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Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

'Thanks? Who thanks you for waking them up for watch duty?' Raith thought bemusedly to herself as Kali took back her rifle after awkwardly dressing herself. The su-ku-ta had been able to see a good bit in that time, but her upbringing made whatever lusts might have arisen from the alluring sights relatively minimal. That didn't stop the tattooed sniper from giving her fellow sharpshooter a smack on the bottom as she climbed out of the tent, however, and after setting her own rifle down on the ground so that it leaned against the side of the tent, Raith started stripping out of her own garments in preparation to join the pile of sleeping women, not particularly caring about her own nudity. They would be well enough rested to travel tomorrow, hopefully, and before closing the tent again, Raith said; "Wake us up before dawn, we'll want an early start."

With that, she would settle in for some well-deserved rest. It had been a long and far too exciting day, and Raith was ready to sleep well for once.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 56, PP = 38, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine

While neither Raith's arrival or Kali's awakening seemed to bother their little harem in the least the need to disengage from everyone else left the sister's mumbling and raising a bleary eye before they pulled their limbs back. One of them even shivered a bit, the blast of cool air from the tent's entrance hitting them all and causing their naked flesh to tighten in quite interesting and possibly distracting ways, but even then Kali was left unmolested as she struggled to collect herself. The girls simply watched and smiled, perhaps even sharing in the same amusement that Raith was enjoying, and when the false catgirl was finally ready to leave Kalesi gave the woman a small wave. "Kali..." The eldest sister called out just before the sniper left, and should the woman turn she would find a rather confident smirk waiting for her. "You're free to visit our tent whenever you'd like~"

With Kali'Zhira gone and left to worry on her own Raith was faced with three nude beauties that watched her every move. The fact that the true catgirl was unashamed about her own nudity seemed to peak their interest, and when it came time to join the puddle of women Raith would find suddenly find a couple of hands rising to meet her. The pair found her wrists, and while Raith could quite easily break herself free the two women pulling her closer somehow refused to be denied. "Come come! You get to take Kali's place!" As she was pulled into the pile she would learn just how literal they were. Kalesi cradled Raith close once the girl was finally on her side, and a moment later Raith would find her head being gently eased between the swells of Kalesi's bosom. A very naked and very warm body pulled itself flush against her back, and as Raith felt gentle swells pressing against her back a pair of arms tangled themselves around her waist. It was a very intimate embrace from both women, but even then they didn't care and immediately started to drift back to sleep. With the cuddle puddle complete once more they were going to enjoy the rest of the night in peace.

Kali's watch was just as boring as the brunt of Raith's, but before she even had a chance to awaken her fellow sniper she would hear a slight shuffle coming from the tent. It appeared someone was already awake, and a moment later one of the sister's heads popped out and motioned for Kali to wait for a bit. That head dipped back inside, but the look in the woman's eye said that they were up to a bit of mischief.

For Raith the day had yet to start, but even then the trio surrounding her were already scheming how to welcome her to the world of the waking. Kalesi decided to start by gently stroking her hands through Raith's hair. The touch was light, slow, the courtesan's fingers nearly massaging the Su-Ku-Ta's scalp, and they flirted across that small space behind the catgirl's ears. Having been trained in Anudor left the three women quite familiar with Su-Ku-Ta anatomy, and Kalesi was attacking a small bundle of nerves that would have made any of the cat people melt into a puddle of perfectly relaxed bliss.

But Kalesi wasn't the only one paying the neko some attention. The woman that had been cuddling against the gunner's back was rubbing up and down the cat's spine, and with each little pass that hand passed a fraction of an inch lower. It was a slow and gradual progress, one that let the kitten's body adjust to the continual touch, but eventually the girl would reach her prize. That hand started flirting with that small area sitting right by the base of Raith's tail, and as it did the woman started focusing solely on that area. It was another of those anatomical quirks the Su-Ku-Ta had adopted from their spiritual brethren, one that inexplicably would have any cat let alone any cat person raising their hind quarters, and though it didn't have quite the same effect on all the Su-Ku-Ta a number of them would find themselves compelled to spread their legs while a rather animalistic heat started to spread.

There was no telling how Raith herself would react to both of the women petting her as they were, but despite that there was no doubt that the more bestial sniper would awaken. Kalesi herself seemed especially intent on seeing that happen, and the moment the catgirl did she would be welcomed with a rather sultry whisper that said, "Good morning, Mistress Raith~"
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

A small surprised yelp had squeaked out from Kali upon receiving Raiths mischievous smack to the rear, along with a tiny hop into the air as she left the tent. So much contact, all of a sudden. She really didn't know quite how to deal with it. Her personal boundaries had well and truly been tested and then breached this night, in more ways than one.

Watch duty was thankfully as uneventful as could be hoped for. However also a test of Kali's focus. Whilst her eyes were locked firmly on the subtle line of the horizon, wandering thoughts of being touched all over and the intimate acts she had shared kept cropping up again and again. The sisters had given her an all inclusive introduction to something she had been ignoring for some time now. And that orgasm...

She had nothing to compare to, but it seemed fair to say that all parties had been able to demonstrate their skills over the last 24 hours. Regardless of where those skills lied. It made Kali reconsider, and feel just a little guilty about, her previous appraisal of the sisters as being helpless grey-bait. Whilst it perhaps wasn't entirely inaccurate, she could tell that in a more peaceful social scene, they were plenty well equipped. And unintentionally Kali was thinking about naked women now. Damn those three. Muddling her up like this. Trying to recall and think about how she had ended up sharing that... lesbian foursome, with them, only gave her more to question about herself. Trying to tell where the excruciating naivety ended, and the gradual acceptance into the act began, was difficult even for Kali herself. She clearly had more than muscle tension pent up, that much she knew. And they'd even gone and invited her to join them again at her whim. Why was that such an awkward and frightening thing to consider?

