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Re: Hate Thread

One would think that, after spending billions to duct tape him back together, get him a crew, and give him a space ship, that they could make an automated system for the god damn resource gathering

Where else do you suspect Cerberus gets their funds from? The whole thing is an illegal mining racket.

On topic, I hate Junior High School teachers who believe they are almighty authority figures...
Hell if it was a college prof, I could understand...in my experience, they have all been rather pretentious in their own way...
Re: Hate Thread

I hate my friend's piece of shit car. It breaks down with alarming regularity and he spends so much money keeping it running that he never quite gets enough cash for a new, better car. And when I tell him I'll take him from A to B he asks 'What about C?' Fuck C! I have my own shit to do! I'm not a goddamn taxi! Take the fucking bus! Call in a favor! Suck some dick for a ride! I don't care, I'm busy! Fuck!
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I feel overwhelmed when it comes to adding mods onto a game. Sure, it probably isn't complicated, but all I want to do is download the G.E.C.K. and pop in a mod file to see naked people, and I'm seeing a lot of different mods that do that, and half of them say stuff like 'you need to invalidate'... something or other, I don't know without having it sitting here to look at... all I want to do is grab the .esp file, drop it into the G.E.C.K., and go. GAH!

I hate not being able to find out if the buses are running in my area because the people who run it are too damned stupid to put something on their website to let me know.

I HATE when I'm trying to masturbate, and someone tries to hand me some good old fashioned cola. GO AWAY GOD-DAMMIT, I'M TRYING TO MASTURBATE.
In all seriousness, I do hate when I'm trying to masturbate, and people keep bugging me. I know they don't know what I'm doing, but my door is closed, my lights are off, why do you feel the need to disturb me, I could be sleeping for all you know, FUCK OFF T.T
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I feel overwhelmed when it comes to adding mods onto a game. Sure, it probably isn't complicated, but all I want to do is download the G.E.C.K. and pop in a mod file to see naked people, and I'm seeing a lot of different mods that do that, and half of them say stuff like 'you need to invalidate'... something or other, I don't know without having it sitting here to look at... all I want to do is grab the .esp file, drop it into the G.E.C.K., and go. GAH!

I hear you here. I've been trying to get a new faction for Medieval II Total War that the modders made. But for some damn reason I have to start fucking around with other files and it still don't work... damn thing.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate my dentist.

So I woke this morning with a throbbing ache in my upper jaw and decided to stay home from school because fuck it, I've never been sick this school year and I really did feel ill. So I call my dentist.

She gave me an appointment at 4.15 in the afternoon.

SURE. My teeth may be rotting as we speak, but please do wait until EVENING to come in, otherwise there would be MILD INCONVENIENCES.

So I bade my time and came in when she wanted me to, spent the next 30 minutes getting my jaw x-rayed, waiting on that bitch to show up only to tell me that my teeth are fine. When I asked for a medical certificate she called me lazy and sent me to see a general practitioner - which, of course, were all CLOSED by now. So I spent the next 90 minutes in pants-shitting terror of getting an F in some test I THOUGHT we would write. We didn't, but still.

Fuck, one of these days I'm gonna strap her to her chair and ram that drill into her fucking eyesockets.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, using mods really shouldn't be more complicated than "replace folder X with the one in the mod" or something like that.

I hate bureaucrazy.
Re: Hate Thread

In all seriousness, I do hate when I'm trying to masturbate, and people keep bugging me. I know they don't know what I'm doing, but my door is closed, my lights are off, why do you feel the need to disturb me, I could be sleeping for all you know, FUCK OFF T.T

That's why I masturbate .
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how I stumble threw the User Cp and I realise how much hate mail I got from being de reped for hate threat posts then laughing histerically at the comments even though I have long forgotten what the fuck it was about lol Also I hate the number E and the Letter Kitten
Re: Hate Thread

I hate today. Woke up with a headache, had to sit through 4 hours of T.V. Production class without the aide of medicine, when I got home the medicine didn't work, and I didn't get Sushi like I was promised.

I may have to kill someone tomorrow if this headache isn't gone by then.

I hate that I have to download a mod to ENABLE THE USE OF THE CONSOLE in Fallout 3 because Windows decided to make a device that interferes with the TILDE (~) key when I'm playing a game. Fuck you, M$, fuck you.

