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Hatsumi (TentanariX)

Re: Hatsumi (TentanariX)

Hatsumi was presented with a familiar set of questions, though there were a few new options.

Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consent Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters: (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Bestiality: (AnimalMonster, Halfhuman, etc): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Egg laying Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Body Alterations: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Lewd Compulsions: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?):

After she filled out that set, she was prompted to choose a difficulty setting:

Difficulty (?): Easy | =Normal= | Hard | Insanity

After selecting that, she was presented with a list of options for gameplay type and location. There are two types, the first still grayed out. Offensive and Defensive.

Offensive Levels(?)

Defensive Levels(?)
Desert Road(?)
Dungeon of Monsters(?)
Castle Maze(?)
________(?) (Enter your own level preference)
Re: Hatsumi (TentanariX)

After her first two encounters Hatsumi had begun to become used and aroused at the idea o being abused sexually and even mire used to being raped by things that were inhuman.

Humans: N
Male/Female: Y 4
Female/Female: Y 5
Pregnancy: Y 5
Birthing: Y 5
Non Consent Sex: Y 5
Slavery: Y 5
Monsters: (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 5
Bestiality: (AnimalMonster, Halfhuman, etc): Y 4
Egg laying Y 5
Body Alterations: Y 5
Lewd Compulsions: Y 5
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): Savage

"This game is getting better and more interesting the more i play it." She said to herself as she finished setting her options for her now third game.
"I think I need to have this set on an easier level this time around", she saids as she picks the normal setting. Hmmm, I wonder why the offensive setting is greyed she thinks to herself as she clicks on the question mark by that setting.
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Re: Hatsumi (TentanariX)

Offensive Levels are currently under development, and are not ready for testing at the moment.
Re: Hatsumi (TentanariX)

Hatsumi poured and sighed in disappointment, Oh, well... I guess it still is just a beta after all. she thinks to herself. She then looks down towards the level settings and defensive settings; "You know... It never occurred to me to check out the question marks." She said somewhat embarrassed as she went down the list clicking on the question marks by all the options.
Re: Hatsumi (TentanariX)

Three popups appeared.

Desert Road
A linear dungeon, where generally the player character attempts to escort a caravan of civilians from one city to another across a vast desert.

Dungeon of Monsters
A relatively uncomplicated but non-linear dungeon where the player character is trying either to exterminate an infestation of monsters, or find treasure.

Castle Maze
A complicated, maze-type dungeon where the player character is trying either to infiltrate a castle for various reasons, or to escape from it.
Re: Hatsumi (TentanariX)

"Hmmm, I dont wanna babysit, so the caravan idea is out. The dungeon idea sounds good, but monster hunting or treasure hunting is so overrated. So I think I'll take the Castle Maze. Besides it sounds exciting having to rind and try to escape from the monsters rather then just killin them out right." she saids as she ultimately settles on the castle maze stage.
Re: Hatsumi (TentanariX)

Hatsumi felt the EGG begin to work, and waited in eager anticipation as the landscape loaded around her. It seemed she was in a dank, dingy dungeon, probably in the basement of the castle. She noted that she was naked, perhaps having just escaped from the castle. She could only go forward from here.
Re: Hatsumi (TentanariX)

As the darkness dissipated and the weightlessness ceased as the world she had chosen began to form around her, Hatsumi would feel a cold chill and her nipples harden. Upon looking herself over age would realize that she was completely naked. Hm, this is... interesting.... she thought as for the first since playing she decided to at least act modest by however futilely attempting to cover herself by placing a hand over crotch and an arm across her breasts, "Even if I'm really not all that shy, I probably should find some clothes or something before too long." she saids to herself as she heads straight, being the only way she can go for now.
Re: Hatsumi (TentanariX)

Hatsumi walks forward and finds herself in a mid-sized room with an exit in each cardinal direction. More important is the pile of ropes on the floor... They slowly swirl up into a humanoid shape, though there seems to be something different about it compared to the rope demon that tortured her in the labyrinth; she can tell by the way it acts that these ropes are probably not actually alive, but rather a trap meant to slow down escapees.

Rope Trap
3/3 HP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP
3/3 MP
Re: Hatsumi (TentanariX)

Hatsumi groans out at seeing the rope trap, "Not more ropes~~~" she whines out, "Well at least theese seem different then the ones from the labyrinth. I don't have a weapon, so while I would hate to waste all my mp now, I need to keep moving, so launching a tri attack on it would probably be the quickest way." She saids as focuses all of her magic into launching three fireballs at the collection of ropes.
Re: Hatsumi (TentanariX)

1 vs. 7
7 vs. 19

Hatsumi finds that she can only launch two fireballs at the trap in one round of combat, and both of her attempts miss badly.

