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Re: Hate Thread

A UK-based game company called Ninja Theory are developing it with Capcom. So they are at least putting in a hand to help develop it. Looks like not everything that comes out of Britain is awesome after all. Goddamn why did they have to make Dante look like such a faggot.
Re: Hate Thread

Do you mean Because the

I've not followed the DMC series, so I'm probably ignorant about it.

Agreed about him looking... bland, if you will, he looks too much like any moody dramatic and overly too-serious protagonist... Though it seems to mention a change of appearance somewhere, white hair included... if that's helpful.

Which makes me wonder if Asher's the same, geh.

What do I hate? Finishing a post and forgetting to include a link to a
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate that none of the local bookstores appears to have Pratchett's newest novel.
Re: Hate Thread

Gah! The postservice or whoever it is that's preventing me from getting the new subwoofer for my car are seriously starting to get on my nerves. I got a pickup note on sunday... Go to pick up on monday... Apparently it's the wrong pickup number... Even though THEY sent me the slip. So I go in with the second tracking number and everything on tuesday. Still nuthin. Now they're just searching for it I think but DAMN! It's a big box with my name and adress on it! How can you just loose it? How do they manage to fail so hard, that they *think* they have gotten my package, send me a pickup note, then when I come to pickup, "Oh, that package doesn't exist."
Re: Hate Thread

Dante looks like a big sack of fucking shit in the new Devil May Cry, so even if Capcom was developing it you should still hate it.

Look at your Dante. Now back to me. Now at your Dante. Now BACK TO ME.


It's late, and I can't remember if we talked about this in the gaming thread or if it was a friend of mine and I that had the conversation, but that is Dante next to his Ninja Theory creator.

Separated at birth?

I also hate going to sleep for four hours, waking up and not feeling like you slept at all. Ugh!
Re: Hate Thread

Look at your Dante. Now back to me. Now at your Dante. Now BACK TO ME.


It's late, and I can't remember if we talked about this in the gaming thread or if it was a friend of mine and I that had the conversation, but that is Dante next to his Ninja Theory creator.

Separated at birth?

I also hate going to sleep for four hours, waking up and not feeling like you slept at all. Ugh!

Least he can still make a dramatic entry:

Re: Hate Thread

It's more of a mild irritation than hate, but seeing as we don't have a 'mild irritation' thread I'll post it here.

Why the hell can't I find an MU/RS download for the 12th episode of Ben 10: Ultimate Alien? It aired six days ago, it should be on a file share site by now.
Re: Hate Thread

I really hate my fucking godamn job. I have an exam 9am Monday, so what time do I get off work? 6:30 fucking am Monday fucking morning. I need a new goddamn motherfucking job.
Re: Hate Thread


*Glomps the Big Sis' Chibichibiii!*

Gah, any less sucky jobs around there? Not really sure what to say, but I'm around if you wanna talk.

And Ramona seriously had a bad taste.
Re: Hate Thread

Thanks, but it was only a stroke of luck that i got this job. asdfghjkl
Re: Hate Thread

Someone just kill me now. I hate my lire, what the fuci did I do that made karma decide to fuck me over like this. I just vomited for ten straight minutes at work and theres no way for me to go home
Re: Hate Thread

Someone just kill me now. I hate my lire, what the fuci did I do that made karma decide to fuck me over like this. I just vomited for ten straight minutes at work and theres no way for me to go home

Wake up your boyfriend/one of your friends and tell them to get their asses over there to keep you company. You'll still feel shitty, just not as shitty with someone to talk to.
Re: Hate Thread

I'm at work a full hour away from home and none of my friends have vehicles. beside they have school and boy has work at 7, and I'm not allowed to have visitors on,post I could get fired if I do.
Re: Hate Thread

throw up ON the boss, should let you go home
Re: Hate Thread

I dislike the fact that I have no feeling for international pricing because I live in Norway... I have on average 15 direct hits to my online store, and I don't think the products are terrible, but I still have no sales... Should I adjust the pricing? Is 25 bucks too much for a t-shirt in the States and in Japan? (That's where I have the most hits...)

Anyways, I should probably make a thread about this...
Re: Hate Thread

wait, why the bunny