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Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

??? = 5 turns

The poor spider was overwhelmed by the onslaught of five angry women. No more shots were fired, just many many punches let lose, and a few swings with loose debris. All five took part in the brutal beating.

At the end, there was dead silence. Upwards of fifteen spiders were dead, and one large spider queen with them. The five had come out a little lighter in the ammo department, if mostly intact, save for the loss of Abigail's uniform.

Abi didn't look so good either. She was sweating and clutching her panties, though she tried to act normal as everyone regained their composure, acting as if nothing was wrong. But she was walking kinda funny, something clearly WAS wrong.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy straightened up, slipping her knife back to its sheath, panting. She blinked a few times as the adrenalin started to wear off, and sat on a car bonnet, crossing her legs to avoid her makeshift skirt exposing too much. Then, she noticed Abi, trying, and failing, to act normally. She had gotten bitten. Suzy grimaced, hoping that it wasn't going to kill her, and stood up again, walking over, presumably with Sara already there, or going with her, to Abi, and putting a hand on her shoulder, carefully looking at her hair instead of her face. "Are you... Alright? Do we need to go find you something to wear before moving on? I... I can't offer you anything, as you can see, but maybe some of the others...?" she trailed off, finding her gaze drawn to the brunette's awkward covering of her crotch. Blushing, Suzy turned away again, to look at Alexis and Kita questioningly. She didn't want to know what was going on down there, but at the same time... She kind of did...
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

As Kita regained her composure, tying the loose pipe into her belt again, she gave a glance at Abi, then noted the way the girl was acting. No.... they didn't....

Even still it was hard to keep her from bursting into laughter, though the others could probably notice the impish attempts at stifling her true composure. "So, shall we get going before more of the little bastards show up?"
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

??? = 4 turns

"What are you laughing at, punk. Something's wrong with... Abigail just trailed off, looking down at her panties. "It, kinda hurts..." For the moment, Kita's comment distracted her from Suzy's hand on her shoulder. Sara ran up and helped the girl keep going. "Guys, we gotta find cover. The store isn't far is it, she needs to rest." The other private looked just like a swooning mother. "It's about three blocks away, we can make that quick, then we can set her down in saftey."
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"Don't worry too much, it's not too bad a effect, trust me, I should know..." she muttered, though the last part she hoped the others didn't notice as she quickly moved forward pistol ready. "I'll take point, you coming?"
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy looked quizzically at Kita after her comment, but didn't linger for long, looking back at Abi. "Gray. Do you want to use my pack, just for a little bit of decency? I... Umm... Yeah, just until we get some new clothes for you at least." she muttered embarrassedly. Leaving Sara with Abi, and nodding at the blondes comment, Suzy walked up to the front, and gently placed a hand on Kita's shoulder "There's no way in hell we soldiers are letting you take point, little missy. Don't want you hurting anyone. I'll go. You can stay behind me if it makes you feel any better." she said, with a kind smile, but gently pulling Kita back, and walking up to the front. She nodded at Alexis, then started walking, presuming the others would follow, having given Abi her pack to wrap around herself if she wanted, even though it made her shirt fall open.
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

??? = 3 turns

Before the group headed out, Sara picked Abi up, holding her like a husband carries a bride across the threshold of a new house. "No need, she's got me to protect her now." The change in the blonde's behavior was striking, though perhaps much needed at this moment.

The group set off for the megamart, getting there without incident. Kita follows right behind Suzy and Alexis takes up the rear. Sara sits Abi down on a bench near the cash registers. Alexis then spoke up. "We should split up, those that need clothes go, anyone else, to the food section." Alexis took a moment to look around at the group, then something hit her. "New girl, help Private Gray. The clothes shopping will go quicker that way, then you can help with food."
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"It's KITA. I has a name!!!" she hissed a bit at always being called new girl, but doesn't complain as she follows the one she's assigned to. "Well, hopefully we can grab supplies and get out soon, hmm?" she commented.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Sara's behavioural twist was really confusing Suzy, but she didn't question it, at least not yet. When they got to the shop, Suzy tapped Alexis on the shoulder. "Do you want me to pick you up a change of clothes? That uniform must be getting dirty by now, and I want to get some trousers so I don't keep flashing myself."

Walking next to Abi, and kind of grateful Kita was there, Suzy approached the clothes shop. First thing she'd do, regardless of whether Alexis had wanted them or not, was to grab a couple of pairs of shirt and cargo trousers for the redheads size, along with more underwear, and stuff them into her bag, followed by some new ones for the ginger girl herself. "I'd have thought places would've been looted more by now, didn't you?" she called out to the other two, sounding slightly bubbly. She didn't feel it, but wanted the others to think she wasn't nervous about being separated from Alexis, and being with Abi now. Whatever the spider had done to her had her nervousness worse.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

??? = 2 turns

Abi was quiet as she picked out clothes. She was still in some pain, but she really didn't need Sara to carry her earlier. The private was content to scan through a rack by herself, she was still mad, but a little preoccupied to yell at either of them.

