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Re: Hate Thread

I wouldn't. Too much plastic, and too little upstairs. Doesn't help that she was in the evil that is the Transformers movies, or that she's dating Shia LaBeefsucker.

More ink than plastic, she doesn't seem that stupid to me (despite how she acts on screen in a Michael Bay film (which given the director, is why)), your opinion on the movie, and she's not dating that guy... she's dating some other dude.
Re: Hate Thread

I still don't understand why there needs to be humans in a Transformers movie, all that 'interaction' just detracts from the real point of the movie: massive robots tearing each other into.piles of unusable slag :3
Re: Hate Thread

From what I gathered Transformers 2 is about 1 1/2 hours of a movie. The problem? It's actually 2 1/2 hours long. The remaining hour is padded with robot testicles, racist comic reliefs and uninteresting sidekicks.
Even the fighting is supposedly not that good. You can't even tell which robot is which, save maybe for Optimus Prime.
Of course, all of this comes from hearsay, so take it with a grain of salt. I just plain don't care about Transformers, G.I. Joe and any other toy commercials of the 80s. I didn't start to watch morning cartoons till the 90s, and by then Batman: The animated series was around and kicked all kinds of ass.
Re: Hate Thread

And the Batman movies were kick ass.

But yes, Transformers 2 was much too long for the type of movie it was.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate douchebag drivers. Please sir, forgive me for slowing down from 20 mph to 10 mph because the sun is glaring DIRECTLY INTO MY FUCKING EYES and I don't want to plow into some poor shmuck because I can't see what color the stoplight is. Also, I sincerely, deeply apologize for not being FIFTEEN FEET off the fucking ground like you in your ginormous overcompensation SUV. Actually, you know, I'll just apologize for driving in general.

Re: Hate Thread

I hate douchebag drivers. Please sir, forgive me for slowing down from 20 mph to 10 mph because the sun is glaring DIRECTLY INTO MY FUCKING EYES and I don't want to plow into some poor shmuck because I can't see what color the stoplight is. Also, I sincerely, deeply apologize for not being FIFTEEN FEET off the fucking ground like you in your ginormous overcompensation SUV. Actually, you know, I'll just apologize for driving in general.


Seriously, I'm a very important man in a very important car and if I get to the important place I'm going an extra 17 seconds late cuz of you, I'm taking a tire iron to you and your car. I mean it's not like if I left earlier, I wouldn't be in such a rush. Sure, me being late for wherever I'm headed was my fault, up to this point, but now that you're in front of me, I can safely say it's all your fault and you're an asshole for it!
Re: Hate Thread

Of course, then you have the other end of the spectrum: people who drive 10mph on a 40mph road with nobody in front of them for a good 10 car lengths (I go by average Sedan length); the people who see one speck of rain, snow, or other precipitation, and... they snap... up becomes down, right becomes left, and their grip on reality fades into oblivion as their mind explodes... they drive home at 10KPH, only to cannibalize their family and neighbors, creating a fort out of their bones; the people who you just want to drag out of their car (you can catch them by walking, that's how slow they're going) and beat them with Oranges.....
Re: Hate Thread

I don't run into those that often. Could be because I used to live in upstate new york, with lots of yummy lake effect snow, so driving through several inches of ice and slush was the norm for 8 months out of the year. And even if you do run into those folks, it's almost always very easy to pass them, and if it's not, you're most likely in a city where you or they are going to turn off somewhere anyway.

Me I follow the 5mph grace rule, but rarely go faster than that; I figure we're all going to get where we want to go, saving thirty seconds isn't really worth a ticket or the hazards that are implied with speeding. The one time I really smashed that rule was the 10 hour drive that I shortened to 7. Good times.
Re: Hate Thread

Of course, then you have the other end of the spectrum: people who drive 10mph on a 40mph road with nobody in front of them for a good 10 car lengths (I go by average Sedan length); the people who see one speck of rain, snow, or other precipitation, and... they snap... up becomes down, right becomes left, and their grip on reality fades into oblivion as their mind explodes... they drive home at 10KPH, only to cannibalize their family and neighbors, creating a fort out of their bones; the people who you just want to drag out of their car (you can catch them by walking, that's how slow they're going) and beat them with Oranges.....

I think I know which webcomic that's from. I am not certain, though.

As a driver, I hate people that just walk across the street even though there's a traffic light TEN FEET down the road. I hate people behind me that honk while I'm standing at a traffic light. That's not gonna make it go green faster, assface! Shut the fuck up!
Re: Hate Thread

I don't run into those that often. Could be because I used to live in upstate new york, with lots of yummy lake effect snow, so driving through several inches of ice and slush was the norm for 8 months out of the year. And even if you do run into those folks, it's almost always very easy to pass them, and if it's not, you're most likely in a city where you or they are going to turn off somewhere anyway.

Me I follow the 5mph grace rule, but rarely go faster than that; I figure we're all going to get where we want to go, saving thirty seconds isn't really worth a ticket or the hazards that are implied with speeding. The one time I really smashed that rule was the 10 hour drive that I shortened to 7. Good times.

You too eh?
Re: Hate Thread

I tend to drive at about 45 mph regardless of the speed limit which usually puts me a good 10 or 15 mph above, unless I really watch my speedometer. Or if I'm in an extremely low speed area, like a school zone or a parking lot.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate being tired, having headaches, and having to work.

I especially hate all three at the same time.
Re: Hate Thread

Wow, all you drivers should move up to Canada. Alberta at least. Drove to Calgary (like 1 million+ people) for last weekend, went all around town for three days, didn't have a problem with anybody's driving, and not a single horn was fired, at me or otherwise ;)
Re: Hate Thread

The only time I've had the opportunity to drive in Canada (Edmonton), I almost took out this poor motercycle chick. But that might have been because I was in my aunt's SUV. Other than that I don't remember much about it. But eventually I plan to move up there - or at least out of America - albeit for reasons other than driver's skills. That's just a bonus =D
Re: Hate Thread

Driving is actually not bad in Kingston either... watch out for Ottawa and Toronto though. Of course, they are bigger cities, which of course, has more assholes.
Re: Hate Thread

Oh yeah, I guess that's a bit of an addendum to driing in Calgary: Never have anything on your car indicating you are a new driver, they will eat you Alive.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the feeling of not being able to find something. Keys, your phone, anything. You know it's right where you left it, you just can't figure out where that is. And now I'm trying to find a certain post that I think sinful made. I know it's on this forum somewhere, I know I wanted to give her rep for it but couldn't because my internet was screwy, and now I can't find it anywhere -_-

Edit: ah, just found it.

On another note, I hate hate HATE screaming babies. I HATE THEM! The guy I'm renting from has three kids - two of them are twins, they just turned one. The girl is the sweetest thing you can imagine, never makes a sound. The boy, on the other hand, had retardIneedtoscreamalldayatitus and NEVER FUCKING STOPS WAILING. No matter what time it is, no matter what I'm doing, any time I pop out my headphones I can hear him screaming. My only blessing is that they take him upstairs at nighttime and I can't hear him from the basement. *massages forehead* uggghh someone make that stupid kid shut up.
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Re: Hate Thread

Y-Y'know, you probably shouldn't ask that in a forum full of sexual deviants... Shota just might be one of our favorites. (Wait, does this even count as shota? Fuck it. Free kid, right?)

Oh God what the hell is wrong with me...?