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Re: Hate Thread

at the end of the day alcohole is a disinfectant not an anti biotic, good for cleaning wounds and other things on the surface but once your passed that its only use will be as an anesthetic.
Re: Hate Thread

It's also a depressant of sorts.
Re: Hate Thread

Well, I tried to get rid of this by consuming copious amounts of alcohol... Didn't work... And the fact that it started raining when I was at a party on saturday so we were like 2000 people standing outside in the rain... And there was wind... And I was cold... Yeah, I've had smarter moments.

On topic, I hate watching my mother and stepfather messing up the parenting of my siblings.
To give a brief example: They are 5 and 6 years old, and they've seen Pan's Labyrinth... Shit is fucked up, and there isn't a lot I can do about it.
Re: Hate Thread

I remember whining to my mom to let me watch Jurassic Park when I was 4 cuz all my friends ahd seen it already... It's just the world we live in.

Oh? A 7 year old wants to watch Saw? Ok.

A 6 year old wants to play GTA? Why not?

(Both actual cases I have witnessed)
Re: Hate Thread

Watch the Penn and Teller's Bullshit episode on video games causing violence amongst youth. Its rather interesting when they take a young kid (Somewhere between 10 and 13, can't remember exactly) who plays GTA, with Mum's permission (who's fully aware of the content but believes her child can tell the difference between reality and fantasy), and they pair him up with a former Marine who shows him how to shoot a gun and they do let off a few rounds.

The results were not what people like Jack Thompson would have you believe. Poor young bastard was crying afterwords.

Still, there is a reason ratings exist.
Re: Hate Thread

There's also a difference between knowing parents and lazy parents which is defined by context. A lot of parents let their kids watch that shit cuz they don't care and they're bad parents, but a lot of parents let them watch because they are GOOD parents, and a movie is not going to undo them. I grew up with the latter. There is a reason ratings exist, but there's also a reason a lot of it is "parental guidance." That means ANYTHING under pornography, parents can allow their children to watch or play as they wish and government, law, and most of all, other elitist people can't look at them and say "oh bad parents" because they're not doing anything more than what the rating suggests.
Re: Hate Thread

There's also a difference between knowing parents and lazy parents which is defined by context.

Entirely agreed. In my example the mother was fully aware of the content, but still allowed her child to play and even watched. Which is entirely different than a mother in Nova Scotia who let her kid get GTA, then after stopping to watch him play freaked out on the evils of video games despite not looking at the content of the game she let her child get.

There was another guy I know of who let his 5 or 6 year old child play GTA (sorry for using this game as my chief example, but it just seems to pop up the most), under his supervision. The guy wrote an article about it and I don't remember where exactly I saw it (it was in a gaming magazine so I don't know if I'll be able to find a link), but he didn't give any restrictions and found his child just wanted to drive around in the vehicles and have some basic fun. Not once did the child kill anyone on purpose.

There's examples of both, and unfortunately more do tend to lean towards bad parenting. There are kids out there who shouldn't be playing these games because of content, and aren't getting properly taught the difference between reality and fantasy, because parents are treating video games and movies like baby-sitters.
Re: Hate Thread

Somewhat on the subject, an article in my paper today about how risky child's play is. It sounds as if the article was written by a granddad in the early 80's. "Parents know the risks, wondering if a trip to the ER will soon follow buying a scooter or a BMX bike for their child, and buy these high-injury-rate products anyway. So it's not surprising our outdoor play seems to get more and more extreme each passing year, with equipment once reserved for the X Games or the Olympics increasing in family back yards."

I'm gonna stop there for a second. This article is specifically to describe modern toys, like these two wheels in which you put your feet into the rings and roll sideways as if you're on a skateboard, called the Orbitwheel. But the person writing this article is going even as far back to bikes. Yes, bicycles are used in the X games and children get hurt on them. Shame on those parents for buying their kid a bike.

"It's common these days to see toddlers somersaulting on a backyard trampoline." Really? Is it? Toddlers? Somersaulting? Very common. "as for skateboards and scooters, they've become as standard a childhood accessory as a bicycle or a wagon. (And what 8 year old rides those these days?) For more cutting-edge adventure, kids are balancing on slack lines tied between two trees, soaring off the backyard deck on a zip line, or tooling around the neighborhood on a motorized unicycle."

I'm being unfair here cuz technically this article is an advertisement as well since it does give information, but the backing to this sounds so misinformed. Those slack lines tied between trees are paired with the warning that it should only be about knee height. But these fucking kids these days are tying it up in tree branches and zippity do da'ing off their roofs into traffic, with their crazy hip hopscotch music.

