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ACT [八角家] ハチナ怪異譚 (RJ431925)


Demon Girl
Apr 8, 2011
Reputation score
Yeah, I knew going in that this wasn't going to be everything I hoped it would be, and despite trying to manage my expectations I still got over-hyped and ended up a bit disappointed.

All the animations are great, and there's a wide variety of status effects, but there's no 'depth' to them. Most have one or two specific effects or enemies they interact with, a single event tied to them and then they do nothing for the rest of the game. Mission Mermaiden actually did better in this regard with things like the Latent hypnosis and Lewd Crest advanced status effects, which are only got by repeatedly succumbing to enemies with their basic counterparts, whereas with hachina there's basically no point to letting yourself cum twice to any given animation - nothing further to see or get affected by. The bound status is the worst offender of course, basically amounting to an interactive cutscene, and you can't even get a lewd event with a villager helping you out of it like you can with the other effects, nor can you reapply it.

I'd be tempted to try making something that would actually meet my standards as a h-game, if not for the fact that I have zero artistic talent, no coding experience, and a long history of giving up projects and hobbies shortly after taking them up.


New member
Nov 17, 2018
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Didn't see the floor trap critter mentioned appearing anywhere else outside of Nameless Road-- is there another location? Missed the opportunity once the full release came out.
It does show up again in a late game area.


Jungle Girl
Apr 27, 2012
Reputation score
Here's a quick patch I made:

* Fixed the 'State details' descriptions not appearing for languages other than Japanese.
* Enabled the 'combat log' in the lower left for languages other than Japanese.
* Ran some untranslated lines through a quick MTL to English.

The existing translation is pretty playable, but I felt like something was missing without log messages. There are a lot of things the game doesn't really explain except in the log, like what offering items to the shrine does. This is just something I threw together so that something would display, and be somewhat understandable, without much effort.

This was made with game version 1.1 Just put it in the game folder and overwrite the existing file.
Can you update it for 1.4? My game crashed when the parasite event activate with this patch.


Jungle Girl
May 18, 2012
Reputation score
Forced clothing is one of the best thing the author does, strange robe and bell is good, but Hasumi's slave costume, visor, crest, and collar does it much better.
At least the strange robe does lock you out of using your ultimate, but I really hope there are more progression to the robe like more stuff locked out/debuff applied to the heroine as it goes on. If only if time goes on long enough the strange robe transform into the event specific costume.
I feel like not being a big fan of insect kinda sliced the content in half as none of the status effect applied in the first part of the game have "lewd synergy" with the hypnosis portion.


Jun 17, 2009
Reputation score
Can you update it for 1.4? My game crashed when the parasite event activate with this patch.
The developer fixed the state details in the official patch, so this is basically just the English combat log. I can't keep doing this for every patch though, especially if they keep coming out this fast, so enjoy it while it lasts. It's not a very long game anyway.

This file was made version 1.4 only and is not compatible with the newer versions.


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New member
May 3, 2018
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Game's crashing quite a bit around the Oni Mountain stage if you get the circle tentacle monster's debuff and the vertical/tall meter appears, and then it fills and forces the kneeling scene.


Sep 6, 2013
Reputation score
- *Spoiler* I have compiled a list of obtainable Key/Ero Items and Equips in the game and how to obtain them (somewhat in order of obtainability):
**[Ultimate Medicine] Rokushinmaru (Event) - After clearing the game, teleport back to Nameless Road (and you will see a white "!"). Head to the tree shelter in the beginning of the game and head left + double jump + uppercut attack to a transition into Mountain Hideout. Head into the house and talk to Tusk. She will give you the ultimate recipe that can cure everything (except Magic Leak, Strange Robe and Collar of Wavering.

**As a word of caution on Version 1.1, do not save anywhere in Mountain Hideout. Loading a save in Mountain Hideout will cause the game to blackout/freeze the game.
When I go to the Mountain Hideout, Tusk isn't there. Do you know what the conditions are for her to spawn there?