It wasn't as if it was the first time she'd ever considered sex or partnership, or anything, but till now such thoughts had died with her village. She infact hadn't honestly expected herself to survive this long, after picking up that gun. But it turned out she had. The vengeful ghost act had kept her going, but perhaps it could only last for so long before it got old.

With a sigh she takes a purposeful blink and focuses on that faint band of where black met star speckled deep dark blue again. She killed an Elder Lord today and all she could think of was getting touched up and lady parts. She'd clearly gone mad.

And then there was the taste of Kalesi's lips and tongue...


'Gods damnit Kali!'

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------

As dawn neared, Kali tried to gauge when she should wake the others. She couldn't snake the sneaking suspicion that Raith had allowed her a longer rest than this second shift would give. Or maybe her body clock was just screwed. Up. Though dawn was dawn. Couldn't give her much longer without breaking her word.

Except... mischief shows it's head. Kali blinks as she wonders what was going on. Did she really need to wonder? 'Uh oh... it's my turn to sit out here and hear everything now isn't it...' She thinks to herself. 'Oh gods... What are they going to do? What if they make squishy noises!?'
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith couldn't help but let out a surprised chuckle as she was grabbed and subsequently dragged down into the cuddle pile and pulled into one of the girl's chests. Another was soon cuddled up behind her, and Raith let out a more muffled giggle and said; "I hope you three aren't getting any ideas... I'm not as easy to trap as Kali!" Nuzzling into the pile anyway, Raith was tired enough and used to falling into a light sleep quickly enough that even the awkward and unfamiliar positioning didn't deter her. She had expected it, after all, and while she was hardly used to cuddling, it was comfortable enough and warm enough for her to put up with the unexpected intimacy.

(Spent exp!)

And thus did Raith sleep, her toned body nestled in between two softer ones. Normally the shifting so near might have woken her, but the third sister's signal to Kali went unheard by the sleeping sniper, and their mischief was able to play out exactly as they willed it. She awoke to fingers running through her hair, the ragged mess having gone uncleaned in a good long while, but despite that the touch still felt quite nice. "Mmmmmm.... Temptress. No fair..." she murmured sleepily, and made to shift before the touch against those sensitive nodules had her shivering in pleasure.

The tension melted out of Raith's body from the touch against the base of her ears, and the sniper's half-opened eyes slowly shut again as she began to purr happily, ready and willing to go right back to sleep in an entirely embarrassing position. The rubbing against her back only served to relax her all the more, and Raith let out another soft sigh as the massage trailed down her bare back. Nudity around other women was hardly rare in su-ku-ta culture, and the drowsy woman thought nothing of the light massage despite having overheard every noise that they had made while doing something undoubtedly similar to Kali at the start of the night.

Or at least, she did until the courtesan started getting close to the base of her tail, at which point her eyes popped open and she said; "Hey! Now this is getting just a little too - nnnn...." Her protests died in another fit of purrs as that particular area was given some attention, the unfamiliar pleasure making Raith's resistance melt far more swiftly than she would have liked to admit. Her pleasured coo melted into more purring, and the rubbing of the base of her tail had Raith adding a few soft sighs to her purring as her toned bottom slowly rose skyward. The tip of her tail was curled downward as it jutted up towards the roof of the tent, as sure a sign as any of her pleasure, and it wasn't long before the dual attentions had her backside raised high in what might easily have been considered an offering position, her legs parted just enough to reveal her slightly glistening petals.

"Nnnnn~ Hah.... No.... No fair! You're.... Cheating...." she panted softly as she finally came to full wakefulness, the skilled touch to her feline anatomy getting her far more aroused than she would have liked, and then moaned at the soft whisper that was then delivered into her ear. Raith had never been intimate in any sense, with anyone. Even her early training as a pleasure slave hadn't progressed even as far as that of the three sisters, to the point where she had neither been touched nor learned how to return such affections appropriately. Though her master had intended to, he hadn't gotten around to trying to bed his bodyguard before he'd gotten himself killed, so she was virgin in more or less every sense save one. Her hymen had been broken in her exercises, a fact that would have gotten her stoned to death had she been dowered as a bride rather than sold as a slave, but which hardly mattered in the here and now beyond being a note that the three might find interesting if they decided to start some more in depth exploration of their captive sniper.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 60, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine

While the touch had been somewhat innocent and affectionate the sudden accusation of temptation had the lead sister smirking, and it turned into a grin as the catgirl simply melted into the attention she was given. But the moment Raith's aborted protest became nothing more than a pleasured mewl amidst a roll of purrs that smirk turned into conceited triumph. "No fair? Cheating? Oh, Mistress, you misunderstand..." The girls eased their attention against the gunner's weaknesses, but in truth all that did was make her body crave more. "This is just a demonstration, a sample of the offer we gave you last night..." One of Kalesi'a hands fell from Raith's head, but as it did the one that remained chose to resort to soft scratches that were gentler yet somehow more fulfilling than the simple pets from before. "And we will ask once more." And once again a sultry voice was whispered into her ear. "Would you like us to keep you warm, Mistress~?"

