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Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Seeing the spider pounce Alexis Kita did the only logical thing- grabbed her pipe, ran forward to the trapped soldier and gave a hard swing. "Batter up!"
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy almost cried for joy when the Queen finally went down. Unfortunately, celebrations could come later. The death of their leader seemed to not have phased the masses of minions. Growling as Abi went down under the spider, she saw her mouthing off, and couldn't help but grin a little maliciously. Fucking bitch. Of course, this would make the brunette even bitchier later, but it seemed as if Alexis had forgiven Suzy, even if the ginger girl hadn't forgiven herself yet.

She snarled viciously as yet more spiders came round the corner. This was getting bad. Abi was down, a lot of spiders were getting close enough to start taking down the other girls, and more were coming. Still, with their apparent leader dead, perhaps this would be the last of the spiders they'd be seeing for a while. So Suzy span round to face the nearest spiders, excluding the one on top of Abi, she and Kita could deal with that one, and flicked the little switch on the side of her rifle to signal fully automatic. Suzy fired the last 6 shots from her magazine into the approaching spiders, then promptly ejected the magazine, sliding a fresh one in before the empty one had hit the floor, cocking the weapon as she prepared to fire again. 'There had better not be too many more fights like this. We're going to run out of ammo...' She thought to herself worriedly. It was true though. All of the girls were going to have used half their ammo soon.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Hit Chances

1: 23 + 4 - 15 = 12 // 16 + 33 = 49 ... failure
2: 41 + 47 - 15 = 73 // 17 + 33 = 50 ... success


1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 7 + 6 = 17

Suzy fires, half her shots hit. However, this spider in particular seems to be well motivated, and keeps going, it has 23 HP left.

Hit Chances

1: 5 + 46 - 15 = 36 // 13 + 33 = 46 ... failure
2: 18 + 14 - 15 = 17 // 7 + 33 = 40 ... failure
3: 1 + 18 - 15 = 4 // 17 + 33 = 50 ... failure
4: 47 + 30 - 15 = 62 // 20 + 33 = 53 ... success

2 + 6 = 8

Alexis fires as well, her last shot clipping the monster, causing it to trip and stumble.

It now has 15 HP

Hit Chances

1: 38 + 32 - 15 = 55 // 18 + 33 = 51 ... success
2: 31 + 20 - 15 = 36 // 2 + 33 = 35 ... success
3: 7 + 17 - 15 = 9 // 7 + 33 = 40 ... failure
4: 14 + 36 - 15 = 35 // 3 + 33 = 36 ... failure
5: 11 + 29 - 15 = 25 // 10 + 33 = 43 ... failure
6: 11 + 47 - 15 = 43 // 6 + 33 = 39 ... success


1: 4 + 4 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 5 = 21
2: 4 + 3 + 5 + 9 + 2 + 8 = 31
3: 10 + 4 + 10 + 3 + 1 + 10 = 38

Sara opens up on the spiders advaning from the rear, the back row. Maybe she was aiming for the first row and just missed, who knows, but she kills them none the less.

Team Grapple

16+18+40+38 = 112 (or so) vs 54 = 11+43

Kita helps Abi throw the spider off her.

Hit Chances

1: 24 + 37 - 12 = 49 // 2 + 33 = 35 ... success
2: 37 + 18 - 12 = 43 // 16 + 33 = 49 ... failure


2 + 8 + 2 + 8 + 7 + 10 = 37

Abi brings her gun up, and fires off the rest of her ammo at it. There's nothing but scraps left afterwards.


11+43 = 54 vs 36 = 3+33

The next spider from that flank jumps Abi again.


18+43 = 61 vs 60 = 19+41

The spider from the rear wave get's Kita, just barely.


10+43 = 53 vs 57 = 19+38

The other rear spider tries to jump Suzy, but misses.


9+43 = 52 vs 54 = 19+35

The last spider from the other flank almost grabs Sara, but she dodges and screams at the last moment.

