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Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"Y-you can't be serious..." she muttered, shuddering. Almost subconsiously she slid back, retreating from the sharp pointy mandibles of the spiderbeast...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Futa wears off = 13 turns

Pregnancy counter = 8

The spider followed. If a giant spider could give puppy dog eyes, this one would be doing so. The spider made several submissive movements, trying to show it intended Kita no harm. The other spiders moved to watch the girl and spider stare eachother down.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

She flushes a bit as the spider follows. "Oh fine allready..." she muttered, seemingly resigned to not getting out of this situation unscrewed...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Futa wears off = 12 turns

Pregnancy counter = 7

The spider is slow at first. It licks the tip of Kita's cock. It moves in a slow circle motion, making sure every part of the tip is bathed in its saliva. Slowly it speeds up, faster and faster circles are made. Kita's cock twitches a few times. The observing spiders chitter to one another and sway back and forth, excited by the sight.

At long last, the spider slows to a stop, as if waiting for Kita to tell it to continue.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

She gives a loud moan, almost surprised at the pleasure. There's no way THIS could be this good, she thought, though quiveringly she nodded, blushing deeply in embarressment.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Futa wears off = 11 turns

Pregnancy counter = 6

The spider begins to go down deep on Kita. Wet noises can be heard, but due to the way a spider is constructed, it doesn't have a "tounge" to use in the normal way, and can't slurp. The observing spiders are chittering up a storm for excitement as Kita shows signs of pleasure. Her nipples are starting to harden, and her back starts to arch involuntarily.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

The pleasure came at a surprise for her, as she shuddered quietly, biting her lower lip as the spider teased her so. The situation itself was soo odd she hardly knew how to react...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Futa wears off = 10 turns

Pregnancy counter = 5

The spider sped up, going full speed up and down Kita's cock. It seemed the time for slow, gentle strokes was over, and it was time for Kita to cum. The spider seemed to sense how uncomfortable Kita was, it made a low sound, scary sounding, but not unfriendly.

A spider came out of the circle, and after looking Kita in the eye for a second, began to lovingly stroke her breasts. The spider wanted her to be at ease, or atleast feel good enough to orgasm soon.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

the pleasure, to her surprise, was immense, and the spiders soon had thier wish, Kita groaning loudly as she sprayed her seed to the suckling sensation of the creatures.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Futa wears off = 9 turns

Pregnancy counter = 4

As the spider sucked Kita's cum, it latched on even tighter with its mouth. Not biting, but close. It seemed to almost be pumping Kita, sucking more and more cum out. Kita wasn't an expert on how a male orgasm felt, but this one clearly was longer and more powerful then ususal.

By the end, Kita fell back against the ground as she could no longer move from the pleasure. The spider kept sucking awhile, even after the cum stopped flowing. It finally let go, softly blowing Kita's nether regions to calm her down post-sex.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita panted quietly as she fell into the afterglow, now thoughly exausted from the day's events. So THATS why her boytoys always liked her giving head... she thought, the insinuation almost making her crack a grin.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

As Kita was resting from the ordeal, a very large spider came into the chamber. It was atleast three times the size of the ones that were still in a circle around her. As it entered they all ran and circled around it, waiting.

The large spider made some noises, nothing Kita could understand, though they sounded more like a coded language then any of the generic expressions of emotion she'd heard so far. Then, the spider's pores opened up and a thick yellowish-white substance leaked out, coating the floor.

The spiders all ran up and started eating the stuff, like pigs at feeding time. They made the most disgusting sounds as they ate. The large spider waited for a few to finish eating before walking through a gap, leaving via a different tunnel then it entered. As the spiders finished their meal, they left in all different directions, sometimes in packs, sometimes by themselves. By the end, Kita was alone in the chamber.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

"Great.... I'm playing Shadowgate without any torches left..." Kita muttered, still shuddering at the sight of the giant spider, even though it had allready departed. Still, she needed to find a way out of here, though her outlook wasn't good about escaping with her current condition. Still, she eyed the tunnels the giant spider had entered and left in. Deciding she didn't want to tangle with a beast that size, she headed for the tunnel it had entered through...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Futa wears off = 7 turns

Pregnancy counter = 2

Kita had gotten to the mouth of the tunnel when a sharp twinge of pain hit her lower regions. The egg sacks in her womb were starting to bulge abit, the eggs were surely hatch any time now. Looking ahead, the tunnel only had a narrow walkway over a murky light brown soup, hardly the place to give birth. The pain wasn't so bad that Kita couldn't keep going, but part of the birthing process was a release of chemicals, one of which made Kita tired. She felt an overwhelming urge to just lay down again.

Another chemical was widening her pussy, so that the eggs could exit would cause less pain for Kita, though unknown to her at the time, yet another chemical would cause euphoric bliss to override any pain. Her new organ seemed to be complicating the process some what. It was swelling up, it looked to have gained an inch sense the spider sucked Kita off. Hopefully it wouldn't get in the way when the new spiders were born.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

She gave a sigh and flumped down. She probably should have expected the eggs to be coming out soon, so she sighed and waited, just hoping that whatever happened wasn't going to hurt too bad or attract more spiders...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Futa wears off = 5 turns

Kita waited, and waited, and waited. Time seemed to slow down as she continued to feel movement in her womb. As time went on, however, she felt less distrubed by the pregnancy, and more excited. Them chemicals were starting to affect her mind.

Suddenly, Kita started to dilate. Her body spasmed to aid the egg sacks' escape. It felt like a low level orgasm, and Kita couldn't help but moan a few times. The egg sacks moved slowly at first, but once they were about half way to being free, a massive spasm shook Kita's body. The sacks popped right out. The spiders were still in the eggs, now about the size of a golf ball each, about ten in total. They seemed to know they were out of the girl, and started hatching right away.

One by one little spiders, well, little giant spiders, for they were much larger then a house spider, broke their shells and gathered around Kita. They looked at her funny, as if they knew she was their mother, but she wasn't like them. After a few minutes, the spiders went their seperate ways, leaving via the different tunnels and cracks.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Having recovered from the ordeal- and noting once again with a slight twinge of embarressment how much her extra part had came all over her during the pleasure throughs of the birthing- she once again got to her booted feet, swiftly but quietly going through the tunnel, keeping an ear open and a hand on her pipe as she explored deeper...
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

Kita walked down the catwalk. Over the sound of dripping pipes and running water, she could hear the spiders, always just out of view. They wern't stalking her, per se, but they were ever present, going about their bussiness, whatever that might be. She only saw them once or twice, always as they ran by a junction ahead of her, not stoping to look in her direction.

Eventually, Kita got to an area where the sewer seemed to be going up hill. The road seemed to be right above the ceiling level, the man hole covers were right there for her to see. However, what was up ahead was rather interesting too. Several doors led off the catwalk. They all had signs, but Kita couldn't read them from here, she'd have to get closer.
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

This by far was one of the hardest decisions that Kita had to make. Up top there'd be the elements to consider, not to mention more monsters of all kinds, but also food, supplies, perhaps even people. However, down here she would be revatively safe, at least as long as the spiders considered her a 'breeder' until otherwise disuaded by her pipe... Finally, she moved to the doors. "Allright, let's find out what's down here..."
Re: Gothic Gamer (lurker)

The first door was just a power room. Looked clean, but some of the wires were clearly fried. Overall nothing of value. The second door was more intresting. It had a big sign that read "Warning, Subway! Serious Injury May Result From Opening This Door". It was secured by a padlock, but it was rusty and a few hits from Kita's pipe could break it by the looks of things.