"Please say yes..." Another sultry voice followed the first, and if Raith managed to look she would find one of the sister's laying down beside her as her lips hovered just beside Raith's ear. "My sister's showered all their attention on Mistress Kali last night. There wasn't any room for me..." That same sister's hand joined Kalesi in scratching Raith's head, but as the woman continued she let that hand wander. "I wanted to show Mistress what I learned..." It ran down the kitten's neck, over her shoulder and along her back and side. "But there just wasn't any room. Kalesi and Pushra were just too close." And as that hand trailed over Raith's rear she would feel Zuni gripping her flesh for a brief moment, and as the woman did one of her fingers flirted with Raith's glistening lips before that hand continued on and started rubbing against the sniper's thigh. "Please let me show you, Mistress~"
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

"Nnnnn...." Raith groaned wordlessly at the courtesan's teasing words, and her purring took on a more urgent tone as the delicious attentions were slowly eased back to less than what they had been. Drunk on the unfamiliar but immensely relaxing sensations, Raith didn't want them to stop, and her head didn't clear quickly of their influence this first time. While the proud woman might normally have never submitted to something like this, her mind still wasn't all there from her brief sleep, and the ambush of attention and its sudden removal had her craving more touch.

The twin sultry whispers had her shivering in unfamiliar desire, and the inexperienced sniper let out a moan that was so soft that it was barely audible. Remembering the noises she'd heard last night, Raith's mind was getting into gear and giving her ideas of just the sort of "warmth" Kalesi and Zuni wanted to give, but at that point she was feeling more like she would gladly welcome just that sort of attention. Nobody had ever touched her like this before, after all, and it had been a very long time since she'd decided to satisfy those urges herself. The end of the world had served as a very powerful distraction, after all.

Zuni's continued whispers and slow trail of her hand down the lithe sniper's back, slowly making its way down until it took a handful of the softness of her rear, the yielding flesh raised high by the rubbing at the base of her tail as if she were presenting herself for inspection. "Mmmmm.... You're not going to... Snare me as easily... As.... Ahhh~" Raith began, but then the girl's trailing finger flitted just lightly over her petals, which had grown damp with the beginnings of a need that was already starting to burn in her loins. It was barely even a brief flitting brush, the touch was so light, but the brief moment of sensation and its aftershocks left Raith momentarily stunned. She'd never had any idea that it could feel this good....

"Yes...." she gasped in lustful desperation after a moment, arching her back and raising her hindquarters higher, her legs parting a tiny bit more to display the flower glistening with arousal between them. It was as clear an invitation the hand that had started brushing over her thigh as Raith could give, and encouraged that of her sister to give more attention to the base of her tail as well, the light scratching and rubbing she was receiving both there and upon her ears sending increasingly sexual waves of pleasure running through the cat-girl's body.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 60, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 54, PP = 43, EP = 39, Status = Fine

With Raith presenting herself so vividly the hand she enticed couldn't help but make another passing swipe, but once it did Zuni's hand chose to remain near. Another light grope was given to the needy kitten's ass, and while Zuni started massaging the sniper's raised rear the woman herself leaned in a little closer. "Does this mean you're all mine, my mistress?" The other hand came forward and lighted against the catgirl's chin, and if Raith hadn't been looking at the woman molesting her ass then she would find her head being gently dragged until her lips were suddenly occupied by the courtesan's skilled mouth. The kiss that followed felt like Zuni was trying to swallow her lover's lips, and if the kitten wasn't careful she'd soon find her tongue being pulled and sucked into her partner's mouth.

But after only a few seconds that kiss was broken, and Raith was given a moment to catch her breath before she heard Zuni whispering once more. "I believe dawn is approaching. You wished to make an early start, yes? Then we won't tease you." The human's fingers ceased their constant groping and started trailing down toward Raith's cleft, but though they finally started rubbing against the Su-Ku-Ta's sex the pair that were touching her were only rubbing against the kitten's netherlips. "...much~"

With those fingers teasing her and the other two sisters merely stroking those sweet spots Raith would find that inner fire starting to grow with need. But Zuni was true to her word. A few seconds of gentle teasing were broken by a third finger descending between its sisters. As it fell it tapped Raith's clit once before pulling back, but after the women watched Raith as she reacted that finger returned and never left. It stroked that hot little button, those three fingers all acting as one as Zuni starting massaging the sniper's sex in tight little circles, and in those rare moments when that middle finger slid far enough to break contact the pressure against sex had her own hood brushing over its jewel so that the woman's clit was constantly feeling some form of stimulation.

"Mistress~..." Zuni's whisper echoed into the catgirl's ear, and and after a short bout of even stronger rubbing she spoke again. "Will this be enough? Or..." The circular massage came to an end, but those fingers kept moving. Their paths has brought them a touch lower against Raith's sex, but in an instant they suddenly swirled around the woman's entrance until the came to a gliding stop. One of them had pulled back, though Raith could tell it hadn't gone far, but the other two sat poised at her opening, the pair almost cocked as if they were pleading to dive into the kitten's depths. "Would mistress prefer more?"
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith had not the presence of mind to respond in any coherent manner to Zuni's whispered request to have the sniper all to herself at that point, having been awoken into the molestations of the three sisters after they'd already been rubbing at her sensitive places. There was a tiny hint of resistance from the beleaguered Su-Ku-Ta as Zuni tried to tilt her head to face the courtesan, just a bare return on the pressure that tried to unbury her face from where it had hidden in their bedding, but that resistance was easy to break, and Raith soon found her lips parting reflexively as Zuni claimed her first kiss. The sniper's tongue was easily drawn from her mouth by the trained courtesan's skilled efforts, and Raith soon found her oral muscle wrapped in Zuni's tongue and sucked on as it writhed feebly, drawing out her first real moan of the encounter.