Suzy found all the clothes she needed, looking around, it seemed they were close enough to the center of town to deter looters. The store was in a very prestine state. Kita also found a nice change of clothes for herself, if she so desired them. However, about this time Abigail started wobbling a bit, and had to reach out for support. She just happened to be closer to Suzy, and wrapped one arm around the girls neck.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy stiffened as Abi wrapped herself around her throat. 'Damnit! I was just done too! What does the bitch want?' she groaned inwardly, but sighed, and turned to Abi, a surprised, but sadistic smile glancing across her face, and she dropped her bag. "Something the matter? Do I need to take you back to the others to lie down?" she said calmly, with a hint of a sneer. She didn't feel any pity for whatever the girl was going through just now, as long as she didn't collapse and die.

Suzy moved around to better support Abi, so she couldn't fall to the floor, and made to pick up her bag again. "Looks like you're done here, Private, hrm. Let's go back to the others. New girl! Get her bag on your way out, would you please?" she called as she swung her pack over her other shoulder and wrapped the arm around Abi's waist.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"I got it," Kita called as she grabbed the extra baggage. At least something interesting may be useful in the change of clothes she found, she thought to herself. Still, something kept her from following still, as she began searching for a new weapon in the store while she was here...
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

??? = 1 turn

Kita spied a rack of sporting goods near the back of the store, a bat or some such would make a nice weapon. A closer inspection might even yield a hunting rifle, but the store probably wouldn't carry many of those, and so she'd have to make a good search if she wanted it.

Meanwhile, as Suzy carried Abi, the private stuck out her hand to grab a rack of clothes, stopping the pair. "J.. Just stop for a second... Something's... happening..." Abi started to curl into the fetal position ever so slightly and closed her eyes while cringing. She didn't seem to be in any danger, but whatever was happening was surely quite painful.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy groaned in despair. Why did this have to fall to her? Part of her wanted to leave Abi to whatever painful fate she was suffering, but she knew that she'd feel so guilty about it later that she'd not be able to even look at the others. She sighed, and gently moved Abi into a more comfortable position. She knelt down next to the brunette, and gently ran a hand through her hair, saying "Come now. What good is this going to do for you? Where's angry Gray now, hmm? Do I have to carry you?", her smile was less warm than her voice, a slightly stronger hint of malice there. It felt... Kind of good to be in the position of power over what had been such a cruel bitch earlier. Now she was suffering, but Suzy couldn't decide exactly on how she felt about it. In the meanwhile as she was thinking, Suzy cradled Abi, looking around slightly anxiously. 'Now would be a bad time for something else to show up...' she thought to herself, leaning against her discarded pack.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita did a few experimental swings with the bat. Still, she figured it might snap so she shouldn't get rid of her pipe yet. Still, she thought of another thing that the group didn't think of- ammo... quietly she moved on to see if there was anything in the sporting area for gun bullets.
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita managed to collect quite a load of ammo for her gun, but as this was a civilian store and not an ammo depot, they only had it for her new found hunting rifle. Still she took alot of it, but not too much, lest she run out of room for other supplies.

A short distance away, as Suzy was holding Abi, the girl gave one great spasm and then was still. "Ugh, the pain is gone, but I feel different..." Abi seemed a bit confused for the moment. Suddenly her eyes went wide, and she pulled back her panties a bit, she stared down in disbelief. Her clitoris was now a massive cock, already erect. Abi's mouth moved, but no sounds came up. She then looked at Suzy, eyes wide, and she gripped on tight out of fear.

Time till futa wears off: 15
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy was relieved at Abi's comment, and was about to help her to her feet when the brunette's new appendage was revealed. Her jaw dropped open, and she joined Abi in staring, gripping the Private as strongly as Abi did. Their eyes met, each looking as scared as the other, and Suzy started to pull away. It... It was certainly a rather large endowment.

Suzy blushed, and turned away, trying not to look at it. It was rather turning her on, the best of both worlds sitting right in front of her. "Umm... Urr... I-I... Gray. Um, you, um, yeah. What do you want to do about that... Unfortunate... Umm..." she trailed off, finding her gaze drawn back to Abi's nethers. Suzy tried to stand up, shifting her gaze to find something else to hold her attention desperately, with slightly shaky legs and a rapidly increasing heartbeat. She was getting rather horny at the sight, but was franticly trying to control herself, reminding herself of what the bitch had done, and of Alexis, but then her thoughts trailed to the morning, with Alexis, and that didn't help matters at all.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita grinned as she looked down the rifle's edge. "Purrrfect..." she murred quietly as she slung it over her back. Maybe it would do better then the pistol at farther ranges, she mused. Still, she couldn't think of anything else to look for so she started to head back with her newfound goods.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

As Abi continued to look at Suzy with a look of horror, Kita stumbled upon the two. This caused the girl to snap out of her trance and try and cover up her new organ, but it was too late, and Kita couldn't help but get a glimpse of it. She spoke up, gritting her teeth in a mix of anger and embarrasment."Just get me back to the benches up front!"

Time till futa wears off: 14
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita tried to stifle her laughter once again. "Don't worry, it's happen to me before, it wears off in a little while. Least ya didn't have any spiders around to lick at it..." Kita added with a shudder as she goes to help the pair of them out.