The rest of the spiders advance.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita gave a scream as the spider latched onto her, starting to kick and writhe against it to get free while swinging her pipe wildly. "God dammit not again!!!"
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy was getting more annoyed and worried. There were simply too many. If they couldn't sort this out soon then they would be overrun. A bottleneck and a machine gun would be really useful here. Still, she'd have to deal with these buggers any way she could, so for now that involved locking the rifle into her shoulder, switching to semi automatic again, and unloading into a single spider. It was preferable to her to make sure they were dead instead of just having a swarm of injured, and very angry ones. At least she and Alexis were still safe.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Hit Chances

1: 23 + 5 - 12 = 16 // 12 + 33 = 45 ... failure
2: 26 + 39 - 12 = 53 // 20 + 33 = 53 ... success
3: 9 + 32 - 12 = 29 // 20 + 33 = 53 ... failure
4: 34 + 20 - 12 = 42 // 3 + 33 = 36 ... success
5: 14 + 42 - 12 = 44 // 13 + 33 = 46 ... failure
6: 41 + 30 - 12 = 59 // 9 + 33 = 42 ... success


1: 7 + 6 = 13
2: 4 + 7 = 11
3: 3 + 1 = 4

Suzy get's several hits in, but it's hard to fire without hitting an ally at when the spiders are all up in their face. She hurts the spider badly, however, leaving it with 12 HP.

Hit Chances

1: 38 + 27 - 15 = 50 // 15 + 33 = 48 ... success
2: 35 + 50 - 15 = 70 // 12 + 33 = 45 ... success
3: 29 + 33 - 15 = 47 // 10 + 33 = 43 ... success
4: 47 + 25 - 15 = 57 // 9 + 33 = 42 ... success
5: 22 + 14 - 15 = 21 // 1 + 33 = 34 ... failure
6: 4 + 36 - 15 = 25 // 14 + 33 = 47 ... failure


1: 4 + 5 = 9
2: 3 + 7 = 10
--Monster Dead--

Alexis fires twice into the stunned monster on her flank, killing it.

Hit Chances

1: 18 + 11 - 12 = 17 // 17 + 33 = 50 ... failure
2: 30 + 35 - 12 = 53 // 6 + 33 = 39 ... success
3: 22 + 23 - 12 = 33 // 13 + 33 = 46 ... failure


6 + 9 + 9 + 6 + 2 + 4 = 36

Sara sprays the spider Suzy shot, finishing it off.

Grapple Escape

7+38 = 45 vs 58 = 15+43

Kita fails to shake the spider off her!

Grapple Escape

19+40 = 59 vs 63 = 20+43

Neither can Abigail, both girls are being pinned by the spiders.

Clothes Rip

1+43=10 = 34 vs 54 = 16+38

Kita's spider is in a hury. It tried to rip her clothes off right away, and fails.

Bite Attempt

20+43 = 63 vs 59 = 19+40

Abi's spider is annoyed with her escape attemps. It bites her right on the neck, injecting venom. Abi feels a wierd sensation in her nether regions.

??? = 10 turns

The remaining spiders advance.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy whirled around after the spider fell, scanning for the other girls, looking miserably on as the spider sunk its fangs into Abi's neck, and hoping she would survive. Snapping back to her own situation, Suzy flipped to fully automatic again. These things were just too close now, and she unloaded into the nearest group. Once she, Alexis and Sara were safe, Abi and Kita could be rescued.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita continued to struggle hard with the spider as she tries to dislodge it. "Getoff I say!!!"
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

??? = 9 turns

Hit Chances

1: 49 + 8 - 11 = 46 // 5 + 33 = 38 ... success
2: 24 + 38 - 11 = 51 // 19 + 33 = 52 ... failure
3: 50 + 39 - 11 = 78 // 6 + 33 = 39 ... success
4: 29 + 37 - 11 = 55 // 14 + 33 = 47 ... success
5: 22 + 8 - 11 = 19 // 17 + 33 = 50 ... failure
6: 14 + 12 - 11 = 15 // 7 + 33 = 40 ... failure


1: 7 + 5 + 10 + 4 + 8 + 9 = 43
2: 5 + 6 + 8 + 6 + 3 + 8 = 36
3: 9 + 6 + 3 + 7 + 7 + 4 = 36

Suzy takes out the last mini-wave of spiders, leaving only the flanking ones attacking, in addition to the grappling spiders.