12 vs. 20

The ropes also miss in their attack, however; perhaps her experience against the rope demon in her other game allows her to predict where and how this one will attack.

Rope Trap
3/3 HP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP
2/3 MP
Re: Hatsumi (TentanariX)

"Damn!" Hatsumi curses as she sees both of her attacks miss the rope trap badly, Well at least it didn't manage to hit me either. She thinks as focuses her energy back into her wand again and sends two more fireballs at the rope creature, wanting to defeat the annoying thing and move on before her captors start coming after her again.
Re: Hatsumi (TentanariX)

9 vs. 17
9 vs. 12

Both Hatsumi's fireballs miss again. This is a troubling trend.

14 vs. 16

She still manages to dodge out of the way of the rope trap's whip again, however, so it isn't all bad.

18 vs. 11
14 vs. 9

Her next two fireballs hit it, and it wavers as it burns. It's good that she manages to hurt it, as she can feel her extra reserve of magic exhaust itself as she launches the second fireball.

8 vs. 2

She's perhaps a little bit complacent after hitting it, because it manages to whip her about her shoulders and entangle her slightly.

Rope Trap
1/3 HP

Hatsumi (Entangled 1, -1 to Attack)
4/5 FP
0/10 AP
0/3 MP
Re: Hatsumi (TentanariX)

"Ah! Damnit! Let go of me!" Hatsumi cries out in pain an frustration as she feels the rope slap her hard and begin to coil around her shoulder. Shit! I can't get cocky. I asli can't burn up all my energy this early on. Though I've got to get past thus thing and keep moving. she thinks as she struggles to get free of the ropes and hurls another fireball at the trap, "Burn you bastard!" she cries out as the fire flies from her fingertips.
Re: Hatsumi (TentanariX)

8 vs. 15

Hatsumi's fireball misses badly, even though the rope trap is right in front of her. It's a little bit disconcerting.

9 vs. 1

Even more disconcerting is how the thing manages to whip her more, and entangle her just a bit more...

Rope Trap
1/3 HP

Hatsumi (Entangled 2, -2 to Attack)
3/5 FP
0/10 AP
0/3 MP
Re: Hatsumi (TentanariX)

SHIT! she curses inwardly as she sees her fireball horribly miss th rope trap despite it sitting right in front of her, How the blazing fuck can I miss something standing right the fuck in front of me!? he thinks as she cries out in pain once more as the rope trap slaps her baked body again, continuing to wrap it's self around her more. "Just die already, goddamn you!" she cries as she tries to unleash another fireball at the thing in hopes of killing it and being able to move forward through the dungeon.
Re: Hatsumi (TentanariX)

7 vs. 19

Hatsumi's fireball hits the rope trap, but it just dissipates, as if the trap was able to take the blow.

3 vs. 13

Hatsumi still manages to dodge the trap's next whip, though the ropes managed to entangle her a little bit more...

0 vs. 5

Hatsumi's next blast just plain missed, which was getting to be a problem.

20 vs. 16

Another rope whips Hatsumi, and she gasps as she feels the thing begin to tightly entangle her; she realizes that in this state she can't attack, the best she can do is try to escape from its grasp. Though she could perhaps try to set herself on fire again.

Rope Trap
1/3 HP

Hatsumi (Entangled 3, Can't Attack, -3 to Escape)
2/5 FP
0/10 AP
0/3 MP
Re: Hatsumi (TentanariX)

"Gah!No! Damnitall! Not again! Grrrnngh!" Hatsumi cries out she is whopped bythe rope trap once again and once again see her attacks miss and be ineffectual against the thing. damn it, now all I can so us just hope I can get out of this damned thing. she thinks to herself as struggles with all her might to get free of the trap.
Re: Hatsumi (TentanariX)

3 vs. 6

Hatsumi's struggles prove in vain, and the ropes begin to tie around her torso more intricately, squeezing tightly around her ample breasts. The stimulation along with the feeling of helplessness begins to arouse her.

19 vs. 11

The rope trap whips her breasts hard, drawing groans from her at the pain of it and reminding her of the rope demon she'd encountered in the labyrinth.

Rope Trap
1/3 HP

Hatsumi (Entangled 4, Can't Attack, -4 to Escape)
1/5 FP
1/10 AP
0/3 MP
Re: Hatsumi (TentanariX)

Hatsumi was feeling weak as the rope continued to whip and slowly sap of her strength, she was in trouble. She was tightly wrapped by the creature and was unable to escape it was seeming. She was at the least unable to strike back. She knew she couldn't give up though. "Noooo...." She whined out as she did her best to escape from the things grasp, "I'm not going to give up without a fight...... Not this early on in the game...." She said as she continued to struggel against the traps bonds, desperate to get free.