That kiss was brief, however, and when it was broken Raith lay shivering and panting on the bedding, her bottom raised high in offering as she quivered with need due to the attentions to her glands and the teasing pleasures that had already been offered thus far. The tattoos covering her body were literally everywhere, the designs trailing down both her rounded backside and her hairless mound, and as Zuni's fingers trailed between her parted legs toward her cleft they would follow the lines of those whirling black lines as they circled around her inner thighs to her glistening flower. The promise not to tease her followed by the barest brush against her petals had her shivering with need, and Raith let out a fairly feline whine as she raised her backside yet further, causing her back to arch and her appealing roundness to be pressed higher as she sought to push those digits against her petals. By that point Raith's every thought was primal, her every reaction driven by desires that were entirely animalistic due to the attentions given to the more bestial aspects of her physiology, the rubbing of that spot at the base of her tail the primary culprit.

A soft gasp followed by a second moan escaped Raith's clenching lips as a third finger slipped beyond its fellows and settled over her hooded jewel and began to tease it, every brush causing her muscles to draw that tiny flap of skin back farther and farther, until the sensitive nub that it protected was revealed in full. For several long moments Raith squirmed and gasped under those circular motions, her lips and her clitty under constant assault and causing her thoughts to empty of anything besides the pleasure that they inspired... Until suddenly, it stopped again.

Another feline whine was drawn from Raith, and she opened her eyes and gave Zuni a pleading look, she above the two who were still rubbing at her ears and tail the one who had brought her the most pleasure. She opened her mouth to speak, but only a gasp came forth those pleading eyes rolled up slightly, the causing being the circle that the courtesan's digits had drawn around her entrance. When they paused again she laid there panting for a second before a soft growl rumbled up from the sniper's throat, but if Zuni thought it was a sound born of anger she would be corrected in only a few moments as Raith focused on her once again and murmured; "P... Please... More..." Her back arched further still, pushing as hard as she could in her submissive position against the fingers threatening to push into her, and if they obliged a deep moan of satisfaction would be Zuni's reward. Those digits would encounter no barrier however they chose to slide into her, Raith's hymen having been broken in her martial training long ago, leaving her clenching tightness as the the only resistance to their explorations.

(I had a slightly better version of this typed out a few days ago, but then my computer decided to restart when it was almost finished and I lost all of it. Sad times.)
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 60, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 54, PP = 43, EP = 39, Status = Fine

While Zuni and the others did look surprised at the low growl the simple fact that they were familiar with su-ku-ta meant they knew exactly what that growl meant. They were proven right a moment later when Raith pleaded for more, and when the kitten's hips started pressing back to urge those fingers into her that was exactly what she got. Zuni held herself still and allowed Raith to pierce impale herself on her prepared hand, but once they'd finally entered the sniper the courtesan eased them in further. Little by little those digits spread the catgirl's lips wider as they slowly dove deeper and deeper, and once they'd been buried up to their knuckles Zuni simply left them where they were.

For a couple seconds those digits remained mostly still, an occasional flexing from them letting Raith feel them shift so she could bask in there presence. The kitten was free to respond however she wished, but after a few more moments those fingers started pulling out once more. Raith would be able to hear it as well as feel it, her own honey coating those fingers and allowing them to slide past her sensitive flesh with a soft schlick, but just as those fingers were preparing to leave they changed course and dove back in.

And Kali would hear that ever dreaded squish.

It wouldn't be the last. Zuni kept her fingers pumping, pulling nearly out only to plunge back in ever so slowly, and with each pass she heightened her pace by only a hair. But even if it took a while Raith would soon find her sex being pounded, those two fingers spreading her lips and filling her insides while the shifted just enough to rub against those sensitive spots that urged the cat to howl in excitement. They'd keep working for a bit, pushing the neko over closer to an orgasm, but if she had yet to cum then Zuni would change her tactics. That third finger from earlier slowly wormed its way in with its sisters, and it would stretch the gunner's depths unlike anything she'd felt before. And as Raith was reacting to that Zuni had shifted enough to let her mouth descend on Raith's neck, and after an initial kiss she gave the kitten a small bite, nowhere near enough to break skin but more than enough to nibble and cause the su-ku-ta instinct to take an even stronger hold.

From then on Zuni wouldn't let up. Her mouth kept itself gently clenched to the catgirl's neck, and while her tongue would give an occasional lap to the small bit of exposed flesh at its disposal the woman's fingers continued to plunge into the soaked depths they had found. After a bit those fingers started to crook in a seemingly impossible way, and a burst of white heat would blast through Raith's body as her most intimate point was massaged. Once it had been found those fingers never left that little patch, as Raith neared her own climax they only seemed to grow even more bold. Even when the woman finally succumbed to her orgasm those fingers never ceased, and they helped to drive the her beyond any threshold she had ever known from her own touch until her body would finally give out and collapse.

As the neko rested the scratching at her ears and her held would fade, but those hands remained and simply stroked her gently to encourage her to relax. When she finally had those fingers would pull out completely, and a moment later Raith would be shown the sights and smells of her own girl cum before Zuni very slowly started to lick her own fingers clean. Once she was done she would sit be Raith for a few seconds before moving closer, and the kiss that followed would give the sniper a taste of herself before their lips broke. "Are you pleased, my mistress?"
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

(Made a small edit to the last four paragraphs, in case you had already read them.)

Meanwhile outside, Kali sat motionless in the near perfect silence of the desert. With nothing but the almost inaudible sound of sands shifting ever so slightly in the breeze, there was only one other set of sounds that reached Kali's ears. Staring out straight into the horizon, it was left entirely to her imagination to try and interpret these sounds.