"To a doctor who treats broken bones and torn tissue, such product descriptions bring a wince. But Dr. _______ _______, a spokesman for the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons says.." Here's where my attention was grabbed. Oh here comes Mr. actual doctor to give facts on why the concern is often bullshit. "...says he understands how hard it can be for parents to say 'no' to their kids' using toys or gear that are popular in spite of having lengthy and detailed warning labels." -_- No, here's the ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON discussing parents giving in to pressure. It then goes on to describe that the organization discourages use of skateboards for anyone under 5 and scooters for anyone under 8, and mentions that this Dr. has 2 kids both under 5, who each own both of those toys, his quip being "I can fix whatever they break."
Re: Hate Thread

Earlier my contact dried up while still in my eye, a lot earlier then it should have. Even after I took it out my eye was still like burning real bad, and I was on the road so had to wait for like 30 minutes before I could water it out.
Re: Hate Thread

This is why I don't wear contacts. That and I'm a gigantic pussy when it comes to putting anything near my eyes.
Re: Hate Thread

This is why I don't wear contacts. That and I'm a gigantic pussy when it comes to putting anything near my eyes.

The one type of injury I can't stand watching on TV or really even hearing about is eye damage. I still managed to overcome it, though. Sometimes it even feels BETTER with contacts in then without, if they're really moisturized.
Re: Hate Thread

you only do that shit cause you're too pussy to come say it to my fuckin face fag.

I hate (picture is approximate representation).

Pretty rare, since it takes a lot for me to raise an eyebrow at someone on the forum. Didn't give a shit about the Deminies thing. Think it's funny when newbies make a first post without reading the rules, or a lurker decides to necro a thread and everyone flames him.

But this shit is getting ridiculous.

Stop acting like your the Unholy God of Fluctuating Rep. Stop acting like the Neg Rep you get is something you aim for. You're not a troll, you're not someone who wallows in the dank depths of other forum goers shit and revels in it; you're just some dumb ass pretending to be antisocial and anxiety prone. Stop acting like calling or equating everyone to Toon Pimp is the newest insult. No one cares.

And, if they do, you'll finally have someone on the forum who understands you. Yaaaay, friendship!

On a side note:
Re: Hate Thread

The description of my new story on another site, which is very useful to attract readers, had a glaring typo I didn't notice until just now. I wonder if it detered anyone from reading x.x
Re: Hate Thread

"Article and discussion"

Well that's slightly unnerving I must say. Does back up what both of us are saying, while also pointing out that there are all kinds of folks out there wanting to make things "safer" for kids and also encouraging parents to shove them in front of digital toys like video games and movies.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate Magus too! Please notice me Sin. Yaaaay, friendship!

Yeah, well I hate men who act like when it comes to women on the internet. More than likely your princess is in another castle dude, and could probably give a shit less about what you did in this one.

Pro Tip:
Brownie points are earned by listening to her problems, not solving them for her.

Until next time kids!
Re: Hate Thread

I'm totally hardcore epic flaming you now Magus! You made my butt hurt with that last one you fucker!

End with a pointless quote used out of context to top it all off. I don't usually do this 'laying into someone for doing something stupid' stuff,(+3 skill points for making him do something out of the ordinary) but really...

Some Epic Negrepping Pimp With Good Advice said:
Feeding the troll. I don't CARE if you want to argue that you're proving him an idiot. He's still a troll and you're still feeding him.
*insert Epic Speech to prove intelligence and justify my totally epic flaming, because my butt still hurts* People, please stop using the concept of trolling as a strange form of cover up. It only makes you look worse.
[Edit] Also, FUCK!!! I actually got singled out for using the word troll!!! :/

Pretty much this. Anyone who speaks out against the precious is WRONG!!!!!!

Your succulent seething rage at being manipulated in this way quells my hunger for attention and brings a single tear to my eye at how proud I am of making you mad. No hard feelings over here though, as everyone gets suckered into something at least once in their life... Why, you almost snapped a blood vessel in your neck or two with your response! Which makes my posting stupid shit all the more worthwhile, because
As long as you don't slit your wrists over it, nothing of value is lost. Please try not to have a stroke, that would suck.

And remember kids!:
"Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people."
-Source Unknown
Re: Hate Thread

seriously magus, if you dont just leave these things unanswered your going to force me to ban you.
Re: Hate Thread

Magus-wannabe said:
bluh bluh

For a guy who supposedly has a girlfriend, you seem oddly enamoured with wedging your cock up your own ass. Odd expression, I know. Think of it as having a stick up your ass, but less stuffy and more self-defeating.
I hate that I heard an advertisment for the news on the radio, something about how everything has been hacked and everybody needs to panic NOW, (something that ought to have proved good for a laugh)... and then promptly forgot to actually watch the news.
Re: Hate Thread

seriously magus, if you dont just leave these things unanswered your going to force me to ban you.

Bah fuck. Ok, I'm done.
Anything else intended to piss me off is now on "in one ear and out the other" mode.

(I hate 'in one ear and out the other' mode. It makes me boring and unanimated and is thus being mentioned here appropriately)
Re: Hate Thread

Okay so I have a big bruise on my right leg right above the ankle and I have no idea how it got there 0_o And by big I mean across that whole side of the leg and three fingers wide...