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ACT [GuideOne] Metal Girl Blazer


Mar 3, 2010
Reputation score
Flash is a tricky, tricky devil. Changing games from desktop to net and uploading to Newgrounds was met with reported inconsistencies that simply do not exist on my end.

This was uploaded as more of a test for future.

Some of you may already recognize this game, since I've made it a while ago. When you play it yourself, tell me of any inconsistencies that you find when you play.

My serious playthrough of the first stage is here:

Version 1.00
The metropolis is in peril!! It's up to the Iron Edge Girl Blazer to save the day! But Beware...Your opponents will use every dirty trick in the book to subdue you!!
This is a fan based, simple game that's possibly still in development. The original concept is from a guy who goes by the name Marimo.
I'll also mention that this is a hentai game. It's not too graphic, and it should be fun... At least I hope you enjoy it! ^^
Edit: Well I see this hasn't gone over too well... This is good for feedback, because this was more of a test to see what uploading a game to Newgrounds would be like. I've actually made this game a while ago.
Here's a serious play through of stage 1, which is how I perceived the gameplay to be. I was playing with the keyboard:
If your experience was not like this, please let me know, and if possible, tell me why you think that might be.
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Re: [ACT]Metal Girl Blazer

an off topic question.. dude will you make sex animation for your signature? or are you planning to make a game for them? i'm really hoping to see your work with those pictures man that would be sooooooo awesome!
Re: [ACT]Metal Girl Blazer

My signature was something that I did mainly for fun.

Back on topic! :p
Re: [ACT]Metal Girl Blazer

The controls looks okay from my part. A bit unresponsive at times.

Give her some more moves. The fighting is really... boring and frustrating.
Once the enemy surrounds her, you have to make her kick to knock them down and escape but since her kick is really slow its just plain annoying.
Moves like a roundhouse kick that would really help the fighting chance. Especially a way to dodge and roll.

I almost want to quit in stage 2, but I'm curious about stage 3 but its the combination of the two. the bomb throwing girl is annoying, enemies make you stun on the spot. Maybe if she make a metal sword instead of a metal suit that would be great. The H stuff is nice.

In short, its a really stressful fighting game.

Re: [ACT]Metal Girl Blazer

The game seems to have a slight learning curve. When I tried it I got pounded multiple times. Then I watched you play it and tried again with your methods. After a while it got easier to handle. A problem I have is with the enemies surrounding you and constantly knocking you down or grabbing you. Maybe there should be a response attack the character does when she gets up to get rid of that problem. Also it may help if you could get up faster. Other than that the animations are good and I hope the feedback helps. :D
Re: [ACT]Metal Girl Blazer

Hey just wanted to say i really enjoyed your game, it reminds me of another piece of work that i recently found where you play as either 2 women (cant remember what its called (they both have ridiculously large and long legs)). The animation is very good, the controls aren't half as bad and the comments on newgrounds make it out but they could use some work / enemy hit speed could be tweaked, and most importantly for me you kept the whole fighting in peril thing throughout all the levels - theres a real sense of do your best or get raped which i really like. Tied into that is that its reasonable difficult but possible so the player cant blaze through what little content there is. So yeah nice game.

an off topic question.. dude will you make sex animation for your signature? or are you planning to make a game for them? i'm really hoping to see your work with those pictures man that would be sooooooo awesome!

I agree with that sentiment, those animations are pretty amazing and considering animations often hold up some peoples game progress and that you did that for fun it would be amazing if you put them to use in a game.
Re: [ACT]Metal Girl Blazer

Well that first review on newgrounds basically explained most of the frustrations in the game. The only thing it's missing is invincibility frames after getting up or grabbed. You can find yourself chain grabbed for a while unable to do anything.
Re: [ACT]Metal Girl Blazer

Yeah, pretty much all covered in the comments on newgrounds.

Game is sort of clunky feeling. Responsiveness to direction changes or state changes are pretty slow/non-existent. Mainly anything to do with crouching and punching/kicking. The jump is pointless since it won't let me jump-kick or jump-punch. The animations are pretty nice and pretty hot. The sound is a little repetitive but not terribly annoying to me. The music though....my god that is entirely too loud and annoying. Couldn't even hear half of the sound effects over the music.

