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Re: Hate Thread

Sometimes i wish i could just sprout wings and fly away.


Thereya go, kid
Re: Hate Thread

I hate feeling sick. It makes me overly rage-y and my step-dad is treating me like I'll infect everyone simply by opening my bedroom door.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate problems that have to do with love... I am essentially impervious to drama and anxiety, but love is the chink in my armor, and right now there's a dagger in there.
Re: Hate Thread

I really hate it when you try to be caring and listen and the other person reciprocates and tells you whats wrong.

Then you have nothing to say... you just sit there really wanting to have something nice and comforting, some platitude that will make you seem as caring as you tried and wanted to be instead of making it sound like you've walked away...
Re: Hate Thread

Well, I've been "fired" from the company I worked for as a temp worker. Today, my agency told me I'll be gone there tomorrow - and that's the first I've heard of it. What's more, the company just taught me how to work at their fancy machine.

Dick move, HR department. Dick move.
Re: Hate Thread

Yup, that's agency work for you. They will get rid of you at the drop of a hat, they will not warn you, they will rarely give any real explanation of why, and they will happily send you to the next place as if it means nothing at all. I've had exactly the same thing, with having just been trained on the whatsit-machine too and everything. Never take it to heart or try to analyse it too much. In past cases I've received praise from the regular employees and the supervisor, and had every indication that the job is going well, only for the next day to have the head manager claim I was too slow, k-thanks-bai. Attempting to investigate further got me nowhere, and the manager actually seemed confused as to why I cared.

It's irritating and belittling, but that's how these businesses work. So write it off, expect the worst, and then you can be pleasantly surprised when you get a job with a client who actually treats you as a human being.

/End rant of a 4 year agency worker.

And now the actual reason I opened this thread... Both a quick rant and a tip that might be worth trying.

Printer ink.

Printer says it's out of ink. Bad timing. No spares, need prints now. Take out ink cartridge, hold up to light, and can blatantly see ink rolling around inside. Shake side to side, can HEAR ink, sloshing about inside. Examine a bit further for a moment, and reinstall cartridge. Get some thick books, and prop up the printer at a 45 degree angle.

Resume print.
Prints off 40 pages without complaint.

Re: Hate Thread

I hate my brain right now... I've been up all night working on an assignment that I just handed in, and I've had to set my phone to go off at regular intervals because I fell asleep on my project several times... That's how tired I've been. But now that I've handed it in, and the time is just past 8 local, my brain goes: "Oh, would you look at that! It's morning! Now you don't get to sleep!"

Asshole brain.
Re: Hate Thread

i know how you feel.
Re: Hate Thread

Fuck America, getting Borderlands 2 before me. Now I need to be careful where I go until friday.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate people that are just fucking assholes or cunts and carry tales on you and those you care about because their lives suck or they just want to be a bunch of dicks, saying shit to people that makes you look like the asshole. Saying that I also hate one of my in-laws for doing the same thing. I hate them all to the point that I want to beat the living hell out of them and could care less if something bad happens to them.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate netorare. When I read through, watch, or play through pornography/hentai, I don't do so to be evil and release my inner "Alpha Male" and pretend to be the biggest fuckbeast of all the fuckerfuckfaces, and outfuck some normally well-meaning all around decent guy and turn his life into hell. Why? Because I relate to that guy, not the protagonist, not the ugly middle-aged men, or the disgustingly villainous pervert. I relate to the normal looking good guy. And netorare is just excruciatingly annoying, like it's meant to ruin romance, and even anything close to genuine affection. Don't get me wrong, I have no qualms about objectifying both men and women when it comes to fictional material, but when the material at hand makes an absolute effort to create a story that's meant to humiliate a normally innocent character I can't help but lose all interest, maybe even feel a bit disgusted, or hell, a lot disgusted.

It's easier to deal with if the story doesn't take itself seriously, or if it's a parody-esque type deal, but I'd still prefer the alternative of "NO NTR." I don't know if I'm the only one, but I always encounter it somehow, whether in Hentai Manga, or Hentai Movies, or Hentai Games, there's always that hidden away pile of games that are just a little too taboo for me to stomach, that I eventually stumble upon, or over. Shit pisses me off. Dunno if I'm the only one.

Edit: Also, an apology to anybody who's had to deal with equally annoying stereotypical fads in pornography from a different perspective. I'm sure some of my own tastes are equally distasteful to others.
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Re: Hate Thread

Fuck America, getting Borderlands 2 before me. Now I need to be careful where I go until friday.

North America... Canada and I'm guessing Mexico got it as well.
Re: Hate Thread

I should have done the smart thing and just grabbed some Steam pre-paid cards. But no, I pre-ordered Borderlands 2 from Gamestop as a digital download.
Apparently, it was too much trouble to just email me a code, or put it in my Powerup Rewards account, so now I have to make a trip to the store to get an activation code. Which defeats the purpose of me wanting a digital download of Borderlands 2.

Fuck you, Gamestop. Also, I swear I'm going to find someplace else that has pre-paid Steam cards. You have until my current Powerup Rewards subscription ends to appease me.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate being stabbed in the back by a hopeless twit that I counted as a friend and was trying to help.
I hate that the idiot has already spent all of the money he stole, and I'm unlikely to ever see it back.

I am glad at least that he was thick in the head enough to take all of the money in one go, rather than say, skimming £20 a month, otherwise I may have never noticed and would have had to live with the bloodsucker unawares.

Desperate idiots do desperate and idiotic things.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that illness also brings with it complete and utter exhaustion, as well as the utter inability to get any real sleep due to assorted aches and the constant cold sweats. Feelsbadman.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that illness also brings with it complete and utter exhaustion, as well as the utter inability to get any real sleep due to assorted aches and the constant cold sweats. Feelsbadman.

I love it that in illness it's the only time where I can stay in bed for over 8 hours and not be going completely out of my mind, the exhaustion sometimes helps man..

I love to be ill tho, its the shittiest sensation not to be in 100% control over your body.
Re: Hate Thread

Skin breakout. Right before the con. Screw you, complexion. Ugh. I suppose this is why we invented cover-up make-up. At least I won't need as much in my Vincent rig.
Re: Hate Thread

I was going to have a long post, but then I realized it was too long. And then Firefox crashed anyways.
So TL;DR, FUCK September 21, 2012, fuck bitchy self-centered customers, fuck my step-dad, and especially fuck the tumors in my dog's liver.