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Re: Hate Thread

As retarded as this sounds, I hate annoying situations. Completely, absolutely despise them. Anything that makes me waste my time or spend more than I have to makes my teeth cringe.
Re: Hate Thread

As retarded as this sounds, I hate annoying situations. Completely, absolutely despise them. Anything that makes me waste my time or spend more than I have to makes my teeth cringe.

Sheesh, good luck at Broadway then. You will just love people who consider themselves special even though they are more interested in being an artist than making art.
Re: Hate Thread

Want to know what I hate? ISIS! Those bastards nearly killed my wife in Sousse a few months back. She was literally meters away from the shooter and just barely escaped. Crazy! Something needs to be done about this vermin.
Re: Hate Thread

Want to know what I hate? ISIS! Those bastards nearly killed my wife in Sousse a few months back. She was literally meters away from the shooter and just barely escaped. Crazy! Something needs to be done about this vermin.

Is this for fucking real? If so, would you mind telling a bit more about it came to happen, cuz seriously, that's nuts.

With regards to the general sentiment of the post, I concur.

(btw, if this is an Archer reference or something, I'm afraid I haven't watched too much of it.)
Re: Hate Thread

There's nobody in this world who I love more than parents, and as far as I'm concerned they display some of the most admirable and considerate positive traits I've seen from most of anyone, even celebrities who are famous for supposedly being saints. My father is a man who used to be a passionate man with a fire burning in his heart that would go out of control in his youth, and so he suffered from a killing rage that would overtake his reason, but not his intellect like it would with most.

Nowadays he's grown so much, he's well into his 60s and he's more tolerant and understanding than most anyone I've ever met, he's handled so much shit and bad fortune in his life that it's left him jaded and cynical, but it's never stopped him from being kind, charitable, and perhaps overly accepting. He's especially sharp for a man of his age, though no-one can beat father time (Yet, let's hope it stays that way, human scum are bad enough without immortality in the mix.)

Now with all that out of the way, his accepting and tolerant nature has lead people to take advantage, whether it's the rents we have downstairs who criminally pay late even though the place they're renting is worth double what their rent actual is, and who furthermore cause massive damage to the house without supplying their insurance or paying any money for it all the while making unreasonable demands, challenging the work we do on their behalf, outright fucking lying in order to get things their way while sneakily trying to underpay, EVERY SINGLE MONTH. Or the rents we have for the recording studio he assembled with hard work and personal perseverance, which again, he rents at incredibly lenient prices to another set of ungrateful scumbags, who do pretty much the same, but also act entitled in different ways entirely, to the point of being confrontational.

I hate these entitled disrespectful cunts almost as badly as I hate the corrupt politicians responsible for all the terrible changes in this country, who have single handedly ruined South Africa's collective future (I could explain exactly how in exquisite detail, but I won't, because it's boring). I can't even begin to describe their worse behavior, but needless to say if the person handling the rent downstairs wasn't an aged defenseless woman I would have probably gone down and committed to violence by now, such is the ridiculous behaviour they're responsible for. I am not a violent person, I've not been in a single real physical confrontation literally my entire life. I still stand by my statement.

With our financial situation in dire jeopardy and my father at risk of a heart-attack due to a combination of high blood pressure and intense stress, I hate, HATE, HATE, these fucking tenants, I unironically hope they die. Genuinely. Soon.
Re: Hate Thread


That is you, Super Slicer. I would expect you to cut it out before you get in trouble.
Re: Hate Thread

I didn't mean the post, I meant the whole situation and the fact that I got to the point of posting a short irritated post in a thread about what makes people feel giddy. My apologies for not being more specific.
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Re: Hate Thread

Asylum Seekers who are actually ISIS sympathizers and delinquent gang-members pushing actual refugees off of boats and throwing relief effort food packages on the ground in disgust, on top of throwing rocks at helpful military and police, on top of being violent towards defenseless women unprovoked.

How is it that in England, Asians account for about 6% of the population and yet also account for 30%+ of the sexually related violent crime over-all? I've never even remotely cared about ISIS up until now, but they're literally coming and going EVERYWHERE, how is it that 75% of the "refugees" are fighting age males who mark their arrival with riots and conflicts, yet in pretty much every case the media spins it as police and military incompetence or abuse? HOW?!

I understand that it's our responsibility to offer a refuge to those less fortunate, but there should be a rigorous screening process to avoid letting in violent shit-lords who literally rape with nothing less than a self-righteous religiously based attitude. And I think all the regulars here should know by now that I'm normally an advocate to religion, and tend towards defending when possible, but not like this. NEVER like this.
Re: Hate Thread

how is it that 75% of the "refugees" are fighting age males who mark their arrival with riots and conflicts.