New member
Nov 17, 2018
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When I go to the Mountain Hideout, Tusk isn't there. Do you know what the conditions are for her to spawn there?
She showed up right after I did the last "disease curing" event, so I believe it's tied to that. You have to have cured every NPC in the game who needs it. It also doesn't need to be postgame.

You should just need to craft one of every medicine, and the events will all show up on the map.


Jungle Girl
Nov 21, 2013
Reputation score
Noby is correct. My bad, I played a second playthrough of the game while typing up the obtainable guide. On the way, I sub-consciously cleared all the NPC quests while clearing the game which led me to believe that it was tied to the Ultimate Ingredient event. Sorry about that, I'll go back and correct it.


Demon Girl
Feb 19, 2012
Reputation score
Has anyone else had the golden temple bug out on them? I go in and fall down the trap door, and then I spawn in front of Kuyou, now sans cloths. She can be talked with, but is also an enemy and can be attacked (though not killed) and damaged me when I touch her (which makes talking with her a pain to manage). If I do manage to talk to her, I start a conversation, but then the conversation bugs out part way through, the text boxes go away, and the game stops accepting any input.

Reloading and walking to the left instead of talking to her, I found other enemies I could attack. ... Did I really fuck up the game and just spawn directly in the boss room of the golden temple level? Because that is impressive levels of bugginess if so. How the heck would I do that?

Oh, and before anyone asks, I did download the latest version 1.4 and said replace all to my older version. The save started in version 1.2 before I updated to 1.3 and then 1.4, so there is a chance something got fucked up with my save before I changed versions I suppose. Anyone got any ideas?
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Well-known member
May 25, 2018
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How do you damage the last boss?
Kill the projectile things they shoot out and collect the resources from them, then just craft tons of random medicines and the special attack will consume those to damage them with.

Why does it do it this way for this one battle? I'm sure it's supposed to be a metaphor for them ridding themselves of the god like a disease or something, but it's really really not intuitive to start with.

Also, unrelated to this reply, but for some reason they stripped away the most fun element of the first boss. You can't stomp down on the moving platforms anymore because they're just... not there.


New member
Jan 8, 2022
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Has anyone else had the golden temple bug out on them? I go in and fall down the trap door, and then I spawn in front of Kuyou, now sans cloths. She can be talked with, but is also an enemy and can be attacked (though not killed) and damaged me when I touch her (which makes talking with her a pain to manage). If I do manage to talk to her, I start a conversation, but then the conversation bugs out part way through, the text boxes go away, and the game stops accepting any input.

Reloading and walking to the left instead of talking to her, I found other enemies I could attack. ... Did I really fuck up the game and just spawn directly in the boss room of the golden temple level? Because that is impressive levels of bugginess if so. How the heck would I do that?

Oh, and before anyone asks, I did download the latest version 1.4 and said replace all to my older version. The save started in version 1.2 before I updated to 1.3 and then 1.4, so there is a chance something got fucked up with my save before I changed versions I suppose. Anyone got any ideas?
Have the same issue here, started the game on 1.3. Have tried multiple ways to change what happens, but I think the game state is already corrupted on a save I have right out the temple door. If you just ignore Kuyou and continue to the left you can continue the game and finish it, but it skips whatever happens that gets you bound. I'll try a very hard run next, hopefully I don't trigger it next time...


New member
Aug 27, 2020
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A little late to the party but woo! I am so excited this game is out! Feels like I've been waiting on this forever, 30 minutes in and I love it! Already worth the wait!


Jun 9, 2018
Reputation score
To be honest one of the best you can play in these kind of games with solid story, good graphics, good translation and good H-scenes.

That being said, the expectations after mission mermaiden were great and imho the dev was not able to make a better game then mission mermaiden. In mission mermaiden I missed some progression in the H scenes like more scenes or additional effects ofter time like more bindings, more tentacles into the play. Here it ´s the same problem but felt compared to mission mermaiden less content, also the graphics look a bit unsharp, as there is no options to increase solution it seems it can´t be fixed.

To become a very good game there should be more H scenes and action, as mission mermaiden got no content update it will probably stay like that, so we probably need to wait some more years for the next game *sigh*.