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Re: Hate Thread

Okay, it's not quite so much hate as it is anger, but goddamn the latest chapter of Fullmetal Alchemist has angered me.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate making edits after I've posted a story. Little minor things, no big deal, but it's a change in dialogue. Nothing serious but it's like "okay, do I say something for those who already read it or do I let it go?" So I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone and gripe about it *laughs* Thankfully, I hadn't put it up on my other site yet. That doesn't allow for editing of posts, which sucks royal, especially when you come across a major typo.
Re: Hate Thread

if it does happen ehre copper you can always ask for help.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that my video card apparently just broke. All things considering I'm really lucky that I had spare.
Re: Hate Thread

Originally Posted by Copper
That doesn't allow for editing of posts, which sucks royally, especially when you come across a major typo.
Here's another one for you. :D

Actually, no, I meant "royal." I type like I talk and that's something I say.

And thanks, Nu. I was more referring to the yahoo group I have where I post things. I went to edit something and found out that I couldn't, which I found odd. I may have to investigate further.

Course, I am the mod there, I might be able to abuse those powers...
Re: Hate Thread

Nonetheless the correct use would've been royally, except it sucks something that is called royal. As it relates to a verb it has to be an adverb.

Re: Hate Thread

Though you are right and "royally" would be grammatically correct, it's still not a typo due to the fact that I did it on purpose, not out of ignorance or by accident.

Tick: It's your turn now, Thorace-bog.
Thrakkorzog: It's Thrakkorzog. Thrakkorzog. With a K.
Tick: We're only serving humble pie, Whatchamazog.
Thrakkorzog: For the last time, it's...
Tick: Thorax-and-a-bog. Four-yaks-and-a-dog.
Thrakkorzog: No.
Tick: Ah, laxative-log.
Thrakkorzog: No, no, no.
Tick: Sapsucker-frog.
Thrakkorzog: Thrakkorzog.
Tick: Susan?
Thrakkorzog: Now you're doing it on purpose. How juvenile.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate magevideos limited viewing time,
I hate it so much I nearly forgot to rhyme,
It's such a preposterous pain in the pockets,
I'm considering talking to them with ROCKETS!
Re: Hate Thread

Right now, I'm hating unfinished fanfics. New obsession, new hunt for player made content. And I really should know better, but some of the premises (premisi?) sound very good and I want to check them out, only to find out that there's only one or two chapters up and it was last updated seven months ago. This is why I never put up a fanfic until it's done. Or rather, I've finished writing it. They're never done, really. Even now, some are still subjected to fits of editing. I fully understand that Life can happen, but the writer/fangirl in me feels like ranting.

On a side note, not so much a hate, but it amazes me that there are 176 stories for Dance Dance Revolution in fanfic.net's archives.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate Firefox. I have two tabs open. I have scrolled quite far in the first tab and now I switch to second tab. Now when I press home, the first tab is scrolled up instead of the second tab being scrolled up. You'd think that someone, somewhere would have noticed that this is not ideal.
Re: Hate Thread


I'm sorry Hooker, but that just feels like a stupid thing to hate.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that my birthday falls right around the first heap of work in the second half of school every goddamn year. It's like I can't have fun until I read five books, write a report on the life and times of Ralph Emerson, and blow a professor.
Re: Hate Thread

On a side note, not so much a hate, but it amazes me that there are 176 stories for Dance Dance Revolution in fanfic.net's archives.

does DDR even have a storyline?

My thoughts exactly! I was too tired and too overdue for bed to delve into them. Maybe one day when I'm feeling braver, I'll check them out.

Fanfic does kind of have it's own Rule 34...if it exists, there's fanfic of it. Usually slash, too.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, yeah. New day, new rant. I hate finding out that "loot" or some other randomly unimportant item that I've sold off *hours* ago has just turned into a necessary item for a sidequest.

For those of you playing DA: Hold on to the garnets :p