As for one explanation, it's that it's much easier for unmarried young men to move through dangerous areas than entire families or indeed lone women.
Re: Hate Thread

Google image search "Syrian Migrant" or "Asylum Seekers" and any image with mass swarms of migrants or groups in boats (Particularly those not done by professional photographers or journalists, strangely enough) will easily demonstrate my assertion, videos of the migrant swarms are also pretty indicative of the age and gender grouping.

I would post a demographic of it, but it was a bit of a nightmare navigating google for information about the specific 2015 migrants I'm referring to without resorting to what I consider to be spun by BBC, who have recently proven their unadulterated bias to me repeatedly. I wouldn't trust any information from mainstream media at this point.

As for one explanation, it's that it's much easier for unmarried young men to move through dangerous areas than entire families or indeed lone women.

That is certainly a valid point I hadn't considered.

Edit: Been searching awhile for the place where I'd heard that 3/4 of the migrants were adult males, apparently that is UK specific information, so it took awhile. I happen to be possibly moving to the UK some time so it's somewhat relevant to me in particular.
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Re: Hate Thread

Not caring about ISIS until they're suddenly infiltrating refugee streams fleeing for their lives reminds me of this:

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

-Pastor Martin Niemöller

This group has made fairly clear in my mind that they will not stop, until there is nothing but ash and blood. Not caring about them because they're the Islamic Terror Group of the Week shows just how much people give a shit about other human lives.
Re: Hate Thread

There are plenty of human issues I cared about before ISIS, it was just never in my media feed or relevant to my country or even seemingly the UK where my family is. I actually already have plenty of shit to care about personally, you probably can't relate to that having probably experienced something or two from the ISIS extremists (iirc) having actual military experience, so to you that would be somewhat heinous.

But seriously, it isn't natural for a human being to be concerned with something happening halfway across the world, because there actually isn't much of anything one can do about it. If there were Muslim extremists actually living anywhere close to me or anybody I knew from my community were having any kind of interactions with them whatsoever, OF COURSE I WOULD CARE. But I don't, they don't, and haven't even had the potential to until now.

And I really don't appreciate the implication that it somehow makes me a bad person. There are probably still people working as child soldiers north of here, but 90% of people probably don't give it a real thought for most of their waking lives. Sending a donation to a charity that probably shaves off 90% of the proceeds to make yourself feel better doesn't necessarily make you a better person either, it's better to be an upstanding person on your own terms where you are and where you can actually affect things than to ineffectually whine about it or pretend somebody else will fix it with the money they're basically stealing from donators.
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Re: Hate Thread

Bad person, no. As you said, most people don't care about anything that actually effects them, which was kind of the entire point of the little poem I posted. This does not make someone a bad person, but the thought pattern still reminded me of that particular poem. Think it more food for thought than actual condemnation.

Perhaps the situation bothers me more because I feel like I should be over there doing something about it, instead of being held back because of political agendas. I could go sign up with the Kurds, but I'd rather be there with people who've had the same training and that I can trust. Personally.

(I'm still amused at getting called a hippy over this)
Re: Hate Thread

I could go sign up with the Kurds, but I'd rather be there with people who've had the same training and that I can trust. Personally.

Two possible outcomes:
-You die
-You win and then die because Turkey kills you off. Turkey will block and war every attempt at an independent Kurdish nation, even when it's not on their soil.
Re: Hate Thread

Ah yes, Turkey. Now that they're at war with the kurds, we technically can no longer arm the kurds to fight ISIS, because we'd give the enemies of a NATO member weapons that they could then, quite likely, use against said NATO member. And all because Erdogan didn't win the last election as clear as he wanted to be and is now hoping to win votes with attacks on the kurds.

Fuck you, Erdogan. Fuck you for that selfish power grab, making this bad situation SO MUCH WORSE.
Re: Hate Thread

Turkish foreign politics aside, Erdogan is a power-horny fuck. Building a new palace with giant projected faces of himself during an economic crisis, banning social media, etc. He's a sign that Turkey is moving backwards in its democratization, sadly.
Re: Hate Thread

Two possible outcomes:
-You die
-You win and then die because Turkey kills you off. Turkey will block and war every attempt at an independent Kurdish nation, even when it's not on their soil.

Interesting to know that anyone in an armed conflict will automatically be killed. Where'd all those veterans come from then I wonder?
Never mind the part I said I wasn't going to. Cause training and trust.