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Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

See, the problem with killing all the politicians is that, despite their tendency to fuck things up we still need people in power. And not just Moron McDumbass either, we'd need people educated enough to actually govern/rule over a country.


Demon Girl Master
Aug 5, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread


I'd add in those people that are generally a defecit to everyone and everything; politicians, lawyers, famous people, sportsman, annnnnnnnnnnd it's not a war without religious zealots.

While yes, I would prefer a world with alot less people. The reason I feel this idea has merit, is because of factors like the planet can't reasonably support our level of overpopulation for an extended period of time without being damaged permanently. We've got an evolutional (evolutionary? IDK) nightmare on our hands, every day we save the lives of those who don't deserve it, having done the stupidest things to endager themselves, natural selection has been all but defeated by modern medicine, leaving us with "survival of those close enough to a hospital when their stupidity catches up with them". Which leads to technology advancing in, well the wrong direction, simply making lives easier instead of increasing our understanding of the universe.

Actually, while I wouldn't volunteer to be killed. I'd gladly fight for my right to live.

And seeing as we'd need a new class of officer to force the soldiers to fight the war, I'd be a commissar. FOR THE EMPEROR! :D
I find this a bit funny as you are probably more a scar on the face of humanity than someone beneficial to it.
Sure there are people less deserving of life on this planet, but people have promise of forwarding humanity until the moment they die.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate cheap cannoli. Especially when I'm able to make one that tastes better using store-brand waffle cones, custard, and reddi-whip.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

You are correct! I am a hideous defacement of what you call humanity. Other than that, you are wrong. 99.99% of the people currently on this planet only forward humanity by serving that .01% that actually works to better us (conciously or not), and most fail at that (I sure do!).

Though I get the sense that you're more offended than actually debating the merit of the idea. It's ok though, if this isn't pissing somebody off, then something's wrong. Also kudos to you, chewing me out like that, you've come a long way from not understanding what a pun is.

As far as politicians, I can't really see them as rulers, they bicker about rules and sell anything they can for a vote. A ruler says something is law, and it is. A ruler doesn't beg for power, they take it.


Demon Girl Master
Aug 5, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

You are correct! I am a hideous defacement of what you call humanity. Other than that, you are wrong. 99.99% of the people currently on this planet only forward humanity by serving that .01% that actually works to better us (conciously or not), and most fail at that (I sure do!).

Though I get the sense that you're more offended than actually debating the merit of the idea. It's ok though, if this isn't pissing somebody off, then something's wrong. Also kudos to you, chewing me out like that, you've come a long way from not understanding what a pun is.

As far as politicians, I can't really see them as rulers, they bicker about rules and sell anything they can for a vote. A ruler says something is law, and it is. A ruler doesn't beg for power, they take it.

Actually, I stated "no pun intended" so people that don't know full what a pun was wouldn't pull one out and be like "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
No, I'm not offended at all. I am debating the idea because it's stupid as shit.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

Sure you are. Because calling an idea stupid is debating it.

How about countering any of my points? Hopefully with something less vague than: people have promise of forwarding humanity until the moment they die.


Demon Girl Master
Aug 5, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Actually nvm b-fore this ruins the thread.

I really dislike how large Arizona Tea's cans are.
Though I'm happy that they're relatively cheap.
Last edited:


Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

I don't know if I'm having too much caffeine or too little, or if I'm suddenly able to get hangovers from a single drink, or if the sudden increase in smoking is at fault, or possibly if it's just stress, but I've been getting some awful headaches lately. Hate that shit, I got to work extra hard at being decent to people.


Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Hate Thread

Hahaha, Slicer... You want a war to thin out the population of the world? Why?

You don't want politicians, but instead want a dictator. This seems to me as a bad short term strategy.

Lawyers are useful, I don't really think that can be argued against, and Sportsmen are entertainment for the masses, they are icons and symbols for youth, and through that serve the world.

Also, as was said by the late George C. "The planet is going to be fine... It's the people who are fucked."

PS. I'd like to know what good you are doing for the world... Just curious.


Sex Demon
Feb 22, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

I hate threads over 180 pages long. Because I'l never be able to read it all and keep up at the same time.

I hate SirOni's sig. Not because it's a bad sig. It's an awesome sig. But it lags my shitty-ass computer.

I hate my shitty ass computer. It is a shitty-ass computer.


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate SirOni's sig. Not because it's a bad sig. It's an awesome sig. But it lags my shitty-ass computer.
Lrn2adblock. It's not just for blocking ads, it's also for stopping visual pollution coming from people like Oni.


