who wants some?"

When any bothered to explain to her the peculiarities of hunting, she shrugged and went: "Well, first off, I like hunting things that you can beat up proper, not that run and hide.. and.. this works perfectly fine in the mountains. You're in the mountains, bears are hungry, bear comes to eat you, you beat it up, food for weeks, new clothes, too." She gave a thumbs up.

"... let's just go with Jen's spirit-things instead, yeah.." She acknowledged. The amazon-slut was kinda useful, she had to admit. She wasn't sure how the cum-tasting would go though. She would tell Jec, but for one, she'd tried already, and the girl seemed happier not understanding her proper...