A particular more distinct noise followed by a short cry from Raith sounds out, and a flood of speculated scenes stir in Kali's thoughts, trying to tie a mental image to the sound. Of the faint whispers and murmurings, Kali could only decipher traces and scarce odd words, and even those were hard to be certain of, but the tone and mood was unmistakable. The word "Mistress" was at least one thing that she had made out clearly, once or twice. There was no doubt that Raith was being thoroughly... appreciated. And was that a "Please?"

More and more suggestive sounds emanate from the courtesan's tent, and Kali chances a quiet gulp, biting her lip slightly as she listened. It was strangely easy to imagine Raith naked, perhaps simply down to the outfit. Trying to solidify those tattoos was trickier. Imagining her lying smothered with stroking hands and her face giddy with pleasure, was rather strange. Partly due to her strong image and the way she carried herself, and partly because Kali was struggling to come to terms with what she was essentially fantasising about.

Imagined images stir up recent memory, which in turn stirred a tingling shiver that ran over her skin, and a warm haze both in her mind and down below. Hugging one arm to her chest, she very slowly closes her grasp around one of her breasts, blushing to herself as she's forced to acknowledge her arousal and the effect this was having on her. 'Gods damnit...' she speaks internally. Was she seriously getting wet from this? She couldn't quite tell, but...

There was of course one way to check, but Kali had already been fighting the that urge through most of the night, having stubbornly refused to compromise her night watch duties by touching herself up whilst the others slept. And now that the others would be emerging from their tent at any moment, she wasn't going to be caught with her hand in her pants. Not that it remotely prevented the idea bouncing around in her head incessantly however. Would being caught even really matter? It was the sisters had introduced her to herself in the first place , and Raith had essentially sat witness to everything anyway, as well as getting the same service. So why fret about it? Right...?

Scrunching her eyes shut she shakes her head rapidly in a fleeting flinch of sorts. To think such things...

'I must be broken. They've broken me. Just like that. How did this...'
she sighs mentally.

Before this night, Kali'Zhira had gone roughly two years alone without the slightest regard or thought to sex. And now she was a blushing wreck unable to think straight. These three sisters. She had certainly never dreamed that she would become a woman, to a trio of other women. The concept of sexuality was only another hurdle for her to agonise over that she was defiantly postponing for now. Being repressed had been so much easier on the emotions.

Resisting the urge to touch herself further, she endures the butterflies in her stomach, and waits for the foursome to finally emerge whilst trying to calm her thoughts away from the lewd sounds of the tent, and instead distract herself with... sand... or something...
Last edited:
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith's eyes slowly rolled up into the back of her head as Zuni's digits held still and allowed her to impale herself onto them via her own motions. Her lids slid down and shut once those fingers were buried to their knuckles, the sensation of having something pressing against her inner walls overwhelming the inexperienced woman's already badly disrupted ability to think, every nerve alight with pleasures that she had never even imagined were even possible. The sniper had rarely touched herself in this manner, and her lack of skill at it initially had left her disinterested in further experimentation, but had she imagined that it could feel this good she might have done a good number of things differently!

Her body shivered but largely held still with those digits buried inside of her, the tiny rolls of her hips enough to have Raith mewling like a kitten as the potent sensation made her melt, but when the courtesan slid those fingers out of her she literally quaked and let out a low whine... Which quickly became a moan as they slowly dove right back in, the fire burning inside of the hormonal su-ku-ta was only stoked higher and higher by the rapid pumps of Zuni's fingers. The soft squish created by those fingers diving into the wet clamp of her hole was barely audible over the pleasured howls that Raith released, moaning again and again with every sweet spot that the courtesan found, and she seemed able to seek them out with frightening accuracy as she moved from sensitive spot to sensitive spot within Raith's pulsating flower.

A third finger soon wormed its way into the sniper's depths to join the other two, stretching out her inner walls despite how slim the girl's digits were, but she had easily worked Raith up enough to allow her to ignore any discomfort that the stretching might have caused. The soft nibble on her neck that followed only served to awoke the increasingly bestial woman's instincts even more, the bite on the back of her neck an ancestral instinct that was meant to make her submissive, and Zuni would find that it was quite successful in making the squirming sniper flounder and gush for her. At that point Raith would have thought, were she capable of such, that Zuni could provide no more than she already was.... And would have been proven wrong when those curious fingers found the rough patch that sat against her inner walls and flitted against them, at which point her lustful howl rose to a height that it was easily audible well outside of their little camp. Raith's fingers gripped at the bedding beneath her and dug in, trying to hold out against some force that she didn't fully understand at the time, but it was for nought.

Raith came, hard, within only a few moments of Zuni finding her g-spot, but that was hardly the end of her stimulation. A knot of pressure burst in Raith's belly to make way for waves of nearly indescribable pleasure, and suddenly her already gushing juices literally sprayed out of her, going at least a foot before gravity brought it down to stain the bedding. Raith's entire body tensed and relaxed in time with the contractions of her sex as the world around her melted, her eyes shooting open but sightless for all intents and purposes as the deep gasping moans of her pleasure were broadcast for the three courtesans and Kali to hear. For eons it seemed she was caught in the embrace of her orgasm, but eventually even Zuni's fingers couldn't keep her on the climactic high and Raith's orgasm finally faded after a good twenty or thirty seconds.