Sex Demon
Feb 22, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Lrn2adblock. It's not just for blocking ads, it's also for stopping visual pollution coming from people like Oni.
I hate it when my ignorance is pointed out. It makes me sad. I don't like sad.
Found the options, no longer sad.


Jan 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

i hate the fact i never learned to read japenese perfectly. *sigh* Darn...So many games in Japanese i would love to play with great script/story if i could only read. Im Slowly considering buying a rosetta stone program.


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

i hate the fact i never learned to read japenese perfectly. *sigh* Darn...So many games in Japanese i would love to play with great script/story if i could only read. Im Slowly considering buying a rosetta stone program.
Fuck buying it. Fuck using it, actually. Know people that spent the 500$ for the basic program (laughed at them) and they said it was a piece of shit and didn't help at all.

Speaking of, I hate overpriced programs.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I'd also like to point out Splicer that this war of yours could cause even more irreparable damage to the planet itself. Never mind all the good people that'll die trying to do the right fucking thing, or that all the people you want to die will avoid being in the war simply because of their position... the planet itself will suffer as even more gasses are pumped into the atmosphere and large powers bring out some of their bigger toys.

The idea of a war to thin out the population (especially the portions of the population you pointed out) is just fucking stupid, said usually only by people who've never experienced it, or don't actually understand it.

Also, you'd get to be the commissar? Go fuck yourself, eat shit, and waddle off to a corner before someone smacks you for opening your fucking mouth.


Jan 10, 2012
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Re: Hate Thread

War is far too annoying. Thinning out the population doesn't even require war or killing necessarily. If we were in need to prune the world, sterilization could do so over generations and people could, more or less, live the same as now and be annoying sacks of flesh like myself. Of course, that's based on a lot of hypotheticals.

I am of the opinion that the world is too...thick perhaps and, if not for the whole ethics side of this kind of process on a global scale, would fully endorse this kind of thing. No one dies prematurely (in theory) and no annoying wars.

I suppose I hate ethics. But then again, empathy is somewhat required for ethics, no?


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

were not even overpopulated.

seriously, all the problems of overpopulation could be easily fixed by currently available technology, and its not actualy the corperations that are stopping it, its mostly the hippies and hippy sympathisers. for a minute i was thinking the corperations could be at fault due to peak oil, but most of the places that use oil are extremely high quality of life and not overpopulation.

that of course wouldn't stop us FROM becoming overpopulated in the near future.


Demon Girl Master
Aug 5, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

were not even overpopulated.

seriously, all the problems of overpopulation could be easily fixed by currently available technology, and its not actualy the corperations that are stopping it, its mostly the hippies and hippy sympathisers. for a minute i was thinking the corperations could be at fault due to peak oil, but most of the places that use oil are extremely high quality of life and not overpopulation.

that of course wouldn't stop us FROM becoming overpopulated in the near future.
I don't think it was overpopulation that he was directly wanting to prevent.
It was just his hate for other people that caused him to state that.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

I was quite happy to let this die, so as to not de-rail the hate thread any further as Glesipher had suggested. But then again, it's creating hate, and based on it, so I suppose it's on topic in some way. I'll work backwards on this.

Yes, my HATE (That can't be! It's not like this is the HATE THREAD) is the reason for this idea. That doesn't make it a bad idea (I'm sure lots of good things have come from hate... right?), there are actually several reasons why it's a bad idea, directly countering my own points in favor of it.

Yes technology could easily allow humans to cover every square inch of the earth comfortably without harming the planet. But there's no profit in that. Just like fusion energy, pretty much FREE energy with an nigh unlimited source. We've achieved fusion, though it takes more energy to make than it produces, so why the fuck isn't every goddamned scientist on the planet working to make that 65% a 100%+ ? Also, I hate dirty hippies just as much as the massive corporations, unfortunatly they dress thier lies a little better so it requires more work to prove them wrong.

A commissar, you know from 40k, the guys that make the Imperial Guard actually fight instead of running away? It was meant as a joke BTW as signified by my use of the smiley with the shit-eating grin: :D

Actually, in this fictional scenario, the people are specifically targeted and picked up by roaming (I don't know the name of those large military trucks, but those things) and sent to fight. What? Did you think letters were going to be sent out cordially requesting their presence on the front lines?


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

A commissar, you know from 40k, the guys that make the Imperial Guard actually fight instead of running away? It was meant as a joke BTW as signified by my use of the smiley with the shit-eating grin: :D
I didn't find it amusing.