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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Hmmm. Non-euclidian geometry. R'yleh (sp?). But then, it only stands to reason...Cthulu has tentacles.

Maybe it'll help. Maybe not *shrugs* Happy hunting.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate people who all they do is run around with their chainsaw and piss people off.


Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the fucking campus police viewed on this fucking video.

Everyone of them who even got NEAR him should be tazered themselves, and shot, and then thrown in jail for 5-10 years. I hate them, and I truly, honestly believe they are the type of oppressive bullshiters who deserve to burn in "Hell", or whatever bad place a religion believes in. I hate these people with all my heart, and there is NOTHING they could possibly do to make up for it. I hope they were at the very LEAST fired from their "jobs". They don't deserve to walk the streets.

Lastly, just to get the hate off my chest, FUCK YOU JOHN KERRY, YOU LYING SACK OF SHIT.


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the fucking campus police viewed on this fucking video.

Everyone of them who even got NEAR him should be tazered themselves, and shot, and then thrown in jail for 5-10 years. I hate them, and I truly, honestly believe they are the type of oppressive bullshiters who deserve to burn in "Hell", or whatever bad place a religion believes in. I hate these people with all my heart, and there is NOTHING they could possibly do to make up for it. I hope they were at the very LEAST fired from their "jobs". They don't deserve to walk the streets.

Lastly, just to get the hate off my chest, FUCK YOU JOHN KERRY, YOU LYING SACK OF SHIT.

It's just completely stupid. Tasering people should be reserved for REAL problems. People with guns, people who can hurt, people who can damage something, PEOPLE WHO POSE SOME KIND OF THREAD. But that guy? That guy wasn't a threat. He read this book which I want to check out myself, and had some serious political questions he wanted answered. First amendment anyone? Since when has asking a few questions been a justification for someone's arrest, let alone being tasered?

He spent a day in jail, and ended up having to apologize for his actions. He said he didn't mean to cause a scene, and "that the police were only doing their jobs", which I think everyone knows is bullshit. Doing their job would be to calmly remove him from the area. Not wrestle him to the ground and taser him. You've got, like, 5 strong, trained cops and they can't keep a college student down? They have to resort to tasering the poor guy?

I feel genuine sincerity for this guy. It really sucks he had that happen to him, and it sucks more than he seemed to feel the need to apologize. The people that need to apologize were those cops, for being total dicks. God knows if I was there, I would throw a chair, just to bring the scene over the top.


Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread


It's just completely stupid. Tasering people should be reserved for REAL problems. People with guns, people who can hurt, people who can damage something, PEOPLE WHO POSE SOME KIND OF THREAD. But that guy? That guy wasn't a threat. He read this book which I want to check out myself, and had some serious political questions he wanted answered. First amendment anyone? Since when has asking a few questions been a justification for someone's arrest, let alone being tasered?

He spent a day in jail, and ended up having to apologize for his actions. He said he didn't mean to cause a scene, and "that the police were only doing their jobs", which I think everyone knows is bullshit. Doing their job would be to calmly remove him from the area. Not wrestle him to the ground and taser him. You've got, like, 5 strong, trained cops and they can't keep a college student down? They have to resort to tasering the poor guy?

I feel genuine sincerity for this guy. It really sucks he had that happen to him, and it sucks more than he seemed to feel the need to apologize. The people that need to apologize were those cops, for being total dicks. God knows if I was there, I would throw a chair, just to bring the scene over the top.
I'd do a fuckton more than throw one chair, but that's just me.

Go second amendment!


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Or maybe throw your shoes at the cops?


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

It is my firm belief that anybody using a tazer on others, should have the same tazer used on them for the same amount of time, sometime after they used it.(Does not apply to pure self defence use)

I hate those things.

On a different note, weekends, I hate weekends.


Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

It is my firm belief that anybody using a tazer on others, should have the same tazer used on them for the same amount of time, sometime after they used it.(Does not apply to pure self defence use)

I hate those things.

On a different note, weekends, I hate weekends.
...what the fuck is wrong with you?


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

...what the fuck is wrong with you?
Good of you to notice, I also hate when people just say something negative without backing it up with a way to get it fixed/working/make it better.

So, tell me, what is wrong with me?

(It's the weekend thing I guess?)


Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Good of you to notice, I also hate when people just say something negative without backing it up with a way to get it fixed/working/make it better.

So, tell me, what is wrong with me?

(It's the weekend thing I guess?)