Her body promptly collapsed into a heap of moist quivering flesh on the thin bedding they had in their cramped tent, and Raith spent the next few moments panting heavily as she weathered her afterglow. The attentions to her assorted body parts were thankfully traded in for relaxing rubs, preventing her from going into another heat, and for a time Raith was content to lay there with her eyes shut, her only motions being the languid flicks of her ears and tail and the rise and fall of her body created by her breathing. As a result, she only got to listen as Zuni licked and sucked the sniper's juices off of her own fingers, but she opened her mouth without resistance when Zuni moved in for a kiss, and soon had a taste for her own love honey provided by way of Zuni's tongue sliding smoothly into her mouth, the kiss responded to with a modicum of vigor but not much more skill than before from the still recuperating catgirl.

When that kiss broke and Zuni asked her lewd question, Raith swallowed audibly and initially pretended that she hadn't heard, but after a moment she quietly whispered back; "Y...Yes."
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 60, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 54, PP = 43, EP = 39, Status = Fine

Though the kitten hesitated the answer she eventually gave won her a smile from the eager young woman. "I'm happy to please my mistress." It also won her another kiss, though this one was more affectionate than intimate, and once they broke Zuni took over the scalp massage that helped leave Raith so relaxed.

This left Kalesi and Pushra to continue the gentle rubbing over the rest of her body, and after a couple minutes of rest the two women both rose to take a peak out of their tent. There they found Kali desperately trying to distract herself from her own sexuality, and though the women were not privy to that struggle they did pick up on the subtle signs of arousal that could barely be seen in the faintly growing light. Kalesi dipped her head back in for a mere second or two, and when she returned she held a small folded bundle in her hands. The panties Kali had lost were quickly handed over, Kalesi herself even stepping outside fully nude if the sniper hesitated, and the woman held a wordless smirk the entire time before she went back in.

During this Zuni and Pushra had been simply caressing the true catgirl, but once Kalesi returned they all started rubbing against Raith with a purpose. No matter in what position the sniper lay the sisters simply massaged what they could reach, and their touch was strong and firm and somewhat invigorating even as they sought out whatever knots they could find. Special attention was shown for the gunner's shoulders and back, and even more was given to the thighs that had kept her rear held into the air during the good morning tryst. One of the girls even hummed to herself, and soon enough they all gave Raith a firm pat to show their work was done. Of course Zuni couldn't resist giving the woman a stronger slap on her rear, but following that they left the woman alone and simply helped her prepare for the coming day if she allowed them.

Once Raith was ready to venture outside the trio donned their traveling gear, and with that the small lap of luxury they created was soon abandoned. The women returned to being their somewhat incompetent selves, and they went about trying to pack their gear back together and somehow not managing to do so very well. They could obviously use some help, but not a one of them asked for it. It simply wasn't their place to do so since they had willingly let themselves become the snipers' servants.

Whether they received any help or not the small group would finally get everything stowed, Kalesi resorting to simply shoving everything into their pack should all else fail, and following some maneuvering they were up and ready to start. Surprisingly the sun had yet to break the horizon even with the small delay it took in getting everyone ready, and once all were set they looked over to Raith and Kali to learn where they would be heading.
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Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Sitting outside Kali continues to glance around at nothingness whilst biting her lip. Raiths final declaration of ecstasy in particular freezing a silly expression onto the dutiful girls face as she blinks a few times whilst holding a half breath in tightly. Releasing it with a shiver she rocks her shoulders and does a few tense stretches and twists to work the troublesome arousal out of her muscles whilst glancing towards the tent for a bit. '... I'm fairly certain I wasn't -that- loud. No way. What ever did they do to her?' she muses, catching herself before she started trying to imagine it again.

With the volume of the passionate cries she manages not to neglect scanning the horizon again. The idea of unwelcome visitors being summoned by such sounds being at least a little unsettling. Otherwise though, she was just waiting. Perhaps she should get up an start packing her tent? Not like she could just stay sitting where she was and pretend she hadn't heard anything. Although she knew the sisters would be the last to be re-packed anyway, so it was barely more than an optional distraction. Before she does decide on any inconsequntial action though, Kalesi rears her head and emerges from the tent. Kali blinks and simply looks her way for a moment.

"Oh, good mor-ning..." She begins, her voice and spoken word losing it's composure for a fraction of a second, squeaking a bit as Kalesi steps out in the nude. Clearing her throat and failing to conceal an inability to know where to look for a moment, she finally brings her gaze to settle safely on Kalesi's face. "*ahem* uh, heh, thankyou, Kalesi." She says, accepting the recovered panties from her, and left holding them sheepishly in the centre of the camp.

She couldn't actually put them on without taking her trousers off, but after a short spot of deliberation decides to simply get on with it and quickly change behind the minimal concealment of her own shallow tent.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

"Nnnnnn....." The continuation of those relaxing ear-scratches only left Raith relaxing into an entirely feline puddle-like state of laziness, and it was in a state of near-sleep that she pleasurably received her full body massage from the three nubile young Su-Ku-Ta. A constant stream of mewls and moans escaped her as every muscle was rubbed to a point of utter relaxation, all of them quiet and demure rather than the open moans of pleasure she had been emitting earlier, and when her mouth wasn't open that massage would be the subject of an encouraging purr. She didn't even notice Kalesi's brief absence when she gave Kali back her undergarments, but she did most definitely notice the take-off in touch that her body received with the eldest sister's return, and voiced her enjoyment of it without the need for something so trivial and superfluous as words.

It wasn't until their work was done and Raith's behind received that final firm pat that the sniper began to stir again, not because she was looking to awaken but because she was annoyed at the sudden lack of petting that she was receiving. That provided just enough consciousness for the sniper to begin dragging the rest of her head kicking and screaming to a state of relative cognizance, however, and upon receiving that firmer smack on her rump from Zuni Raith let out a quiet squeal and opened her eyes blearily. "You..... Aahhhnnn.... Are going to ruin... My ability to get up in the morning!" the sniper declared, punctuating her statement with a yawn after the first word.

