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Re: Hate Thread

I don't see your reasoning behind this. A world without laughter would be dull and depressing, full of bitter people like Mo.

That what you want? A world full of Mos?

I don't know, I think that would be a pretty nice place. I mean, nothing would get done. At all. Ever. And we would all die of starvation. Or choking each other. Or something.

Also, laughter doesn't necessarily equal fun. I don't think this is possible, but I guess if you suppress your emotions to a point where you can feel happiness without smiling or think something's funny without laughter.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when people back out of a plan. Especially when doing so means I just basically threw out $100 and am once again denied the right to see one of my favorite bands live.
Re: Hate Thread

That's... ouch Tassadar. That just fucking sucks.
Re: Hate Thread

Ehhhh. Could be worse. I might still be able to go, it's just not certain anymore.
Re: Hate Thread

Hope you do. Who's the band?
Re: Hate Thread

Update: Nope, screwed again. Sonata Arctica and Dragonforce were the bands.
Re: Hate Thread

WOW! ... just fucking wow.

..that's not even a "yo, wtf you screwed me over," that's a "I know I can't accurately measure money to pleasure, but I'm just going to saw through you until I feel I've earned my $100 back from happiness."
Re: Hate Thread

Also, laughter doesn't necessarily equal fun. I don't think this is possible, but I guess if you suppress your emotions to a point where you can feel happiness without smiling or think something's funny without laughter.

If that's the case, nobody would look like they were having fun. So everybody would figure nobody was enjoying what's happening, and they would stop. Thus, the people hiding that they're having fun are no longer having fun. Nobody is.

I hate to say this, but Mo, you should really get some help. I mean, maybe this is just a show you're putting on, but you're way too bitter about everything. Life isn't exactly great. You may have nothing to be happy about. But really, does saying that you hate the world, everybody in it, and everything about it really going to help anything? No, it won't.

I'm somewhere between a pessimist and an optimist. I myself often question why we're here. But that question won't be answered anytime soon, if at all. So why worry about it? As far as I know, I was put on this Earth to live a normal life. That's all that I've lived so far. A normal life. Nothing outstanding, nothing exciting. I eat, I sleep, I work. Rinse and repeat. I've yet to hit that point in my life where something big happens, and that's if anything big will happen at all. But I feel like that day will come at some point, so I try to see every day as an opportunity for that big thing to happen. If it doesn't, there's always tomorrow.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, try being more optimistic about life. You may hate people and everything they do, but surely you've learned to deal with it and you're just being open about it for attention. You've lived your whole life with humans, and you're going to live the rest of your life with humans. So, if you really haven't already, accept humanity and all of its faults. Being such a dark and lonely pessimist surely won't make life better for you. It won't change the world. No matter how much you bitch and moan about life, it's going to stay the same. Sure, maybe being an optimist won't do a damn thing either. Perhaps, like a lot of things, personality and your outlook on life won't affect what happens in your life. There's no way to know. Why question it?

I'm blindly following the average formula for an average life, hoping something will come along to make it more exciting. At the same time, I'm waiting for my opportunity to go out and make something happen. Maybe nothing will happen. Maybe I'll die before something happens. I dunno. None of us know. So let's just sit back and see how our lives play out, however pointless they are in the long run.

And seriously, look back at that post. "I hate laughter"? Come on, dude. That's borderline clinical depression.
Re: Hate Thread

I've yet to hit that point in my life where something big happens, and that's if anything big will happen at all. But I feel like that day will come at some point, so I try to see every day as an opportunity for that big thing to happen. If it doesn't, there's always tomorrow.

Assuming you're being serious (sometimes its hard to tell with you), I'm going to offer some advice: be glad nothing exciting's happened. I've had plenty of exciting things happen to me and I'd trade my life for a boring ordinary one in an instant, haha. May sound queer but my dream is actually to live the most boring, routine life I can. There's something to be said about a quiet life - don't discount your good fortune, haha.
Re: Hate Thread

I find going on these forums better than any psychiatrist in the world.
Re: Hate Thread

Dark, that's because we ARE the best psychiatrists in the world.
Re: Hate Thread

Guh damn fillers.

However, I'm the opposite of Obe and Alias. I go out looking for excitement. Combat tour, sky diving. I love the adrenaline, I love the excitement. That's just me though. I can definitely see where having a routine life would be nice.
Re: Hate Thread

I really hate televisions right now. I never watch TV. Ever. I don't even have the coax hooked up to the one in my room. But lately I've been itching to play on my Wii, something I haven't done since I moved. Problem is, my landlord lost the remote to this particular box a while back, and there is NO way to switch to the A/V input without the remote. I look online to see if there's a way to hack or patch it so I can play Wii, but apparently you need the remote, so I have to go out and buy some stupid universal remote. Now why the hell should I go out and spend money on something for a TV that's not even mine, to press a button that I'm only ever going to press ONCE?

