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Re: Hate Thread

I hate when my hair gets too long. It gets so uncomfortable and untame. Can't wait to go for that haircut soon...
Re: Hate Thread

Be a real man and cut it yourself. With a combat knife. While fighting some big-ass dude who's trying to glass you. In the neck.
Re: Hate Thread

Will you be the burly man who's behind me...?
Re: Hate Thread

My parents and I just had a nice little argument because I forgot to empty the trash and do the dishes before school. Oh, and my little sister trashed the house after I left, so I got blamed for that as well. I get yelled at that my father had to do all that, and finished just before I got home. I say goodnight and go to bed.

Just now, I get an angry text yelling at me for not emptying the trash. Um, wait. So I'm getting yelled at for not doing something I was explicitly told was already done???
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I am running a fever and hacking up a storm. Someone help me!?
Re: Hate Thread

The power of Nunu compels you.
Re: Hate Thread

Not having anything to do at work. I could be doing other things, not sitting down on my ass and watching holes being drilled in the rock blocking our planned sewer lines. Bah boring.

And yes, pollen is a pain. Good that meds work.
Re: Hate Thread

So. Ponies. Yeah... I really fucking hate that show and I haven't even watched it. So I guess an explanation on my biased rage towards it is in order.

It all started one day while browsing /co/. Ponies, ponies everywhere and I didn't understand why. To me it looked pretty boring because it seemed to be just another mindless 'girly' cartoon. Now I know how retarded that sounds, and probably a bit sexist, and you're probably right. Though I just shrugged and let it be. Now for those of you who browse /co/ you'll know what happened next, but for those of you who don't well lets just say there was a massive pony explosion and that shit got out of hand really fast. Now I'm sitting here wondering why the fuck grown men (or at least young male adults) are flapping their gums about this seemingly sparkly girls show. I mean I watch shit that's not aimed at my age group such as Ben 10, but at least that's aimed at my gender. Anyway, regardless of that I let them continue to like it while I went about my indifference to it.

Then one day it happened. One of my RL friends started taking an interest in it and told me how awesome it was and how I should check it out immediately. I just shrugged and said it looked pretty damn crap. He acted as if I had stabbed him in the dick with a chainsaw and continued to pester me about My Little Pony. He had been doing that quite a bit though it was only recently did I let my shit fly out, telling him I had no interest in watching this shitty little show about fucking ponies. I said more stuff but that's not important now. From my friend, and what I could glean from the snippets of posts on /co/ the fandom is one of the most retarded, dumbshit filled cesspools on the internet. Or anywhere for that matter. Yes, I'm well aware most fandom's are fucking disgusting, just look at the fandom for Sonic or TF2, they're some of the worst fandom's out there. Hell, Homestuck has a pretty fucking terrible fandom and some days I am ashamed to call myself a member of that fandom. But christ, none of it holds a candle to the filth that is My Little Pony.

So there we go, my indifference to a show has been turned into a seething hot rage thanks to the godawful fandom. So yeah, it's not just the show I hate but the people who like it and violently masturbate in other peoples faces when they say they have no interest in it. However I will keep my hate outside of the recently created thread so long as you keep that shit there. After all it's your choice to like it and I'm not going to take that away from you.
Re: Hate Thread

oni i've got one question for you:

how do you stab someone in the dick with a chainsaw? i mean the blade in its thinest dimensions is roughly the same size as a penis (or close enough to) so that it would just mulch the whole thing where as stabbing implies putting it through the penis.
Re: Hate Thread

Could it not be turned on, and you thrust a singular sharp end of the saw into the penis?
Re: Hate Thread

I love our intellectual debates. Totally made me forget what I was going to bitch about just now *laughs*

Hate finding games I paid full price for new at the local surplus store for a dollar. New. Not the original complaint, but it'll do. Since that did piss me off today.
Re: Hate Thread

Long rant I don't wanna clog the forums by quoting

I don't understand the appeal either. I like the show, but I won't shove it down your throat or... wank in your face... 0.o

I personally am embarrassed by the fanatics. MLP is turning into Christianity...