After that it was time to force her entirely relaxed muscles to get working so she could get her clothes on, and despite the practically debilitating massage Raith managed to do so with relative ease even compared to her normal brusque efficiency in the morning. Her panties came on first, followed by her shorts and their newly-attached cloaking skirt, allowing her clothes to easily blend in just like the enchanted tattoos that covered her body, and then her top came on. Finally, her boots were put in place, and Raith was ready to step out into the pre-dawn hours relatively prepared for the coming day.

"Food first, something quick, then we pack. We can munch on the rest of our breakfast while we walk," Raith would croak quietly upon coming forth, making no sign that the events in the tent had ever happened as far as any of her companions would be able to tell. In truth, when she had initially stepped out into the open Raith had possessed a state of internal chaos similar to Kali's thanks to the sister's introduction to the wide world of sex, but unlike Kali the assassin had had a sort of upbringing in which it behooved one to learn to hide one's emotions, lest a particularly cruel master (or even simply a higher ranked servant than oneself) should opt to take out a moment of frustration on the nearest slave. The mild confusion that such pleasures could even exist, much less do so right under her nose for so long, was quickly buried under the efficient oversight of the needs of the day, allowing her to avoid that mental conflict thanks to the fact that she didn't have a long time to sit and do little more than think.

Let it not be said that Raith never thought ahead!

Her own things packed quickly enough given how little she'd needed to pull out anyway, Raith would briefly watch the antics of the three inexperienced travelers before moving to instruct them on how to properly pack their things. She even managed to do it without too much of a reaction, at least so long as they kept their hands to themselves... And didn't look at her too much... Or point out the blush that slowly grew on her cheeks as she bossed the trio around.

Once they were ready to be off, Raith would be happy to be on the road again, and would offer no further delays as she checked over both of her rifles one at a time once the remainder of the portion of trail rations she had broken out had been consumed. Jerky, stale bread, and dried fruits native to the desert could only sustain one for so long, and she couldn't help but long idly for a heartier meal, but there was nothing to be done for it now anyway and the food situation didn't look to be likely to change any time soon.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 60, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 54, PP = 43, EP = 39, Status = Fine

Perception (Raith): Rolled a 13
Perception (Kali): Rolled a 16

When Raith offered the women a guiding hand as they tried to stow their pack they accepted it quickly, and it was surprisingly innocent. They crowded closer, yes, all the better to hear their new mistress and follow her lead, but as close as they all were they all appeared rather focused on they lesson they were given. But then Zuni noticed a splash of red on the sniper's cheeks. She did nothing to call any attention to it, but the woman's look acted like a beacon that drew the others. Kalesi and Pushra merely smiled, but the blushing kitten proved too strong a target for the other. Zuni brought herself closer every chance she had, her body lightly brushing against Raith without being too forward, and whenever the sniper wanted them to move a certain way the temptress managed to bend in ways that more than suggested there was little she wore beneath the heavy robe she wore. And every position, every brush was followed by a low and almost whispered, "Like this, Mistress?"

While the other two women simply rolled their eyes at the display they did nothing to stop it, and unless Raith opted to do anything herself they would have everything packed save for the small breakfast rations that looked eerily similar to what the tattooed su-ku-ta held. They all snacked in silence, and once it was time to start the march toward whatever began. And for a good long while nothing happened. As dangerous as the aliens were the Anudor desert was still a vast expanse of emptiness. There was little for the group to see. A dried-out husk of a plant here, a sun-bleached bone way over there, and all the sand a person could ever ask for. It was a bleak environment that stole whatever it could from those that dared wander through, and it was more than enough to keep the three sisters from doing more than walking single file and offered a cursory glance over toward the horizon every once in a while.

This also meant that anything out of the ordinary would stand out in an instant, and Kali managed to spot such a thing out of the corner of her eye. A small flash bloomed for almost less than a moment somewhere in her peripheral view, but before she could pinpoint it that flash simply vanished. There was nothing on the horizon to see, nothing she could spot even through her rifle's scope if she chose to search, and that itself would have been the end of it. But Raith had been lucky enough to be looking in that direction, and she had a clear view of the sun glinting of some shining surface for a single moment before the heat of the desert swallowed even that. The same search from her would show nothing, but the fact that both she and Kali had seen the same thing meant they most likely weren't alone. If the two stopped and showed interest the trio that followed them would stop as well, and they would start staring in that same direction for a couple minutes before one of them asked the simple question. "What?"
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Seeing Raith going to assist the sisters in their slightly awkward packing, Kali simply went about her own business content that Raith had things covered. Kali's own minimalist shelter was folded away in scarcely a minute. Part of a basic routine evidently practised hundreds of times. Other than that she just relaxed a moment longer whilst watching the others, and how the sisters seemed to attentively follow Raith's every move. One happened to follow her movements just a little closer still...

Regardless, following a short breakfast they would be up and on the move again. The slight break in routine giving just a little more contrast to the foot aching tedium of travelling than normal, though it didn't hamper Kali's straight forward dedication to 'one foot in front of the other'. She hoped that the others would be able to cope with the continued journey, but there really wasn't any other way if they wanted to get out of this stretch of the desert.

The glint from the corner of her eye turns her head and puts her on immediate alert. Slowing a step as she can't determine the source, she checks to see if Raith or the others noticed anything, and opts to stop. With Raith unable to identify whatever it had been also, she didn't want to walk any further into a potential threat or ambush if there was any helping it. "I saw something. A tiny flash. Don't know what." She answers the Sisters query in a straight forward quietly spoken response, lightly flicking the trigger safety on her rifle forwards as she does so. Wanting to know what she had seen, she opts to quietly cast her simple perception spell and continue watching. If something was watching them, they would be forced to reveal their intentions soon either way.