If you're going to continue the game, I would suggest maybe a goal that feels like you're trying to escape the enemies, not that you have to beat up 50 to go to the next level. Especially with the vibe of a RoR, asking you to defeat a certain amount to go on seems a bit wrong.

I'd say put in a timer that if it gets down to zero, you move on to the next stage.

Clothing damage or bruising/cuts would be nice too for the ryona aspect.

Please put in an options menu where you can lower or turn off the background music and sound effects.

To the other players, the easiest way, by far, to kill the enemies is to kick them over with D and then crouch and kick them with A. That finishes most of the enemies off in no time at all.
Re: [ACT]Metal Girl Blazer

Probably completely off topic like some others, but i can't believe someone else enjoyed the zurine, zoorine, and mecha girl (favorite, only time I've liked backside stuff going on... dat fly :p) Adventure games as much as i do.

Sad to see he disappeared, and wished he had done something with the characters you animated, they look awesome btw.

Game isn't bad, but lacks any kind of, idk, unique feeling to it since a lot of games that went nowhere have used the same formula with flash and fighting game of 3 buttons. Not dissing the game, it looks good, but isn't really the kinda game that does well in the h-community sadly.

Also, if you were planning on selling it, it's likely only going to hit a small amount of english users, whereas a game the Japanese would love would garner much more attention, since they make up a significant amount of a lot of h-developers sales.

It's a harsh truth, and a sad one to tell you, but it'd be better if you put the game idea on the back burner and try your hand at something else, like using rpg maker or game maker to make a game SIMILAR, but not downright copying, cherry poi in his adventure games, cause those were enjoyable.

With your animating skills for your Sig, I'm sure your art could go better in a game of his vein instead of a fighter game. Would probably sell well too, tbh.
Re: [ACT]Metal Girl Blazer

I love the way alot of this feedback is just now emerging even though this game has been available for months, although I do appreciate it :p. (Minus the bits about sound and objectives)

So...just to be clear:

1. I've never planned on selling this game. In fact, I believe I might have said that before.

2. I'm one of the firm believers that action h-games are superior to h-rpg games, and that h-rpg's are way too great in quantity. No offense to those opposing.

3. Again...my sig was just for fun. There is likely no game from me featuring these characters coming down the road, especially not an rpg one(although I won't argue that CP's games were unique).

4. The game at this point was uploaded to test portal submission and user reaction on two different ends to what would now stand as an over-simplified game.

5. Aside from the minor changes I've made, the game will probably not be updated further, which is why I'm using it to test and posting it here.

All in all, I think that even though the controls aren't the best, they are functional enough to offer a slight learning curve. I've shown that in my video. I wanted to put forward a simple game with simple objectives, and that's what this is.

This will help me get the formula right for Endless Will in terms of uploading, content, and functionality.

To the person who rep'd me: Don't you think that makes my mouth water just thinking about it!? But think of the time it would take >.<'. I have enough to be working on right now.
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Re: [ACT]Metal Girl Blazer

sorry an off topic again but i must say it

dude, i hope you know that a lot of people loves your sig as much as i do. i know those comes from zurine adventure (my 2nd RPG maker game i played for the first time after Caprice Doll). a lot of people loves your work and i bet the japanese will like it as much as we do. it's okay if you dont want to make a game for those but please please please make sex animation for them. i mean, come on..
Re: [ACT]Metal Girl Blazer

Just my opinion, the opponents should be more grabby. Monotonous would be the best one word description of this game. The awful thing is that I keep thinking there will be something that I want to see, so I keep playing only to be knocked out of an animation that I want to see because of the other 6 enemies spamming their punches and kicks. Oh well I guess, got what I paid for.
Re: [ACT]Metal Girl Blazer

It's great game!
rape scene is get excited!

1.defeat is too many
2.I don't need BGM(need on/off)

Re: [ACT]Metal Girl Blazer

I know where the music came from and I approve, although I do agree that it's a bit too loud.