I think I actually read an article that said Lauren Faust made the show so the demographic would be everyone. Take as you will.
Re: Hate Thread

Remembered what it was I was going to bitch about.

Found a manga series that apparently went years between issues coming out and I finish the third one and read it and I get the impression that the series isn't done and there's no sign of a fourth on the horizon any time soon. Another unfinished series to add to the collection. Or a series in limbo, given publishing times. I hope that really isn't the case, but...
Re: Hate Thread

Remembered what it was I was going to bitch about.

Found a manga series that apparently went years between issues coming out and I finish the third one and read it and I get the impression that the series isn't done and there's no sign of a fourth on the horizon any time soon. Another unfinished series to add to the collection. Or a series in limbo, given publishing times. I hope that really isn't the case, but...

I know how that feels. I really really do. But... that'll just lead to me bitching about George R.R. "I'll publish the fourth book in 2005" Martin, who then released HALF the fucking book in 2007. Fucker...

I should digress.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I had strep in my lungs for one and a half month before the doctors finally said: "Hey you, you have strep in your lungs!" At which point I had managed to fight it off by myself...

I also hate that I am now sick, and it all looks and feels and tastes very much like that strep infection.

Finally I hate that I have gotten this at a time in a Norwegians life where partying is like air and alcohol flows like water.

There's a party that I'm going to, it's been on for a few days allready, and that was awesome, but yesterday I just ended up sleeping in the back of the styled van we're using and being the designated driver.

I. Hate. Being. Sick.

EDIT: I should also add that this party was given the 2nd. Place for wildest party in the world, second only to the carnival in Rio.
Re: Hate Thread

I know how that feels. I really really do. But... that'll just lead to me bitching about George R.R. "I'll publish the fourth book in 2005" Martin, who then released HALF the fucking book in 2007. Fucker...

I should digress.

Worked in a bookstore, so I know your pain. Then again, there's some of the other manga series that I've found/gotten into that just...stop. Loveless. Descendants of Darkness. Ragnarok. Legal Drug. Not to mention Koontz's Frankenstein series, Volume 3.

And of course, my personal favorite, the fact that Robert Jordan *died* Granted, I don't find death in and of itself amusing (most of the time. And unless it's a sin-eater game.), but that was just too much.

Wonder: Sorry to hear that, man. Being sick in general sucks. Being sick when there's fun things to do sucks even more. I take it the alkimahol doesn't help burn the germs out, huh?
Re: Hate Thread

Actually, I've wondered in the past why we don't just start gargling and inhaling vodka to get rid of infections in that area. I mean yeah sure, you'll be drunk as shit and should probably wear goggles, but it should get rid of germs, right?
Re: Hate Thread

Actually, I've wondered in the past why we don't just start gargling and inhaling vodka to get rid of infections in that area. I mean yeah sure, you'll be drunk as shit and should probably wear goggles, but it should get rid of germs, right?

Not...really. For one thing, those infections are usually caused by viruses, which are considerably more durable than bacteria. And even if it were a bacterial infection, I very much doubt that it would be that effective. You see, what can kill germs can also kill your own cells, in the case of general toxins like alcohol. And since the bacteria wouldn't be as a neat layer on top of your own cells, the amount of alcohol required to kill them all would be enough to kill plenty of your own cells. In this case, the cure might be worse than the disease.
Re: Hate Thread

Actually, I've wondered in the past why we don't just start gargling and inhaling vodka to get rid of infections in that area. I mean yeah sure, you'll be drunk as shit and should probably wear goggles, but it should get rid of germs, right?

I get a sore throat caused by the onset of a cold, I gargle vodka. It avoid the cold or have a very mild one. Problem hentaispider? trollphysicsface.gif