*grumbles* if anybody knows a way to slice and dice a symphonic tv to do what I want without a remote, you would get much rep, love, and cookies.
Re: Hate Thread

If that's the case, nobody would look like they were having fun. So everybody would figure nobody was enjoying what's happening, and they would stop. Thus, the people hiding that they're having fun are no longer having fun. Nobody is.

I hate to say this, but Mo, you should really get some help. I mean, maybe this is just a show you're putting on, but you're way too bitter about everything. Life isn't exactly great. You may have nothing to be happy about. But really, does saying that you hate the world, everybody in it, and everything about it really going to help anything? No, it won't.

I'm somewhere between a pessimist and an optimist. I myself often question why we're here. But that question won't be answered anytime soon, if at all. So why worry about it? As far as I know, I was put on this Earth to live a normal life. That's all that I've lived so far. A normal life. Nothing outstanding, nothing exciting. I eat, I sleep, I work. Rinse and repeat. I've yet to hit that point in my life where something big happens, and that's if anything big will happen at all. But I feel like that day will come at some point, so I try to see every day as an opportunity for that big thing to happen. If it doesn't, there's always tomorrow.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, try being more optimistic about life. You may hate people and everything they do, but surely you've learned to deal with it and you're just being open about it for attention. You've lived your whole life with humans, and you're going to live the rest of your life with humans. So, if you really haven't already, accept humanity and all of its faults. Being such a dark and lonely pessimist surely won't make life better for you. It won't change the world. No matter how much you bitch and moan about life, it's going to stay the same. Sure, maybe being an optimist won't do a damn thing either. Perhaps, like a lot of things, personality and your outlook on life won't affect what happens in your life. There's no way to know. Why question it?

I'm blindly following the average formula for an average life, hoping something will come along to make it more exciting. At the same time, I'm waiting for my opportunity to go out and make something happen. Maybe nothing will happen. Maybe I'll die before something happens. I dunno. None of us know. So let's just sit back and see how our lives play out, however pointless they are in the long run.

And seriously, look back at that post. "I hate laughter"? Come on, dude. That's borderline clinical depression.

Alright, here we go.

Are you fucking serious? You're telling me to get some HELP? For what I posted on a fucking online forum? I have an idea. YOU SHOULD GET SOME FUCKING HELP. BECAUSE YOU HAVE FUCKING MENTAL PROBLEMS. Yeah, I posted it. So? Doesn't mean that I truly meant it. Seriously? You took my "I hate laughter" thing to be the truth? How can anyone "hate" laughter? You can pretend and write bullshit about hating it, sure, but if you really, honestly hate laughter, there's something fucking wrong with you!

Newsflash: THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH ME. If there was, I'd be smart enough not to join a forum like this, and I would certainly not be able to realize that I could type a post like this because I'd actually be typing about even more reasons why I hate laughter.

One more fucking retarded reason with your shitty post, but that what I said was it, because believe me, I could go on you stupid fuck, but anyway: Do you really want something "big" to happen in your life? Do you honestly believe if you don't MAKE something happen, something will happen anyway? You're an idiot, and you deserve to burn in hell for thinking that. There's no man in the sky. YOU have to make something big happen. You live a boring life? So? Make it exciting. Go to a city. Do something fun. Shit, I dunno. Recently I just went to Boston and Philadelphia, and it was one of the defining moments in my life because I went with friends and we looked at all these really awesome landmarks. That was "exciting". Why don't you do that? You say you work. Take some time off. Go have fun.

Also, don't ever take my posts in this thread seriously again, unless you want me to beat the shit out of you. Because that would be a big point for both of our lives. You'd be half dead, and I'd be satisfied that I got my anger out through my fists.

I have an idea. Look back at your post. I mean, "try being more optimistic about life"? That's just plain ol' STUPID.
Re: Hate Thread

Would a major anger problem be considered "something wrong" ?
Re: Hate Thread

I would say so.

And yet, I still win because you haven't been able to say shit about what my post. So what if I have anger issues? I have a successful job, I have an apartment, I can feed myself, I'm pretty much set. Hey, you want excitement, go kill yourself doing whatever, I could give a shit less.