A lot of RoR Flash games I've played have the option to turn the music off by simply pressing the M key. Sometimes music can be a boner killer, especially if you have multiple windows up with varous H content for a fap session (all with sounds or music).

Another issue I had was the fact that when you were getting raped, the other enemies would still attack you. I know some of the animations required other enemies to attack you to enter the second phase, but when she's getting fucked in some way, the attack script for the other enemies should be turned off, or should switch to another script where they back off.
Re: [ACT]Metal Girl Blazer

Okay, interesting game. Thanks for sharing! Just a few points, if you want the feedback.

- It seems like you need a lot of button pressing to break out of a grab, or get up off the ground. This isn't too much of a problem, except...

- Different grabs from different enemies seem to require their own button pressing to escape, meaning you could easily get stuck on the ground and attacked or grabbed repeatedly with little to no chance of breaking free.

- The set was disappointingly flat, just a straight line from one end to another. Some variation would've been nice, for making use of the jump button. Also, it would've been nice to corner an individual enemy to see the grabs separately, without everything kicking you in the head at the same time.

- Some of the sound effects were annoying. The choking, which the female enemies used, got very annoying very quickly.

- It would've been nice to see some "combination" attacks, especially while standing up. Yes, there's the two male enemies, but it seems like both male and female would've done something while you're grabbed upright. Plus, the standing stun felt somewhat pointless of there was no front grab.

Other than that, the controls and no music selection bothered me as well. I wouldn't say all the above really "bothered" me as much as were things that came to mind, too.
Re: [ACT]Metal Girl Blazer

??? I would really encourage you to learn a tech like GameMaker, Unity, or something else besides Flash. I know its generally easy for most artists, but its just not designed for games. The only way to truly solve the responsiveness issue is to use a realtime engine made for this sort of thing.
Re: [ACT]Metal Girl Blazer

Okay, interesting game. Thanks for sharing! Just a few points, if you want the feedback.

- It seems like you need a lot of button pressing to break out of a grab, or get up off the ground. This isn't too much of a problem, except...

- Different grabs from different enemies seem to require their own button pressing to escape, meaning you could easily get stuck on the ground and attacked or grabbed repeatedly with little to no chance of breaking free.

- The set was disappointingly flat, just a straight line from one end to another. Some variation would've been nice, for making use of the jump button. Also, it would've been nice to corner an individual enemy to see the grabs separately, without everything kicking you in the head at the same time.

- Some of the sound effects were annoying. The choking, which the female enemies used, got very annoying very quickly.

- It would've been nice to see some "combination" attacks, especially while standing up. Yes, there's the two male enemies, but it seems like both male and female would've done something while you're grabbed upright. Plus, the standing stun felt somewhat pointless of there was no front grab.

Other than that, the controls and no music selection bothered me as well. I wouldn't say all the above really "bothered" me as much as were things that came to mind, too.

I agree with the choking sound effect being annoying, but the "combination attack" you speak of, I got one where the male had her in the grab then a female came up and tag teamed, but for some reason i dont think it works the other way around
Re: [ACT]Metal Girl Blazer

There are some tag team moves.

Male grabs and you get punched til she goes limp. Another male grabs from front and she gets a standing ride.

Female grabs and you get choked out. Another female grabs from front and goes down on her...which is the hottest move in the game IMO.

Male grabs and you go limp. Female grabs you from front and goes down on you with your legs spread out wide.
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Re: [ACT]Metal Girl Blazer

I really enjoyed it. Think about adding new enemies or punishing jumping less, but really keep going.
Re: [ACT]Metal Girl Blazer

Well, I tried it out.

Bit clunky but I learned bunch of stuff of what she can do and cannot do.

There's a certain delay of when you can start attacking after you stop moving.

Although I don't think I can find any inconsistency.

But the delay before you can attack is the most annoying thing about this game. Meh.

The most I got was 18 defeated before I went down. Moved on because I no can fap to her but I can fap to your sig.

Its nice to see you finish water up.