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Re: Grow

Omega certainly wants to climb onto the lug's back where he couldn't reach and drain the life right out of him. The problem is, though, that King Iguana is a moving tunnel compared to her when his mouth is open. Luckily for the still growing extra-terrestrial, she stopped and thought.

"King Iguana, I have come to ask you a question." The giant lizard, still basking in the tropical sunlight responds after taking in a bit more comfortability. "Say your piece, child." Omega responds. "Are there any other lizards your size to be your successor?" King Iguana whipped around, facing Omega directly. He lets out an intimidating hiss at the usually brave Omega. "Why do you speak of this, child? And in such a bold manner at that?"

Omega's mind races, but slows down enough to say, "An Iguana lives for 10 cycles for every four seasons." She thinks that giving too much information she knows might cause suspicion that she isn't a gecko. She re-words outwardly what she was about to say inwardly. "The other geckos say that you are in your final Spring Cycle.... They say we have an old king."

King Iguana would look shocked had he were a human. "My subjects... were supposed to be none the wiser. Hmm." The good king looks over the horizon. "I suppose you're right. There aren't anymore of my type for countryspans. It will take longer than I have to govern the geckos."

Omega now has a little more confidence to say how special she is... without alarming the iguana into a frenzy, that is. "I am not like the other geckos. My skin, it is blue and translucent. My eyes are glowing red. Have you not noticed?" King Iguana looks to Omega's eyes. He then stands his guard slightly. "I do see that you bear a difference to even the tiger striped children. What difference does yours make?" Omega then explains. "I am a very long living type of gecko. My skin is made to withstand age, attacks, and overheat. I will be a great successor to you, my liege."

King Iguana turns his head, confused at what a 'liege' is. But nonetheless he decides to humor the female. "Indeed. I will consider it if you can prove it. If you can de-populate my kingdom by half... I will consider you stronger than my troops and pass my government onto you. If I find out a conspiracy though, I will eat you." King Iguana frills his markings a bit to punctuate his point. King Iguana is intimidating to Omega, and she has faced a queen ant.

With that, Omega agreed and trekked all the way back down, back to the gecko's 'town'. She looks to them. Some are already shying away from her to their nests. Omega licks her face out of lizard instinct. It is go time...

A.) Raid the nesters first

B.) Fight any who are capable of fighting first
Re: Grow

Omega looks to the place. It is crawling with geckos. Omega thinks that killing the harmless geckos first is cowardly. To increase her strength, she has to fight and absorb ever stronger foes. She initiates the battle herself, latching onto a gecko by surprise. The powerful lizard rolls her off. This gecko seems to be very grouchy, standing his ground. "What the hell are you doing, gecko!?"

Omega looks to him. "By order of King Iguana, I am de-populating!" Several other geckos run to their nests, while other, stronger geckos stay in the back, waiting for the appropriate time. The gecko rushes in for a tackle. Omega lets herself be tackled, then rolls around with the rather strong fighter until she latches onto him, sucking his energy. It doesn't take too long until the opponent stops, confused, then eventually dried out.

Omega then looks to the rest. "If you want to protect your horde, I suggest stopping me!" She then fights the rest of the fighters one by one, getting ever stronger. There has been one moment where a gecko had her pinned against a stone decoration, almost strangled to death before she gained the strength to overpower it. As she grew stronger with every battle, the fights become easier. She grows frills on her back, eliciting fear in the reptiles eventually. Omega is now as big as King Iguana! She looks around. Maybe if she raids the scaredynesters, she could wipe out the geckos and become even stronger than King Iguana!

A.) Leave the peaceful lizards be as a warning of what is to come of the planet, going back to the King as his equal.

B.) Eat up the rest of the geckos, then face King Iguana as she is stronger.
Re: Grow

A, maybe snack on one or two, but not on all of them
Re: Grow

Omega looks around the now desolate area. She peeks into one of the homes. A gecko is in there, with a rapid lizard heart rate. She makes sure the gecko sees her. "I am not planning to be your new queen. I am planning to eradicate this land one day." Oh how she wishes to show her new frills to the poor gecko, but alas. She is too big. She does flick her tail against the hole though to punctuate her point. She then lizards on over to the path to King Iguana. She faces the lizard after having a much easier time with the path leading up there.

King Iguana looks to the lizard, mistaking her for a newcomer. "Hello, might I help you..." He stands his guard just in the case of a takeover. Omega would smile if she were able to. She speaks back. "My leige... Prepare to be annihilated." King Iguana was taken aback by such coarse words. And the mention of 'leige' just adds to the shock. This small gecko turned into an Iguana? How? King Iguana stares Omega down. "My child... I do not know what you are, but you cannot be reptilian..."

Omega extends her frills, which makes the good king extend his own in kind. Moreso out of fear. Omega speaks. "I told you I was different. And now all Lizardlands will be mine. To. Destroy." She lets out a horrifying hiss after saying this.

The King would have enough of this. He lunges forward, turning his fear into courage, wanting to end this as fast as he can. King Iguana was speedy for his size! He manages to snap onto Omega's neck, surprising the blue anti-heroine. She tries to escape but King Iguana continues to snap at her neck.

Omega thinks that eating the scaredynesters would have been a better idea first... She almost runs out of breath until she uses her tail to distract the old king and flip him over. Their tails now entwining. Omega has an opening now. The bleeding iguanagirl bits hard on King Iguana's neck. Usually, lizards have no way of expressing their eyes like a human, but in this situation, one can tell that King Iguana is horrified by this new beast. It was not like a Meddler Giant, a human, it was arguably worse. King Iguana tries to struggle out, but Omega keeps draining his energy, causing him to be weaker than Omega. Quite rapidly. The struggles seem softer and softer. until King Iguana gives up, speaking once more. "You.... have... potential to rule all, child...."

King Iguana is then reduced to a dry husk. Omega pants heavily. She then feels her blood warming up. Despite her near fatal neck wound, she is morphing again. She starts to grow fur.... ears.... her frills fall off. Her tail extends a little. She had now become a Feline. She eventually looks to her paw. She then looks to the smaller iguana. She paws the once powerful king into the lake far beneath the King Tree.

She thinks for a bit, smells the air, then weighs her options. She needs out of here. Although she is a cat, there could be a lot of angry lizards in these lands.

Though she could battle these lizards to rejuvenate her wound and be just a tad stronger.

A.) Travel to the nearest human area, which is a long way from here.

B.) Stay and hunt for a bit.