Hit Chances

1: 47 + 27 - 15 = 59 // 7 + 33 = 40 ... success
2: 39 + 32 - 15 = 56 // 1 + 33 = 34 ... success
3: 12 + 31 - 15 = 28 // 15 + 33 = 48 ... failure
4: 16 + 45 - 15 = 46 // 12 + 33 = 45 ... success
5: 44 + 29 - 15 = 58 // 10 + 33 = 43 ... success
6: 16 + 44 - 15 = 45 // 14 + 33 = 47 ... failure


1: 2 + 6 + 7 + 1 + 5 + 6 = 27
2: 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 5 + 10 = 24
---Monster Killed----

Alexis takes out one of the flanking spiders, leaving just the two attacking the girls and one further down that path.

Team Grapple

8+5+40+22 = 75 vs 50 = 7+43

Sara helps Abi get her spider off. However the downed girl has already been bit, she isn't feeling too well.


4+38 = 42 vs 58 = 15+43

Kita is unable to free herself unaided. She continues to be at the mercy of the spider.

Hold Attempt

4+43 = 47 vs 46 = 8+38

Kita's spider binds her hands behind her back, using two of its many sharp legs.


7+43 = 50 vs 38 = 3+35

The spider wrenched from Abi now pounces on Sara in fury, drawing a scream from the blonde.


19+43 = 62 vs 39 = 6+33

As Abigail turns to react, the last spider pounces on her, smacking her face down into the hard pavement, drawing blood.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

'Come on... There can't be that many...' Suzy groaned at herself as the spiders fell before the pair of snipers. When they were dead, she whirled around to count the remaining spiders, and placed a hand on Alexis' shoulder. "Alexis, can you kill that one and help new girl? I'm going to help Gray and Sara!" she said, before vaulting over the car, slinging her rifle to whip out her knife again. "Fucking bugs!" she yelled as she leapt on the one holding Sara, slashing across the top of its head as she slammed into its exoskeleton. There was no way she was letting Sara get raped by these things. The girl wasn't strong enough, and Suzy didn't mind it if Abi suffered a bit.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"Shit shit shit shit SHIT!" Kita cursed as she continued to try and kick the spiders off, hoping her boots would leave a better mark then her nails would...
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

??? = 8 turns

Team Grapple Escape

3+18+43+19 = 83 vs 50 = 7+43

Suzy frees Sara with only slightly more trouble then Sara freed Abi previously.

Team Hold Attempt

10+2+38+25 = 75 vs 52 = 9+43

Alexis manages to help Kita free of the hold. The girl manages to roll, but the spider is still holding on by a thread.

Escape Grapple

5+40 = 45 vs 58 = 15+43

Abi is left out to try, so to speak, and is unable to make any progress without help.


2+43 = 45 vs 50 = 12+38

Sara's spider tries to grab Suzy, but fails. The intense eight man melee going on is getting intense.

Web Attempt

19+43 = 62 vs 58 = 20+38

Kita's spider sprays here arms with a web like substance, causing her to lose a bit of mobility. (-10 rolls untill next grapple success)

Clothes Rip (-10 because of no hold)

13+43-10 = 46 vs 44 = 4+40

Abigail is helpless all alone, her spider rips off her uniform top in one quick swipe, followed by the shredding off her pants, leaving her in bra and panties on the cold pavement.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

As the spider was no longer on top of Sara, and Suzy had dodged its attempt to pin her down, she growled viciously, and swung her rifle round, firing 6 semi-automatic shots into its form from point-blank range. She presumed Sara would do the same. Afterwards, the sniper was distracted by the sound of tearing, and whirled to see Abi suddenly bared to the world, and blushed. Still, the bitch was deserving, so Suzy would help Sara first. Then probably new-girl next. She wanted to humiliate Abi as the brunette had done to her this morning. She did, however, resist making a snide comment to avoid deliberately incurring Abi's wrath.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"Geeze, I'm suddenly having a dreading feeling of deja vu..." Kita muttered as she continued to squirm and struggle with the tight webbing, hoping to break from the spider's grasps.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Hit Chances

1: 38 + 32 - 12 = 58 // 6 + 33 = 39 ... success
2: 33 + 50 - 12 = 71 // 16 + 33 = 49 ... success
3: 40 + 5 - 12 = 33 // 2 + 33 = 35 ... failure
4: 13 + 36 - 12 = 37 // 16 + 33 = 49 ... failure
5: 42 + 15 - 12 = 45 // 3 + 33 = 36 ... success
6: 37 + 14 - 12 = 39 // 9 + 33 = 42 ... failure


1: 6 + 8 = 14
2: 5 + 4 = 9
3: 3 + 10 = 13

Suzy fires into the spider, blowing it down the street slightly from the force of the bullets. It's alive and twitching, but down for the moment.