. . . Fuck trying to help people with their personal shit, I'm done with it. Seriously, I'm done. I'm tired of having the same shit play out the same way over, and over, and over again... fucking hell, I'm in College, I don't need some High-School drama shit.
Basically, it always happens like this:
Friend:Oh no, something bad is happening and I don't know what to do!
Me: Would you like my opinion?
Friend: YES!
Me: <opinion>
Friend: Wow, that sounds like good advice, I'm going to go ahead and completely ignore it, cya later!
Me: ...
Friend: Well fuck, now everything's fucked. Why did you give me shitty advice?
Me: . . . Fuck you.

Every. Single. Fucking. TIME. And it's not like it's the same person over and over again, either.
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Re: Hate Thread

. . . Fuck trying to help people with their personal shit, I'm done with it. Seriously, I'm done. I'm tired of having the same shit play out the same way over, and over, and over again... fucking hell, I'm in College, I don't need some High-School drama shit.
Basically, it always happens like this:
Friend:Oh no, something bad is happening and I don't know what to do!
Me: Would you like my opinion?
Friend: YES!
Me: <opinion>
Friend: Wow, that sounds like good advice, I'm going to go ahead and completely ignore it, cya later!
Me: ...
Friend: Well fuck, now everything's fucked. Why did you give me shitty advice?
Me: . . . Fuck you.

Every. Single. Fucking. TIME. And it's not like it's the same person over and over again, either.

Re: Hate Thread

Well ya shouldn't give shitty advice then!

Re: Hate Thread

Well ya shouldn't give shitty advice then!


Here's a not so funny but true story.
Slightly abridged but actual conversation I've had:

Friend: (2 weeks into relationship) My boyfriend beats me sometimes, and ignores me even though I'm bawling my eyes out unless he wants sex. He refuses to spend time with me unless we're having sex, and he refuses to use protection. He's already cheated on me and all my friends hate me because of him. What should I do?
Me: He sounds like an asshole. Dump him.
Friend: I can't! He loves me! That would break his heart.
Me: No, he doesn't. He probably wouldn't care if you left him since he's just using you for sex and a source of money anyway. He's already got plenty of other prospects for both, from what you've told me. You should leave him before he gets you pregnant or drives you to suicide.
Friend: Nooooo!! (Ends conversation.)

Eventual Result: He broke up with her and moved out after a couple months, she calls me a few weeks later and tells me she's pregnant with his kid. A few weeks later I lost contact with her completely.
Re: Hate Thread

I idled for 9 hours and all I got was this shitty Chargin' Targe. :|
Re: Hate Thread

I hate anyone who acts like that Tass. "Oh they love me despite cheating on me and using me and beating me,". It's just fucking retarded and willing blindness.
Re: Hate Thread

It works like this: The relationship starts, and it's all sunshine and puppies. The first bad thing happens, be it cheating or violence or theft etc, and the relationship goes on the rocks for a bit. Then one of two things happen: It's over, which is the way it should be, or the liar/cheat/thief worms their way back in with gifts and promises and apologies. If the scoundrel is taken back then it becomes more likely that they will act out again, and more likely that the victim will accept them back again. The victim doesn't enjoy being victimized, but absolutely adores the recovery period, as it is taken as proof that the scoundrel adores her and can't live with out her. So every time they are stolen from, cheated on, or beaten they are looking forward to the make up stuff that will be coming after. Of course, over time the make ups become less dramatic and the fouls become more foul, and so the abused obviously gets the short end of the stick in the long run.

It makes an ass-backward kind of sense.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate this bad taste in my mouth that I get when ever I don't eat for long periods of time
Re: Hate Thread

I hate this bad taste in my mouth that I get when ever I don't eat for long periods of time

Yeah, I hate that too, what's it like? I taste something that is similar to what I would imagine rotten meat tastes like, it's nasty. Usually I get it when I wake up, more often when I had a small or early dinner.
Re: Hate Thread

Bile. I've gotten sick from starvation a lot and ya end up throwing up what is like a yellow mucus, which is the taste you get from being hungry.

It's pretty gross.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when I randomly think up a good/funny response to something that hasn’t actually been said/posted, and then realize that by the time someone does say/post it, I’ll have forgotten what my intended response was. Furthermore, I hate the fact that it wouldn’t be even close to as funny if I told someone to say the phrase I have a response for, because then they’re expecting something.