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Re: Hate Thread

who am i again
Re: Hate Thread

Toon Pimp/ Dusty's Parent/ Tomato's Grandparent/ a waste barrel...

Clear things up?
Re: Hate Thread

I really hate it when people call themselves weird. It's basically saying, "I have no personality, so I need to exaggerate myself in order to make it seem like I'm more interesting than I really am."

People who truly are considered "weird" would never see themselves as weird because they're too busy... Being weird.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate wearing long-sleeved shirts.
Re: Hate Thread

Despite having never played it, just from what Darkfire has told me and from listening to the (shitty) main theme, I fucking hate Final Fantasy X-2.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate this cultural trend...


Not penny arcade, but the idea to remake a book about a game that was based off a book to begin with...
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how my store will just randomly stop carrying things, particularly books in a series or TV show DVD releases. They'll have, like, 1-4 and doing a search on it, I find out that it's up to nearly book 10 *grumbles* It's like they *want* to drive the customers to the website.

I also hate when series just...stop. I can see there being time between releases. I understand. That happens. I don't like it, but I understand it. But I have (at least) five series that I've been waiting on releases of the next book for upwards on probably 4 years now on the one and there's no sign of it getting printed any time soon. Two of the series I'm waiting on, it also happens to be the last freaking book. It'd be different if it fell into the situation bitched about above, but no. This is a complete and utter halt to publication and it ticks me the hell off.
Re: Hate Thread

I really hate it when people call themselves weird. It's basically saying, "I have no personality, so I need to exaggerate myself in order to make it seem like I'm more interesting than I really am."

People who truly are considered "weird" would never see themselves as weird because they're too busy... Being weird. Kind of like people who are always screaming about how non-conformist they are and not realizing that they are fitting right into the comfortable mold of conformity - Alias

I hate wearing long-sleeved shirts.

Despite having never played it, just from what Darkfire has told me and from listening to the (shitty) main theme, I fucking hate Final Fantasy X-2.

I hate the entire series, so I win. I've never finished a single one of those games, and I've played 3/4 of them for at least three hours a piece. - Alias

These posts are made of sheer untainted epic win.

I hate how my store will just randomly stop carrying things, particularly books in a series or TV show DVD releases. They'll have, like, 1-4 and doing a search on it, I find out that it's up to nearly book 10 *grumbles* It's like they *want* to drive the customers to the website.

I also hate when series just...stop. I can see there being time between releases. I understand. That happens. I don't like it, but I understand it. But I have (at least) five series that I've been waiting on releases of the next book for upwards on probably 4 years now on the one and there's no sign of it getting printed any time soon. Two of the series I'm waiting on, it also happens to be the last freaking book. It'd be different if it fell into the situation bitched about above, but no. This is a complete and utter halt to publication and it ticks me the hell off.

This post is also made of win, although not quite as unrefined epic as the others.
Re: Hate Thread

Kind of like people who are always screaming about how non-conformist they are and not realizing that they are fitting right into the comfortable mold of conformity - Alias

THIS. THIS MOTHERFUCKER RIGHT BY HERE. People who say they're 'non-comformist' pisses me off like nothing else. I literally have to physically stop myself from flying into a blind rage. Living with my brother when he went through his Emo stage was hard work. 'Oh I'm so non-comformist!' 'NO YOU ARE NOT! YOU'RE COMFORMING WITH ALL THE OTHER FUCKTARDS WHO THINK THE EMO SCENE IS NON-COMFORMIST!'
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how my store will just randomly stop carrying things, particularly books in a series or TV show DVD releases. They'll have, like, 1-4 and doing a search on it, I find out that it's up to nearly book 10 *grumbles* It's like they *want* to drive the customers to the website.

I also hate when series just...stop. I can see there being time between releases. I understand. That happens. I don't like it, but I understand it. But I have (at least) five series that I've been waiting on releases of the next book for upwards on probably 4 years now on the one and there's no sign of it getting printed any time soon. Two of the series I'm waiting on, it also happens to be the last freaking book. It'd be different if it fell into the situation bitched about above, but no. This is a complete and utter halt to publication and it ticks me the hell off.

Have you checked to see if there were reasons? Writers can die, too(as I know from my own experience).

I hate being hungry. It's such a bother. Yeah, I do sometimes need a reminder to eat, but does it have to be so annoying and unclear? I just start feeling lethargic and unless I'm thinking something along those lines already, it always takes a while before I realize the reason. Besides, 8 hours isn't even such a long time to go without eating. Damn those biological imperatives.
Re: Hate Thread

Bo Burnham said:
And I want you, yeah, like all the gothic kids that look exactly the same, never want to conform

Funny thing is, I tried to escape my chores,
but the window told me, "Write some more for us."
Re: Hate Thread

As a regular attendee at goth events, I frequently find myself talking to people about the subculture and the fashion inherent. While yes you can say they all look alike etc, there are differences you begin to notice, specially when you look at goths who are clearly in it for fashion and conformity, and others who just 'ended up' there.

For example, Edward, a friend of mine, dresses as a clown. Not a gothy clown, not a scary clown, but a clown you would see at a fete. One of the most interesting people I've ever met.

In the first time I met him, we discussed a little about the standard of dress at that club. I overheard more than one person remark on my clothing (jeans and a tee-shirt) (and also my age appearance), and he remarked that a lot of Goth fashion was in fact about the little differences. There is a unified theme present, but if you're not applying your own personal style to it, you're doin it wrong. Inevitably I returned to dancing with the sugar fairies.

I hate shopping at Rocking Horse. The pretentiousness hits you before you even get through the door. Sadly its the only good music store in the city.
Re: Hate Thread

Just remember, you are unique, just like everybody else.

In other news, I hate stairs. Mostly when cats puke on one of the steps and I accidentally step in it because I'm carrying a huge box.
Re: Hate Thread

THIS. THIS MOTHERFUCKER RIGHT BY HERE. People who say they're 'non-comformist' pisses me off like nothing else. I literally have to physically stop myself from flying into a blind rage. Living with my brother when he went through his Emo stage was hard work. 'Oh I'm so non-comformist!' 'NO YOU ARE NOT! YOU'RE COMFORMING WITH ALL THE OTHER FUCKTARDS WHO THINK THE EMO SCENE IS NON-COMFORMIST!'

Joining the counter-culture certainly defies societal norms but still requires a level of conformity that's ironic for anyone trying to be non-conformist; especially in when related to music scenes that dictate a specific method of dress. Interesting idea for a social experiment: try going to several goth/emo/punk concerts in average clothes, or even clothes counter to the expected standard, and see what happens.
Re: Hate Thread

Have you checked to see if there were reasons? Writers can die, too(as I know from my own experience).

Talking about Robert Jordan, are we? *chuckles* Far as I know, no. Though I think there's one that just up and decided to stop drawing, which sucks. The other one put out a book...last year and it was freaking massive (like three manga thick in one book) but it's still not the end of the story. Mostly I think it's because they're not being translated. Although the bit about my store stopping carrying them holds true *regardless* of the manga artist. They just suck with their selection *laughs*
Re: Hate Thread

To go along with hating "non-conformists", I fucking hate standardization. Why does the military have it in their head to train new recruits, and during leadership courses that to have a standard will ensure we all survive on the battlefield. When I was overseas we all had different tactical vests, which we then sold to the next rotation.

It just bugs me that people are trying to fucking cock us around, and they try to use an excuse that I know from experience is simply bullshit. I have more combat experience than my instructors for fuck's sake.