Team Grapple

1+9+38+25-10 = 63 vs 58 = 15+43

Alexis helps Kita free totally. The two are now free to help fight the last spiders, unless this one reengages. The web was no match for two girls working together.

Hit Chance

1: 7 + 10 - 12 = 5 // 20 + 33 = 53 ... failure
2: 10 + 39 - 12 = 37 // 12 + 33 = 45 ... failure
3: 37 + 28 - 12 = 53 // 19 + 33 = 52 ... success


3 + 4 = 7

Sara uses the last of her shots to kill the spider Suzy shot. She quickly reloads.

Grapple Escape

15+40 = 55 vs 50 = 7+43

Abigail manages to get out of the spider's grasp. Skin is much harder for a spider to grasp then clothes.


20+43 = 63 vs 47 = 17+30

Kita's spider pounces Alexis, mad that the girl help free the goth.


12+43 = 55 vs 48 = 15+33

Abi gets pinned again, smacking face down again. She clearly has a nose bleed by this point. The sight of women getting up to run, only to be tackled back down by giant spiders is becomming disturbingly common.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

With their last assailant gone, Suzy turned to Abi, grimacing at the sight of her bleeding. She glanced at Sara, saying "Good job..." dully, before running at Abi, slipping her rifle in her grip to a position which enabled her to bring it round as a club on the spider holding Abi. 'The bitch better start being nicer, or I'll just leave her to be raped...' she thought cruelly, as she pummelled on the spider holding Abi's semi-naked form. "Fuck'n'... DIE!" she snarled as the butt of the rifle slammed into the spiders carapace, with a satisfying crunch. She hadn't noticed that Alexis was grappled, or she would've gone to help, Gray and her wrath be damned.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Noting the spider had pounced to savage her rescuer, Kita grabbed her pipe. "Gittoff her!" she growled deeply as she swung the length of metal like a golf club.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

??? = 6 turns

Team Grapple Escape

7+10+40+19 = 86 vs 63 = 20+43

Suzy manages to help Abi roll and get the spider off. A five on two fight is very favorable to the humans. The fragile creatures could only handle one enemy at a time.

Team Grapple Escape

6+18+50+19 = 93 vs 55 = 12+43

Kita manages to push the spider off, despite her small frame. The spiders also cannot resist much lateral force on their bodies, the legs just don't hold up.

Hit Chance

1: 26 + 49 - 12 = 63 // 2 + 33 = 35 ... success
2: 17 + 47 - 12 = 52 // 2 + 33 = 35 ... success
3: 36 + 28 - 12 = 52 // 11 + 33 = 44 ... success
4: 47 + 23 - 12 = 58 // 1 + 33 = 34 ... success
5: 12 + 4 - 12 = 4 // 19 + 33 = 52 ... failure
6: 50 + 32 - 12 = 70 // 3 + 33 = 36 ... success


1: 7 + 2 + 10 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 34
2: 7 + 3 + 7 + 2 + 7 + 5 = 31
--monster killed--

Sara unloads into the spider that was dislodged from Abi. Once again, she's dangerously close to hitting fellow humans.


7+43 = 50 vs 46 = 5+41

The last spider tries to jump on Kita, but the mass of humans is moving around too much for it to land true.
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Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy almost cried out as the hail of lead tore through the spider, and she rounded on Sara, but didn't say anything, instead reaching down to help Abi to her feet. If the bitch refused, well, that was her last chance as far as Suzy was concerned. Now though, Alexis and Kita were dealing with the last spider, so Suzy said to Sara "Please, don't shoot this one. The last thing we need is wasting ammo on a spider we can smush like this."

That said, Suzy slung her rifle on her back, and ran back to Alexis and Kita, and twirled her knife around in her hand to slash across the last beasts 'face', calling "Get off of her!". This one wasn't getting away with anything. It was bad enough that they'd let Abi lose her clothes, and Suzy was sure the brunette would blame her for it, but there was no way she would let Alexis get degraded.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

With a loud growl of anger Kita rushed at the last spider, pipe swinging madly at it. "Take this and this and THIS!!!" she roared as she swung hard at each part of the spider she could hit