To normal people, the weekend is something to look forward to. As in, no fucking work. Time to do whatever you feel like in the time that would normally be taken up by work/school. So, I ask you, what the fuck, man? Any particular reason you hate the weekend? Anything personal going on recently? Something in your deep dark mysterious past? Not that I care. You can brood and waste your weekend, I'mma go get drunk.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread


To normal people, the weekend is something to look forward to. As in, no fucking work. Time to do whatever you feel like in the time that would normally be taken up by work/school. So, I ask you, what the fuck, man? Any particular reason you hate the weekend? Anything personal going on recently? Something in your deep dark mysterious past? Not that I care. You can brood and waste your weekend, I'mma go get drunk.
Weekend is, for those reasons nice.

But to me, weekend means that instead of dealing with normal things that happen daily, my brother brings all his friends over, which then break shit and shout anything they can think of. And up to a short while ago things would mysteriously go missing after he had his friends over.

They all have no responsibility and guess who has to spend most of the time at weekends cleaning shit? So yeah, weekends are good for most people, but I can always count on idiots to fuck it up for me.

So, not brooding, not wasting the weekend, just trying to stop them from breaking things that might be needed some day, valuables, and cleaning their stuff because if I don't do it, nobody will.(And I don't drink alcohol, but thats because I'm too much of a cheapskate to buy any)


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Both of you have good points.

I look forward to weekends because it's basically a time to chill. On the other hand, it's a time to chill. My friends are always begging me to hang with them, and sometimes, I'd rather just wind down. Plus, my friends like to diminish my food supply and break shit.

So in this sense, I don't hate weekends, I just hate the people that make them suck. My friends are nice people, but they're too rowdy on weekends.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Weekend is, for those reasons nice.

But to me, weekend means that instead of dealing with normal things that happen daily, my brother brings all his friends over, which then break shit and shout anything they can think of. And up to a short while ago things would mysteriously go missing after he had his friends over.

They all have no responsibility and guess who has to spend most of the time at weekends cleaning shit? So yeah, weekends are good for most people, but I can always count on idiots to fuck it up for me.

So, not brooding, not wasting the weekend, just trying to stop them from breaking things that might be needed some day, valuables, and cleaning their stuff because if I don't do it, nobody will.(And I don't drink alcohol, but thats because I'm too much of a cheapskate to buy any)
First, tarp your walls. Then, pick the most hated, annoying, destructive of the bunch, stab him, gut him, slit his throat, and when he's dead, hang him from your wall with nails. Then let the rest of them come in. They will never break stuff, steal anything, or shout again in your house.


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Weekend is, for those reasons nice.

But to me, weekend means that instead of dealing with normal things that happen daily, my brother brings all his friends over, which then break shit and shout anything they can think of. And up to a short while ago things would mysteriously go missing after he had his friends over.

They all have no responsibility and guess who has to spend most of the time at weekends cleaning shit? So yeah, weekends are good for most people, but I can always count on idiots to fuck it up for me.

So, not brooding, not wasting the weekend, just trying to stop them from breaking things that might be needed some day, valuables, and cleaning their stuff because if I don't do it, nobody will.(And I don't drink alcohol, but thats because I'm too much of a cheapskate to buy any)
Install security cameras. That way, when someone breaks something, you can bill them for it and sue them if they refuse to pay. When they realize that you actually mean it about suing them they'll probably pay voluntarily.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Unfortunately, there is no way I can get security cams, or do anything to the walls.

And did I mention the brother part? Combined with crappy parents(Living at home) it means I'm not even allowed to tell his friends to shut up. So I just hope every weekend that they don't decide to stuff a condom up the cats ass(Has been tried) or do some other stupidity.

But thank you technology, some of them can be kept busy waving around wii things, until one of them decided to use them as weapons and fight eachother with them.

We should all just take the warning labels off everything and let the problem solve itself.
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(And Reputation Manager)
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

It is my firm belief that anybody using a tazer on others, should have the same tazer used on them for the same amount of time, sometime after they used it.(Does not apply to pure self defence use)
self-defense tazers are a different brand and strength. But yeah, that's an actual rule, at least around me. In any type of enforcment carry- you cannot be issued a tazer or mace without having first experienced it yourself.

Also, they did have some right to remove him from the building, but that's only if directed by higher-ups. And the second he started refusing to cooperate and struggling back, they were completely free to taze him, if they gave him proper warning. And considering he was yelling beforehand not to do it, it makes me think they did.
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Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

The closest thing to a warning I heard was "taze him", which is when he begged not to be tazed, and then was tazed.

Jesus, with cops, it's like "DON'T ______" goes into one ear and "PLEASE ______" comes out the other.