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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I'll see your ice storm and raise you 6 feet of snow and counting on top of it.
Only if the snow is, indeed, on TOP of the ice storm. Then that makes it fairly drivable (since the ice is now covered with tread grippable snow.) But yeah, I hear ya there. Wonder what it'll take for them to close the city down. Usually about 12 feet and moar ice.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Whoo! 2+ feet of snow forecast to be on the ground when I wake up... Awesome... >_> (that's 2 feet on TOP of the 2 ish feet we already have)

Also, I am being discriminated against for being American and trying to post jokes on a British joke site. All my jokes get voted down, or get accused of being a plagiarist... Brits just don't like me because I'm American. I can understand the stereotyping, but really? Don't bother giveing me a chance... Whatever. Screw you, Brits! (Present company excluded, of course)...
I dunno Lup. I've seen you try to be funny before. It's not pretty.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Only if the snow is, indeed, on TOP of the ice storm. Then that makes it fairly drivable (since the ice is now covered with tread grippable snow.) But yeah, I hear ya there. Wonder what it'll take for them to close the city down. Usually about 12 feet and moar ice.
It would be drivable if you could see through the whiteout conditions and well the "city" has actually been closed down all day here, but we're probably a lot smaller and therefore more capable of closing down. I'm not worried though I'm on vacation and don't have to go out in it.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

And yet for some reason the Pacific Northwest is white-free, just in the 20s for degrees.



Tentacle God
Sep 28, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

I dunno Lup. I've seen you try to be funny before. It's not pretty.
Oh, I didn't mention that. Whoops. I KNOW I'm not that funny. It's the plagiarist claims that bug me. At least let my joke get voted to oblivion...
PS: Nothing concerning me is EVER pretty..


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Okay, so some people know I'm in training currently for my new job.

We got our assignments today, meaning we know who else from training we're going to end up with.

Now, there is one single person in the 15 or so of us I just plain don't like. To be blunt, she's a fat cow who never shuts up and has a need to share her opinion on everything. I also know her life story, having been around her for at time of this post 7 working days. (I knew it after about 3)

Turns out almost everyone will be broken up and be going into an existing team solo. There are two groups of people who'll be sticking together. You see where this is going.

So I'm in one of the two lots of people who'll be staying together, with 2 other people. Naturally, one of them is her. I mad.


Tentacle God
Sep 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Okay, so some people know I'm in training currently for my new job.

We got our assignments today, meaning we know who else from training we're going to end up with.

Now, there is one single person in the 15 or so of us I just plain don't like. To be blunt, she's a fat cow who never shuts up and has a need to share her opinion on everything. I also know her life story, having been around her for at time of this post 7 working days. (I knew it after about 3)

Turns out almost everyone will be broken up and be going into an existing team solo. There are two groups of people who'll be sticking together. You see where this is going.

So I'm in one of the two lots of people who'll be staying together, with 2 other people. Naturally, one of them is her. I mad.
Work just really seems to hate you... They have to be doing this on purpose...


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Remember what Dr Tran did, give her a good hard dicking.


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Ah, nothing like a good old ice storm related power outage :rolleyes:

Fortunately it only lasted five or so hours, though.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Remember what Dr Tran did, give her a good hard dicking.
And don't forget to .


I really want to buy Minecraft, but I just spent time I should have been using to get ready to leave playing the .3 Beta on the website. That does not bode well =.= *rushes to get ready for school*
Last edited:


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

:| I have standards, and she fails to meet them.


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

... so after much deliberation, I realized Dad would probably strangle me if I brought home another animal. Sucks to be me, I really wanted to give Molly a good home ;_;

I hate that I live in such a small house, with no yard.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

It would be drivable if you could see through the whiteout conditions and well the "city" has actually been closed down all day here, but we're probably a lot smaller and therefore more capable of closing down. I'm not worried though I'm on vacation and don't have to go out in it.
Found out about 5ish today that our "competition" shut down while we remained open. On the one hand, we're apparently hardier than they are. On the other hand, we're apparently *stupider* than they are for staying open. Admittedly, though, it really wasn't *that* bad out when I left work.

And yet for some reason the Pacific Northwest is white-free, just in the 20s for degrees.

STFU. I had to shovel my car out and shift-gear-rock the damn thing because when I hit the accelerator initially, all I got was spinning tires. So that's how my day started. Got better. Got worse.