Cast level 2 buff to perception, for total of +8, at 0 upkeep. Continue looking out for sneaky bastards.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith's patience with Zuni's antics proved fairly limited, at least in front of Kali, and after a while she would catch the girl's arm during one of her teasing brushes and the suggestive question that accompanied it, and give the young courtesan a light smack on the ass and say; "Yes! Now that's enough of that!"

After they were off and gone, for a time nothing seemed to happen. It was dull going across the burning sands, the shroud that Raith wore to protect herself from the sun only marginally successful against the desert's heat, but it was something that she had long grown acclimated to. Despite the bleakness of it all, the sniper found the desolate lands comforting in an odd way, the lack of life to harass them more relaxing by far than the constant danger present in more fertile lands, where the aliens would no doubt be patrolling more heavily.

About midway through their day's journey, however, and Raith just happened to be looking in the right direction at the right time to see a flash of light reflecting off of something, and given her own preference of weapon there could be little that that might be in her mind besides one thing. Raith froze for just a second, but then her training and her instincts kicked in and she swept a foot out, throwing up a sight-disrupt billow of sand up to about the level of her waist while the tattoos running across her body flashed briefly. "Sniper," she said simply, her voice quiet and cold despite the potentially dire situation if her guess was accurate.

The catgirl quickly vanished from sight, her enchanted garments disappearing right alongside her own skin and her more mundane gear camouflaged already to fit in with the desert. The sand would hopefully have displaced the most easily seen sign of her, the spot where her feet sunk into the sand, and in that sense Raith quickly unlimbered her own heavy rifle while moving away from the others in the direction they'd originally been heading. "I saw a glint, something reflecting off of metal," she called back just a little more loudly, and then dropped towards the sand and raised her rifle as it would be better disguised near the sand. Looking through her own scope might as well be giving away her position if the sun was high, but if it was behind them she might chance it. Either way, she'd want to be more sure of what she might have seen, and thus looked just as Kali did as she continued; "I can't be sure it was a rifle scope, but it looked like one, or something else that reflects sunlight."
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

Raith - HP = 60, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine
Kali'Zhira - HP = 54, PP = 43, EP = 37/39, Status = Fine

Kali casts Radiance (Light - Lv2 Buff - Perception): Auto-success
Buff: 2(18/6 + 1) = 8
+8 Perception

The sudden grab and slap forced Raith's antagonist to let out a small yelp in surprise, and when the woman nearly yelled in Zuni's face the human was simply shocked into silence for a few seconds. A few short blinks followed, a bit of stuttering thrown in to show just how deep her surprise ran, and when she finally managed to gather her wits rose properly before her head lowered in obvious shame. "Yes, Mistress..." Her sisters simply stood by as they all finished preparing to depart, and it was only after they'd all walked for a few minutes that they started having a hushed conversation between themselves. Not much could be heard, but the mention of 'boundaries' and 'appropriate timing' said enough as Zuni continued to walk with her head bowed.

The sudden show of activity from both of the snipers had the trio suddenly wary, and as one they bent down once Raith muttered her guess on what could be waiting for them. This brought all five pairs of eyes staring in the same direction, each one waiting for some sign of another presence, and with the sun not quite overhead a peak through a scope was possible. With the appropriate camouflage. Unfortunately a whole lot of nothing happened for a few more minutes, but after a bit another glint shot out as if in greeting. A very careful look from both of the gunners would show...something moving near the horizon. It was hard to tell what, the waves of heat pouring of the sand proving quite effective in distorting whatever it was they saw, but after a few more minutes a very low thud followed by an expanding cloud let everyone know at least where their target lay. It was up to them whether they were willing to approach or not.
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

(Raith didn't raise her voice, she was trying to be vaguely playful but perhaps a bit more serious than she should have been. My bad for not describing it well.)

Zuni's reaction was a good bit stronger than Raith had intended to cause, a mistake created by her misuse of tone. The Su-Ku-Ta sniper immediately felt bad for her fumble, and when Zuni shot her those sorrowful looks she did her best to appear apologetic... Which, still was little more than a grimace, so it likely wasn't very successful.

Something was out there, and while her guess wasn't impossible, no shots came in answer. Another glint followed.... A signal? Maybe. "Kali.... What do you think? Investigate? I can't tell what it is, but I don't think it's anything that came from above. That doesn't mean it isn't dangerous.... But we'd have to take at least a little risk to find out."
Re: Guerilla Warfare (Tassadar and Unknown Squid) GMed by Termite

"Investigate. Have to. Can't afford not to know what's around us. Might even be one of the caravans we're hoping to run into. If we're lucky. What was that thud though? Something's going on over there." Kali answers, gazing out still, but turning to look over the others as she tries to figure out what investigating would entail. A small sign of being entirely certain on how to operate whilst escorting vulnerables shows on her face again for just a second. She needed to teach these girls how to turn invisible or something. Though on second thought, that could probably backfire.

The sisters would probably be fine, if Kali and Raith moved ahead together for short while, but given how they didn't know what it was up ahead yet, the idea of leaving them alone just felt frustratingly risky. "So... One investigates and the other keeps watch from back here? Can signal back if needed." She says to Raith, though evidently looking for any tactical input Raith might offer as just much as suggesting her own. Should she agree however, it was Raith's turn to call on the coin toss.