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Re: Hate Thread

I both love and hate emotions, ironically enough. Happiness happens so fast that you don't even realize it at the time. While it lasts its as if there couldn't be a better day, a better hour, or a better minute. It's just kind of timeless.

But once it ends, the happiness is gone just as fast, shriveled and destroyed of its innocence and rendered lifeless. The moment remains, but it will never be quite the same because it's now devoid of the emotion that made it so wonderful. Because looking back on that happy moment is just a memory. Some memories are sweeter than others, but they just don't feel the same as that moment when everything was right. At least not for me.

I guess the only good thing about it is there's always a chance some fleeting moment sneaks up on you and gives you a surprise on another day, so that you can feel like everything is right for a few seconds, minutes, or hours yet again. Until then.

Happiness comes and goes like the tide, though not so easily measurable and timed. When it withers though, do not think it destroyed. When autumn makes way for winter and the trees and plants shrivel and pass as the snows and frosts blanket the world, they are not forever gone. The whiteness will peel away and the birds will return as flowers blossom once more.

Even in winter one can find beauty, just as in one's darkest moments there are shreds of delight. Clutch them tightly, or let them slide through to make way for the next moment. There will always be another.

It is these emotional winters between our brightest days that give such strong meaning to their existence. Without the hurt, the glee loses its meaning. We are human, our existence is flawed, and within those flaws do we thrive and know what humanity means.
Re: Hate Thread

Apparently has two p's. Im should be I'm. Lrn2english, faggot

Sir, the trash-talking grammar Nazi's have begun the invasion xD
Really,I just laugh at people like this haha.
Re: Hate Thread

i hate when people who should know better post in da wrong thread.
Re: Hate Thread

Writer's block.

Also, i hate figuring out what it was that killed my dog.
Re: Hate Thread

Fuck hay fever in its stupid face.
Re: Hate Thread

Fuck working in this heat, and fuck the long-ass 2 days I'm about to have working in this heat.
Re: Hate Thread

Dwarf Fortress. Or rather, my lack of foresight.
Re: Hate Thread

Maybe. But it would've been even better if I didn't fuck up the floodgate and end up flooding my entire farm area. Which also held my food, seed and booze stock. Which all ended up completely under water before I could stop the river flowing into it.
Re: Hate Thread

You destroyed your booze?


Still, sucks when you screw up something in a game like that. Blah and sorry, Oni.
Re: Hate Thread

Well it was three days work gone thanks to my stupidity, but it's not too bad. Started a new fort, a freezing biome with untamed wilderness. Haven't been attacked by anything yet and I'm well on my way to creating a massive farm. Got a ton of dogs and turkeys as well. It wouldn't be called Fort Dogbutcher without a lot of dogs after all.
Re: Hate Thread

Well it was three days work gone thanks to my stupidity, but it's not too bad. Started a new fort, a freezing biome with untamed wilderness. Haven't been attacked by anything yet and I'm well on my way to creating a massive farm. Got a ton of dogs and turkeys as well. It wouldn't be called Fort Dogbutcher without a lot of dogs after all.

Least it's not cats.
Re: Hate Thread

A catsplosion is the last thing I want. Dogs is where it's at. Faithful companions, ferocious warriors, and delicious snacks. Plus, you can make a set of armour out of their hides.
Re: Hate Thread

Okay, so either the temp agency or their customers forgot to say that I'd be working outside all fucking day on one of the hottest days of the year so far. I've packed water, sure, but I didn't pack fucking SUN SCREEN.
Re: Hate Thread

Eeek. Aloe or Noxeema, Rule. Those seem to work best for me.
Re: Hate Thread

Goddammit, a werechameleon snuck into my fort and has been attacking, and giving, my dorfs lycanthropy.
Re: Hate Thread

You have no luck, do you? *laughs* At least it didn't steal the beer?
Re: Hate Thread

Fortunately no. What it did do was slaughter all of my tasty dogs after they bumrushed the transformed dwarf, and once it had enough of them it infected the rest of the dwarves in the dining hall. Once they managed to flee the dining hall they then transformed and infected/killed the rest of my dwarves.

In the end I had to abandon three ingame years of work and start up a new fort. This one is going fine so far, except for me almost starving my dwarves by accidentally setting my food and booze stocks to not allow food and booze be put in them, so all my crops were dying before people could get to them. Sorted that out now though work is progressing slowly because I'm not getting the numbers from the migrant waves like I did in my previous fort. Though I'm expecting something fun will pop up to ruin this fort soon enough.