I hate when my friend is in a pissy mood because she invariably directs it at *me* when about the only thing I do wrong is fall asleep at the keyboard. Now, I've had a grand total of about 7 hours of sleep (not including little 10-30 minute catnaps...at the keys) in the past two days BECAUSE I've been feeling bad that we haven't been getting a lot done in our D&D game and so, I stay up, with her, instead of going to bed and then I turn around and work 8 hour shifts, come home, have dinner and want to relax, which means either: falling asleep for a couple of hours (because, hey, going on 3 hours of sleep is so much fun!), which cuts into our gametime; or I find time to play the games that I haven't had a chance to for a freaking month because I only get about 3 hours of playtime in because she expects me to be on the computer to play with *her*.

So yeah, she ragequit on me tonight because she was already in a bad mood and I fell asleep and wasn't entertaining her enough apparently because that's hard to do when your eyes are shut and you're dependent on a monitor for communication. *sighs* We're about due for a fight anyway...we went without one last month, so I can only imagine this one. I just refuse to feel bad because I'm sated by my current entertainment options and while I can appreciate and be flattered by the fact that she gets a lot of enjoyment out of D&D when we play, it's not my only outlet. I also refuse to apologize for falling asleep because it's because of her that I'm f'ing tired.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Tell your friend to stop being a selfish prick and that you need time for yourself to actually get some rest.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I agree with Oni there Copper. Your friend has to realize that you have a life as well, and can not be harming yourself for her entertainment needs.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Sleep is more important. Don't feel bad about not getting to play your campaign if you need sleep. When she bitches, just don't even bother responding until she decides she'll be reasonable about it. If she can never be reasonable about it, well, as much as it might suck, it might be best to just drop the campaign.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

They actually closed the roads here and gave tickets out to anyone stupid enough to try and drive through the snow. It was that bad around here though.

I suggest you rant about it for a few minutes and then just go to sleep, oh wait you did that already.

I currently hate the US postal service, they're complaining that they can't get to my mailbox because of the snow. Every mailbox in town is behind at least a 5 foot pile of snow, did they miss the giant blizzard two days ago. I must have missed when they changed their motto. What I'm wondering is did they actually go to every house in town and put one of those little sheets on the door saying that snow needs to be cleared away.

Ranger Princess

Tentacle God
Jan 16, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

So I'm standing in line at the deli today with my little basket because all I really wanted was a couple little things. I wait until the people before me are done ordering and then it's my turn right? Nope, the woman behind the counter decided to take this old guy that just walked up right then instead. And not only that, she gave me a dirty look as she walked right past me to where he was. What is that about?

Mind you, the guy wasn't like handicapped or anything, just old. And I wouldn't always mind letting someone go before me, but the guy ordered like 5 lbs of meat and there was only one person working at the deli. Meanwhile, I'm wondering what the hell that dirty look was about and the metal handles on my basket are pushing on and hurting my fingers. And after she finished with him, she goes back in the room and some other girl comes out to wait on me! It was just awful. I hate the grocery store.


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

They actually closed the roads here and gave tickets out to anyone stupid enough to try and drive through the snow. It was that bad around here though.

I suggest you rant about it for a few minutes and then just go to sleep, oh wait you did that already.

I currently hate the US postal service, they're complaining that they can't get to my mailbox because of the snow. Every mailbox in town is behind at least a 5 foot pile of snow, did they miss the giant blizzard two days ago. I must have missed when they changed their motto. What I'm wondering is did they actually go to every house in town and put one of those little sheets on the door saying that snow needs to be cleared away.
I know. The USPS has utterly failed during this storm, which is highly unususal.

So I'm standing in line at the deli today with my little basket because all I really wanted was a couple little things. I wait until the people before me are done ordering and then it's my turn right? Nope, the woman behind the counter decided to take this old guy that just walked up right then instead. And not only that, she gave me a dirty look as she walked right past me to where he was. What is that about?

Mind you, the guy wasn't like handicapped or anything, just old. And I wouldn't always mind letting someone go before me, but the guy ordered like 5 lbs of meat and there was only one person working at the deli. Meanwhile, I'm wondering what the hell that dirty look was about and the metal handles on my basket are pushing on and hurting my fingers. And after she finished with him, she goes back in the room and some other girl comes out to wait on me! It was just awful. I hate the grocery store.
File a complaint, and never shot there again.