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Re: Grow

I'm conflicted, but whatever, let's kill the pussy.

Re: Grow

Make a contract and become a magical bug in exchange for super eating-shit powers.

Rename self Kyouko also.

And play The Beast II in head. Always.

Re: Grow

Omega looks to the Ladybug. The outer exoskeleton seems harder than the flea's. But she is hungry. She wants to survive, as is the way of the world. Now is not the time to forget everything and live in this miniscule size. She climbs up the grass blade the lady bug is on.

She waits patiendly for an opening..... then latches onto it. The ladybug, frightened, decides to fly. An intriguing function for her food! Omega dares not look down as she is lifted high into the sky. She has a matter of moments before the ladybug decides to slam her down. Omega crawls under a wing and bites down, using her absorbing powers.

The ladybug gets weaker and weaker the more of it she eats. She feels the ladybug lose its signature plumpness as she continues to absorb. Weakened, the ladybug loses its flight, plummeting to the ground. Omega rides the poor creature downward, using it as a cushion as it lands in the ground. Omega then consumes the rest of the ladybug until its gone.

Omega seems to get bigger already. The size of an ant larger than any termite. She even gains the ability to 'talk', having learned the speech patterns ants make to each other through use of feelers.

Which is fortunate as there is a group of ants that spot her. Two of them. They look too dangerous to fight.

One of them 'speaks' to her through use of its antennae. "Join our colony. Feed our queen." The other then speaks. "Lift leaves. You seem strong." The other then speaks afterward. "If you're not in colony, you are food."

Omega looks to them both. Sociality seems strange for these creatures...

A.) Run away from the ants. Plot revenge someday.

B.) Be brave and fight the ants. It will be a tough battle indeed.

C.) Join the colony. Maybe she can secretly keep meat food for herself?
Re: Grow

C!!! Grow in strength, Slaughter the colony
Re: Grow

C Eat the queen, become the queen.
Re: Grow

Sure, C
Re: Grow

C. Join the queen's private harem~<3.
Re: Grow

(Silly Iggy. This is a sexless CYOA.)

Omega speaks back using the language ants have had for generations. With her antennae. "I will join your colony. I do not wish to fight you or become food. I will be a credit to your species."

The ants seem like she was supposed to make this decision as one motions its antennae. "You speak interesting. You strong. Get dead lizard with us. You bring tail."

With that, the ants turn tail, expecting Omega to follow. She goes to join the other two. The two ants surround her each side on the way. Their scent identifies her as part of their colony without need for words. Hundreds of ants are surrounding a much larger gecko. This creature seems to be quite dangerous to take on alone, but the team is making quick work of it.

Omega braves goes to set on its flicking tail, avoiding bing hit by it. She is joined by another two ants. Her two previous friends. The gecko seems to lose more and more strength as it is bitten all around. The team Omega is in manage to bite the tail off. One of the ants says to her, "Cut tail in segments for queen." Omega asks, "Shouldn't we bring the whole tail?" The ant seems upset. Ants do not let ignorance to the ways of the colony off lightly. "Stupid ant. Queen can't swallow whole tail! Cut into segments! Cut into segments!"

Omega notices its hostility, then proceeds to chomp a bit on the tail. The two other ants quickly seize the tail as well. They cut the tail easily. If Omega absorbs some tail now, she will be in big trouble. She works to cut the tail into 10 segments with her team. Nine of the ants move from the rest of the dead gecko's body to the tail. The rest keep cutting on its body to do their duties.

One ant speaks. "No interruptions. Keep tail for queen!" Omega could fall behind... to feast on the piece of tail. But then she would have to find a replacement for the queen.

A.) Fall back, making the disappearance of tail look like an accident.

B.) Carry the tail segment to the queen for now.
Re: Grow

B: We will make war on the colony from the inside, we will devour them
Re: Grow

Omega follows the ants in a line. It seems to be that she is third in a line of what could be hundreds of ants. She walks for what seems like miles until she reaches a hill. On top of the hill is a hole. The cave inside the hole seems to be full of routes. But the line doesn't stop to check out the various tunnels, following a very specific set. Omega sets a lizard tail segment next to two others. Omega looks to the queen. She looks to be bigger and more menacing than the rest of the ants. The queen wiggles her antennae. "You arrive. That is good. What is with blue ant? Is she food too?" Another ant speaks to her. "She is from different colony. She joins us instead. Our ant now." The queen looks to the special Omega, then decides to dismiss the line. "Everyone get out as soon as food is placed. I got questions for new ant..." Daring not to rebel against the queen, each ant lines the wall with lizard fragments while Omega stands and watches everyone. As soon as the ants leave, the queen looks at Omega.

"You different ant. Ants not blue... What are you?" Omega gets slightly nervous.

A.) Tell her the truth

B.) Stick to your guns about being an ant

C.) The queen is strong, but should she try to absorb her now?
Re: Grow

A: You've already proven you wish to help her. She shouldn't hold it against you.
Re: Grow

Stealthy mofo
Re: Grow

A. "I'm not an ant, but I'm here to help." should be enough.
Re: Grow

Omega looks to the Queen, weighing her options. "I am.... I am the new queen." She looks to the Ant Queen in much anticipation. The queen responds. "Is that what you want, Creature? Be new Queen of ants?" Omega responds. "I wish to be the queen of everything...." Omega then runs toward the queen, trying to climb the larger ant. The queen snags her leg and slams her down. "Then you are food. Interesting food." Omega rolls to the side, then sidesteps. The queen keeps snapping at her before Omega attackes her mandibles on the underside of her head. Omega then absorbe her, causing a new sensation the ant is not used to. The queen wiggles her antennae. "You not like other... AAAAAAAAGH....." The queen sends out pheremones to call the other ants. The millions of troopers as Omega sucks her and sucks her from her life force. She then goes to the queen's underbelly, absorbing more and more until there is no more queen.

Omega hears the ticking of various snappers. She thinks fast. What should she do? This could end up with her killed...

A.) dig an exit tunnel, eating all that tries to kill her.

B.) Take the swarm head on. The more ants she eats, the stronger she'll be.