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Re: Hate Thread

Personally, I would have told her I would help if he was helping. If he wasn't helping, then she could forget about it. If she persisted after that, I would have kept interrupting with "get him to help, first."

The thing is, while it does suck cleaning up after somebody else, if they're constantly being a giant jack-off about it, people will get tired of it and he will get punished. Unless the majority of the people in your house are just that moronic, in which case I would suggest simply dealing with it until you're able to get the fuck out, and then give all the idiots the biggest middle-finger you can muster on your way out. Metaphorically or literally, either way. Hell, do both.
Re: Hate Thread

I REALLY hate the gaming technology this generation. So fucking much.

My 360 breaks down, my PS3 is also screwing up by shutting off randomly (And I only use it to watch blu-ray!!). And the Wii only has a few GOOD games that actually don't abuse the console's gimmicks so it's really hard to actually consider buying it myself.

On top of that, console video games are pretty much going up the wall. I swear, I saw a game that was practically 90 bucks. 90 FUCKING dollars. And everyone thought gas prices were ridiculous.

Wtf. What happened to the old days where I could play games and actually enjoy them and not have to fear it overheating and malfunction like ass? What a dark age to live in. Thank god I still have my old consoles that EVEN AFTER TEN FUCKING YEARS can still be played and won't break down. I could bash the system with a hammer in rage and it'd still work fine (probably cause the game to freeze but whatever).

That is why I've finally given up on video games altogether. Now I'm interested in developing my own video game since I'm nearing the old age where I don't really have that much time to be playing games anyway.
Re: Hate Thread

I REALLY hate the gaming technology this generation. So fucking much.

My 360 breaks down, my PS3 is also screwing up by shutting off randomly (And I only use it to watch blu-ray!!). And the Wii only has a few GOOD games that actually don't abuse the console's gimmicks so it's really hard to actually consider buying it myself.

The new-gen consoles aren't bad, but the Wii tried to be profitable on a gimmick (which, while they are profitable, it's not because of the gimmick), the PS3 was just TOO DAMN PRICEY at the onset, and the 360 got a really bad reputation right out the gate (seriously, I waited a year to ask for one, and it has NOT ONCE given me the 'red ring').
In all honesty, I'm just pissed off at the lack of backwards compatability. Sure, I can buy the games on the online stores they have, BUT I ALREADY HAVE THEM FOR FUCK'S SAKE ASDFGHJKL!!

Personally, I'm glad I bought my PS2. Large catalogue of games (I forget if it's backwards compatible since I don't have any PS1 games), it can play games, movies, AND music, it has (shitty IMO, but it's there) online capabilities, and I was able to buy it for under $100.
Re: Hate Thread

PS2 is backwards compatable. I play the first 3 spyros on ours all the time (classic spyros where the story actually was funny :p )
Re: Hate Thread

PS2 is backwards compatable. I play the first 3 spyros on ours all the time (classic spyros where the story actually was funny :p )

It should be noted that PS2 memory cards are not however, so you need a PS1 memory card.
Re: Hate Thread

I fucking hate that I have to give up on my best friend just because she decides her new jackass boyfriend is never wrong and he should be allowed to treat her friends like shit.

Oh and her too.
Re: Hate Thread

As is traditional in these stories i'm sure she'll realise all this and come crawling back.

whether you want your best friend back after this is something you get to decide for yourself.
Re: Hate Thread

As is traditional in these stories i'm sure she'll realise all this and come crawling back.

whether you want your best friend back after this is something you get to decide for yourself.

It's been two months.

When it's over she aint gonna realize shit -_-
Re: Hate Thread

Well the other option is that she winds up a crack whore in the street, but i wasn't gonna say it.
Re: Hate Thread

Actual, crack addiction may be the ...
Re: Hate Thread

My parents want me to give some blood Saturday, AND THEN GO HIKING UP A MOUNTAIN WITH THEM. WTF. I don't doubt that I could do physical activities after giving blood, but aren't you supposed to, yanno, NOT DO SOMETHING LIKE HIKE UP A GIANT-ASS MOUNTAIN.
Re: Hate Thread

i'm pretty sure the doctors tell you to take it easy after giving blood.
Re: Hate Thread

I blame my little brother. He's one of those people who gets up at FIVE in the morning, runs for about an hour, hour-and-a-half, eats... something (if mom makes scrambled eggs, he'll eat that, otherwise I guess he just eats black beans or a couple of those Jewish crackers and puts cheese on them), goes to school (high school freshman), comes home, runs for another TWO hours, eats soup, black beans, or a couple of those Jewish crackers and puts some cheese on them, then goes to sleep. Not that all that in itself is a bad thing, in fact it's a good thing, but the bad thing is that he CONSTANTLY taunts the rest of us about the fact that we don't do the same thing. AND MY PARENTS DECIDED THAT THEY SHOULD DO THAT STUFF TOO. AND DRAG ME ALONG.

I say, nay nay.
Re: Hate Thread

does it have to be your own?
Re: Hate Thread

Probably. I'd have to ask when I get there.
Re: Hate Thread

The more I watch MUGEN videos, the more I hate the people that propagate that system.
Re: Hate Thread

My parents want me to give some blood Saturday, AND THEN GO HIKING UP A MOUNTAIN WITH THEM. WTF. I don't doubt that I could do physical activities after giving blood, but aren't you supposed to, yanno, NOT DO SOMETHING LIKE HIKE UP A GIANT-ASS MOUNTAIN.

I never took the needle but I see that being a good idea for a Darwin Award Candidate. I suggest taking water and a cell phone just in case.